Grant Search
The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.
Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.
Displaying 40001 to 41000 of 50743
Year | Organization | Purpose | Amount | Program Area |
Year | Organization | Purpose | Amount | Program Area |
2010 | Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland | Building Campaign | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland | General Support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland | Extreme Posibilities campaign | $25,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland | Capital Campaign for New Building | $30,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland | Third-year support through the Sustaining Excellence Program | $95,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland | Comprehensive capital campaign | $500,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Fine Arts | General Support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Museum of Man in the Sea Inc. | General support | $409 | Education |
2010 | Museum of Mountain Flying | General Support | $123,626 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Music & Performing Arts at Trinity Cathedral, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $300 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra in memory of Martha Dalton. | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General support | $623 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Cleveland Orchestra — Severance Hall | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Cleveland Orchestra | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Annual Fund | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $2,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General support | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $3,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General support | $3,275 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $3,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra — general support | $5,326 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Leadership Giving | $5,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra In School Arts Partnerships Program | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Annual Fund | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | The Cleveland Orchestra Annual Fund | $20,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General Support | $20,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Income from the Myra Tuteur Kahn Memorial Fund to be used for general operating support | $80,145 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | General support | $199,606 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Musical Arts Association | Third-year support through the Sustaining Excellence Program | $475,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Musical Theater Education Programming Inc. | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Musical Theater Education Programming Inc. | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Musical Theater Education Programming Inc. | Footlight Parade | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Musical Theater Project | Implementation of a marketing and outreach plan | $40,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | NARAL Foundation (National Abortion Rights Action League) | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Foundation | General Support | $500 | Health |
2010 | National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia & Depression | Healthy Minds Across America research forum in Cleveland, Ohio | $10,000 | Health |
2010 | National Alliance on Mental Illness Greater Cleveland (NAMIGC) | Programs and activities | $300 | Health |
2010 | National Audubon Society | Build endowment in fund | $151,409 | Environment |
2010 | National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA | Reveal Conference — Honorariums for the Reveal Conference | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | National Development Council | Staffing related to the Living Cities Integration Initiative | $335,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | National Disaster Search Dog Foundation | General Support | $1,678 | Social Services |
2010 | National MPS Society | In memory of Mark Lessing | $500 | Health |
2010 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society | General Support of the 36th Annual Dinner of Champions. | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society | Research | $1,500 | Health |
2010 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society | Great West Life Bike MS, Colorado’s Ride 2010 | $1,500 | Health |
2010 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society Upstate NY | General support | $9,374 | Health |
2010 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ohio Buckeye Chapter | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ohio Buckeye Chapter | General support of Bike MS: Pedal to the Point Ride 2010 | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | National Trust For Historic Preservation | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | National Urban Fellows, Inc. | Sponsor an Urban Fellow in Cleveland for the 2010-2011 academic year | $65,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | National Wildlife Federation | General Support | $500 | Environment |
2010 | NationWide Childrens Hospital | Support Pediaglypus System to maximize positive patient outcomes | $40,000 | Health |
2010 | Natural Resources Council Inc. | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Nest Egg Fund | $300 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General Support | $500 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General Support | $500 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Annual Nature Fund Unrestricted | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Nest Egg Fund | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Any programs and activities related to support and promotion of education, research and habitat enhancement as each relates to birds | $1,194 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Maintenance, improvement and upkeep of the Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center | $1,586 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General support | $4,351 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Outreach programs | $5,000 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | General support | $12,931 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Nest Egg Fund and Annual Fund | $31,000 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field Office | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field Office | General Support | $300 | Environment |
2010 | Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field Office | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Near West Side Multi-Service Corporation dba The May Dugan Center | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Near West Side Multi-Service Corporation dba The May Dugan Center | Moms First Program | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Near West Side Multi-Service Corporation dba The May Dugan Center | Capacity enhancement through the addition of a fiscal program compliance officer, Year 2 | $60,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Near West Theatre Inc. | General operating support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Near West Theatre Inc. | General Support | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Negative Population Growth | General Support | $400 | Economic Development |
2010 | Neighborhood Funders Group | Membership dues for 2010 | $2,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Neighborhood Health Care Incorporated dba Neighborhood Family Practice | General Support | $3,000 | Health |
2010 | Neighborhood Health Care Incorporated dba Neighborhood Family Practice | Implementation of electronic medical records, a project that will ensure thousands of Clevelanders receive quality care in a more efficient manner | $300,000 | Health |
2010 | Neighborhood Leadership Institute | MyCom Neighborhood Implementation Strategy | $50,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Neighborhood Leadership Institute | A Vision of Change’s Spellmaster Literacy Program and planning needs | $70,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Neighborhood Leadership Institute | MyCom neighborhood engagement | $750,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Reclaiming Vacant Properties: The intersection of sustainability, revitalization, and policy reform conference in Cleveland | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Operations and the Strategic Investment Initiative | $4,500,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Neighboring Mental Health Services | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | Neighboring Mental Health Services | Update of electronic health records system | $1,200 | Health |
2010 | Neighboring Mental Health Services | Summer Internship Program in partnership with the Lake County Courts | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | Nelson T Gant Foundation | Student scholarship — Educational purposes — Books and tuition | $500 | Education |
2010 | New Alternatives for Children | Efforts to consolidate the mental health and health clinic operations to better serve seriously ill and disabled children in foster care | $40,000 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $400 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $2,127 | Health |
2010 | New Directions, Inc. | General Support | $10,000 | Health |
2010 | New Hampshire Community Loan Fund | Reserve fund-Rockefeller | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | New Life Community | General Support | $1,500 | Social Services |
2010 | New Life Community | General Support | $12,500 | Social Services |
2010 | New Life Community | General operating support | $20,000 | Social Services |
2010 | New Life Community | Family Housing Success (Rapid Re-Housing) program | $50,000 | Social Services |
2010 | New Netherland Institute | General Support | $10,000 | Education |
2010 | New Village Corporation | Redevelopment of the historic St. Luke’s Hospital | $1,000,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Newfound Lake Region Association | General support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | The Norfolk Library | General support | $500 | Education |
2010 | NorTech | Development of regional technology-based industry clusters | $700,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | North American Menopause Society Foundation | Annual Support | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | North American Students of Cooperation | Annual Support 2009 | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | North Coast Community Homes, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | North Coast Community Homes, Inc. | Development of four homes in Cuyahoga County for individuals with special needs | $100,000 | Social Services |
2010 | North Coast Health Ministry | General Support for medical care | $3,000 | Health |
2010 | North Coast Health Ministry | Second year of the behaviorial health program serving low-income individuals on Cleveland’s westside | $62,590 | Health |
2010 | The North Cuyahoga Valley Corridor, Inc. d.b.a. Ohio Canal Corridor | General support | $500 | Environment |
2010 | North East Ohio Health Services dbaConnections: Health.Wellness.Advocacy | 2010-2011 strategic planning process | $14,000 | Health |
2010 | North Shore Animal League | General support for no-kill mission and animal rescue | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | North Union Farmers Market | General Support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Northcoast Behavioral Healthcare System | Music therapy program | $12,314 | Health |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Alliance for Hope | East Cleveland Organizing Project | $60,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Autism Group | General Support | $500 | Education |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Educat on | NEOintern Collaborative | $125,000 | Education |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education | General Support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education | Project 2010 Initiatives | $110,000 | Education |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Development of a direct-to-company generation process as part of its business attraction initiative | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Business and MBE attraction efforts | $515,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Northern Illinois Food Bank | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Northern New Mexico Radio Foundation | General support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Northern Ohio Golf Association Charities and Foundation | General Support | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Northern Westchester Hospital Center Foundation Inc. | General Support | $10,000 | Health |
2010 | Northfield Mount Herman School | General Support (class of ’99) | $400 | Education |
2010 | Notre Dame College | General support | $328 | Education |
2010 | Notre Dame College | General and Defered Giving Plan | $650 | Education |
2010 | Notre Dame College | Dwyer Learning Center | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Notre Dame College | Creating New Links: Transforming Internship/Co-op Programs | $25,220 | Education |
2010 | NPR Foundation | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Oberlin Choristers | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Oberlin College | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Oberlin College | The Oberlin Project (Via Friends of The Oberlin Project) | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Oberlin College | EnviroAlums Fund | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Oberlin College | General support | $3,000 | Education |
2010 | Oberlin College | General support | $3,275 | Education |
2010 | Oberlin College | Scholarship support for music students | $4,032 | Education |
2010 | Oberlin College | Lawrence McDonald Scholarship Fund | $10,000 | Education |
2010 | Oberlin College | Creation of a master plan for a post carbon economy that includes a green arts district, carbon-free energy system, and a 20,000 acres greenbelt | $100,000 | Environment |
2010 | Oberlin Community Services Council | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Oberlin Community Services Council | For Client food and other necessary items | $1,025 | Social Services |
2010 | Oberlin Heritage Center | General Support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Oberlin School District | Oberlin Schools Endowment Fund | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Occidental College | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Ocean Reef Foundation Inc. | Haiti Relief | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Oglebay Institute | Operating support for Oglebay Park | $250,216 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | 2010 FIRST Buckeye Regional Robotics Competition | $7,500 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Ohio City Near West Development Corporation | Start-up of the Refugee Farm on the near west side of Cleveland | $12,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Ohio Environmental Council | Energy Efficiency Implementation in Northern Ohio — Realizing SB221’s Promise | $90,000 | Environment |
2010 | The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc. | Bridges Program connecting urban youth in the Cleveland Area with the higher education community to help students realize their academic potential. | $50,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Grantmakers Forum | Phase five of the Education Initiative to continue public policy and advocacy work in education | $35,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Grantmakers Forum | Development of Ohio’s Race to the Top application for federal funding | $40,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Grantmakers Forum | 2011 membership dues, conference sponsorship and operating support | $90,000 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | Ohio League of Conservation Voters Educ tion Fund | General Support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Ohio League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General Support | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association | Enlisted Scholarship Program solely for charitable purposes | $4,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Northern University | College of Pharmacy — general support | $11,551 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Foundation | Breckenridge Village Child Care Fund | $500 | Health |
2010 | Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Foundation | General support for Breckenridge Village | $15,000 | Health |
2010 | Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Foundation | Breckenridge Village Life Fund | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Ohio Right to Life Society Educational Fund | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants Foundation | 23rd Annual Not-for-Profit Leadership Symposium | $2,500 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | The Ohio State University | College of Nursing | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | Ohio State University Extension 4-H Youth Program | Lake County 4-H Program | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio State University Foundation | Scholarships to needy and deserving students | $1,984 | Education |
2010 | Ohio State University Foundation | The Buckeye Club | $2,099 | Education |
2010 | Ohio State University Foundation | Mechanical Engineering Building Fund | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | The Ohio State University Research Foundation | Student Success Centers at two target high schools (Linden McKinley and South High School) | $95,169 | Education |
2010 | Ohio University Foundation | Support for the Bobcat Club | $250 | Education |
2010 | Ohio University Foundation | Ohio University — General support | $687 | Education |
2010 | Ohio University Foundation | College of Business | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio University Foundation | A J Cunningham Leadership Center | $1,500 | Education |
2010 | Ohio University Foundation | The George Washington Forum | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Wesleyan University | Alumni Fund, Phi Delta Theta. Delta Gamma, Gordon M. Almstead Memorial Endowment Fund | $2,400 | Education |
2010 | Ohio Wesleyan University | General support | $4,402 | Education |
2010 | The Old Stone Foundation dba Old Stone Education Center | Program and operating support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Old Stone Foundation dba Old Stone Education Center | Student and program support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | On Stage, Inc. dba Theater in the Open | General Support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Open Doors Academy | Strategic growth initiative to ensure sustainability and quality of its after-school programming | $40,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Open Doors, Inc. | Support for most needed in the areas of summer camp, tuition, Harlan trip, or parent support groups. | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Opera Circle, Inc. | Production costs related to its 15th anniversary season and audience development | $20,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | General support | $102 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | General support | $212 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | General Support | $300 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | Apprentice Artist Program conducted during summer season | $470 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | General support | $633 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | General Support | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | Belle O. Morse Young Artist Award | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Opera Cleveland | Third-year operating support as part of the Sustaining Excellence Initiative | $142,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Operation Gratitude | General Support | $1,678 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Orange City School District | Enhancement of the sound system for Stagecrafters Youth Theatre productions | $10,000 | Education |
2010 | Orange Schools Foundation | Barbara S. Bernheimer Scholarship | $3,195 | Education |
2010 | Organize Ohio Inc. | The Rise of the Consumer Protection Bureau conference | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Our Croatia, Inc. | Croatia Heritage Museum and Library and the Croatian Cultural Garden (Benefactor Status) | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Scholarship assistance for a parishioner who is attending a Catholic grade school | $675 | Education |
2010 | Our Lady of the Wayside, Inc. | Therapeutic equine activities | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Our Lady of the Wayside, Inc. | General support | $17,098 | Social Services |
2010 | Overlook House | Benevolence | $10,651 | Social Services |
2010 | Painesville City Local School District | Painesville Adult Basic and Literacy Education Program — Adult Summer School 2010 Program | $16,512 | Education |
2010 | The Painesville Salvation Army | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Painesville Salvation Army | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Palm Beach Atlantic University | General support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Palmer R. Chitester Fund AKA Free to Choose Network | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Park Street Church | General support | $1,250 | Social Services |
2010 | ParkWorks, Inc. | City of Cleveland on the Group Plan Commission | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | ParkWorks, Inc. | Strategic initiative partnership with Neighborhood Progress, Inc and the Downtown Greening Initiative | $250,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | ParkWorks, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | ParkWorks, Inc. | General support | $350 | Environment |
2010 | ParkWorks, Inc. | General support | $2,552 | Environment |
2010 | Parmadale-St. Anthony Youth Services Village | General Support — Capital Campaign | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Parmadale-St. Anthony Youth Services Village | General support | $25,149 | Social Services |
2010 | Partners in Education Foundation for the Santa Fe Public Schools | General Support | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Partners International | Support for most needed | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Passport Project, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Passport Project, Inc. | General operating support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Passport Project, Inc. | Passport Project Computer Center | $15,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Pathfinder International | General Support | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Pax Christi USA | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Peace In The Hood | General support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Pearl Road United Methodist Church | General support | $11,551 | Social Services |
2010 | PetFix Northeast Ohio | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Phi Beta Kappa Society | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Philharmonic Center for the Arts | Committee of a Thousand | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Phillips Exeter Academy | General Support Credit to Class of 1954 | $500 | Education |
2010 | Phillips Exeter Academy | The James M. Theisen Staff Recognition Fund | $500 | Education |
2010 | Piano International Association of Northern Ohio | General Support | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Piano International Association of Northern Ohio | Endowment | $25,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Piney Woods School | General support | $16,351 | Education |
2010 | Pioneer Valley Christian School | Challenge Gift for General Support | $50,000 | Education |
2010 | Plain Dealer Charities, Inc. | Holiday Spirit support — 2010 | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Plain Dealer Charities, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Plain Dealer Charities, Inc. | General Support | $300 | Social Services |
2010 | Plain Dealer Charities, Inc. | Christmas Fund | $300 | Social Services |
2010 | Plain Dealer Charities, Inc. | Needy and deserving children and families | $3,620 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio dba PLAN of NE Ohio | Organizational strategic and transition planning around its mission of providing home-based mental health services to persons with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression and their families | $25,000 | Health |
2010 | Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio dba PLAN of NE Ohio | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio dba PLAN of NE Ohio | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio dba PLAN of NE Ohio | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio dba PLAN of NE Ohio | Holistic Recovery | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio dba PLAN of NE Ohio | Holistic Recovery Program | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. | General Support — to be matched dollar for dollar | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. | International — General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts | General Support | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | General support in recognition of Arthur Lavin’s service as a member of the Board of The Medical Mutual of Ohio Charitable Foundation | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | General support | $7,636 | Health |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | Creation and maintenance of the Regional Medical Center | $20,000 | Health |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | In memory of Meacham Hitchcock | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | Canton affiliate’s greatest need | $1,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | General Support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | Health Line Center, a new facility on Euclid Avenue that expands patient access, enhances services and improves efficiency | $115,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio | General support | $247,002 | Social Services |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of The Rocky Mountains, Inc. | Capital Campaign and Annual Fund | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Plaquemines Community C.A.R.E. Centers Foundation Inc | Behavioral health needs of children in Plaquemines Parish resulting from the Deep Water Horizon oil spill disaster | $40,000 | Health |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | General Support | $600 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | General support | $600 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | Trustee Gift | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | Investor Level | $1,200 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | General Support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Playhouse Square Foundation | Children’s Festival | $25,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | General Support | $300 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | General support | $2,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | General support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | General support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | STANCE Project YES program participants and their parents to attend the 2011 International Children’s Festival | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | Discovery Theater Series 2010-2011 for Children from the Children’s Theatre Endowment Fund | $32,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | Phase 2 planning for a resident international design artist project | $34,880 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | PlayhouseSquare Foundation | Third-year support through the Sustaining Excellence Program | $95,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Pleasant Hills United Methodist Church | General support | $11,551 | Social Services |
2010 | PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community School | Advancement of Special Programs/Projects | $250 | Education |
2010 | PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community School | General support | $300 | Education |
2010 | PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community School | General Support | $400 | Education |
2010 | PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community School | General support | $1,500 | Education |
2010 | PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community School | General support | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community School | Dudley Sheffler Summer Program | $15,000 | Education |
2010 | PMP Research Foundation | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Poets League of Greater Cleveland dba The Lit: Cleveland’s Literary Center | Poetry in Greater Cleveland | $2,426 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Polar Bears International | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | PolicyBridge | General support | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | PolicyBridge | City Club Forum and related community activities with Majora Carter | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | PolicyBridge | 2010 initiatives related to research, policy briefings and community forums | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Polish-American Cultural Center | Support its mission to promote Polish culture, traditions, language, history, literature, arts, music, theater and education which is accomplished primarily through maintenance of museum | $1,326 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Pomona College | Torch Bearers | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | Annual support | $500 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | General Support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | General support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | Creating A Spectrum of Hope Capital Campaign. | $3,000 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | General Support | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | Creating a Spectrum of Hope capital campaign | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Positive Education Program | Prentiss Autism Center capital campaign | $50,000 | Health |
2010 | Positive Education Program | Capital costs associated with its Prentiss Autism Center | $500,000 | Health |
2010 | President and Fellows of Harvard College | More for Mission 2010-2011 mission investing efforts | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | President and Fellows of Harvard College | Class of 1958 Gift Harvard College Fund | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Preterm Cleveland, Inc. | General Support | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | Preterm Cleveland, Inc. | Campaign to promote a new dialogue about abortion | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | Preterm Cleveland, Inc. | General support | $5,500 | Health |
2010 | Preterm Cleveland, Inc. | General Support | $6,000 | Health |
2010 | Princeton Alumni Association of Northern Ohio | Stipends/Urban studies program | $1,741 | Education |
2010 | Princeton University | General support | $213 | Education |
2010 | Princeton University | Annual Giving | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Prison Fellowship Ministry | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Professional Flair Inc. dba Dancing Wheels | Operating support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Professional Flair Inc. dba Dancing Wheels | 2010-2011 season | $25,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Progressive Arts Alliance, Inc. | Hip — Hop Summer Arts | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Progressive Arts Alliance, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Progressive Arts Alliance, Inc. | RHAPSODY — Hip Hop Summer Arts Program to support 10 Children | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Progressive Arts Alliance, Inc. | General operating support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Progressive Arts Alliance, Inc. | Artist-educator training that will develop curriculum and evaluation standards for its contemporary arts programming | $38,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Project GRAD Akron | College Readiness Initiative Programs serving secondary students in area of strong academics | $20,475 | Education |
2010 | Project Love Remember the Children Foundation | Rescuer of Humanity | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Project Love Remember the Children Foundation | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Project Love Remember the Children Foundation | General Support | $50,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Project Noah | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Project: LEARN, Inc. | General support | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | Providence House, Inc. | General support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Providence House, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Providence House, Inc. | Sponsor a child | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Providence House, Inc. | Days of Care Program | $20,000 | Social Services |
2010 | PTA Ohio Congress | Kirtland Elementary Special Needs Program | $250 | Education |
2010 | Purdue University | Krannert School of Management’s graduate program to provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit | $4,465 | Education |
2010 | Purdue University | John C McClean Scholarships in Engineering | $67,935 | Education |
2010 | Puskarich Public Library System | General support including the main library and its branches in Scio and Freeport | $2,362 | Education |
2010 | Rabbit Run Community Arts Association | General support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Rabbit Run Community Arts Association | Staff restructuring and expansion | $65,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Carl F. Doershuk, M.D. Annual Cystic Fibrosis Lectureship at the Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Center | $470 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Ride the Rainbow | $500 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | General support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | General support for Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital | $3,158 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Equipment or supplies | $3,207 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Children’s Giving Circle | $10,000 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | General support in memory of Adele Stone Coit | $10,422 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Neonatology research at the hospital | $21,077 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Rainbow Foundation Endowment | $30,000 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Support two endowed chairs in neonatology at the Hospital to be known as the William and Lois Briggs Chairs | $33,000 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | Rainbow Parent Network | $50,000 | Health |
2010 | Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | General support of Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital | $359,579 | Health |
2010 | The Ratner School | Annual Fund | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | The Ratner School | The Art Gallery Transformation Fund-A-Project at the Create a Scene Benefit | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | The Ratner School | General Support | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools Foundation | General support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Recovery Resources | General support | $87 | Social Services |
2010 | Recovery Resources | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Red Oak Camp | Chincapin Camp | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Refugee Response | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Robin Hood Foundation | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Musem | General Support | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. | Annual Support | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Rocky Mountain MS Center | General support | $500 | Health |
2010 | Rocky River Educational Foundation Inc | Melissa Herstrum Scholarship Fund | $1,250 | Education |
2010 | Rocky River Educational Foundation Inc | Mary K. Whilhelmy Scholarship Fund | $1,250 | Education |
2010 | Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland, Inc. | General support | $621 | Health |
2010 | Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland, Inc. | General support | $3,158 | Health |
2010 | Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland, Inc. | Tools for Today and Tomorrow Expansion pilot program | $65,000 | Health |
2010 | Rose-Mary Center | General support | $4,956 | Social Services |
2010 | The Rotary Foundation | Support for the Polio Plus Program | $45,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | The Rowfant Club | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Ruffing Montessori School | Ruffing Montessori School (west) — Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2010-2011 academic year | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Russell Township | Russell Police Department | $1,471 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | S.A.W., Inc. | H.E.A.R program serving its clients who need assistance with both developmental disabilities and hearing impairments | $104,975 | Social Services |
2010 | Sacred Heart of Jesus Academy | Benefit of St. Gregory the Great Annual Endowment Fund for student assistance | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | The Sage Colleges | General support | $9,374 | Health |
2010 | Sajai Foundation | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Adopt a family program | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Holiday Donations | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Greater Cleveland and Akron | $400 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $600 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $700 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General support | $1,163 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Veterans benefits | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Food for the hungry | $3,277 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Emergency shelters, hunger programs, and senior citizens’ needs | $6,734 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Salvation Army Temple Corps Computer Center | $20,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | Emergency food program | $25,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army | General support | $47,621 | Social Services |
2010 | Salvation Army — Medina | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Salvation Army National Headquarters | General Support for the Salvation Army of Orange County, California | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army of Lake County | General support for the Painesville office | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | The Salvation Army of Lake County | General Support | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | San Miguel Academy of Newburgh | General Support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Sanctuary for Senior Dogs | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society | General Support | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Santa Fe Farmers Market Institute | General Support | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Santa Fe International Folk Art Market | General Support | $25,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Santa’s Hide-A-Way Hollow | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Save The Children | Haiti earthquake relief | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Scottish Rite Benevolent Fund | General Support | $327 | Social Services |
2010 | The Scottish-American Cultural Society of Ohio, Inc. | Ohio Scottish Games Endowment Fund scholarship for the Ohio Scottish Arts School | $550 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Scottish-American Cultural Society of Ohio, Inc. | Highland Dancing teacher’s travel. | $600 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Scranton Road Ministries Community Development Corporation | Next Step Computer Lab | $19,640 | Social Services |
2010 | The Sculpture Center | Annual maintenance of the Nita Dressler Monument | $604 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Sea Education Association | Annual Fund Unrestricted | $400 | Education |
2010 | Seeds of Literacy | Bridge support of its programming | $20,000 | Education |
2010 | Senior Community Services | General Support | $400 | Social Services |
2010 | Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer, Inc. d.b.a. Holy Family Home | General support | $36,227 | Health |
2010 | Sewa International | Project Sakhi — Cleveland Area (Akron Mahila Samaj) for the Cooking and Cleaning Project | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Shaker Charitable Trust | Scholarships | $500 | Education |
2010 | Shaker Family Center dba Family Connecti ons | General operating support | $1,500 | Education |
2010 | Shaker Family Center dba Family Connections | Dinner & Discovery program | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Shaker Family Center dba Family Connections | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Shaker Heights Lodge No. 45 FOP Associates | General support | $5,729 | Social Services |
2010 | The Shaker One Hundred, Inc. | General support | $5,729 | Social Services |
2010 | Shaker Schools Foundation | Ruth S. Affleder Reading Fund | $1,811 | Education |
2010 | Shaker Schools Foundation | Auditorium Campaign | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | Shaker Square Area Development Corporation | General Support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Shaker Square Area Development Corporation | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Shakti Rising Inc | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Shalom Center | General support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Shiloh Baptist Church | College scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are also members of Shiloh Baptist Church | $15,453 | Education |
2010 | Shiloh Baptist Church | Professional landscaping and maintenance of the grounds of Shiloh Baptist Church | $15,161 | Social Services |
2010 | Shoes For Kids, Inc. d.b.a. Shoes and Clothes for Kids | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Shoes For Kids, Inc. d.b.a. Shoes and Clothes for Kids | General operating support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | General support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Building a sustainable Community Development Finance Institution for economic growth in Cleveland’s neighborhoods | $225,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund for the Green City Growers Cooperative | $397,698 | Economic Development |
2010 | Shriners Hospitals for Children | General Support | $400 | Health |
2010 | Shriners Hospitals for Children | General support | $3,158 | Health |
2010 | Shriners Hospitals for Children | General support | $16,351 | Health |
2010 | The Sierra Club Foundation | General Support | $100 | Environment |
2010 | Sigma Alpha Epsilon Foundation | Campaign to advance SAE — Ohio Sgima Chapter Education Fund | $4,000 | Education |
2010 | Sikh American Legal Defense & Education Fund | General Support | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | SIM USA Incorporated | Stuart & Sindia Foster ministry in Mozambique | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland | Saint Ann Fund | $5,444 | Health |
2010 | Sisters of Notre Dame | Notre Dame Elementary School | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Sisters of Notre Dame | Nicaragua Mission (Discretion of Sister Roseanna Mellert) | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Sisters of Notre Dame | General Support | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | Sisters of Notre Dame | Physical education program for the Julie Billiart School | $29,998 | Social Services |
2010 | Slowik Music Institute | CREDO Summer Institute | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Slowik Music Institute | Summer Institute | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Slowik Music Institute | Programs and activities | $585 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | SME Education Foundation | General Support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | The Smile Train | Triple My Gift Program | $250 | Health |
2010 | The Smile Train | General Support | $300 | Health |
2010 | Smith College | General Support | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | Smith College | General support for the Class of 1955 | $10,000 | Education |
2010 | Smith College | General support | $256,651 | Education |
2010 | Society for the Protection of NH Forests | General support | $2,000 | Environment |
2010 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul | General support | $1,520 | Social Services |
2010 | Society of the Four Arts | General Support | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Sokol Greater Cleveland | Support the museum at the Czech Cultural Center of Sokol Greater Cleveland | $3,036 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Sokol Greater Cleveland | General support | $2,304 | Education |
2010 | SOS Outreach | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | South Dakota State University Foundation | Tuition Scholarship — Graduate Study in Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and Food | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Adrian Elementary School D.R.U.M. Code | $293 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Greenview Upper Elementary School Healthy Habits program | $625 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Rowland Elementary School Rowland Recycling Club Materials | $647 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Memorial Junior High School Camera for Smart Board | $659 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Helping Children Learn newsletter | $793 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Multimedia books for multiple intelligent learners | $798 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Adrian Elementary School — SMART Document Camera | $950 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Rowland Elementary School — Literature Connection to Everyday Math | $955 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Brush High School, Art Department Archiving Student Artwork | $1,468 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Brush High School Yearbook | $1,830 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Greenview Upper Elementary School Turning Point Complete Set | $2,005 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Honors Band — original work | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Rowland Elementary School — Interactive Whiteboard For Special Needs Students | $2,519 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Art to Go | $2,700 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Rowland Elementary School — Creating Manipulatives for Kinesthetic Instructions | $4,995 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Greenview Upper Elementary School 21st Century Flight Afternoon Learning Community | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Memorial Junior High School Reaching Students with Varying Exceptionalities | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Memorial Junior High School Student Athlete Study Tables | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Memorial Junior High School Marquee for Memorial | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Memorial Junior High School 21st Century Flight Afternoon Learning Community | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Brush High School Robotics Team — National First Robotics Competition | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of Education | Memorial Junior High after School FLIGHT Mentoring Program | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Southeast Family YMCA | Operating support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. | General Support | $2,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. | General Support | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller | General Support | $450 | Social Services |
2010 | Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | SPACES | South African artist residency as part of the Creative Fusion international Artist Residency initiative | $67,225 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Special Olympics New York | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Spoleto Festival USA | General Support | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | St. Anselm Church | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Anselm Church | General support | $554 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Augustine Church | Assist feeding those in need | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Augustine Historical Society | Historical Society Library | $250 | Education |
2010 | St. Augustine Historical Society | Support for the Historical Society Library | $500 | Education |
2010 | St. Augustine Manor dba St. Augustine Health Campus | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | St. Christopher’s-By-The-River | General support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Christopher’s-By-The-River | General support | $600 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Christopher’s-By-The-River | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Christopher’s-By-The-River | General Support | $7,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Clair-Superior Development Corp. | First annual Cleveland Asian Festival | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | St. Colman Church | Church Roof Fund | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Dominic’s Parish | General support | $9,917 | Social Services |
2010 | Saint Edward High School | Capital Educational Fund | $500 | Education |
2010 | St. Elizabeth Shelter Corporation | Casa Familia General Support | $25,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. George’s School | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Saint Ignatius High School | Annual faculty enrichment programs (excluding any enrichment for athletic programs) | $544 | Education |
2010 | Saint Ignatius High School | 5K Run Fundraiser | $1,250 | Education |
2010 | Saint Ignatius High School | Annual fund | $3,000 | Education |
2010 | Saint Ignatius High School | Annual Fund | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Saint Ignatius High School | Capital Campaign | $100,000 | Education |
2010 | St. James A.M.E. Church | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. James Episcopal Church | General Support | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. John Lutheran Church | General support | $4,968 | Social Services |
2010 | St. John’s Episcopal Church | General support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Saint Joseph Academy | Summer programming support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Saint Joseph Academy | 2010-11 Annual Fund gift | $10,000 | Education |
2010 | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | The Saint Kizito Foundation | Assistance for African Mission Promoting welfare and education for youths. | $350 | Social Services |
2010 | The Saint Kizito Foundation | Assistance for African Mission promoting welfare and education for youths | $350 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Louis University | Museum of Contemporary Religious Art | $500 | Education |
2010 | St. Malachi Church | For your Ministry in assisting the less fortunate | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Malachi Church | Assist the mission of helping people in the area | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Saint Martin de Porres High School | Most Promising Student in Need | $250 | Education |
2010 | Saint Martin de Porres High School | Birthday Bash | $3,750 | Education |
2010 | Saint Martin De Porres High School Work Study Program | Student work team at the Cleveland Foundation for the 2010-2011 school-year | $25,500 | Education |
2010 | St. Martin’s Episcopal Church | General Support | $327 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Martin’s Episcopal Church | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Martin’s Episcopal Church | General support | $1,163 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Martin’s Episcopal Church | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Mary Magdalene Church | Repairs on furnishings in the Church | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church | Extend the Capital Campaign | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church | General Support | $3,400 | Social Services |
2010 | Saint Mary Seminary | General support | $3,967 | Education |
2010 | St. Paul’s Community Church | Cleveland Peace Show | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Community Outreach | Second-year funding of the program manager for the Transformative Leaders Initiative | $20,185 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | General support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | General Support | $1,500 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | General Support | $1,500 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | Annual Support | $1,750 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | Annual Fund | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | Annual Support and Reading Camp Cleveland 2010 | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | General Support | $4,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | Capital Campaign | $25,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland Heights | Support for the Capital Campaign | $40,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Peter’s Episcopal Church | Building Fund | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Raphael Catholic Church | General Support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Timothy Episcopal Church | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral | SOS campaign for the All Saints cabin | $300 | Social Services |
2010 | St. Vladimir Ukrainian OrthodoxCathedral Cathedral | General Support | $9,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Stanford Graduate School of Business | $1,000 annual giving; $500 for Military Veteran Special Stipends- Yellow | $1,500 | Education |
2010 | Stanford Graduate School of Business | General support Class of 1986 Reunion Fund | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Stanford University | Stanford Law School — General support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Stanford University | General support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Stanford University | Class of 1975 Reunion Gift | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | StarCross Monastic Community | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Starr Commonwealth | General support | $3,288 | Social Services |
2010 | START — Support To At-Risk Teens | 2010-2011 youth engagement and program evaluation efforts | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | START — Support To At-Risk Teens | 2010-2011 youth engagement and program evaluation efforts | $20,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Steadman Hawkins Sports Medicine Fdn. | General support for Steadman Philippon Research Institute | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Stella Maris, Inc. | Implement an electronic medical record system | $71,372 | Health |
2010 | Stella Maris, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Student Conservation Association | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | The Suburban Temple | General support | $623 | Social Services |
2010 | The Suburban Temple | General support | $2,692 | Social Services |
2010 | The Suburban Temple | Phase II Covenant Endowment Fund | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Suburban Temple | General Support | $6,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Suicide Prevention Education Alliance ( PEA) | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Suicide Prevention Education Alliance of Northeast Ohio | Sponsorship of Tournament | $1,500 | Health |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Neighborhood Connections and United Way’s community-based outreach for the 2010 Census | $6,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | General Support for Neighborhood Connections | $600 | Economic Development |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Civic Innovation Lab operations, grantmaking and planning purposes | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Operation expenses | $50,000 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | 2011 operating costs | $175,000 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | Summa Health System Foundation | Akron City Hospital’s obstetrical division | $2,818 | Health |
2010 | Summer on the Cuyahoga | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Sun Valley Performing Arts Center Inc | Charitable support for NexStage Theatre | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation | General support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation | Cancer Research | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | Sustainable Harvest International | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Swarthmore College | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Swarthmore College | Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College Education Programs | $400 | Education |
2010 | SWAT Relief Initiative | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Swedish Medical Center Foundation | Cancer Institute | $3,000 | Health |
2010 | Synthesis Center Inc. | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Taft School | General Support | $500 | Education |
2010 | Tall Timbers Research, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Task Force on Violent Crime dba Partnership For A Safer Cleveland | Youth Initiatives | $35,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Task Force on Violent Crime dba Partnership For A Safer Cleveland | Expansion of the STANCE Project YES initiative for gang prevention | $75,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Task Force on Violent Crime dba Partnership For A Safer Cleveland | STANCE Youth Violence Prevention Initiative | $150,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Task Force on Violent Crime dba Partnership For A Safer Cleveland | Youth engagement component of MyCom | $200,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Ted E Bear Hollow Inc | Expansion of mental health programs serving children who are experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one | $40,000 | Health |
2010 | Telluride Foundation | General Support | $10,000 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | The Telluride Historical Museum | Outdoor tram | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Telluride Historical Museum | General Support | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | The Temple-Tifereth Israel | Rabbi Haim’s Fund | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Temple-Tifereth Israel | Annual Appeal | $7,500 | Social Services |
2010 | The Temple-Tifereth Israel | Continuation of the Arts for Jewish Education Program | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Tennyson Center for Children | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | TexArts Association for Visual & Performing Arts | General Support | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Thea Bowman Center | Annual support for benefit | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Thomasville Community Resource Center Inc. | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The Three-Corner-Round Pack Outfit, Inc. | Camping Program | $28,072 | Social Services |
2010 | The Tides Center | Great Lakes Urban Exchange’s third annual conference in Cleveland | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | The Toledo Museum of Art | Works on Paper department | $19,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General Support | $2,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Programs and services for women in Cleveland | $16,812 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Networks 4 Success re-entry program that provides employment stability for individuals with a criminal background | $15,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Implementation of its strategic plan and advocacy efforts, including the creation and launch of a new program model that provides a full continuum of support services to low-income workers | $150,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Transitional Housing, Inc. | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Transitional Housing, Inc. | Capacity building and services to homeless women | $15,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Transitional Housing, Inc. | Capacity building initiative to develop a model that incorporates rapid re-housing and supportive services for homeless women | $75,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Transparency International US, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Transport For Christ | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Tri-County Hocking-Athens-Perry Community Action Agency | Food Bank | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Cathedral | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Cathedral | Music and performing arts | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Cathedral | General Operating support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Cathedral | Community Garden program | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Cathedral | General support | $3,834 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Cathedral | General Support | $6,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Trinity Christian Academy | Extended day room Furniture, technology, and scholarship support | $25,000 | Education |
2010 | Trinity Episcopal Church | General support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Troop 297 Venture Crew Boy Scouts Boy Scouts of America | Campers Fund | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Trust for Public Land | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Trust for Public Land | Ohio Chapter | $20,000 | Environment |
2010 | Trust for Public Land | Acquisition and conveyance activities related to the extension of the Tow Path Trail | $60,000 | Environment |
2010 | Trust for Public Land | Acquisition of Rivergate Park and to ensure public access to the park | $300,000 | Environment |
2010 | Trustees of Reservations | Sedgwick Gardens | $5,000 | Environment |
2010 | Trustees of Thayer Academy | Annual giving | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | Trustees of Tufts College | College of Arts & Sciences | $2,100 | Education |
2010 | Truth For Life | General Support for continuing the spread of the gospel | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | U.S. English Foundation | General Support | $400 | Education |
2010 | UHHS/CSAHS-Cuyahoga, Inc. | St. Vincent Chairty Hospital Capital Campaign — "We’re Here for Life” | $2,000 | Health |
2010 | Union of Concerned Scientists Inc. | General Support | $100 | Environment |
2010 | Union of Concerned Scientists Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland, Inc. | Endowment Distribution | $11,000 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County Inc. | General support | $9,374 | Health |
2010 | United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Cleveland, Inc. | UCP at 60: Advancing the Mission Through Interactive Technology | $25,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United for Jobs and Ohio’s Future | Continuation of the Ohio Third Frontier investment program through State Issue 1 campaign efforts | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | United Negro College Fund, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | United Negro College Fund, Inc. | United Negro College Fund, Inc. of Cleveland — General support of the Cleveland office | $3,500 | Education |
2010 | United Negro College Fund, Inc. | General support | $16,351 | Education |
2010 | United Service Organizations of Northern Ohio | Soldier benefits thru the USO | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United States Friends of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Inc. | General Support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | United States Friends of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Inc. | General Support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | United States Fund for UNICEF | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United States Fund for UNICEF | General Support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | West Virginia University program on corporate social responsibility | $4,000 | Philanthropic Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | United Way Services of Geauga County | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $300 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | Annual Campaign — Unrestricted support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $600 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | 2010 annual fund | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | United Way Services of Geauga County — General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $1,400 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support and Zoe for Life | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | Cleveland School of Science & Medicine, NewBridge, Jewish Community Federation, and Northcoast Community Homes | $2,750 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | John K. Mott Youth Fund Distribution Fund Dollars for 2011 distribution | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | United Way Services of Geauga County | $7,500 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | Campaign and Mott Youth Fund Distribution Committee | $8,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | John K. Mott Youth Fund Distribution Committee | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | John K. Mott Youth Fund Distribution Committee | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | Beech Brook, Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland, and United Way | $10,500 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $10,500 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General Support | $11,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | John K. Mott Youth Fund Distribution Committee for youth-originated projects addressing priority issues in the eight designated MyCOM neighborhoods | $16,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | John K. Mott Youth Fund Distribution Committee youth-originated projects addressing priority issues in the eight designated MyCOM neighborhoods | $16,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $23,185 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $25,500 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $30,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | Its annual campaign focusing services and programs for low-income senior citizens | $200,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Cleveland | General support | $773,980 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Greater Lorain County, Inc | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | The United Way of Lake County, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | The United Way of Lake County, Inc. | General Support | $1,400 | Social Services |
2010 | The United Way of Lake County, Inc. | Annual Campaign | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The United Way of Lake County, Inc. | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | The United Way of Lake County, Inc. | General support | $13,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Lee County | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way of Santa Fe County | Santa Fe Childrens Project | $10,000 | Social Services |
2010 | United Way Services of Geauga County | United Way Services of Geauga County — General support and direct service programs, including 211 First Call for Help | $26,603 | Social Services |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | Video production about the history of the University Circle institutions | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | General Support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | Video project about University Circle (Creating a Sense of Place-History, Public Art and Architecture) | $2,348 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | General support | $3,500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | Staff capacity for Greater Circle Living Manager | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | Early Learning Initiative, Linking Education and Discovery, and Future Connections Program | $1,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | Early Learning Initiative | $10,000 | Education |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Ireland Cancer Center, Miracles Happen 5K — Diane Hyland Miracle Fund | $250 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital of University Hospitals | $250 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | MacDonald Women’s Hospital amd Ireland Cancer Center | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | General Support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Rainbow Babies and Children Hospital of University Hospitals | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Ethiopia print for Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital | $1,800 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Rainbow Babies & Children Hospital Foundation Annual Campaign | $2,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | University Hospitals of Cleveland for the Movement Disorders Center | $2,127 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Harrington-McLaughlin Heart and Vascular Institute | $2,500 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Lakeside Hematology Fellowship Fund | $2,687 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Henry L. Sanford Memorial bed | $3,207 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Department of Orthopaedics Leadership Council Fund | $4,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | General support for Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Vision 2010 | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Conference travel | $5,790 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | General Support — Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital | $10,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Ireland Cancer Centet | $10,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Maternity Hospital | $10,269 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Benefit aged people | $19,920 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital | $20,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Ahuja Medical Center | $25,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Ireland Cancer Center | $30,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | University Hospitals of Cleveland general support | $84,008 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Urological or vascular research | $119,755 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | Cancer research | $327,493 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | To support its mission and for physician & scientist recruitment, research and patient care related to cancer | $535,233 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | To support its mission and for acquisition of equipment, research and patient care related to cancer and cardiovascular disease | $802,850 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Case Medical Center | General support for Lakeside Hospital | $1,694,373 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Health System, Inc. | Raimbow Babies and Childrens Hospital — Ride the Rainbow | $500 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Health System, Inc. | General support | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Health System, Inc. | General support — in honor of the Seidman family gift. | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Health System, Inc. | Research on the treatment of major depressive disorder and substance abuse at the Department of Psychiatry at University Hospitals Case Medical Center | $75,000 | Health |
2010 | University Hospitals Health System, Inc. | Expanded database that will integrate administrative and clinical data to improve quality and efficiency of patient care | $250,000 | Health |
2010 | University of Akron Foundation | Comparative Innovation Policy: Best Practices for the 21st Century study and symposium which will be held in Cleveland | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | University of California | General Support | $436 | Education |
2010 | University of Chicago | General Support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | University of Colorado Foundation | Women’s Basketball Excellence Fund | $6,000 | Education |
2010 | The University of Denver | Kappa Sigma House Fund | $25,000 | Education |
2010 | University of Illinois Foundation | The Department of Mathematics for the Mathematics Partnership Fund | $250 | Education |
2010 | University of Maryland | General support | $250 | Education |
2010 | University of Maryland Baltimore County Foundation Inc. (UMBC Foundation) | University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) — Student scholarships to juniors or seniors majoring in chemical engineering, biochemical engineering or math who have shown high academic achievement and who demonstrate financial need and who have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of minorities in the sciences | $1,853 | Education |
2010 | The University of Michigan | General support for the Ross School of Business | $500 | Education |
2010 | University of Michigan | General support for the Ross Business School | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | University of Mount Union | Greek community | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | University of Pittsburgh | School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology | $67,728 | Health |
2010 | University of Texas Foundation | University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center — Lerryn Monroe Carl Memorial Endowment | $1,000 | Health |
2010 | University of the Pacific | General Support | $436 | Education |
2010 | University Presbyterian Church | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | University School | General support | $212 | Education |
2010 | University School | Annual fund | $500 | Education |
2010 | University School | John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund | $800 | Education |
2010 | University School | Annual Fund | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | University School | Tower Society | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | University School | General support | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | University School | General Support | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | University School | General support | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | University School | General support In memory of Samuel K. Scovil | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | University School | Teacher support | $3,741 | Social Services |
2010 | University Settlement, Inc. | Magic Johnson Empowerment Center | $20,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Urban League of Cleveland | Project Ready program | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Urban Peak Denver | General Support | $2,500 | Health |
2010 | Ursuline College | General Support | $2,840 | Education |
2010 | Ursuline College | Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarships | $4,171 | Education |
2010 | Ursuline College | Scholarships Fund | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Ursuline High School | General support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Useppa Island Historical Society Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Vail Valley Foundation | General Support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Vail Valley Motorcycle Foundation dba Cordillera Motorcycle Foundation | General Support | $400 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Valley Art Center, Inc. | General support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Vanderbilt University | Owen Graduate School of Management | $2,000 | Education |
2010 | Vassar College | Annual Fund | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Verb Ballets | Consolidation of the studio, storage and office into a new location to enhance artistic and operational capacity | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Verb Ballets | 2010-2011 Family and Pre-Professional Dance programs, as well as strategic planning | $50,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Villa Montessori Center | Help most needy children | $250 | Education |
2010 | Village at Marymount | Expansion of the Therapy with Dogs program | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Village of Waite Hill | Capital Campaign — New Village Hall | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Village of Waite Hill | New Village Hall and police facility capital campaign | $25,000 | Environment |
2010 | The Village Television | General operating support | $180,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Vinyard House | General support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | Hospice center | $250 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | General support | $500 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | Annual fund in honor of Carol Dakin | $500 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | General Support | $2,500 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | General support | $5,944 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | Capacity Building through Customer Service Training initiative | $15,000 | Health |
2010 | Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland | Capacity building through customer service training, matching funds | $15,000 | Health |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | Assistance to needy of Sunbeam School graduating class | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | Assistance to needy clients of Sunbeam School | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $4,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | General support | $12,334 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | Purchase of inspection and trimming stations | $22,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Vocational Guidance Services | Efforts to become a Medicaid provider to support the growing need for developmental services | $90,228 | Social Services |
2010 | Voice of The Retarded | General Support | $400 | Social Services |
2010 | Voices For Children of Greater Cleveland dba Voices for Ohio’s Children | Midwest convening on children’s health coverage, to be held in Cleveland on April 18-20, 2010 | $5,000 | Health |
2010 | Voices For Children of Greater Cleveland dba Voices for Ohio’s Children | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Voices For Children of Greater Cleveland dba Voices for Ohio’s Children | Annual Breakfast | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Voices for Ohio’s Children | Positively Kids | $279 | Social Services |
2010 | Voices for Ohio’s Children | Annual campaign | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Waite Hill Land Conservancy | General support | $20,000 | Environment |
2010 | Wall Street Warfighters Foundation, Inc. | General support of the soldiers education | $1,678 | Social Services |
2010 | Waring School | General Support | $15,000 | Education |
2010 | Washington Bach Consort | General Support | $5,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | WEC International | Building Project at El Monte, Mexico | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation | General Support | $250 | Health |
2010 | West Geauga Local School District | Purchase equipment for the West Geauga High School Science Department | $2,490 | Education |
2010 | West Park Community Coalition Inc. | West Park community Coalition computer center | $18,000 | Social Services |
2010 | West Shore Unitarian-Universalist Church | General support | $55,316 | Social Services |
2010 | West Side Catholic Center | General Support | $12,500 | Social Services |
2010 | West Side Catholic Center | Identification Crisis in Cleveland Collaborative, which assists those in poverty with obtaining a state ID | $25,000 | Social Services |
2010 | West Side Catholic Center | Maintenance Capacity project | $83,000 | Social Services |
2010 | West Side Ecumenical Ministry | Food Center of excellence | $328 | Social Services |
2010 | West Side Ecumenical Ministry | Bridge funding to support its programs | $50,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Western Reserve Academy | Annual Fund | $250 | Education |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | Annual Fund | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General Support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General Support | $2,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General support | $3,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | Strategic planning process that will engage its board, staff and the broader community | $7,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Historical Society | General support | $10,884 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $100 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Grand River Chapter | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Bratenahl Bird Sanctuary | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Bratenahl Bird Sanctuary | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Bratenahl bird sanctuary | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General support | $300 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General support | $500 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Paddles for Preservation contribution | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $1,050 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $1,500 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $1,500 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General support of the Lorain County Firelands District operations | $2,500 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General Support | $10,000 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | White North Stables renovation Phase 3 | $20,000 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | To support the acquisition, design and construction of the Land Conservations new headquarters and preserve. | $3,500,000 | Environment |
2010 | Western Reserve Land Conservancy | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Western Reserve RC&D Inc. | General support | $500 | Environment |
2010 | Westlake City School District | Massai Project | $500 | Education |
2010 | Westlake Educational Foundation | General support | $4,500 | Education |
2010 | Westlake Porter Public Library | Endowment distribution | $5,594 | Education |
2010 | Westminster School | General support | $13,000 | Education |
2010 | Westminster School | Graham and Carol Cole Library Initiative | $25,000 | Education |
2010 | Westminster School | Endowment of The John Sherwin, Jr. 57 and W. Graham Cole, Jr. Chair | $1,500,000 | Education |
2010 | Westport Land Conservation Trust | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Westport River Watershed Alliance, Inc. | General support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Westport River Watershed Alliance, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Environment |
2010 | Westshore Montessori Association | Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2010-2011 academic year | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | General Support | $750 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Annual appeal | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Three economic development initiatives: Manufacturing Growth Strategies, Great Lakes Wind Network Market Expansion, and Urban Redevelopment | $350,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Great Lakes Wind Network’s participation in the business development mission to China to explore global wind supply chains | $5,000 | Environment |
2010 | Wheaton College | Annual fund and student scholarships | $50,000 | Education |
2010 | Wikimedia Foundation Inc | General Support | $250 | Education |
2010 | Wildlife Conservation Society | General Support | $250 | Environment |
2010 | Williams College | Annual fund | $2,500 | Education |
2010 | Willoughby Fine Arts Association | Performing Arts programs | $1,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Willoughby Fine Arts Association | General Support | $1,100 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Willoughby Fine Arts Association | Provide programs providing educational and performance opportunities in the arts | $3,053 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Willoughby United Methodist Church | General Support | $12,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Witnessing Ministries of Christ | Purchase one small school bus for Exodus Presbyterian Church in Etmadpur India (V.P.) | $23,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Womankind, Inc. | General support | $824 | Health |
2010 | Women’s Bean Project | General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | Community Development Financial Institution planning grant, to develop financial products for Cleveland’s unbanked and underbanked individuals and families | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | World Vision International | Where Most Needed | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | World Vision International | Haiti earthquake relief | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | World Witness The Board of Foreign | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Wounded Warrior Project | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | Wounded Warrior Project | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Wounded Warrior Project | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Wounded Warrior Project | General Support in the memory of Col. Courtney C. Schron, US Marine Corp. | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Wycliffe Associates | General Support for the Myanmar Advance | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Wynford High School | LT(JG) Donald Richard Powers Memorial Scholarship for a graduate of Wynford High School, Bucyrus, Ohio | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Yale University | Edward Greenfelder Scholarship Fund | $5,000 | Education |
2010 | YMCA of Akron Ohio | 2010 Partners with Youth Campaign | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Akron Ohio | Camp Y NOAH In memory of Bruce Hunsicker | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Cleveland, Geauga County Branch | General Support | $250 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Greater Cleveland | General support | $11,578 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Greater Cleveland | General operating support for the Central Branch | $15,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Greater Cleveland | West Side Branch | $32,703 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Jefferson County | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard | General Support in honor of Cindy Doyle | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | YMCA of Trumbull County | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Young America’s Foundation | General Support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio | General Support | $2,500 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio | Art Works Program for the summer of 2010 | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio | Design and implementation of the Flight 93 artistic residency program | $38,150 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio | Core support, ArtWorks, and Art IS Education | $278,000 | Arts and Culture |
2010 | Young Life | Bjorn & Abby Anderson ministry | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Young Life Foundation | For the work of Kelsey Bryany mission | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Young Men’s Christian Association — Lakewood Branch | General support | $16,351 | Social Services |
2010 | Youngstown State University | Alumni and Events Meeting | $1,000 | Education |
2010 | Youth Challenge | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Challenge | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | 2010-2011 programming | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | E City program — Entrepreneurship Training, Empowering Youth to Own Their Future | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | General support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Juvenile Mentoring Program in East Cleveland (JUMP) | $2,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Capacity building for enhancement of employer relationships for jobs and funding | $150,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Summer and year-round youth employment as part of the MyCom youth development initiative | $150,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Summer youth employment | $150,000 | Social Services |
2010 | Youth Shelters & Family Services | General Support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | Scholarships | $3,872 | Education |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | NIA Program | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | General Support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | General Support | $2,500 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | Nurturing Independence and Aspirations program (NIA) | $3,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | General support | $4,699 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | NIA Program for Girls | $5,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | Lakewood Branch | $16,351 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Cleveland | Independence Place capital project which will provide supportive housing for young women transitioning out of the foster care system | $200,000 | Social Services |
2010 | YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago | Support of the YWCA Leader Luncheon | $500 | Social Services |
2010 | Zygote Press, Inc. | Purchase of new technologies and marketing tools for capacity building support | $10,000 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | 826 Valencia | General Support | $250 | Education |
2011 | A Cultural Exchange, Inc. | Closing the Achievement Gap program | $1,000 | Education |
2011 | A Vision of Change, Inc | General Support | $2,000 | Social Services |
2011 | Abraham Fund Inc. | For — MePeace — General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2011 | Academy of Vocal Arts | Scholarship, A.W. Paxson | $250 | Education |
2011 | Access To The Arts | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | Access To The Arts | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | Access To The Arts | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | General Support | $300 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | General Support | $500 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | Camp Cheerful-General support | $1,000 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | Camp Cheerful’s "A Most Excellent Race” | $1,000 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | Westlake parent support group/group therapy | $2,000 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | General support | $5,000 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | General Support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | General support | $32,501 | Social Services |
2011 | Achievement Center for Children | Equipment | $60,088 | Social Services |
2011 | Actors Fund of America | General Support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | Actors Fund of America | General Support | $500 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | Actors’ Summit, A Professional Theater | General Support | $250 | Arts and Culture |
2011 | Adirondack Community Trust | Corning Chisholm Fund | $500 | Philanthropic Services |
2011 | Adoption Network Cleveland | Transition of the Child Centered Recruitment best practices to the county | $86,532 | Social Services |
2011 | Advent Lutheran Church | General Support | $10,000 | Social Services |
2011 | AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Inc | General support | $500 | Health |
2011 | Akron General Health System | Support for charity golf outing | $500 | Health |
2011 | Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank | Harvest for Hunger campaign | $1,000 | Social Services |
2011 | All Faiths Pantry | General support | $3,769 | Social Services |
2011 | Allegheny College | Annual Fund | $25,000 | Education |
2011 | Allen Medical Center Foundation | General Support | $250 | Health |
2011 | Alliance of AIDS Services — Carolina | Outreach, prevention, testing and services to HIV positive persons in the Triangle area of North Carolina | $5,000 | Health |
2011 | Aloha Foundation Inc. | General support | $250 | Philanthropic Services |
2011 | The Altenheim West Side Deutscher Frauen Verein | General support | $38,817 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Association, Inc. | General support | $250 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Association, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Association, Inc. | Mickey & Felice Neuwirth Care Center & Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center | $500 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | General support — in honor of the Alzheimer’s Celebration of Hope dinner on May 5, 2011. | $100 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | General Support | $250 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | General Support | $250 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | General Support | $250 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | 2011 Membership — Alois Society | $1,200 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | General Support in Memory of William David Johnston, M.D. | $2,000 | Health |
2011 | Alzheimers Association Cleveland Chapter | General Support for the 2011 Golf Outing | $8,000 | Health |
2011 | America Scores Bay Area | General support | $2,000 | Education |