Grant Search

Grant Search

The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.

Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.

Displaying 43001 to 44000 of 50743

YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
1996Trinity CathedralGeneral support $1,567Social Services
1996United Leukodystrophy FoundationGeneral support $250Health
1996United Negro College FundGeneral support $7,001Education
1996United Negro College FundFinancial aid for Greater Cleveland students (over three years)$90,000Education
1996United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral support $1,500Education
1996United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral support $2,700Education
1996United Way Foundation of Hancock County1996 Olympic Torch Relay activ $600Civic Affairs
1996United Way of Ashland County, Inc.General support $2,885Social Services
1996The United Way of Lake County, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1996The United Way of Lake County, Inc.General support $10,300Social Services
1996United Way ServicesUrban Community School $1,000Education
1996United Way ServicesHospice of the Western Reserve $300Health
1996United Way ServicesHill House $400Health
1996United Way ServicesAmerican Cancer Society $505Health
1996United Way ServicesAIDS Funding Collaborative (second year)$125,000Health
1996United Way ServicesGeauga United Way Services $250Social Services
1996United Way ServicesThe John K. Mott Youth Fund high school student di stribution committee (second year)$5,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesGeneral support $9,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesCommunity Shares/Womens Fund $10,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesThe Ten Plus $10,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesGeneral support $15,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesCounty-wide visioning project $19,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesGeneral support $25,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesLeadership Development Program$30,000Social Services
1996United Way ServicesStaff support and consultant assistance for Greate r Cleveland Committee on Hunger (over three years)$77,997Social Services
1996United Way ServicesGeneral support $359,674Social Services
1996University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedAnnual Sustaining Fund $1,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedThe landbanking program $5,000Civic Affairs
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentIreland Cancer Center $250Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentLakeside Hematology Fellowship $1,073Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentH.L. Sanford bed $1,307Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentConference travel $2,483Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentMaternity hospital $5,942Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentThe John P. McWilliams Fund $5,956Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentBenefit aged people $8,496Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentGeneral support $13,226Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentMinority clerkship program (over two years)$42,500Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentUrological/Vasc.Rsch $59,939Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentCancer research $147,972Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of Development(IMPLEMENTATION OF?) Team approach to training and care in geriatrics in collaboration with Rainbow B abies and Childrens Hospitals (over three years)$242,523Health
1996University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentLakeside Hospital $678,424Health
1996University of CaliforniaGeneral Support $178Education
1996The University of FindlayEducation & Technology Center $56,987Education
1996The University of MichiganThe School of Business $300Education
1996University of the PacificGeneral Support $178Education
1996University SchoolGeneral support $111Education
1996University SchoolIn memory of Peter H. Wellman $250Education
1996University SchoolGeneral support $300Education
1996University SchoolRaible scholarship $800Education
1996University SchoolUnrestricted purpose $1,000Education
1996University SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
1996University SchoolGeneral support $1,500Education
1996University SchoolREACH program for gifted African-American middle s chool males (third grant)$15,000Education
1996The Urban League of Greater ClevelandObsidian Investments program (over 18 months) (MOR E DESCRIPTION?)$135,833Economic Development
1996The Urban League of Greater ClevelandOperating support for the Career Beginnings progra m (second year)$57,656Education
1996The Urban League of Greater ClevelandNorthcoast Conference $2,500Social Services
1996The Urban League of Greater ClevelandProduction of a video for the Parenting Skills Net work$83,710Social Services
1996Urbana UniversityGeneral support $1,000Education
1996Ursuline CollegeGeneral support $250Education
1996Ursuline CollegeDoyle Scholarships $1,782Education
1996Ursuline CollegeGeneral support $5,000Education
1996Ursuline CollegeEnhancing Educational Equity: A Collaborative Reso urce Approach project$36,750Education
1996Ursuline CollegeFaculty development in instructional technology (o ver two years)$124,025Education
1996The Virginia HomeGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1996Virginia League for Planned ParenthoodGeneral support $500Social Services
1996Virginia League for Planned ParenthoodGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1996The Visiting Nurse Association of ClevelandGeneral support $1,000Health
1996The Visiting Nurse Association of ClevelandGeneral support $1,500Health
1996The Visiting Nurse Association of ClevelandGeneral support $3,548Health
1996The Visiting Nurse Association of ClevelandEducational program in home and community nursing in conjunction with Cleveland State University$45,982Health
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesWelding skills training pilot program$50,000Civic Affairs
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesGeneral support $250Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesGeneral support $750Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesUnrestricted purpose $1,000Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesSunbeam Schl. grad. $1,000Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesSunbeam Schl. client $1,000Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesGeneral support $4,056Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesPlacement program $13,000Social Services
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesSobriety, housing and employment program for the h omeless$65,550Social Services
1996Volunteers of America of Northeast Ohio, Inc.Shelter relocation$54,000Social Services
1996West Park United Church of ChristThe Foundation Fund $1,165Social Services
1996West Shore Unitarian-Universalist Church General support $26,716Social Services
1996West Side Community Mental Health CenterConstruction of mental health crisis stabilization shelter$50,000Health
1996West Side Ecumenical MinistrySummer children’s theatre camp $5,000Arts and Culture
1996West Side Ecumenical MinistryResearch/facility study$25,000Social Services
1996West Side Ecumenical MinistryFamily Development Program$28,500Social Services
1996West Side Ecumenical MinistryAdministrative assistant and fiscal officer positi ons (OR: Staff support?)$50,000Social Services
1996Western Reserve Historical SocietyGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1996Western Reserve Historical SocietyGeneral support $2,700Arts and Culture
1996Western Reserve Historical SocietyGeneral support $4,992Arts and Culture
1996Western Reserve Historical SocietyMemorabilia-Cavalry $8,750Arts and Culture
1996Western Reserve Historical SocietyCharting New Directions $10,000Arts and Culture
1996Western Reserve Historical SocietyExhibits for Charting New Directions project (over 26 months)$300,000Arts and Culture
1996Westshore Montessori AssociationScholarship support$2,000Education
1996Willoughby Municipal CourtWomen’s New Life Program $4,000Civic Affairs
1996Women & Philanthropy Inc.LEAD! (Leadership for Equity and Diversity) initia tive (second year)$7,500Administrative
1996Women’s Center of Greater ClevelandResource and referral helpline (second year)$23,710Social Services
1996The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures $594Civic Affairs
1996Women’s Community FoundationGeneral support $500Social Services
1996Work in Northeast Ohio CouncilProgram to assist Cleveland industrial and service firms to become more globally competitive$95,000Economic Development
1996Working for Empowerment through Community OrganizingMicroenterprise Program Fundin $17,000Economic Development
1996YMCA of Cleveland, Geauga County BranchGeneral support $250Social Services
1996Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland, Inc.The in-school programs $5,000Arts and Culture
1996Young Men’s Christian Association — Lakewood BranchLakewood Branch $7,001Social Services
1996Young Men’s Christian Association of ClevelandCentral Renovation Project $2,000Social Services
1996The Young Men’s Christian Association of FindlayCamp Mosshart Development $22,350Social Services
1996Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $9,010Social Services
1996Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater ClevelandWest Side Branch $14,004Social Services
1996Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater RichmondGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1996Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater RichmondGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1996Young Men’s Christian Association, Ashland, OHGeneral support $2,885Social Services
1996Young Women’s Christian Association of ClevelandArtistic support for design and construction of ar tistic time capsule by Women Celebrating the Bicen tennial$5,000Arts and Culture
1996Young Women’s Christian Association of ClevelandGeneral support $992Social Services
1996Young Women’s Christian Association of ClevelandGen. support Lakewood Branch $7,001Social Services
1996Young Women’s Christian Association of ClevelandRecruitment of new executive director$8,000Social Services
1996Young Women’s Christian Association of ClevelandChild Care Director (OR STAFF SUPPORT?) for the Ch ild Care Enhancement Project (over 18 months)$79,800Social Services
1996Youth Opportunities UnlimitedGeneral support $250Education
1995A Cultural Exchange, Inc.Start-up support (second year)$25,000Arts and Culture
1995Access to the ArtsGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Access to the ArtsFine arts programming $2,000Arts and Culture
1995Achievement Center for Children General support $18,274Social Services
1995Achievement Center for ChildrenEquipment $33,801Social Services
1995Achievement Center for ChildrenStrategic plan$37,000Social Services
1995AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Inc Nutrition program for persons living with AIDS$60,000Health
1995AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $1,000Health
1995Akron City HospitalObstetrical Division $1,827Health
1995The Altenheim West Side Deutscher Frauen VereinGeneral support $24,286Health
1995Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Association, Inc.Start-up support for new office in Mentor (over tw o years)$25,000Health
1995Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc.General support $500Health
1995Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc.Improvement of Helpline services (over two years)$30,000Health
1995Alzheimer’s Respite Care Society of Hancock CountyMarketing consultant to develop promotional plan a nd social worker to assess needs of clients and fa milies$17,935Health
1995American Bible SocietyGeneral support $602Social Services
1995American Cancer Society, Cuyahoga County UnitThe Hope Lodge $986Health
1995American Cancer Society, Cuyahoga County UnitBreast cancer $15,000Health
1995American Cancer Society, Cuyahoga County UnitResearch or other $17,304Health
1995American Cancer Society, Cuyahoga County UnitGeneral support $155,691Health
1995The American Civil Liberties Union of ClevelandMoving and renovation $1,000Civic Affairs
1995The American Civil Liberties Union of ClevelandMoving and renovation $2,000Civic Affairs
1995American Heart Association, N.E. Ohio Affiliate, Inc.Research or other $17,304Health
1995American Heart Association, N.E. Ohio Affiliate, Inc.Reduction of tobacco use among adolescents (second year)$21,400Health
1995American Heart Association, N.E. Ohio Affiliate, Inc.General support $185,944Health
1995American Lung Association of OhioGeneral support $1,972Health
1995American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland ChapterPrograms for the elderly (over three years)$134,000Health
1995American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland ChapterGeneral support $500Social Services
1995American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland ChapterGeneral support $750Social Services
1995American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland ChapterGeneral support $7,858Social Services
1995American Red Cross, Greater Toledo Area ChapterGeneral support $500Social Services
1995American Red Cross, Greater Toledo Area ChapterGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995American Sickle Cell Anemia Association Outreach to high risk populations (over two years)$80,000Health
1995American Society on Aging Cleveland participants in New Ventures in Leadersh ip program (fourth and fifth years)$35,000Health
1995American Veterinary Medical FoundationGeneral support $21,569Health
1995Apollo’s Fire: The Cleveland Baroque OrchestraSoloists’ fees $6,000Arts and Culture
1995The Art Studio, Inc.General support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995The Art Studio, Inc.Start-up support for the Graduate Clinical Trainin g Program in Art Therapy$23,238Social Services
1995Arthritis Foundation Northeastern Ohio ChapterGeneral support $1,144Health
1995Ashland Library AssociationGeneral support $3,022Education
1995Ashland UniversitySpreng Scholarship $4,835Education
1995Ashland UniversityGeneral support $6,043Education
1995Aurora City School DistrictMaintaining the Moore property $4,000Education
1995Aurora One FundEducational programming $15,000Education
1995Aurora Schools FoundationSupport and scholarship dollar $186Education
1995Aurora Schools FoundationScholarships $5,000Education
1995Avon Lake United Church of ChristScholarships $3,025Education
1995Baldwin-Wallace College Cooperative Education Program $11,500Education
1995Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeSpreng Scholarship $4,835Education
1995Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeScholarship support$35,000Education
1995Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeGeneral support $39,999Education
1995Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeInstructional technology faculty development proje ct (over two years)$149,078Education
1995Barlow FoundationBarlow Respiratory Hospital $2,000Health
1995The Beck Center for the Cultural ArtsGeneral support $7,957Arts and Culture
1995Bedford City School DistrictRICHARDS READ Language Program $11,500Education
1995Beech BrookGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995Beech BrookSchool activity fund $2,500Social Services
1995Beech Brook Foster homes for severely emotionally disturbed ch ildren (second year)$50,700Social Services
1995Beech BrookGeneral support $57,607Social Services
1995Bellefaire Jewish Children’s BureauJewish Day Nursery Scholarship $500Social Services
1995Bellefaire Jewish Children’s BureauGeneral support $7,077Social Services
1995Bellefaire Jewish Children’s BureauCrisis Intervention Team $20,000Social Services
1995Bellevue HospitalGeneral support $5,761Health
1995Bellflower Center for Prevention of Child Abuse, Inc.Family Helpline and Tot-Line $1,000Social Services
1995Benjamin Rose InstituteGeneral support $350Health
1995Benjamin Rose InstituteGeneral support & Capital Fund $1,500Health
1995Benjamin Rose InstituteGeneral support $18,539Health
1995Benjamin Rose InstituteGeneral support (Hamilton Fund)$36,750Health
1995Benjamin Rose InstituteFeasibility study of intensive home care program f or frail elderly in collaboration with University Hospitals of Cleveland$40,000Health
1995Berea Area Montessori AssociationScholarship support$2,000Education
1995Berea Children’s Home & Family Services dba GuidestoneParent and Child Education Program (second year)$30,380Social Services
1995Berea Children’s Home and Family ServicesStrategic plan for Church Street Ministries$20,000Social Services
1995Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater ClevelandBig Brothers & Big Sisters $2,000Social Services
1995Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater ClevelandBig Buddy/Little Bud $8,783Social Services
1995Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater ClevelandGeneral support/Big Brothers $10,393Social Services
1995Black Studies and Library AssociationServices in Findlay and Hancock County (DESCRIPTIO N IN MINUTES DIFFERENT FROM COMPUTER. SEE ATTACHE D)$26,660Education
1995Board of Cuyahoga County CommissionersFamily development services to families in the JOB S program by the Cuyahoga County Department of Emp loyment Services$91,980Social Services
1995Boy Scouts of America, Greater Cleveland Council No. 440General support $143Social Services
1995Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Ohio CouncilGeneral support $500Social Services
1995Boys and Girls Clubs of ClevelandGeneral support $1,036Social Services
1995Boys and Girls Clubs of ClevelandGeneral support $1,144Social Services
1995Boys and Girls Clubs of ClevelandInner-city recreation programs $3,000Social Services
1995Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland Expansion of Torch and Keystone Clubs (over two ye ars)$55,000Social Services
1995Bratenahl Community FoundationGeneral support $1,000Administrative
1995Broadway School of Music & The Arts Program coordinator (over two years)$20,000Arts and Culture
1995Business Volunteerism CouncilOperating budget $2,000Administrative
1995Business Volunteerism CouncilContinued support $10,000Administrative
1995Business Volunteerism CouncilOperating support (third year)$70,000Administrative
1995Camp Sue OsbornGeneral support $500Social Services
1995Capital UniversityScholarships $6,077Education
1995Career Initiatives CenterComputer equipment $4,750Social Services
1995Carnegie Mellon UniversityChair in Entrepreneurship $100,000Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe Friends of Eldred Theatre $250Arts and Culture
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentStudy of worker commuter patterns in the Greater C leveland labor market by the Center for Regional E conomic Issues$11,279Civic Affairs
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholar.aerosp/comp $113Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentReference books $224Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFranklin Backus School of Law $1,000Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women $1,319Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCoit Scholarships $1,518Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSocial Research $2,016Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship in Humanities $2,500Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentForeign study-FSMC $3,534Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSpreng Scholarship $4,835Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred S. Higley Scholarship $5,000Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSumner Canary Lectureship$5,000Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support-Case Institute $5,385Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentBackus Law School $5,722Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAdelbert College $6,866Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $10,280Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships-Law Sch $13,133Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe President’s Fund $15,000Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMorton Scholarships $17,452Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWomen’s Initiatives for Leadership and Learning (W ILL) program (third year)$24,178Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological sta $27,285Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship support$37,000Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOglebay Fellowship $81,859Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $182,119Education
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine $1,000Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships/or funds for rsch $5,481Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCancer research $19,091Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentResearch eye disease $34,904Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMedical research $47,934Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOutpatient clinic $50,732Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMedical research $79,284Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentStart-up support for training center in geriatric oral health (over three years)$133,000Health
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOperating support for the Center for Urban Poverty and Social Change at Mandel School of Applied Soc ial Sciences (fifth and sixth years)$531,875Social Services
1995The Catherine Horstmann HomeGeneral Support $3,395Social Services
1995The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationBenefit of aged $3,000Health
1995The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationGeneral support $358Social Services
1995The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationCatholic Charities Services $1,000Social Services
1995The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationBenefit of Parmadale $10,315Social Services
1995The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationLatino Training Institute conducted by Catholic So cial Services of Lake County (over two years)$22,000Social Services
1995The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationSoftware and training for computerized client info rmation system$37,250Social Services
1995The Center for Community Solutions “All Kids Count” childhood immunization program (o ver two years)$240,000Health
1995Center for Families and ChildrenGeneral support $309Social Services
1995Center for Families and ChildrenRap Art Center $500Social Services
1995Center for Families and ChildrenFamily Preservation Program $2,000Social Services
1995Center for Families and ChildrenDay Nursery Assn. $4,119Social Services
1995Center for Families and ChildrenCounseling Division $38,036Social Services
1995Center for Families and ChildrenMerger with Reach Out, a counseling program for ad olescents and adults$51,767Social Services
1995Central School of Practical Nursing, Inc.General support $500Health
1995Central School of Practical Nursing, Inc.Home nursing program (third year)$26,200Health
1995Central School of Practical Nursing, Inc.General support $26,736Health
1995Centro Cultural Hispano de Cleveland, Inc.Staff support, professional artists and consultant assistance for programs$15,100Arts and Culture
1995Child Care Resource Center of Cuyahoga County dba Starting PointCenters in Lake and Geauga counties (over two year s)$25,000Social Services
1995Children Forever HavenOperating support $1,053Social Services
1995The Children’s Aid SocietyGeneral support $527Social Services
1995The Children’s Aid SocietyIndustrial Home $67,652Social Services
1995Children’s Hospital Medical Center of AkronGeneral support $500Health
1995The Children’s Museum of ClevelandGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Children’s Oncology Services of Northeastern Ohio, Inc.Ronald McDonald House $1,000Health
1995Children’s Services, Inc.General support $1,030Social Services
1995Children’s Services, Inc.Capital campaign $30,000Social Services
1995Children’s Services, Inc.Upgrade of youth cottages$274,212Social Services
1995Children’s Support Rights, Inc.The Hot Line program $1,000Social Services
1995Christ Episcopal Church General support $1,295Social Services
1995Christ Episcopal ChurchGeneral support $2,000Social Services
1995Christ Episcopal ChurchChapel Renovation $61,000Social Services
1995The Church HomeGeneral support $6,768Health
1995The Church of the Saviour, United MethodistGeneral support $4,835Social Services
1995Citizens Committee for County Government ReformCitizens Committee $80,000Civic Affairs
1995Citizens League Research InstituteStudy of local government $35,000Civic Affairs
1995Citizens League Research InstituteDevelopment of the Opportunity Fund of the Agenda: Good Government campaign$100,000Civic Affairs
1995Citizens League Research Institute Staff support for Cleveland Public Schools superin tendent’s implementation of decentralization effor ts (over 22 months)$64,931Education
1995The City MissionGeneral Operating Fund $1,000Social Services
1995The City MissionGeneral support $4,008Social Services
1995City of ClevelandExecutive staff and cabinet re $5,000Civic Affairs
1995City of Cleveland Education and training program for legal staff in the Law Department (over two years)$15,000Civic Affairs
1995City of Cleveland HeightsImplementation of marketing plan for Cain Park$20,000Arts and Culture
1995City of Cleveland--Department of Public SafetyDelinquency prevent. $899Social Services
1995The City of East Cleveland Staff support for youth services program (second y ear)$40,000Social Services
1995City of LakewoodHelp to Others (H2O) youth service program by Depa rtment of Human Services$10,000Social Services
1995The City of Shaker HeightsFund for Future of Shaker Hts. $50,000Civic Affairs
1995CLEAN-LAND, OHIOTrees for Tomorrow program $2,000Civic Affairs
1995CLEAN-LAND, OHIO1995 Spring Tree Planting Plan $67,500Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Artists Foundation Symposium on regional art$6,485Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland BalletGeneral support $151Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland BalletGeneral support $1,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland BalletGeneral support $2,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Ballet Dancer contracts in the 1995-96 season$150,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Bicentennial CommissionProjects for City of Cleveland’s 200th Birthday ce lebration (over two years)$720,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Board of EducationSchool reform initiatives$200,000Education
1995Cleveland Botanical GardenGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Center for Contemporary ArtHolocaust Project From Darknes $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Center for Contemporary ArtGeneral support $2,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Center for Contemporary ArtThe Holocaust Project $8,500Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Center for Economic EducationEPIC $5,000Education
1995The Cleveland Center for Economic EducationComputer upgrade $6,400Education
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationGeneral support $500Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationGeneral support $750Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationGeneral support $831Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationBrain Tumor/Neuro-Oncology Ctr $10,000Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationLiver research $15,000Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationResearch eye disease $17,452Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationGeneral support $24,805Health
1995The Cleveland Clinic FoundationHealth Information Network $54,500Health
1995Cleveland Community Building Initiative Operating support (over 19 months)$562,624Social Services
1995Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $350Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Cultural CoalitionOperating support$50,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Cultural Coalition School Arts Partnership Project for Cleveland Publ ic Schools (over 16 months)$105,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Development FoundationNew playground at John W. Raper Elementary School by Peaceful Leisure Activities for Youth (PLAY)$1,500Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationHoliday lighting at Public Square (MOVE TO CIVIC?)$5,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationCommemorative history of the Cleveland Community R elations Board$7,115Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationJobs and Workforce Initiative $99,600Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationStudy by Greater Cleveland Growth Association on s ecuring international flight service to Hopkins Ai rport$40,000Economic Development
1995The Cleveland Education FundSmall Grants Program $1,000Education
1995The Cleveland Education FundStudy on proposed goals of the Pogue Institute for School Leadership and Management$4,719Education
1995The Cleveland Eye Bank, Inc.General support $500Health
1995Cleveland Fire Fighters Memorial FundFirefighters’ memorial at Willard Park by artist L uis Jimenez$15,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Foodbank, IncorporatedGeneral support $500Social Services
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Unrestricted Combined Fund/NCB $123Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Unrestricted Combined Fund $1,401Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Unrestricted Combined Fund $1,932Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Combined Fund (Roulston #3) $4,464Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Disc Grant Pool Reimbursement $37,255Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Disc Grant Pool Reimbursement $42,401Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Disc Grant Pool Reimbursement $43,953Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Anisfield-Wolf Community Service and Book Awards$47,750Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Operating budget of the L. Dale Dorney Fund and th e Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation$55,482Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)10% of 1994 income $57,100Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Disc Grant Pool Reimbursement $57,395Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Grantmakers Forum$142,284Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Administrative Grants/Hanna et $175,887Administrative
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Planning assistance for Cleveland Minority Cable C hannel$5,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Staff support and consultant assistance for the Ci vic Study Commission on the Performing Arts$75,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Civic Study Commission on the Performing Arts$75,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Start-up funding — CMCC $200,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Technical support for Lexington Village Project (o ver two years)$5,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Labor force study by Greater Cleveland Growth Asso ciation$25,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Implementation of Cleveland’s Empowerment Zone pro gram and community development$35,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Public education on Cleveland Metroparks’ developm ent plans, funding and facilities maintenance$44,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Landbanking activities of University Circle Incorp orated (over 10 years)$1,000,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Program-Related Investment $6,000Economic Development
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Linda B. Ziegler Swim Schlrshp $500Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Alton LaMaur Character Scholarship For Collinwood High School graduates$500Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships from FHS students $1,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarship For an African-American female at Cuyahoga Communi ty College$1,197Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Superintendent’s Award $2,544Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Awards for major work programs $3,152Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships from NW Emerg Fnd $4,700Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships-Elyria graduates $5,869Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Schlshps.-Shaw High $6,027Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Jon Lewis Scholarship $9,403Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Vince Federico Scholarships $18,931Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Fenn Educational Fund operating budget (FENN)$19,900Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships-Shaker Hts High $24,067Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships for Cleveland-area students attending Berea College, Kentucky$30,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships for Cleveland-area students attending Meridia Huron Road Hospital School of Nursing$30,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Harry Coulby Memorial Scholarships for David N. My ers College and Cleveland Scholarship Programs, In c.$40,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)General scholarships $47,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Core operating support — PBME $72,700Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Johnson Fund medical scholarships $100,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Operating expenses $158,000Education
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Monitoring of American Society on Aging’s New Vent ures in Leadership program (over two years)$2,000Health
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Technical assistance on managed care for small hea lth agencies$50,000Health
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Evaluation of the City of Cleveland’s Midnight Bas ketball program$5,000Social Services
1995The Cleveland Foundation for Architecture, Inc.Civic lecture series: "On the Waterfront”$5,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Health Education MuseumGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Health Education MuseumGeneral support $4,891Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Health Education MuseumStaff support for capital campaign for renovation of exhibits and programs (over three years)$167,699Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center Review of administrative structure$4,895Health
1995Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center General support $56,719Health
1995Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictThe Young Authors Celebration $500Education
1995Cleveland Hts.-University Hts. Public Schools Foundation dba Reaching HeightsGeneral support $1,000Education
1995The Cleveland Initiative for EducationMonday Forum $7,000Education
1995The Cleveland Initiative for EducationOperating support for CIE (OR SPELL OUT?), the Cle veland Education Fund, and administrative costs of Gateway to Excellence program$220,000Education
1995The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral support $500Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral support $5,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Institute of ArtCoit Fund Scholarshp $1,611Education
1995The Cleveland Institute of Art Goff Fund Scholarships $1,800Education
1995The Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support $500Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support $4,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support $5,344Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Institute of MusicProfessor of Chamber Music/Director of Chamber Mus ic Studies position$75,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland International ProgramTransitional support $2,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland International ProgramSouth African internship program at seven neighbor hood centers$36,279Education
1995Cleveland International ProgramGeneral support $3,000Social Services
1995Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support $2,192Education
1995Cleveland Mediation CenterMarketing for the transfer of Dissolution of Marri age Kits from WomenSpace$2,140Social Services
1995The Cleveland Medical Library AssociationFiber optic wiring of the Allen Library$42,212Health
1995Cleveland Metroparks SystemPublic awareness regarding parks and recreation (s econd year)$1,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Montessori AssociationScholarship support for Ruffing Montessori School (West)$2,000Education
1995The Cleveland Museum of ArtPurchase of art work $500Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of ArtGeneral support $750Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of ArtGeneral support $2,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of ArtGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of ArtGeneral support $8,794Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Art “Urban Evidence” collaborative exhibition with The Cleveland Museum of Art and SPACES (over 13 month s)$60,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Artresearch/photography catalogue $100,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of ArtGeneral support $130,090Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Natural History General support $10,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryDowntown Cabin and ZIP Code projects for 75th anni versary (over 15 months)$20,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryFull-time anthropology assist. $20,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Museum of Natural History General support $243,619Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Music School SettlementGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Music School SettlementGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Music School SettlementGeneral support $2,500Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Music School SettlementGeneral support $3,017Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Music School SettlementEarly Childhood Library $5,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Music School SettlementScholarships to students $1,136Education
1995The Cleveland Music School Settlement dba The Music SettlementHinds Scholarship $4,000Education
1995Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationTraining, planning assistance and membership servi ces (second year)$35,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationCleveland Industrial Retention Initiative for impr oved competitiveness of manufacturing companies (o ver 14 months)$100,000Economic Development
1995Cleveland Neighborhood Health Services, Inc.Improved services to elderly patients with chronic conditions$52,000Health
1995Cleveland OperaGeneral support $152Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland OperaGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Opera1995-96 productions $2,600Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Performance Art Festival, Inc.Professional artists for the 1996 Festival$13,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseGeneral support $500Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseGeneral support $750Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseExper. dramatic work $1,861Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseNational Czech Theater’s production of The Servant of Two Masters$5,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseGeneral support $9,944Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseFund for the Future $10,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Play HouseNew activities in Brooks Theater and new position of Associate Artistic Director$150,000Arts and Culture
1995The Cleveland Psychoanalytic SocietyGeneral support (Note: from Bradley Fund)$40,000Health
1995The Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society FoundationGeneral support $50Health
1995Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society FoundationRsrch/Support Proj. $63,952Health
1995Cleveland Public LibraryGeneral support $250Education
1995Cleveland Public LibraryBooks for Science/Tech. Dept. $543Education
1995Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins $104,203Education
1995Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNNews Room operations/P. Affair $2,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNNews room operations/P.Affairs $3,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNRestricted Endowment Fund $12,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNRiverwalk Live From Landing $12,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNImplementation of strategic plan (over 15 months) (JAY SAID: "Expanded internship programs"?)$197,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Public Theatre, Inc.Performances of "Women’s Voices, Women Dancing” se ries in the 1995-96 season$14,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Rape Crisis CenterConsultant assistance for organizational developme nt$5,000Social Services
1995Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Neighborhood Historic Program $52,200Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $1,000Education
1995Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $2,400Education
1995Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Scholarship payouts $230,000Education
1995Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Scholarship payouts $500,000Education
1995Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandNontraditional Student Program$50,000Education
1995Cleveland Senior CouncilDiversification of user base and outreach (INSTEAD OF: FUNDING SUPPORT?) to the private sector (over two years)$15,000Economic Development
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindCleveland Sight Center $350Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindSpellbound Benefit $1,600Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindGeneral support $2,500Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindLow Vision Clinic $2,911Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindGeneral support $2,911Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindBraille transcribers $3,119Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindGeneral support $4,500Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindRes.or other purpose $17,304Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindGeneral support (Hamilton Fund)$36,750Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the BlindGeneral support $349,326Health
1995The Cleveland Society for the Blind dba Cleveland Sight Center“Share the Vision” program for visually impaired o lder adults (over three years)$135,000Health
1995Cleveland State University Foundation “Celebrating Cleveland” dance program$15,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland State University Foundation The College of Education’s Project F.A.S.T. (Famil ies Are Students and Teachers) program in East Cle veland Public Schools (second year)$23,848Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation Job readiness skills program to prepare students f or participation in cooperative education program (second year)$37,550Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Holocaust Commemoration Conc. $500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.The Holocaust Commemoration Co $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarly catalogue on exhibition of "African-Amer ican Artists in Cleveland: 1930-1970”$9,500Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Development of NeighborhoodLink by Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs$31,882Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support $143Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship Award $750Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Financial Aid Award $750Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarships for Marshall Law $1,136Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Conference on diversity and models for student rec cruitment and retention$5,000Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Computer summer camp in 1995$14,342Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship support$53,000Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Comprehensive strategic plan (second grant, over 1 5 months)$114,617Education
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.President’s Initiative Fund (over two years)$200,000Education
1995Cleveland Women’s City Club FoundationCleveland Arts Prize $250Arts and Culture
1995Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $143Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $2,400Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Zoological SocietyEducational outreach for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (over 30 months)$100,000Civic Affairs
1995Commission on Catholic Community ActionPeople Empowered Against Child Endangerment (PEACE ) program$32,800Social Services
1995Community Re-Entry, Inc.Women’s Re-Entry Resource $15,000Social Services
1995Community West Foundation General support/Fairview Gen. $20,035Health
1995Connecticut CollegeGeneral Support $190Education
1995Continue LifeProject coordinator (OR STAFF SUPPORT?) for the Se cond Chance program$34,720Social Services
1995Cornell UniversityDeanshp at Johnson Grad School $38,000Education
1995Cornucopia, Inc.Start-up costs for a new Natur $10,000Social Services
1995Cornucopia, Inc.Start-up costs $20,000Social Services
1995Cornucopia, Inc. dba Nature’s Bin Staff support for Cleveland Heights retail and tra ining facility for mentally retarded/developmental ly disabled persons$58,152Social Services
1995Council for Adult and Experiential LearningDevelopment of learning strategies for local manuf acturing companies$44,000Civic Affairs
1995Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian Ad LitemStaff support (OR: Director’s position?) and train ing of volunteers (over three years)$36,298Civic Affairs
1995Crime Prevention Association Findlay-Hancock CountySpeaker fees, facility rental and advertisements o n gang awareness in Hancock County$3,100Social Services
1995Critical Incident Stress Services for Cuyahoga County, Inc.Clinical mental health services (over two years)$33,000Health
1995Cultural and Educational Institute for Boricua AdvancementStaff support for the Julia de Burgos Cultural Art s Center$15,000Arts and Culture
1995Cuyahoga Community CollegeMarketing of evening concerts in the 1995-96 Showt ime at High Noon season$10,000Arts and Culture
1995Cuyahoga Community College FoundationArtistic and technical costs for the Duke Ellingto n Smithsonian Exhibition$5,000Arts and Culture
1995Cuyahoga Community College FoundationEnhance the resources of CEP $16,500Education
1995Cuyahoga County Bar Foundation Start-up support of the Juvenile Court Custody Med iation Program (over two years)$60,000Social Services
1995Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family ServicesSpecial client needs $533Social Services
1995Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionLocational Resource Center for the dissemination o f data on vacant and redevelopable land for use in the site selection process$25,000Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionBrownfields Redevelopment Prjt $37,875Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga County Public LibraryGeneral support $665Education
1995The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.Fair housing marketing, education and outreach pro ject (over three years)$150,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cuyahoga River Community Planning OrganizationCuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan (third and fou rth years)$75,000Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga Valley Line RailroadEducational activities $15,000Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadEducational programs with Greater Cleveland-area s chool districts (and environmental education progr am?) (MOVE TO CIVIC?)$50,000Economic Development
1995DANCECleveland dba DANCEClevelandPublic art and design for downtown Cleveland$38,000Arts and Culture
1995Daniel E. Morgan SchoolBook awards to children $340Education
1995Dartmouth CollegeRaible Scholarship $22,450Education
1995Deaconess Community FoundationGeneral support $6,566Health
1995Denison UniversityGeneral support $2,500Education
1995Denison UniversityGeneral support $2,500Education
1995Diocese of ClevelandImplementation of the Dimensions of Learning Progr am at diocesan elementary and secondary schools in Cleveland$39,468Education
1995Diocese of Ohio Episcopal Community Services FoundationGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio Project to create grass roots level small group di scussions on human relations (over three years)$45,266Civic Affairs
1995Dobama TheatreThe Young Playwright program $300Arts and Culture
1995Dobama TheatreEnhancement of organizational capacity in areas of administration and marketing (over two years)$40,000Arts and Culture
1995Donors Forum of OhioCommunity Foundations Committee’s initiative to st rengthen community foundations in Ohio$5,000Administrative
1995Duffy Liturgical Dance EnsembleStrategic plan$2,500Arts and Culture
1995Dyke CollegeCapital Campaign $5,000Education
1995Dyke CollegeScholarship support$18,000Education
1995Dyke CollegeCooperative Education Program $22,750Education
1995Dyke College150th Anniversary Campaign (over two years)$150,000Education
1995Earth Day CoalitionDirector of volunteer services $50,000Civic Affairs
1995East End Neighborhood House AssociationGeneral support $3,119Social Services
1995East End Neighborhood House AssociationStaff support for Rites of Passage Institute (over three years)$128,599Social Services
1995East Side Catholic ShelterGeneral support $250Social Services
1995EcoCity ClevelandSubscriptions for 180 local high school libraries$3,950Civic Affairs
1995Edison Polymer Innovation CorporationCreation of Polymer Life Cycle Center$20,000Economic Development
1995Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandGeneral support $151Education
1995Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandGeneral support $2,400Education
1995Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandGeneral support $2,500Education
1995El Barrio IncorporatedEnhancement of audit and accounting procedures$4,400Social Services
1995Eliza Bryant CenterGeneral support $19,949Health
1995Eliza Jennings HomeGeneral support $27,409Health
1995Eliza Jennings HomeEquipment $33,801Health
1995Elyria Memorial HospitalWilliam H. Gates bed $2,000Health
1995Emerald Development and Economic Network Inc. (EDEN)Housing for persons with mental illness$25,000Health
1995Emmanuel Baptist ChurchStudent and teacher stipends for SOS Test Preparat ion Program$7,000Social Services
1995The English-Speaking Union of the U.S., Cleveland BranchFund for Excellence in English $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Ensemble TheatreOhio premiere of the 1992 Pulitzer Prize-winning p lay, The Kentucky Cycle in the 1996 season$24,500Arts and Culture
1995Esperanza Incorporated Operating support$40,000Education
1995Euclid Board of Education“Writing From the Inside” project to help children use personal experience as a springboard for writ ing$4,000Education
1995Euclid Community ConcernsStaff support for fair housing efforts$7,500Civic Affairs
1995Extended Housing, Inc.Purchase of a new van (BETTER DESCRIPTION?)$10,000Social Services
1995Fairmount Montessori AssociationScholarship support for Ruffing Montessori School (Ingalls Campus)$2,000Education
1995Fairmount Presbyterian ChurchGeneral support $1,500Social Services
1995Fairmount Presbyterian ChurchGeneral support $2,982Social Services
1995Fairmount Theatre of the DeafAssociate Artistic Director position and expenses for name change$25,000Arts and Culture
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationCardiology/Fairview Hospital $250Health
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationConference travel/Luth Med Ctr $566Health
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationC.P. Soyer bed/Fairview Gen. $2,426Health
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationGeneral support/Luth. Med. Ctr $3,927Health
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationGeneral support/Lutheran Fdn $33,806Health
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationEquipment/Fairview Gen. Hosp. $67,601Health
1995Fairview/Lutheran FoundationExpansion of the Parish Nurse Program (third and f ourth years)$200,000Health
1995Family Transitional Housing, Inc.General support $500Social Services
1995Federated Church of Chagrin FallsGeneral support $289Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningKidsacks $250Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningGen. support/needy $1,947Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningSupport of CIVAC $3,093Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningGeneral support $4,018Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningStrategic plan and search for new director$27,000Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningCollaborative services model for black males in th e Glenville area (third year)$80,000Social Services
1995Federation for Community PlanningFamily Center Planning Project and staff support f or Cuyahoga County Children’s Roundtable (second y ear)$80,470Social Services
1995Fenn Educational FundGeneral Support $238Education
1995Findlay Board of EducationConsultant assistance on land utilization for Find lay High School campus (DID PAYEE CHANGE?)$12,750Education
1995Fine Arts AssociationGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Fine Arts AssociationGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995The First Congregational Church of SonomaGeneral Support $143Social Services
1995The First Unitarian Church of ClevelandCarpeting in the sanctuary $3,000Social Services
1995First United Methodist ChurchTransportation service for the disabled for Home B ase Cleveland$3,580Social Services
1995The First United Methodist ChurchGeneral support $6,043Social Services
1995Forest Hill Historic Preservation SocietyForest Hill Park $28,000Civic Affairs
1995The Foundation CenterCleveland office $500Administrative
1995The Foundation CenterCleveland Office $1,000Administrative
1995The Foundation CenterGeneral support/Cleveland off. $2,400Administrative
1995The Foundation CenterCleveland Office $6,000Administrative
1995The Foundation CenterOperating support of the Foundation Center--Clevel and$94,660Administrative
1995The Free Clinic of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $146Health
1995The Free Clinic of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $2,400Health
1995The Free Clinic of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $2,500Health
1995The Free Clinic of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $3,500Health
1995The Free Medical Clinic of Greater ClevelandAfternoon adolescent clinic $10,000Health
1995Freedom House, Inc.Treatment Alternative Program (TAP)$24,718Social Services
1995Friends of Palo Alto Children’s TheatreCapital campaign $2,500Arts and Culture
1995Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1995Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral support $500Arts and Culture
1995Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsArtist-in-Residency Program $5,000Arts and Culture
1995Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsDevelopment Program $25,000Arts and Culture
1995Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsExcellence in Music Project (third year)$40,000Arts and Culture
1995Geauga Park DistrictWest Woods Preservation $250Civic Affairs
1995Geauga Park DistrictGeneral support $296Civic Affairs
1995Geauga Park DistrictPublic awareness and education campaign$14,000Civic Affairs
1995General Assembly of The Christian Church Disciples of Christ Inc.General support $3,025Social Services
1995Goodrich-Gannett Neighborhood CenterOperational support $10,000Social Services
1995Goodrich-Gannett Neighborhood CenterGeneral support $20,000Social Services
1995Goodrich-Gannett Neighborhood CenterA sixth-month no-interest loan $30,000Social Services
1995Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio, Inc.Starting Over pilot vocational program for women r eleasees from the Northeast Pre-Release Center (se cond year)$143,700Social Services
1995Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1995Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $1,353Social Services
1995Grace HospitalEquipment $33,801Health
1995Grantmakers in HealthProgram support$3,000Health
1995Grantmakers in the ArtsOperating support$4,000Arts and Culture
1995Great Lakes Theater FestivalGeneral support $2,500Arts and Culture
1995Great Lakes Theater FestivalGeneral support $3,200Arts and Culture
1995Great Lakes Theater FestivalGeneral support — 1995/96 gift $5,000Arts and Culture
1995Great Lakes Theater FestivalThe World of Sholom Aleichem $7,500Arts and Culture
1995Great Lakes Theater FestivalThe Dybbuk & surround activ. $20,000Arts and Culture
1995Great Lakes Theater FestivalProduction of The School for Scandal with the Acti ng Company and the National Actor’s Theater$200,000Arts and Culture
1995Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.General support $238Education
1995The Greater Cleveland Community SharesCampaign 2000 $1,000Social Services
1995The Greater Cleveland Community SharesGeneral support $2,000Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity Inc.Comprehensive Development $40,000Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $3,500Civic Affairs
1995The Greater Cleveland Hospital AssociationWorkshop on health care quality by Health Trustee Institute$5,000Health
1995The Greater Cleveland Hospital AssociationStrategic plan$100,000Health
1995Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers AssociationHeights youth $500Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers AssociationGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers AssociationGeneral support $2,400Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers AssociationGeneral support $11,991Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers AssociationSearch for and transition of a new executive direc tor$24,206Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers AssociationCleveland Family/Neighborhood Leadership Strategy initiative (second year)$200,000Social Services
1995Greater Cleveland RoundtableRetreat for board of directors$5,000Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland RoundtableInternat’l Community Council $50,000Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland RoundtableOperating and program support for the Cleveland Su mmit on Education$60,000Education
1995Greater Cleveland Volunteers Implementation of strategic plan (over three years )$49,150Social Services
1995The Guidance Centers, Inc.Operating support $285Social Services
1995The Guidance Centers, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1995Habitat of PainesvilleGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Hancock County Chamber FoundationArchitectural Fund for downtown revitalization by Downtown Findlay (over three years)$8,000Economic Development
1995Hancock County Mental Health Society, Inc.Operating support for HOPE Plus by Court of Common Pleas$6,000Civic Affairs
1995Hancock Parks FoundationRiverside Park summer concert series (over three y ears)$3,000Arts and Culture
1995Hancock Parks Foundation“Barn Art” (QUOTES NECESSARY?) murals, storyteller and honoraria for teachers to conduct demonstrati ons at Autumnfest ’95$4,472Civic Affairs
1995Hancock Parks FoundationTen year outdoor recreational plan for Hancock Cou nty by Bassett Associates$10,000Civic Affairs
1995Hancock/Hardin/Wyandot/Putnam Community Action Commission(NAME OF ORG. CORRECT?) Microenterprise Developmen t Project (over two years)$31,064Civic Affairs
1995Harbor Heritage SocietyPhase II funding $5,000Arts and Culture
1995Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Pre-apprenticeship training program$23,000Civic Affairs
1995Harvard University — Department of Organismic & Evolutionary BiologyGift for general support $10,000Education
1995Hathaway Brown SchoolSupport — Class of 1955 $250Education
1995Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
1995The Hattie Larlham Foundation, Inc.General support $2,000Social Services
1995The Hattie Larlham Foundation, Inc.General support $16,404Social Services
1995Hawken SchoolGeneral support $1,144Education
1995Hawken SchoolGeneral support $4,000Education
1995Hawken SchoolRaible Scholarship $4,913Education
1995Health Hill Hospital for ChildrenGeneral support $2,500Health
1995Health Hill Hospital for ChildrenGeneral support $3,119Health
1995Health Hill Hospital for ChildrenRespite care $5,900Health
1995Heather Hill, Inc.General support $500Health
1995The Hebrew Free Loan AssociationGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995Heights Blaugrund Lodge No. 1152General support $1,875Social Services
1995Heights Community CongressGeneral support $300Civic Affairs
1995Heights Parent CenterPRISMS project $3,000Social Services
1995Heights Parent CenterBaby and Me Drop In expansion $3,800Social Services
1995Heights Parent CenterFamilies with Infants program $10,000Social Services
1995Heights Parent CenterFamilies with Infants Project $10,000Social Services
1995Heights Youth CenterGeneral Support $1,374Social Services
1995The Hill SchoolGeneral support $151Education
1995Hillsdale CollegeGeneral support $15,821Education
1995Hillsdale CollegeMcLean Scholarships $16,911Education
1995Hiram CollegeGeneral support $831Education
1995Hiram CollegeCapital Campaign $5,000Education
1995Hiram CollegeGeneral support $10,000Education
1995The Hiram HouseGeneral support $2,457Social Services
1995Hispanic Urban Minority Alcohol & Drug Abuse Outreach PrgramStaff support for finance office (over two years)$87,648Social Services
1995The Hitchcock HouseGeneral support $3,000Social Services
1995The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Home Health Care, Inc.General support $1,500Health
1995Home Repair Resource CenterThe capital campaign $2,500Civic Affairs
1995Hopewell Inn Start-up support for residential facility for pers ons with severe mental illness (over three years)$187,500Health
1995Hough Area Partners in ProgressCommunity outreach workshop (RWA: SNL said you cou ld provide better description)$2,000Education
1995Hudson Montessori AssociationScholarship support$2,000Education
1995Huntington’s Disease Society of America, Inc.General support $1,000Health
1995Institute for Conservation Leadership Capacity building of Northeast Ohio environmental organizations (over three years)$80,000Civic Affairs
1995Institute for Economics as a Second Language, Inc.Support for Family Reunion $3,000Civic Affairs
1995Interchurch Council of Greater ClevelandHunger Task Force$40,000Social Services
1995The Intermuseum Conservation AssociationSpace utilization study for possible relocation to The Cleveland Play House complex$2,500Arts and Culture
1995The Intermuseum Conservation AssociationGeneral support $19,335Arts and Culture
1995International Services CenterCroatian & Bosnian Refugees $1,000Social Services
1995Jeremiah’s InnGeneral support $146Social Services
1995Jewish Community Center of ClevelandIsraeli Film Festival$5,000Arts and Culture
1995The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandWelfare Fund Campaign $2,000Social Services
1995The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandCitizenship project $10,000Social Services
1995The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandGeneral support $15,303Social Services
1995The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandDemographic study of the Cleveland Jewish communit y (over two years)$100,000Social Services
1995The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandThe Internal Audit Department $100,000Social Services
1995The Jewish Education Center of ClevelandNew training program $12,300Education
1995Jewish Federation of Cleveland Research or other $17,304Social Services
1995John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $143Education
1995John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $350Education
1995John Carroll UniversityHenry Ford II Scholarship $1,000Education
1995John Carroll UniversityDoyle scholarships $2,560Education
1995John Carroll UniversityR. Earl Burrows Memorial Scholarships$3,000Education
1995John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $10,000Education
1995John Carroll University Staff support for The Granville Academy to teach A frican-American students about capitalism (second year)$12,000Education
1995John Carroll University Cooperative Education Program $14,976Education
1995John Carroll UniversityMBA student assessment and skill development proje ct at the School of Business (over 14 months)$28,570Education
1995John Carroll UniversityScholarship support$35,000Education
1995John Carroll University Instructional technology faculty development (over two years)$128,640Education
1995Jones Home Of Children’s ServicesGeneral support $22,233Social Services
1995Jones Home Of Children’s ServicesCapital improvements $33,801Social Services
1995Judson Retirement CommunityJudson Park $831Health
1995Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International, Northeast Ohio ChapterClevelanders Who Care Campaign $2,076Health
1995Karamu House, Inc.Contract services for actors and directors, techni cal support and marketing for the 1996 season$80,000Arts and Culture
1995Karamu House, Inc.Karamu House Trust $149,683Arts and Culture
1995Kenston Local SchoolsProgram to re-train elementary science teachers fr om Geauga County’s public school districts$6,500Education
1995Kent State University Foundation, Inc.Development of business succession planning progra m in Cuyahoga County (over 18 months)$55,836Economic Development
1995Kent State University Foundation, Inc.International symposium commemorating the 25th ann iversary of the events of May 4, 1970 (ADD?: when four students were killed during a protest)$25,000Education
1995Kenyon CollegeGeneral support $10,280Education
1995Kirtland Public LibraryGeneral support $2,300Arts and Culture
1995Lake County Educational Service Center Science project at Lake Farmpark for fifth grade p ublic school students in Lake and Geauga counties$13,000Education
1995Lake County Historical SocietyGeneral support $5,000Arts and Culture
1995Lake County Society for Rehabilitation of Children & Adults, Inc.General support $1,000Health
1995Lake County Society for Rehabilitation of Children & Adults, Inc.Integrated Planning Project (OR: Strategic plan?)$11,000Social Services
1995Lake County Young Men’s Christian AssociationGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995Lake County Young Men’s Christian AssociationGeneral support $2,400Social Services
1995Lake Erie CollegeLake Erie Fine Arts series $7,000Arts and Culture
1995Lake Erie CollegeScholarship support$10,000Education
1995Lake Erie College General support $168,171Education
1995Lake Erie Girl Scout CouncilGeneral support $500Social Services
1995Lake Hospital System, Inc.Acquisitions for the medical library$3,000Health
1995The Lake View Cemetery FoundationGeneral support $500Arts and Culture
1995The Lake View Cemetery FoundationReprint of cemetery study book$4,415Arts and Culture
1995Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationOperating support $15,000Education
1995The Lakeland Foundation Staff support for the Lake County Economic Develop ment Center (over two years)$28,500Civic Affairs
1995The Lakeland FoundationSurvival Skills for Women program$10,000Education
1995The Lakeland FoundationScholarship support for Painesville-area students attending Lakeland Community College$10,000Education
1995The Lakeland FoundationLearn to Earn Program $19,690Education
1995Lakewood Christian ChurchGeneral support $2,652Social Services
1995Lakewood Hospital AssociationGeneral support $8,155Health
1995Lakewood Hospital Foundation, Inc.Heart research $250Health
1995Lakewood Hospital Foundation, Inc.General support $119,660Health
1995Lakewood United Methodist ChurchGeneral support $4,716Social Services
1995Landscape Architecture FoundationLandscape architecture $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Laurel SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
1995Leadership Geauga CountyStart-up support (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1995League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Strengthening of citizens’ understanding of the po litical system and participation in the political process (over 21 months)$50,436Civic Affairs
1995Learning About BusinessGeneral support $500Education
1995Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater ClevelandTechnical assistance in leadership development$14,620Social Services
1995Lexington-Bell Community CenterStrategic planning retreat for board and staff$2,008Social Services
1995Lexington-Bell Community CenterSummer camp $3,500Social Services
1995Lexington-Bell Community CenterGeneral support $8,000Social Services
1995Lexington-Bell Community CenterGeneral support $10,000Social Services
1995Lexington-Bell Community CenterGeneral support $10,000Social Services
1995Lexington-Bell Community CenterGeneral support $10,000Social Services
1995Little Sisters of the PoorOperating support $3,485Social Services
1995Lutheran Agencies Organized in ServiceGeneral support $2,192Social Services
1995The Lutheran Home For The AgedGeneral support $11,104Health
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationCrisis Intervention Team by the Community Re-Entry program$15,000Civic Affairs
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationGang Hotline for youth by the Community Re-Entry p rogram$40,000Civic Affairs
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationGeneral support $4,992Social Services
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationMoving and ASPR $5,000Social Services
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationMoving expenses $5,000Social Services
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationWesthaven Runaway Shelter$50,000Social Services
1995Lyric Opera ClevelandCampaign for orchestral accompaniment$10,000Arts and Culture
1995Lyric Opera ClevelandArtistic costs for mainstage productions in 1996 s eason$40,000Arts and Culture
1995MacMurray CollegeScholarships $3,025Education
1995Make-A-Wish of Northeast Ohio, Inc.General support $500Social Services
1995Malachi House of Hope dba Malachi HouseGeneral support $250Health
1995Malachi House of Hope dba Malachi HouseGeneral support $300Health
1995Malachi House of Hope dba Malachi HouseGeneral support $2,000Health
1995Mansfield Memorial HomeGeneral support $539Health
1995MarycrestGeneral support $6,768Social Services
1995Marymount HospitalE.B. Soyer bed $2,426Health
1995Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyJ. Herbert Hollomon Memorial $5,000Education
1995Massachusetts Institute of Technology10K Competition Award $10,000Education
1995Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyFaculty Research Award $19,000Education
1995Massachusettts Institute of TechnologyChisholm’s Laboratory $36,000Education
1995A. M. McGregor HomeIn memory of Jessie O. Gray $2,500Health
1995A. M. McGregor HomeGeneral support $6,768Health
1995A. M. McGregor HomeGeneral support (Hamilton Fund)$36,750Health
1995Mental Health Rehabilitation & Research Inc., dba Hill HouseConsultant assistance on development of a mental h ealth consortium$43,000Health
1995Meridia Huron HospitalGeneral support $9,858Health
1995Methodist Theological School in OhioThe Thomas H. Taylor Chair $30,423Education
1995The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.Burn and Trauma Center $300Health
1995The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.General support $750Health
1995The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.CMGH Nurse Award $1,221Health
1995The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.General support $3,119Health
1995The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc.Support for the burn unit $3,120Health
1995The MetroHealth SystemEmployee Xmas Fund-Rehab Ctr $1,875Health
1995Metropolitan Opera National Council AuditionsDistrict Council Auditions in 1995$2,500Arts and Culture
1995Missionary Servants of the Most Holy TrinityGeneral support $4,689Social Services
1995Monday Musical ClubGrover C. Yaus Scholarship $7,000Arts and Culture
1995The Montefiore HomeGeneral support $6,768Health
1995The Moorish Community Redevelopment CorporationStart-up support$10,000Civic Affairs
1995Morley LibraryGeneral support $1,000Education
1995Mount Union CollegeFaculty development in international business educ ation (PBME)$26,618Education
1995Musart SocietyGeneral support $275Arts and Culture
1995Music & Performing Arts at Trinity Cathedral, Inc.General support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Music & Performing Arts at Trinity Cathedral, Inc.“Get Close to the Music” project (second grant, ov er 13 months)$10,000Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationCleveland Orchestra $500Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationThe Cleveland Orchestra $750Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationGeneral support $2,000Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationGeneral support $2,000Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationGeneral support $2,400Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationGeneral support $2,500Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationGeneral support $2,500Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationMarketing of Jazz on the Circle concert series (ov er 15 months)$5,000Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationEducation Fund $6,849Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationGeneral support $88,856Arts and Culture
1995The Musical Arts AssociationArtistic programs in 1995-96 including community o utreach concert and new and unusual music$250,000Arts and Culture
1995Myers University150th Anniversary Campaign $5,000Education
1995National Alliance on Mental Illness Gre ter Cleveland (NAMIGC)Survey on consumer views of the public mental heal th system$7,000Health
1995Neighborhood Progress Inc.Operating support for Village Capital Corporation (over seven years) (PRI)$250,000Civic Affairs
1995Neighborhood Progress Inc. Neighborhood Partnership Pgrm $1,750,000Civic Affairs
1995Neighbors Organized For ActionProposed NOAH workout plan $5,000Civic Affairs
1995New Life CommunityGeneral support $2,500Social Services
1995New Organization for the Visual ArtsA Scrap of Pride $3,000Arts and Culture
1995The New York Community TrustLegal fees for work of the Financial Accounting an d Standards Board Task Force on behalf of the comm unity foundation field$5,000Administrative
1995North Central CollegeSpreng Scholarship $4,835Education
1995North Coast Development CoordinatorsGeneral support $5,000Economic Development
1995The North Cuyahoga Valley Corridor, Inc.Securing of national heritage corridor designation$40,000Economic Development
1995Northcoast Food RescueGeneral support $5,000Social Services
1995Northcoast Food RescueRedistribution program for fresh fruits and vegeta bles (over two years)$68,200Social Services
1995Northeast Ohio Coalition for the HomelessConsultant assistance on identification of service gaps for the homeless$5,000Social Services
1995Northeast Ohio Jazz SocietyJazz on Wheels and Jazz on the Circle concert seri es$20,500Arts and Culture
1995Northeastern Ohio Universities College of MedicineSymposium on AIDS and the Arts $20,000Health
1995Notre Dame College Cooperative Education Program $6,074Education
1995Oglebay InstituteOperating support $136,408Arts and Culture
1995Ohio Canal CorridorMembership Campaign $10,000Civic Affairs
1995Ohio Chamber Ballet Restaging of Heinz Poll’s Dance Suite, staging of Jose Limon’s The Exiles, and free summer festival activities$65,000Arts and Culture
1995Ohio Chamber Ballet Bridge funding initiative for long-range strategic plan (over three years)$75,000Arts and Culture
1995Ohio Chamber Orchestra SocietyProfessional management enhancement and diversity in programming for the 1995-96 season (over 14 mon ths)$38,333Arts and Culture
1995Ohio City Near West Development CorporationNeighborhood safety program$15,000Civic Affairs
1995Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services FoundationBreckenridge Village $1,856Health
1995Ohio State University FoundationFisher College of Business $1,500Education
1995Ohio Wesleyan UniversityGeneral support $2,706Education
1995Ohio Wesleyan UniversitySpreng Scholarship $4,835Education
1995The Old Stone FoundationAlternative School educ. prog. $2,000Education
1995Old Stone Historical Preservation Society, Inc.Restoration of Old Stone Church$40,000Civic Affairs
1995Opera Cleveland Performance of The Turk in Italy in the 1995-96 se ason$150,000Arts and Culture
1995Our Lady of the Wayside, IncorporatedEquipment for sensory therapy program$17,000Health
1995Our Lady of the Wayside, IncorporatedGeneral support $7,957Social Services
1995P.M. Foundation, Inc.Urban Community School $500Education
1995The Parks System Trust Fund of WheelingGeneral support for Oglebay Pa $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Parmadale-St. Anthony Youth Services VillageGeneral support $14,318Social Services
1995The Phillips Osborne SchoolScholarships for needy student $1,000Education
1995Piano International Association of Northern OhioLocal and international marketing of 1995 Clevelan d International Piano Competition$7,000Arts and Culture
1995The Piney Woods Country Life SchoolGeneral support $8,450Education
1995Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1995Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $2,000Social Services
1995Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $122,444Social Services
1995Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio Colposcopy/cryotherapy service $10,000Social Services
1995Playhouse Square FoundationGeneral support $750Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationGeneral support $1,400Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationGeneral support $3,600Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationGeneral support — 1995/96 gift $4,600Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationGeneral support $5,000Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationGeneral support $5,000Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationComputer equipment $15,000Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationFine arts-related activities and operations$100,000Arts and Culture
1995Playhouse Square FoundationRent subsidy for five constituent performing arts groups at Playhouse Square Center (third year)$100,000Arts and Culture
1995Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights FoundationGeneral support $510Social Services
1995Positive Education ProgramArt therapy program $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Positive Education ProgramCreative Therapies Workshops $2,000Arts and Culture
1995PRETERM Cleveland, Inc.General support $1,500Health
1995PRETERM Cleveland, Inc.General support $2,000Health
1995PRETERM Cleveland, Inc.Capital support for new office $2,000Health
1995PRETERM Cleveland, Inc.General support $2,400Health
1995PRETERM Cleveland, Inc.Final phase — capital campaign $10,000Health
1995PRETERM Cleveland, Inc.Capital campaign (over 18 months)$100,000Health
1995Princeton Alumni Association of Northern OhioStipends/Urban studies program $1,142Education
1995Princeton UniversityGeneral support $152Education
1995Project: LEARN, Inc.Literacy Correction Program $60,000Civic Affairs
1995Providence House, Inc. Operating support $30,000Health
1995Providence House, Inc.General support $250Social Services
1995Providence House, Inc.General Operating Fund $1,000Social Services
1995Purdue UniversityMcLean Scholarships $42,269Education
1995Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University HospitalsEquipment/supplies for Rainbow $1,518Health
1995Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital of University HospitalsGeneral support of Rainbow $114,779Health
1995Rebuild Dubrovnik FundRebuilding city of Dubrovnik $500Civic Affairs
1995Recovery ResourcesAmbulatory detoxification program (over 18 months)$150,000Health
1995Recovery ResourcesGeneral support $73Social Services
1995The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.Seminar by Cleveland chapter$3,300Health
1995The Repertory ProjectMarketing program and touring opportunities (over two years)$35,000Arts and Culture
1995Rhoda L. Affelder FundEducational purposes deserving of encouragement (T IS DESIGNATED. PUT IN SCHOLARSHIP? NEED BETTER DES CRIPTION)$296Education
1995Rose-Mary CenterGeneral support $3,623Health
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $250Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $750Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandPrograms for women & children $1,005Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandFood for the hungry $1,805Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandGeneral operating support $3,000Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $7,000Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Greater ClevelandGeneral support $28,705Social Services
1995The Salvation Army of Lake CountySecond Century of Caring $15,000Social Services
1995The Salvation Army, Ashland, OhioGeneral support $3,022Social Services
1995Samaritan HospitalMyers memorial room $12,087Health
1995The Scottish Rite Benevolent FundGeneral Support $143Social Services
1995Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer, Inc.General support $1,875Health
1995Services for Independent Living, Inc.Expanded accessibility program for business (over three years)$57,800Health
1995Shaker Heights Board of EducationResource materials on the Minority Achievement Com mittee (MAC) Program for the Shaker Heights City S chool District$5,000Education
1995Shaker Heights Lodge No. 45 FOP AssociatesGeneral support $2,708Social Services
1995Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterThe Annual Fund $250Civic Affairs
1995Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterOutreach program $1,000Civic Affairs
1995The Shaker One Hundred, Inc.General support $2,708Social Services
1995Shaker Schools FoundationRuth S. Affelder Reading Fund $296Education
1995Shaker Schools FoundationAmy Margolis Silberman Fund $500Education
1995Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Shoes For Kids, Inc.1995 campaign$35,000Social Services
1995Shorebank Enterprise Group ClevelandCollinwood Enterprise Group $55,000Economic Development
1995Shriners Hospitals for Crippled ChildrenGeneral support $8,450Health
1995Sisters of Notre DameJulie Billiart School $250Social Services
1995Sisters of Notre DamePhysical ed. program $14,113Social Services
1995Smith CollegeGeneral support $126,847Education
1995Society of St. Vincent de PaulGeneral support $781Social Services
1995South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationECCOnet project to train Ohio students and teacher s on digital telecommunications by Educational Com puter Consortium of Ohio (over three years)$75,000Education
1995Southeast Family YMCAPer fund instrument, Section 2 $265Social Services
1995St. Andrews United Methodist ChurchGeneral support $168Social Services
1995Saint Ann FoundationGeneral support $3,119Health
1995St. Basil Catholic ChurchGeneral support $560Social Services
1995St. Dominic’s ParishGeneral support $4,689Social Services
1995St. James A.M.E. ChurchGeneral Support $2,360Social Services
1995Saint John West Shore HospitalSerenity Hall $300Health
1995Saint John West Shore Hospital General support $3,897Health
1995Saint Luke’s Hospital AssociationGeneral Support $476Health
1995St. Martin’s Episcopal ChurchGeneral Support $143Social Services
1995Saint Mary SeminaryGeneral support $1,875Education
1995St. Paul Croatian ChurchHumanitarian Relief Fund/Rebro $500Social Services
1995St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Cleveland HeightsGeneral support $2,000Social Services
1995St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Cleveland HeightsGeneral support $8,561Social Services
1995St. Timothy Episcopal ChurchGeneral support $2,000Social Services
1995St. Timothy Episcopal ChurchGeneral support;Building fund $4,500Social Services
1995St. Vincent Charity Medical Center General support $1,913Health
1995Saint Vincent Quadrangle, Inc.Design of street and streetscape improvements in t he area$42,500Civic Affairs
1995St.Clair-Superior CoalitionCommunity-based public safety program (third year)$20,000Civic Affairs
1995St.John Lutheran ChurchGeneral support $2,192Social Services
1995Star of the Sea, Inc.Stella Maris Center $300Social Services
1995Starr Commonwealth for BoysGeneral support $1,573Social Services
1995Starting PointSixth-year support $15,000Social Services
1995Starting PointCore support (changed from Operating support per G KA)$60,000Social Services
1995Stella Maris, Inc.Physician/medical director for detoxification unit$37,000Social Services
1995Substance Abuse Initiative of Greater ClevelandPublic information program support (second year)$29,500Civic Affairs
1995The Suburban TempleGeneral support $445Social Services
1995Sunshine Children’s Home Dev. FundGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995Sunshine Foundation, Inc.General support $500Social Services
1995Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support/Challenge grnt $10,000Civic Affairs
1995Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.Capital Campaign $15,000Health
1995Thomas CollegeCollege Library $10,000Education
1995The Three-Corner-Round Pack Outfit, Inc.Camping program $13,207Social Services
1995Tides FoundationOperating support for Funders Concerned About AIDS (over 15 months)$4,000Health
1995The Toledo Museum of ArtGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995The Toledo Museum of ArtGeneral support $1,000Arts and Culture
1995Toledo Society for the Blind, Inc.General support $1,500Health
1995The Tom Evert Dance CompanyResidency program in six Geauga County grade schoo ls in 1996$4,000Arts and Culture
1995Towards Employment, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.The Job Placement Program $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,400Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.Dislocated Workers $28,520Civic Affairs
1995Transitional Housing, Inc.General support $250Social Services
1995Transitional Housing, Inc.General support $2,395Social Services
1995Tremont West Development CorporationTremont Ridge Project for development of neighborh ood open space along the Cuyahoga River$5,000Civic Affairs
1995Trinity CathedralGeneral support $1,811Social Services
1995Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1995United Leukodystrophy FoundationGeneral support $250Health
1995United Negro College FundGeneral support $8,450Education
1995United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral support $1,500Education
1995United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral support $2,400Education
1995United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral support $6,000Education
1995United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ColumbusGeneral support $5,000Education
1995United Negro College Fund, Inc. of DaytonGeneral support $4,000Education
1995United Way of Ashland County, Inc.General support $3,022Social Services
1995United Way of Greater Cleveland The 1995-96 Campaign $10,000Social Services
1995United Way of Greater Cleveland General support $416,345Social Services
1995United Way of Greater ToledoGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995United Way of Greater ToledoGeneral support $1,000Social Services
1995The United Way of Lake County, Inc.General support $1,000Social Services
1995The United Way of Lake County, Inc.General support $10,300Social Services
1995United Way ServicesUrban Community School $1,000Education
1995United Way ServicesAmerican Cancer Society $250Health
1995United Way ServicesHill House $538Health
1995United Way ServicesCatholic Social Services/Cuy. $250Social Services
1995United Way ServicesGr. Cle. Com. on Hunger $500Social Services
1995United Way ServicesGeneral support $2,000Social Services
1995United Way ServicesThe John K. Mott Youth Fund Distribution Committee (ADD: comprised of high school students?)$5,000Social Services
1995United Way ServicesGeneral support $9,000Social Services
1995United Way ServicesGeneral support $15,000Social Services
1995United Way ServicesCapital campaign $15,000Social Services
1995United Way ServicesGeneral support $25,000Social Services
1995United Way ServicesPurchase and renovation of new headquarters and co mmunity service building (over two years)$300,000Social Services
1995University Circle IncorporatedParade the Circle Celebration $2,000Arts and Culture
1995University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995University Circle Incorporated Operating support during transitional period$50,000Civic Affairs
1995University Circle IncorporatedCommunity Development Program $200,000Civic Affairs
1995University Hospitals Case Medical Center Urological/Vasc.Rsch $63,558Health
1995University Hospitals Case Medical Center Lakeside Hospital $764,352Health
1995University Hospitals of ClevelandIreland Cancer Center $250Health
1995University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of DevelopmentLakeside Hematology Fellowship $445Health