Grant Search

Grant Search

The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.

Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.

Displaying 39001 to 40000 of 50743

YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
1994Ohio Crime Prevention AssociationCommunity Oriented Policing $5,000Civic Affairs
1994The Ohio State University Research FoundationOhio State Univ. Extension $25,000Civic Affairs
1994The Parks System Trust Fund of WheelingGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1994Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1994Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
1994Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIOTrees/flowers-Clvd. main sts. $590Civic Affairs
1994Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIOTrees for Tomorrow $1,000Civic Affairs
1994Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIOPlanting of trees $11,500Civic Affairs
1994Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIOPlanting of trees $53,500Civic Affairs
1994Rebuild Dubrovnik FundRebuilding city of Dubrovnik $500Civic Affairs
1994Riverside Cemetary FoundationRiverside Cemetary Chapel $5,000Civic Affairs
1994Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterGeneral support $300Civic Affairs
1994Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $300Civic Affairs
1994St. Clair-Superior Development Corp. Targeted Community Policing $26,725Civic Affairs
1994Substance Abuse Initiative of Greater ClevelandDirector of Public Information $29,500Civic Affairs
1994Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support $10,000Civic Affairs
1994Towards Employment, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1994Towards Employment, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1994Towards Employment, Inc.Expansion/job placement prog. $2,500Civic Affairs
1994Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,500Civic Affairs
1994Towards Employment, Inc.The job placement program $10,000Civic Affairs
1994Union Miles Development Corporation Public Safety Demonstration $25,000Civic Affairs
1994University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1994University Circle IncorporatedThe Endowment Fund $2,785Civic Affairs
1994University Circle IncorporatedThe Endowment Fund $7,215Civic Affairs
1994University Circle IncorporatedStrategic planning process $15,000Civic Affairs
1994The Urban League of Greater ClevelandSupport for retreat $3,000Civic Affairs
1994The Urban League of Greater ClevelandManagement effectiveness $160,000Civic Affairs
1994Vocational Guidance ServicesJobs: Neigh.-by-Neigh. Init. $75,000Civic Affairs
1994Western Reserve Historical SocietyGeneral support $2,400Civic Affairs
1994Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion NetworkManpower outreach/emplyr survy $47,008Civic Affairs
1994The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures $571Civic Affairs
1994Youth Opportunities UnlimitedGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
1995The American Civil Liberties Union of ClevelandMoving and renovation $1,000Civic Affairs
1995The American Civil Liberties Union of ClevelandMoving and renovation $2,000Civic Affairs
1995Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentStudy of worker commuter patterns in the Greater C leveland labor market by the Center for Regional E conomic Issues$11,279Civic Affairs
1995Citizens Committee for County Government ReformCitizens Committee $80,000Civic Affairs
1995Citizens League Research InstituteStudy of local government $35,000Civic Affairs
1995Citizens League Research InstituteDevelopment of the Opportunity Fund of the Agenda: Good Government campaign$100,000Civic Affairs
1995City of ClevelandExecutive staff and cabinet re $5,000Civic Affairs
1995City of Cleveland Education and training program for legal staff in the Law Department (over two years)$15,000Civic Affairs
1995The City of Shaker HeightsFund for Future of Shaker Hts. $50,000Civic Affairs
1995CLEAN-LAND, OHIOTrees for Tomorrow program $2,000Civic Affairs
1995CLEAN-LAND, OHIO1995 Spring Tree Planting Plan $67,500Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Bicentennial CommissionProjects for City of Cleveland’s 200th Birthday ce lebration (over two years)$720,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $350Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationNew playground at John W. Raper Elementary School by Peaceful Leisure Activities for Youth (PLAY)$1,500Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationHoliday lighting at Public Square (MOVE TO CIVIC?)$5,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationCommemorative history of the Cleveland Community R elations Board$7,115Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Development FoundationJobs and Workforce Initiative $99,600Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Technical support for Lexington Village Project (o ver two years)$5,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Labor force study by Greater Cleveland Growth Asso ciation$25,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Implementation of Cleveland’s Empowerment Zone pro gram and community development$35,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Public education on Cleveland Metroparks’ developm ent plans, funding and facilities maintenance$44,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Landbanking activities of University Circle Incorp orated (over 10 years)$1,000,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland International ProgramTransitional support $2,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Metroparks SystemPublic awareness regarding parks and recreation (s econd year)$1,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationTraining, planning assistance and membership servi ces (second year)$35,000Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Neighborhood Historic Program $52,200Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Development of NeighborhoodLink by Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs$31,882Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $143Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $2,400Civic Affairs
1995Cleveland Zoological SocietyEducational outreach for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (over 30 months)$100,000Civic Affairs
1995Council for Adult and Experiential LearningDevelopment of learning strategies for local manuf acturing companies$44,000Civic Affairs
1995Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian Ad LitemStaff support (OR: Director’s position?) and train ing of volunteers (over three years)$36,298Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionLocational Resource Center for the dissemination o f data on vacant and redevelopable land for use in the site selection process$25,000Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionBrownfields Redevelopment Prjt $37,875Civic Affairs
1995The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.Fair housing marketing, education and outreach pro ject (over three years)$150,000Civic Affairs
1995The Cuyahoga River Community Planning OrganizationCuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan (third and fou rth years)$75,000Civic Affairs
1995Cuyahoga Valley Line RailroadEducational activities $15,000Civic Affairs
1995The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio Project to create grass roots level small group di scussions on human relations (over three years)$45,266Civic Affairs
1995Earth Day CoalitionDirector of volunteer services $50,000Civic Affairs
1995EcoCity ClevelandSubscriptions for 180 local high school libraries$3,950Civic Affairs
1995The English-Speaking Union of the U.S., Cleveland BranchFund for Excellence in English $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Euclid Community ConcernsStaff support for fair housing efforts$7,500Civic Affairs
1995Forest Hill Historic Preservation SocietyForest Hill Park $28,000Civic Affairs
1995Geauga Park DistrictWest Woods Preservation $250Civic Affairs
1995Geauga Park DistrictGeneral support $296Civic Affairs
1995Geauga Park DistrictPublic awareness and education campaign$14,000Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity Inc.Comprehensive Development $40,000Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $3,500Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland RoundtableRetreat for board of directors$5,000Civic Affairs
1995Greater Cleveland RoundtableInternat’l Community Council $50,000Civic Affairs
1995Habitat of PainesvilleGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Hancock County Mental Health Society, Inc.Operating support for HOPE Plus by Court of Common Pleas$6,000Civic Affairs
1995Hancock Parks Foundation“Barn Art” (QUOTES NECESSARY?) murals, storyteller and honoraria for teachers to conduct demonstrati ons at Autumnfest ’95$4,472Civic Affairs
1995Hancock Parks FoundationTen year outdoor recreational plan for Hancock Cou nty by Bassett Associates$10,000Civic Affairs
1995Hancock/Hardin/Wyandot/Putnam Community Action Commission(NAME OF ORG. CORRECT?) Microenterprise Developmen t Project (over two years)$31,064Civic Affairs
1995Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Pre-apprenticeship training program$23,000Civic Affairs
1995Heights Community CongressGeneral support $300Civic Affairs
1995The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Home Repair Resource CenterThe capital campaign $2,500Civic Affairs
1995Institute for Conservation Leadership Capacity building of Northeast Ohio environmental organizations (over three years)$80,000Civic Affairs
1995Institute for Economics as a Second Language, Inc.Support for Family Reunion $3,000Civic Affairs
1995The Lakeland Foundation Staff support for the Lake County Economic Develop ment Center (over two years)$28,500Civic Affairs
1995Landscape Architecture FoundationLandscape architecture $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Leadership Geauga CountyStart-up support (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1995League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Strengthening of citizens’ understanding of the po litical system and participation in the political process (over 21 months)$50,436Civic Affairs
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationCrisis Intervention Team by the Community Re-Entry program$15,000Civic Affairs
1995Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationGang Hotline for youth by the Community Re-Entry p rogram$40,000Civic Affairs
1995The Moorish Community Redevelopment CorporationStart-up support$10,000Civic Affairs
1995Neighborhood Progress Inc.Operating support for Village Capital Corporation (over seven years) (PRI)$250,000Civic Affairs
1995Neighborhood Progress Inc. Neighborhood Partnership Pgrm $1,750,000Civic Affairs
1995Neighbors Organized For ActionProposed NOAH workout plan $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Ohio Canal CorridorMembership Campaign $10,000Civic Affairs
1995Ohio City Near West Development CorporationNeighborhood safety program$15,000Civic Affairs
1995Old Stone Historical Preservation Society, Inc.Restoration of Old Stone Church$40,000Civic Affairs
1995The Parks System Trust Fund of WheelingGeneral support for Oglebay Pa $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Project: LEARN, Inc.Literacy Correction Program $60,000Civic Affairs
1995Rebuild Dubrovnik FundRebuilding city of Dubrovnik $500Civic Affairs
1995Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterThe Annual Fund $250Civic Affairs
1995Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterOutreach program $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Saint Vincent Quadrangle, Inc.Design of street and streetscape improvements in t he area$42,500Civic Affairs
1995St.Clair-Superior CoalitionCommunity-based public safety program (third year)$20,000Civic Affairs
1995Substance Abuse Initiative of Greater ClevelandPublic information program support (second year)$29,500Civic Affairs
1995Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support/Challenge grnt $10,000Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.The Job Placement Program $1,000Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,400Civic Affairs
1995Towards Employment, Inc.Dislocated Workers $28,520Civic Affairs
1995Tremont West Development CorporationTremont Ridge Project for development of neighborh ood open space along the Cuyahoga River$5,000Civic Affairs
1995University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1995University Circle Incorporated Operating support during transitional period$50,000Civic Affairs
1995University Circle IncorporatedCommunity Development Program $200,000Civic Affairs
1995Urban Land FoundationStudy of urban industrial land reuse strategies in the Collinwood area of Cleveland by the Urban Lan d Institute$33,417Civic Affairs
1995Vocational Guidance ServicesJob Match program in MidTown Corridor and East 55t h Street industrial area$100,000Civic Affairs
1995Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion NetworkStudy on development needs of the Berea Road-West 117 Street area in Cleveland and Lakewood$12,000Civic Affairs
1995The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures $651Civic Affairs
1995Woodstock InstituteReport on Cleveland Residential Housing and Mortga ge Credit project$5,000Civic Affairs
1995Youth Opportunities UnlimitedEmployment and training $5,000Civic Affairs
1995Youth Opportunities UnlimitedSMART Program summer education and work experience$19,267Civic Affairs
1996Board of Cuyahoga County CommissionersSummer youth program by Department of Criminal Jus tice Services (THIS WAS A SOCIAL SERVICES GRANT IN 1994, MOVE?)$20,000Civic Affairs
1996Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe Veale Convocation Center $100,000Civic Affairs
1996City of ClevelandRetreat for members of Task Force on Black on Blac k Crime$5,000Civic Affairs
1996City of FindlayTraffic signal system analysis $21,000Civic Affairs
1996City Year Inc.Playground build in Cleveland $10,000Civic Affairs
1996CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1996CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1996CLEAN-LAND, OHIO1996 Spring Planting program $78,265Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Bicentennial CommissionGreat Lakes Science Museum $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Botanical Garden“Green Corps” summer youth job training initiative$20,900Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Development FoundationGreater Cleveland Growth Assn. $600Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Development FoundationHoliday lighting at Public Square$5,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Development FoundationWorkforce Preparation $300,000Civic Affairs
1996The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Linda B. Ziegler $500Civic Affairs
1996The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Assessment of two community-based employment progr ams in Cleveland neighborhoods$95,509Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Housing Network IncMaintenance Assessment Program and consultant assi stance for organization development$30,500Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationStaff support for Membership Services Program$37,500Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Ohio Lecture Series, Inc.Marketing plan for Town Hall Cleveland to diversif y its audience (over three years)$15,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Public Art, Inc.Four (IS THE NUMBER NEEDED?) neighborhood public a rt projects$40,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Public Art, Inc.Public art and design plan for downtown Cleveland$60,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Steeple lighting/visible I-71 $5,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Neighborhood Preservation Pgrm $51,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Renovation of S.Benedict House $100,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Housing Policy Research Program’s development of O hio metropolitan zoning patterns project by the Le vin College of Urban Affairs$7,555Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Tenants Organization“Preserving Subsidized Housing Opportunities” proj ect$22,144Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland TomorrowUpdate of the Civic Vision 2000 Downtown Plan$55,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Works, Inc.Computer training program$4,700Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Works, Inc.Pre-Trial Diversion and Sentencing project$40,000Civic Affairs
1996Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $134Civic Affairs
1996Crime Stoppers of Cuyahoga County, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1996Cuyahoga County Bar FoundationPublic Servants Merit Award Luncheon (over three y ears)$2,700Civic Affairs
1996Cuyahoga Valley AssociationCleveland-area participation in Cuyahoga Valley En vironmental Education Center$30,000Civic Affairs
1996The Daily Planet, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996The Daily Planet, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Downtown Cleveland PartnershipPresentation materials for the Urban Land Institut e Conference (MOVE TO ECONOMIC?)$5,000Civic Affairs
1996Downtown Cleveland PartnershipEuclid Avenue 2001 Studies for economic and design analysis$50,000Civic Affairs
1996Dunham Tavern Museum Education Center $2,500Civic Affairs
1996Dunham Tavern Museum Society of Collectors, Inc.Education Center $2,500Civic Affairs
1996Dunham Tavern Museum Society of Collectors, Inc.Educational Center $5,000Civic Affairs
1996Dunham Tavern Museum Society of Collectors, Inc.Education center on grounds of the Dunham Tavern M useum$20,000Civic Affairs
1996Earth Day Coalition1997 and 1998 Earth Days (over two years)$14,000Civic Affairs
1996El Barrio IncorporatedJob counselor (over three years)$24,838Civic Affairs
1996English-Speaking Union of the United StatesPatron Fund-Excellence in Eng. $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Environmental Health WatchAssn of Parents Prevent Lead $25,941Civic Affairs
1996Euclid Community ConcernsExecutive director and program manager (OR: STAFF SUPPORT?)$11,475Civic Affairs
1996Findlay Hope House for the Homeless, Inc.Housing/Community Resource Mgr $17,000Civic Affairs
1996The Findlay Service LeagueStart-up costs of the K-FABSS $5,000Civic Affairs
1996The Findlay Service LeagueStart-up of K-FABSS program $18,490Civic Affairs
1996Geauga Park DistrictGeneral support $670Civic Affairs
1996Global Issues Resource CenterThe marketing plan project $3,000Civic Affairs
1996Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $300Civic Affairs
1996Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $3,500Civic Affairs
1996Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Urban Initiative Program$40,000Civic Affairs
1996Greater Cleveland RoundtableGeneral support $750Civic Affairs
1996Greater Cleveland RoundtableFilm on one local community’s integration efforts$77,692Civic Affairs
1996Greater Kansas City Community FoundationDevelopment of foundation consortium for the EZ/EC (SPELL OUT?) program (over three years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1996Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Habitat of PainesvilleGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Hancock County Agricultural SocietyFeasibility stydy called "Fair $5,000Civic Affairs
1996Hancock County Agricultural SocietyRelocation of Fairgraounds $10,000Civic Affairs
1996Hancock County Board of CommissionersHancock County Water and Sewer $20,000Civic Affairs
1996Hancock Historical Museum AssociationThree exhibitions $17,481Civic Affairs
1996Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Pre-Apprenticeship training program (second year)$17,500Civic Affairs
1996Heights Community CongressFair housing monitoring and diversity training for Cleveland Heights/University Heights School stude nts (over two years)$32,000Civic Affairs
1996The Historic Gateway Neighborhood CorporationDevelopment activities to stimulate creation or ad aptive reuse of area buildings for residential pur poses (over two years)$50,000Civic Affairs
1996The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996INFORM, IncWaste reduction program at four Northeast Ohio col leges$15,000Civic Affairs
1996Lake Erie Nature and Science CenterNetworking project $31,000Civic Affairs
1996Lake MetroparksGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Leadership Lake County, Inc.The Youth Leadership Program $15,000Civic Affairs
1996League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Citizenship Initiatives $51,260Civic Affairs
1996League of Women Voters of OhioCounty Government Education project$5,000Civic Affairs
1996Lutheran Housing CorporationEast Cleveland Housing Program (over two years)$120,000Civic Affairs
1996Maingate Business Development CorporationJob placement pilot project linking businesses in the Maingate area with job-ready neighborhood resi dents$10,268Civic Affairs
1996National Forum for Black Public AdministratorsLocal broadcast of national teleconference on affi rmative action$3,500Civic Affairs
1996National Urban Fellows, Inc.One Fellow in Cleveland agency (OR IS THIS FOR CIT Y OF CLEVELAND ADMINISTATION?) (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1996The Nature ConservancyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Neighborhood Funders GroupAnnual conference$5,000Civic Affairs
1996Neighborhood Progress Inc.Home Repair Initiative project$20,000Civic Affairs
1996Neighborhood Progress Inc.Brownfield Action Plan$37,500Civic Affairs
1996The Newcomen Society of the United StatesAnnual dinner honoring the City of Cleveland$20,000Civic Affairs
1996Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating AgencyRegional Retail Market Analysi $36,200Civic Affairs
1996Ohio CDC AssociationIndividual Development Account project to assist l ow-income people in accumulating savings (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1996Ohio State University FoundationCultivating Our Community $2,500Civic Affairs
1996Ohio State University FoundationCultivating Our Community $5,000Civic Affairs
1996The Ohio State University Research FoundationCultivating Our Community $10,000Civic Affairs
1996The Ohio State University Research FoundationCultivating Our Community $10,000Civic Affairs
1996The Old Stone FoundationSchool-to-Work Transitional Pg $8,000Civic Affairs
1996Our Croatia, Inc.Croatian Heritage Museum/Libr. $2,400Civic Affairs
1996The Parks System Trust Fund of WheelingGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1996River Run Arts-Earth Studies, Inc.Scholarships to campers from Cleveland for the 199 6 summer session$5,000Civic Affairs
1996Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterAwarness initiative $11,000Civic Affairs
1996Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Substance Abuse Initiative of Greater ClevelandNeighborhood Safe Zone project$60,000Civic Affairs
1996Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support $10,000Civic Affairs
1996Towards Employment, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1996Towards Employment, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1996Towards Employment, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,000Civic Affairs
1996Towards Employment, Inc.“Leadership Transition” $10,833Civic Affairs
1996United Way Foundation of Hancock County1996 Olympic Torch Relay activ $600Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedAnnual Sustaining Fund $1,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1996University Circle IncorporatedThe landbanking program $5,000Civic Affairs
1996Vocational Guidance ServicesWelding skills training pilot program$50,000Civic Affairs
1996Willoughby Municipal CourtWomen’s New Life Program $4,000Civic Affairs
1996The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures $594Civic Affairs
1997American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio FoundationGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio FoundationGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997The Animal Protective LeagueHumane Education Program $30,000Civic Affairs
1997Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rithDispel anti-Semitism $15,150Civic Affairs
1997Broadway Area Housing CoalitionMill Creek Community Center $7,500Civic Affairs
1997Broadway Area Housing CoalitionCommunity meeting center and swimming pool$7,500Civic Affairs
1997Broadway Area Housing CoalitionMill Creek Community Building $15,000Civic Affairs
1997Broadway Area Housing CoalitionDevelopment of Mill Creek Community Center$65,000Civic Affairs
1997The Center for Public InterestDevelopment of web site on Northeast Ohio river qu ality issues by the Ohio Public Interest Research Group$15,000Civic Affairs
1997Citizens League Research InstituteRegional issues initiative in Lake and Geauga coun ties (over 18 months)$15,000Civic Affairs
1997Citizens League Research InstituteAssessment of regional issues (over 18 months)$100,000Civic Affairs
1997City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.Annual fund (or just leave as general support and not have any description?)$250Civic Affairs
1997City of ClevelandRetreat for members of Community Relations Board$2,500Civic Affairs
1997The City of East ClevelandRadio console for telecommunication center for Eas t Cleveland Police Department$24,796Civic Affairs
1997City Year Inc.City Year Cleveland volunteer service corps$200,000Civic Affairs
1997CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1997CLEAN-LAND, OHIO1997 Spring Planting program $66,110Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing ProgramRegional Skills Coalition for workforce developmen t of manufacturing companies$35,525Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Botanical GardenHorticultural internship program (Changed from Cul tural to Civic Affairs)$3,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Council on World AffairsThe "Campaign for the Council” $300Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Development FoundationGrtr. Cleveland Growth Assn. $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Development FoundationHoliday lighting at Public Square$5,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Development FoundationScholarship fund for Leadership Cleveland program$15,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Development FoundationJobs/Workforce Initiative-CET $50,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Development FoundationJobs and Workforce Initiative by Greater Cleveland Growth Association to strengthen area training an d employment (over three years)$1,000,000Civic Affairs
1997The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Assessment of collaborative approaches to research on regional economic development policy$30,000Civic Affairs
1997The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Public Square Preservation and Maintenance Committ ee (over three years)$104,400Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Housing Network IncConstruction manager position (over two years)$60,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationPolicy devlpmnt and planning $20,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationProgram activities (over two years)$48,550Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Neighborhood historic preservation program (fourth year)$48,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Analysis of Medina County zoning by Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs$15,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Urban Affairs Building Project $400,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Tenants OrganizationCouncil of tenant organizations in subsidized hous ing (second year)$25,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland TomorrowTechnical Assistance Program with Neighborhood Pro gress, Inc. (correct description?)$30,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland TomorrowUpdate of the Civic Vision 2000 downtown plan (sec ond year)$75,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $134Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $2,700Civic Affairs
1997Community Resource Inc.Redirection of Young Minds $5,950Civic Affairs
1997Crime Stoppers of Cuyahoga County, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1997Cuyahoga Valley AssociationCoordinated regional open space planning meeting f or park officials in eight counties$2,900Civic Affairs
1997Cuyahoga Valley AssociationEnv. Educ. Cnter. scholarships $5,000Civic Affairs
1997Cuyahoga Valley AssociationMultipurpose building at the Cuyahoga Valley Envir onmental Education Center$75,000Civic Affairs
1997Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadUpgrading and refurbishing of "Beaver Cove” railro ad car$10,000Civic Affairs
1997Downtown Cleveland PartnershipImplementation of Euclid Avenue plan$55,000Civic Affairs
1997Earth Day CoalitionDirector of volunteer services$25,000Civic Affairs
1997EcoCity ClevelandCitizens’ Bioregional Land Use and Transportation Plan (over two years)$25,000Civic Affairs
1997Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandPrograms on urban sprawl in collaboration with Cle veland Public Radio-WCPN$40,000Civic Affairs
1997Euclid Community ConcernsHuman relations program (third year)$9,000Civic Affairs
1997Federation for Community PlanningSummit for America’s Future $25,000Civic Affairs
1997Findlay Area Chamber FoundationFacilitator to examine merger of two organizations$20,000Civic Affairs
1997First Presbyterian Church of FindlayOperating support $2,298Civic Affairs
1997First Presbyterian Church of FindlayAnnual pledge $7,200Civic Affairs
1997Friends of the Findlay Hancock County Public LibrarySupport programs/capital needs $191Civic Affairs
1997Geauga Park DistrictGeneral support $629Civic Affairs
1997Global Issues Resource CenterMarketing plan$5,000Civic Affairs
1997The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1997The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyRichard Scarry’s Busytown $50,000Civic Affairs
1997The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyDevelopment and production of "The Great Lakes Dat a Quest” for the Great Lakes Situation Room (over two years)$100,000Civic Affairs
1997Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General operations $500Civic Affairs
1997Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $3,500Civic Affairs
1997Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Adopt-A-House Program $19,500Civic Affairs
1997Greater Cleveland RoundtableStart-up support for The Diversity Institute (over three years)$204,000Civic Affairs
1997Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Habitat for HumanityNew home construction $15,000Civic Affairs
1997Habitat of PainesvilleGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Hancock County Agricultural SocietyConsultant assistance for financial feasibility an d marketing study on relocating the fairgrounds (O R: Feasibility study on relocating fairgrounds,2nd$12,500Civic Affairs
1997Hancock/Hardin/Wyandot/Putnam Community Action CommissionProject director (OR Staff support?) for the Micro nenterprise Program$16,594Civic Affairs
1997Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Educat’l Resources Devel. Proj $2,500Civic Affairs
1997Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Elementary career education $12,500Civic Affairs
1997Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Pre-apprenticeship training program (third year)$17,500Civic Affairs
1997Heights Community CongressGeneral support $300Civic Affairs
1997The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997The Holden ArboretumGen. sup./Butterfly Garden $2,000Civic Affairs
1997The Holden ArboretumThe Butterfly Garden $2,500Civic Affairs
1997The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $2,700Civic Affairs
1997The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $78,000Civic Affairs
1997Institute for Conservation LeadershipNE Ohio Organizatl. Dev. Proj. $5,000Civic Affairs
1997Institute for Conservation LeadershipNE Ohio Organiz. Devel. Proj. $15,500Civic Affairs
1997International Services CenterUpdate of Cleveland Ethnic Directory$34,915Civic Affairs
1997Italian American Cultural FoundationConference to promote racial understanding$6,500Civic Affairs
1997The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandJewish Cleveland Cares volunteerism initiative (ov er three years)$183,600Civic Affairs
1997Lake Erie Nature and Science CenterExpansion and renovation $90,000Civic Affairs
1997Lake MetroparksGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Law Enforcement Foundation, IncorporatedGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Law Enforcement Foundation, IncorporatedInstitutional change workshops for police departments$7,266Civic Affairs
1997League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Citizens Information Network Program (over 18 mont hs)$54,170Civic Affairs
1997Living Desert Reserve dba The Living DesertGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Living in Cleveland CenterBusiness outreach project (over two years)$18,108Civic Affairs
1997MidTown Corridor, Inc.Chester Ave. landscaping $2,500Civic Affairs
1997MidTown Corridor, Inc.Reproduction of its plan $4,656Civic Affairs
1997MidTown Corridor, Inc.Land Banking Initiative $40,000Civic Affairs
1997The Nature ConservancyGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field OfficeGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Neighborhood Progress Inc.Home repair pilot program$75,000Civic Affairs
1997Ohio Environmental Councilpollution-prevention efforts $15,000Civic Affairs
1997The Ohio State University Research FoundationExpansion of the Master Gardener Program by the Oh io State University Extension, Cuyahoga County (ov er two years)$33,135Civic Affairs
1997Project: LEARN, Inc.Corrections Education Pgrm $39,300Civic Affairs
1997Rails to Trails ConservancyGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1997Scenic OhioWilliam Behnke $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Shaker Heights Rotary ClubOpen space meeting area for community residents$5,000Civic Affairs
1997Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1997Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Shorebank Enterprise Group ClevelandCharles McDonald Marketing $30,000Civic Affairs
1997Saint Vincent Quadrangle, Inc.Assesment of public safety $25,000Civic Affairs
1997Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support $5,000Civic Affairs
1997Towards Employment, Inc.General Fund $500Civic Affairs
1997Towards Employment, Inc.General Support $2,000Civic Affairs
1997Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,700Civic Affairs
1997Towards Employment, Inc.Job Placement program $5,000Civic Affairs
1997Towards Employment, Inc.Job Placement program $5,000Civic Affairs
1997Trust for Public Land — California OfficeStart-up support for Cleveland field office (over two years)$85,000Civic Affairs
1997United Way Foundation of Hancock CountyAnnual gift $1,850Civic Affairs
1997United Way Foundation of Hancock CountyAnnual gift $1,850Civic Affairs
1997United Way ServicesNonprofit accounting and financial seminar$1,000Civic Affairs
1997University Circle IncorporatedAnnual Fund (or general support and not put a desc ription?)$500Civic Affairs
1997University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1997University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1997University Circle IncorporatedUniversity Circle and Euclid Avenue improvement pr oject$75,000Civic Affairs
1997The University of FindlaySponsorship of painting $1,000Civic Affairs
1997Urban Land FoundationGeneral support $10,000Civic Affairs
1997The Urban League of Greater ClevelandOrganizational capacity building (over two years)$195,478Civic Affairs
1997Village of BratenahlVillage Hall Restoration Fund $5,000Civic Affairs
1997Vocational Guidance ServicesStrengthening of financial and management capaciti es$65,250Civic Affairs
1997Vocational Guidance Services Transitional support (PRI)$200,000Civic Affairs
1997Western Reserve RC&D Inc.Conservation workbook on techniques of conservatio n development$15,500Civic Affairs
1997The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures $592Civic Affairs
1997Youth Opportunities UnlimitedRestructuring support$135,000Civic Affairs
19981999 AAU Junior Olympics Cleveland Committee, Inc.Project operations $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Amber Lake Wildlife Refuge & Rehabilitation Center Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1998The Animal Protective LeagueGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
1998The Animal Protective LeagueHumane Education Program $30,000Civic Affairs
1998Boy Scouts of America/Put Han Sen Area Council, Inc. #449Black Swamp Area Council $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentStipends for law students $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Chagrin River Land ConservancyToward challenge grant $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Chagrin River Land ConservancyLand Protection Fund $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Chagrin River Land ConservancyLand Protection Fund $100,000Civic Affairs
1998Christmas in April — Northcoast Inc.Acquisition of tools to conduct home repairs for needy residents of Lake County $8,000Civic Affairs
1998Citizens League Research InstituteTransition funding $5,500Civic Affairs
1998City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.Annual Fund $250Civic Affairs
1998City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.Strategic planning activities $7,500Civic Affairs
1998The City Club of ClevelandAnnual Fund $2,000Civic Affairs
1998City Mission of FindlayBuilding fund $3,000Civic Affairs
1998City Mission of FindlayBuilding Fund $50,000Civic Affairs
1998City of ClevelandTwo-day retreat $5,000Civic Affairs
1998City of ClevelandCleveland 2020 Vision $100,000Civic Affairs
1998City of MentorMentor Lagoons plan $3,000Civic Affairs
1998City of Mentor Assessment-Mentor Lagoons $40,000Civic Affairs
1998City of Parma Police DepartmentIn-car Camera/Video System $5,000Civic Affairs
1998The City of Shaker HeightsCommunity Vision Project $5,000Civic Affairs
1998City Year Inc.Annual Convention $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Civic FoundationStabilization for Civic Theater$188,000Civic Affairs
1998The Clean Air ConservancyA Citizens Coalition for Cleaner Air $30,000Civic Affairs
1998CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $900Civic Affairs
1998CLEAN-LAND, OHIOGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1998CLEAN-LAND, OHIOTree Commission’s 1998 Fall Plan $52,500Civic Affairs
1998CLEAN-LAND, OHIOShoreway planting $80,000Civic Affairs
1998CLEAN-LAND, OHIO1998 Spring Planting program $90,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing ProgramSupport for renovation of Work Wear Company building $300,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Community-Building InitiativeVillage-Based Small Grants $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsEducational Resource Center $500Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World Affairs“Campaign for the Council” $600Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsCouncil Campaign$1,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsCampaign for the Council $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsCampaign for the Council $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World Affairs“Campaign for the Council” $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsStudent subsidies/computer materials $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Council on World AffairsCampaign for the Council $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Development FoundationGrtr Clev. Growth Association $2,000Civic Affairs
1998The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Northeast Ohio park districts $10,000Civic Affairs
1998The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Lake Metroparks’ development of regional approaches among northeast Ohio park districts$20,000Civic Affairs
1998The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Restructure financing of Lexington Vill $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Housing Network IncHousing manager salary/rent subsidies $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Housing Network IncShort-term rental assistance program $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Housing Network IncHomeward Program $100,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Metroparks SystemEducation on the financial needs of the Metroparks$1,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Metroparks SystemGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Metroparks SystemNew Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation $375,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNAttitudinal research survey $40,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Public Radio — WCPNStrategic plan $242,200Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Neighborhood Historic Preservation Program$38,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Stipends for law students $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Leadership development $7,500Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Environmental Awareness $87,500Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Program Flexibility Enhancement $90,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland TomorrowEuclid Beach Carousel project $1,868Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland TomorrowEuclid Beach Carousel project $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland TomorrowCleveland Today $50,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $300Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $138Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Zoological SocietyGeneral support $2,700Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Zoological SocietyCleveland Metroparks Zoo $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Zoological SocietyNew educational outreach pgrm $84,259Civic Affairs
1998Cleveland Zoological SocietyAustralian Adv. Koala Exhibit $100,000Civic Affairs
1998Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionBrownfields Redevelopment Fund $47,000Civic Affairs
1998The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.Open Housing Infomation Project $100,000Civic Affairs
1998Cuyahoga River Community Planning OrganizationEnhance public understanding & involveme$47,038Civic Affairs
1998Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadSchool Field Trip Program $3,000Civic Affairs
1998Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadSchool Field Trip Program $36,000Civic Affairs
1998Donors Forum of Ohio1998 annual conference $500Civic Affairs
1998Donors Forum of Ohio1998 annual conference $500Civic Affairs
1998Downtown Cleveland Partnership1998 Holiday Lighting Program $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Downtown Cleveland PartnershipVice President of Human and Business $50,000Civic Affairs
1998Downtown Cleveland PartnershipMillenium Conference $60,000Civic Affairs
1998Downtown Cleveland PartnershipProgram activities for the revitalization of Euclid Avenue (over two years) $120,000Civic Affairs
1998East Cleveland Park CommissionEast Cleveland Park Commission $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Eastern Illinois University FoundationComm. Courtyard $2,500Civic Affairs
1998Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandStruggle for Integration Film $6,985Civic Affairs
1998El Barrio IncorporatedJobs Placement Program $32,108Civic Affairs
1998English-Speaking Union of the United StatesThe Patron Fund $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Environmental Health WatchWorkshop on inner-city causes of asthma $4,000Civic Affairs
1998Esteem, Inc.Youth Enterpreneurship Training Program$7,500Civic Affairs
1998Findlay Area Chamber FoundationStartegic Plan $25,000Civic Affairs
1998The Findlay Service LeagueProgram coordinator & pgrmming $27,900Civic Affairs
1998Findlay-Hancock County Community FoundationAdministrative Purposes $600,000Civic Affairs
1998The First Church of Christ, ScientistChurch Building Resoration Fund $900Civic Affairs
1998First Presbyterian Church of FindlayFor Columbariumn $2,500Civic Affairs
1998First Presbyterian Church of FindlayGeneral support $2,825Civic Affairs
1998First Presbyterian Church of FindlayAnnual support 1998 $7,560Civic Affairs
1998First Presbyterian Church of FindlayColumbarium $20,498Civic Affairs
1998Flats Oxbow AssociationDevelopment activities $23,500Civic Affairs
1998Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $2,000Civic Affairs
1998Friends of the Findlay Hancock County Public LibraryCapital and future capital $423Civic Affairs
1998Geauga Park DistrictGeneral support $804Civic Affairs
1998Geauga Park District To purchase 100 acres $100,000Civic Affairs
1998The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
1998The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyGeneral support $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General operations $600Civic Affairs
1998Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Greater Cleveland RoundtableIntercultural Community Council $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Habitat for HumanityNew home construction $15,000Civic Affairs
1998Habitat of PainesvilleGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Hancock Park DistrictPurchase of six bullet proof $3,100Civic Affairs
1998Hancock Park DistrictIce rescue equipment $4,000Civic Affairs
1998Hancock Parks FoundationBlanchard River Greenway $15,000Civic Affairs
1998Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc.Outreach and public education activities$15,000Civic Affairs
1998Heights Community CongressFair Housing Program and Diversity Training Program $34,000Civic Affairs
1998The Historic Gateway Neighborhood CorporationPre-development analysis of select properties in Gateway neighborhood $50,000Civic Affairs
1998The Historic Warehouse District Development Corp. of Cleve.The Neighborhood Services Plan $39,250Civic Affairs
1998The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1998The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1998The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $2,700Civic Affairs
1998The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $19,199Civic Affairs
1998The Holden ArboretumLandscape Consulting Program $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Interfaith Suburban Action CoalitionCrossroads for the Euclid Community $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Jewish Community Center of ClevelandConstruction of two cabins $53,600Civic Affairs
1998The Junior League of Cleveland, Inc.Renovation of League House $1,000Civic Affairs
1998The Junior League of Cleveland, Inc.The Drive for League House $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Kent State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative$340,000Civic Affairs
1998Lake Erie Nature and Science CenterDesign/fabrication new exhibit $25,000Civic Affairs
1998Law Enforcement Foundation, IncorporatedInstitutional change workshops (second year) $14,000Civic Affairs
1998League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Rebuild the Voter Information Center $7,500Civic Affairs
1998League of Women Voters of OhioPublish 1998 Voters Guide $7,500Civic Affairs
1998Living Desert Reserve dba The Living DesertGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Local Initiatives Support CorporationCEOs for Cities $50,000Civic Affairs
1998Lutheran Housing CorporationHousing program $120,000Civic Affairs
1998Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationChristian Legal Services law students $6,000Civic Affairs
1998The National Conference for Community & JusticeAnnual NCCH meeting$2,500Civic Affairs
1998National Forum for Black Public AdministratorsPublic policy conference for Cleveland Metro Chapter $20,000Civic Affairs
1998National Urban Fellows, Inc.One Fellow in an agency within the City of Cleveland (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1998The Nature ConservancyGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998The Nature ConservancyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field OfficeGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field OfficeGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Neighborhood Funders Group1998 program activities $6,000Civic Affairs
1998Neighborhood Progress Inc.Homeward Program $500,000Civic Affairs
1998Neighborhood Progress Inc.Village Capital Corporation $2,000,000Civic Affairs
1998Neighborhood Progress Inc. Neighborhood Partnership Prog. $3,000,000Civic Affairs
1998The North Cuyahoga Valley Corridor, Inc.Development of the Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor $50,000Civic Affairs
1998Ohio County and Independent State Department of AgriculturePurchase of 25 stalls $8,750Civic Affairs
1998The Old Stone FoundationSIMS "School To Work” program $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Old Stone Historical Preservation Society, Inc.Church Restoration Project — Phase II$10,000Civic Affairs
1998Olivet Institutional Baptist ChurchEvery Step A Prayer $7,500Civic Affairs
1998Painesville City Firemen’s FundGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Rails to Trails ConservancyGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Rebuild Dubrovnik FundGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1998Russell TownshipEquip Fire Dept. — in memoriam $1,000Civic Affairs
1998Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998St. Andrews United Methodist ChurchAfter School Program $13,823Civic Affairs
1998Saint Vincent Quadrangle, Inc.Farmers’ Market $23,400Civic Affairs
1998Substance Abuse Initiative of Greater ClevelandNeighborhood Safe Zone project $60,000Civic Affairs
1998Sustainable Energy for Economic DevelopmentConsumer education program $15,000Civic Affairs
1998Tall Timbers Research, Inc.General support $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Tiffin Charitable TrustTiffin Stadium Project Capital Campaign $50,000Civic Affairs
1998Towards Employment, Inc.The General Fund $500Civic Affairs
1998Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,000Civic Affairs
1998Towards Employment, Inc.General support $2,700Civic Affairs
1998Trust for Public Land — Midwest Field OfficeOhio Field Office $1,000Civic Affairs
1998United Way Foundation of Hancock CountyAnnual Support 1999 $2,500Civic Affairs
1998United Way Foundation of Hancock CountyAnnual gift 1999 $2,500Civic Affairs
1998University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1998University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
1998The University of FindlayMazza Collection $8,991Civic Affairs
1998The University of FindlayPrint History of Frontier Find $12,000Civic Affairs
1998Urban Land FoundationGeneral support $10,000Civic Affairs
1998The Urban League of Greater ClevelandAttendance at Ec. Dev. Summit $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Vocational Guidance ServicesUpgrade mgmt and financial systems $128,000Civic Affairs
1998Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net)Machine Trades Sectoral $171,112Civic Affairs
1998The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures $642Civic Affairs
1998Work in Northeast Ohio CouncilWorkforce development$75,000Civic Affairs
1998World Foundation for Environment and Development IncorporatedYellowstone Nat. Park film $10,000Civic Affairs
1998Yellowstone Park FoundationInterpretive exhibits $5,000Civic Affairs
1998Yellowstone Park FoundationAnniversary film — Yellowstone $15,000Civic Affairs
1998Youth Opportunities UnlimitedCore operations$115,000Civic Affairs
1999Alan Guttmacher InstituteAnnual fund $500Civic Affairs
1999American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.Resource booklet on teens, healthcare and the law$2,000Civic Affairs
1999American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.Healthcare for teens resource booklet $7,000Civic Affairs
1999The Animal Protective LeagueGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
1999The Animal Protective LeagueHumane Education Program $23,000Civic Affairs
1999Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rithThe Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Northern Ohio Regional Office for Efforts to dispel$28,000Civic Affairs
1999Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences HomeNet Program (over two years) $57,895Civic Affairs
1999Citizens League Research InstituteGeneral support $100Civic Affairs
1999Citizens League Research InstituteGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1999Citizens League Research InstituteResearch activities on regionalism and summary and analysis of the Cleveland Municipal School District’s 1999-2000 budget $34,750Civic Affairs
1999Citizens League Research InstituteCore operations and research activities (over 18 months) $88,300Civic Affairs
1999Citizens Policy CenterPublic education efforts pertainng to Ohio’s electric industry deregulation law$20,685Civic Affairs
1999The City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1999The City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999The City Club of ClevelandGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999The City Club of ClevelandCapital campaign $1,000Civic Affairs
1999The City Club of ClevelandFacility renovations $10,000Civic Affairs
1999The City Club of Cleveland“A New City Club Speaks to the World” Campaign $10,000Civic Affairs
1999The City Club of ClevelandRenovation of the present facility$250,000Civic Affairs
1999City of Cleveland The Census 2000: Complete Count Program (over 18 months) $30,000Civic Affairs
1999City of ClevelandThe Cleveland 2020 Vision: Citywide Plan $100,000Civic Affairs
1999City of Cleveland HeightsThe First Suburbs Consortium’s Economic Revitalization Initiative$100,000Civic Affairs
1999City Year Inc.City Year Cleveland $500Civic Affairs
1999City Year Inc.City Year Cleveland $1,000Civic Affairs
1999City Year Inc.City Year Cleveland $100,000Civic Affairs
1999Civic FoundationAccessability improvements$5,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Bar FoundationFeasibility study for Cleveland Bar Association’s dispute resolution program $7,500Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Botanical GardenThe Green Corps summer youth job training initiative $20,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Civic Vision Housing Fund, L.L.C.The Cleveland Civic Vision Housing Fund$1,000,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Council on World AffairsEducational Resource Center $250Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Council on World AffairsCampaign for the Council $1,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Development FoundationScholarships for Leadership Cleveland $11,814Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Development FoundationPilot summer work-experience program for high school students$41,965Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Engineering SocietyEndowment fund $1,000Civic Affairs
1999The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)The Cleveland component of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University’s Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey project$75,000Civic Affairs
1999The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Summer Internship Program $75,000Civic Affairs
1999The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Summer Internship Program $80,000Civic Affairs
1999The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Participation in the property acquisition of the Hanna Building and adjacent properties as part of the revitalization of the Playhouse Square area (over three years) $200,000Civic Affairs
1999The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Historic Gateway Neighborhood Corporation’s restoration of historic elements of The Arcade $750,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Historic Warehouse District Development CorporationNeighborhood Services Plan $41,100Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Housing Network IncHousing services manager position, and short-term rental assistance program $5,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Housing Network IncConstruction manager position (over three years)$45,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Housing Network IncThe Homeward Program $150,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Municipal CourtStaff training and development program (over two years) $40,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationGeneral operations$20,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs’ Forging Metropolitan Solutions to Urban and Regional Problems project $50,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland TomorrowCleveland Learning Center $150,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland TomorrowConstruction costs associated with the Euclid Beach Carrousel Project$300,000Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999Coventry P.E.A.C.E., Inc.The Coventry Elementary School baseball field renovation$5,000Civic Affairs
1999Coventry People Enhancing A Childs Environment IncorporatedCleveland Heights playground project $5,000Civic Affairs
1999Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionThe Census 2000 Program $7,500Civic Affairs
1999Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionBrownfields Redevelopment Fund $125,000Civic Affairs
1999The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.Northeast Ohio Fair Housing Alliance $15,000Civic Affairs
1999Downtown Cleveland Partnership1999 Downtown Cleveland Winterfest $5,000Civic Affairs
1999Downtown Dayton PartnershipRiverscape Inventors River Walk Tours $75,000Civic Affairs
1999Dunham Tavern MuseumConstruction of an education center $10,000Civic Affairs
1999EcoCity ClevelandSustainable Communities Symposium 2000$25,000Civic Affairs
1999EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
1999EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1999Euclid Community ConcernsProgram activities to promote diversity and understanding $9,000Civic Affairs
1999Famicos Foundation, Inc.Notre Dame Academy Renovation project $144,531Civic Affairs
1999First Presbyterian Church of FindlayGeneral support $5,152Civic Affairs
1999Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
1999Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $2,000Civic Affairs
1999Friends of the Findlay Hancock County Public LibrarySupport programs and future capital needs $597Civic Affairs
1999Global Issues Resource CenterTeaching in the Global Neighborhood $3,000Civic Affairs
1999The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
1999The Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment & TechnologyEnvironment and Technology $7,000Civic Affairs
1999Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General support $1,500Civic Affairs
1999Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Software system upgrade $4,000Civic Affairs
1999Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Adopt-A-House program $25,000Civic Affairs
1999Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Habitat ReStore program $40,000Civic Affairs
1999Greater Cleveland Media Development CorporationEfforts to increase media production in metropolitan Cleveland $50,000Civic Affairs
1999Greater Cleveland RoundtableIntercultural Community Council $7,500Civic Affairs
1999Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999Habitat of PainesvilleGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999Hard Hatted WomenEducational Dissemination project $2,500Civic Affairs
1999Hard Hatted WomenEducational dissemination project $5,000Civic Affairs
1999Heights Community CongressGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1999Heights Community CongressGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1999The Historic Gateway Neighborhood CorporationEast 4th Street Initiative $35,000Civic Affairs
1999The Historic Gateway Neighborhood CorporationRenovation of the historic elements of The Arcade $150,000Civic Affairs
1999The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $4,500Civic Affairs
1999Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc.Expansion of the elementary school program in the Cleveland Municipal School District $63,043Civic Affairs
1999League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.1999 Voters Guide $3,000Civic Affairs
1999League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.A Call for Civic Renewal program (over two years) $72,777Civic Affairs
1999May Dugan CenterGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999National Service to Regional CouncilsThe 1999 National Regional Summit $5,000Civic Affairs
1999Neighborhood Funders Group Inc.Strong Families/Strong Neighborhood conference$7,500Civic Affairs
1999Neighborhood Progress Inc.The Neighborhood Retail Initiaitve (over two years) $80,000Civic Affairs
1999Ohio & Erie Canal AssociationDevelopment of the Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor Management Plan$50,000Civic Affairs
1999Ohio CDC AssociationDevelopment of a Neighborhood Assistance Program (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
1999Ohio State University FoundationMaster Gardener School Project $4,696Civic Affairs
1999The Old Stone FoundationSchool-to-Work Transitional Program (over two years) $20,000Civic Affairs
1999ParkWorks, Inc.Transition and program expansion (over two years) $150,800Civic Affairs
1999Partners for Livable Communities Inc.Publication of "The State of the American Community, 2000” $10,000Civic Affairs
1999Pathfinder InternationalAnnual fund $2,000Civic Affairs
1999The Research Foundation of State University of New YorkThe Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government’s study on the effects of welfare reform on community development corporations (over 18 months)$48,833Civic Affairs
1999Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1999Riverside Cemetary FoundationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999Shaker Square Area Development CorporationSkyline Campus Improvement Project $2,500Civic Affairs
1999Substance Abuse Initiative of Greater ClevelandNeighborhood Safe Zones Project $60,000Civic Affairs
1999Towards Employment, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
1999Towards Employment, Inc.Job Placement Program $3,000Civic Affairs
1999Towards Employment, Inc.General support $3,000Civic Affairs
1999United Way ServicesGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedLighting enhancements for Wade Oval$7,500Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedThe beautification and enhancement of Cedar Avenue$7,500Civic Affairs
1999University Circle IncorporatedStrategic plan $75,000Civic Affairs
1999Urban Land FoundationGeneral support $8,050Civic Affairs
1999Urban League of ClevelandThe Rising Tide Initiative $7,500Civic Affairs
1999Urban League of ClevelandOrganizational capacity building (over two years) $110,521Civic Affairs
1999Vocational Guidance ServicesGeneral support $1,500Civic Affairs
1999Vocational Guidance ServicesConsumer advocate position $77,867Civic Affairs
1999The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures$909Civic Affairs
1999World Affairs Council of AmericaNational conference brochure $2,500Civic Affairs
1999Youth Opportunities UnlimitedCore operations and two employment specialist positions$80,000Civic Affairs
20001999 AAU Junior Olympics Cleveland Committee, Inc.1999 Junior Olympics $7,500Civic Affairs
2000American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rithgeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
2000Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rithThe Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Northern Ohio Regional Office for Efforts to dispel$63,700Civic Affairs
2000The Architectural Society of Ohio FoundationCleveland Urban Design Assistance Team project in East Cleveland$7,500Civic Affairs
2000Beech BrookAnnual fund $500Civic Affairs
2000Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentImprovements to Cedar Hill Road $7,500Civic Affairs
2000Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe Center for Regional Economic Issues’ Institute for Sustainable Advantage$7,500Civic Affairs
2000Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCedar Hill Road Landscape Improvement Project $7,500Civic Affairs
2000Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPublic Policy Forum $25,000Civic Affairs
2000The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland FoundationDiversity Initiative $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Center for Democratic RenewalStudy on hate crimes in Ohio$7,500Civic Affairs
2000Center for Employment Training — Cleveland DivisionStrategic Development Assistance Project $75,000Civic Affairs
2000Center for Public LeadershipTribute program honoring JoAnne Davidson$20,000Civic Affairs
2000Citizens League Research InstituteGeneral support $100Civic Affairs
2000The City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
2000City of ClevelandCreation of the Cleveland Planning Commission website $48,500Civic Affairs
2000City of North OlmstedEquipment for law enforcement agencies $7,930Civic Affairs
2000City of Warrensville HeightsTransition activities for the mayor’s office $25,000Civic Affairs
2000City Year, Inc. City Year Cleveland (over two years)$175,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Botanical GardenGreen Corps program $20,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Bridge BuildersCleveland Bridge Builder program activities $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Civic Vision Housing Fund, L.L.C.Capitalization of the fund (over ten years)$250,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsAnnual campaign $1,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsMarla Campbell Educational Endowment Fund$1,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsLecture series on globalization $5,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsLecture series on globalization $5,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsLecture series on globalization $5,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsStudent education and teacher-training components of its globalization program $15,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Council on World AffairsLecture series on globalization $41,075Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Development FoundationAnnual support $250Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Development FoundationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Development FoundationScholarships for participants in the Leadership Cleveland program $21,165Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Development FoundationLeadership Cleveland Alumni Directory $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Engineering SocietyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)American Marshall Memorial Fund Fellows Program$25,000Civic Affairs
2000The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Planning process to investigate the creation of a neighborhood partnership program $37,652Civic Affairs
2000The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Summer Internship Program $110,000Civic Affairs
2000The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Assessment of community-development activities including operations of Neighborhood Progress, Inc. $125,000Civic Affairs
2000The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Downtown Building Loan Fund (over ten years) $700,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Housing Network IncHomeward Program $150,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Metroparks SystemBenefit of North Chagrin Reservation$844Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationMembership Services Program $36,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Public RadioStrategic plan$40,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Establishment of a public garden at the Sarah Benedict House$45,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Historic Preservation Center $65,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland TomorrowSeries of public briefings on the Civic Vision 2000 plan $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Waterfront Coalition, Inc.Hulett Preservation Project $7,500Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Works, Inc.Annual support $250Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Works, Inc.Associate director position (over two years)$93,750Civic Affairs
2000Cleveland Zoological SocietyAustralian Adventure $5,000Civic Affairs
2000Collins Center for Public Policy, Inc.Core operations for Funders’ Network for Smart Growth $7,500Civic Affairs
2000Court Community ServiceService Expansion Project (over two years) $152,075Civic Affairs
2000The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.Open Housing Information and Opportunities Project $50,000Civic Affairs
2000Downtown Cleveland Partnership2000 Downtown Winterfest Program $5,000Civic Affairs
2000Downtown Cleveland PartnershipOperating support$75,000Civic Affairs
2000Downtown Cleveland Partnership Streetscape plan for Superior Avenue$125,000Civic Affairs
2000Downtown Cleveland PartnershipResource pool to stimulate revitalization of the city’s central business district (over two years) $250,000Civic Affairs
2000EcoCity ClevelandGeneral support $100Civic Affairs
2000EcoCity ClevelandDesign and planning assistance for the Cleveland EcoVillage project (over two years) $46,354Civic Affairs
2000Economic Growth FoundationContinuation of the Jobs and Workforce Initiative $375,000Civic Affairs
2000Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandFormation of Media, Inc., a new public broadcasting organization serving the Greater Cleveland region$800,000Civic Affairs
2000The Enterprise FoundationCleveland Technology 2000 Initiative $39,500Civic Affairs
2000Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Geauga County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Program expansion$15,000Civic Affairs
2000Geauga County Humane SocietyRescue Village Capital Fund $500Civic Affairs
2000Geauga County Humane SocietyConstruction of Rescue Village, a clinic and education center within the new shelter $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Glenville Development CorporationGlenville Wall of Fame project $50,000Civic Affairs
2000Grand River Partners, Inc.General support $2,500Civic Affairs
2000Granville Academy, ClevelandCore activities (over two years)$20,000Civic Affairs
2000Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Adopt-A-House program $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Greater Cleveland RoundtableStrategic plan$7,500Civic Affairs
2000Greater Cleveland RoundtableRoundtable Center for Diversity Management and Education $125,000Civic Affairs
2000Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Hard Hatted WomenPart-time financial manager position (over two years)$20,000Civic Affairs
2000Heights Community CongressFair housing monitoring and diversity training program for students in the Cleveland Heights/University Heights School System (over two years) $34,000Civic Affairs
2000The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
2000Interfaith Suburban Action CoalitionCrossroads for Euclid program $20,000Civic Affairs
2000Kent State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative $140,000Civic Affairs
2000Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.General support $200Civic Affairs
2000Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.Training of three police officers to teach the middle school D.A.R.E. curriculum in the Cleveland area $4,500Civic Affairs
2000Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.Police Ethics Training workshops (over two years) $28,000Civic Affairs
2000League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Advancing Community Through Civic Renewal program (over 15 months) $69,966Civic Affairs
2000League of Women Voters of Ohio Education FundPublication of the 2000 Voters Guide $7,500Civic Affairs
2000Living in Cleveland CenterHome marketing strategic planning process$6,500Civic Affairs
2000Local Initiatives Support CorporationCEOs for Cities program $50,000Civic Affairs
2000Lutheran Housing CorporationEast Cleveland Housing Program (over two years) $120,000Civic Affairs
2000Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry AssociationCommunity Re-entry’s Community Corrections Job Fair$4,000Civic Affairs
2000National Urban Fellows, Inc.One Fellow in a local public agency (over two years)$30,000Civic Affairs
2000Negative Population GrowthGeneral support $150Civic Affairs
2000Neighborhood Funders Group Inc.Core operations and membership dues (over two years) $6,000Civic Affairs
2000Neighborhood Progress Inc.Joint retail district development project between Northeast Neighborhood Development Corporation and Garrett Square Economic Development Corporation$105,000Civic Affairs
2000Northeastern Neighborhood Development CorporationFurther community and economic development $300Civic Affairs
2000Painesville Area Habitat for Humanity General support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000ParkWorks, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000ParkWorks, Inc.School Grounds as Community Space initiative (over two years) $150,000Civic Affairs
2000Public Animal Welfare Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2000Shaker Lakes Regional Nature CenterCost project coordinator Doan Brook Pro$6,847Civic Affairs
2000Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000Shaker Square Area Development CorporationSkyline Campus Improvement Project (over two years)$50,000Civic Affairs
2000Shorebank Enterprise Group ClevelandCharles McDonald Marketing Center$16,848Civic Affairs
2000St. Clair-Superior Coalition, Inc.Low-Income Housing Tax Credit application for the Hodge School$7,500Civic Affairs
2000Towards Employment IncorporatedGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
2000Towards Employment, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2000Towards Employment, Inc.Job Placement Program $3,000Civic Affairs
2000Towards Employment, Inc.Information Management Project $10,000Civic Affairs
2000United Way ServicesGeneral support $450Civic Affairs
2000University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2000University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,500Civic Affairs
2000University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
2000University Circle IncorporatedDesign event to develop walkways and bicycle paths throughout the Circle $20,000Civic Affairs
2000Village of North RandallTransition activities of the mayor’s office $25,000Civic Affairs
2000Vocational Guidance ServicesGeneral support $150Civic Affairs
2000Vocational Guidance ServicesConstruction of a new training center and remodeling of headquarters$750,000Civic Affairs
2000WE-CAN! dba United WE-CAN!Feasibility study of a recreational facility in the Cleveland Heights YMCA building $2,500Civic Affairs
2000Western Reserve Historical SocietyCrawford Museum of Transporation $500,000Civic Affairs
2000Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion NetworkIndustrial Corridors Project$132,780Civic Affairs
2000Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion NetworkDelivering Cutting Edge Business Tools project $8,700Civic Affairs
2000The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures$1,035Civic Affairs
2000World Affairs Council of America2000 New York Conference $2,500Civic Affairs
2000Youth Opportunities UnlimitedCore operations $102,876Civic Affairs
2001American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.Speak Out for Civil Liberties campaign $5,000Civic Affairs
2001American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.Acquisition & renovation of a building $10,000Civic Affairs
2001American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.Capital campaign $25,000Civic Affairs
2001Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Northern Ohio Regional Office for Efforts to dispel$46,406Civic Affairs
2001Bay Inter-Faith HousingCapital improvements $25,000Civic Affairs
2001Board of Cuyahoga County CommissionersConference on predatory lending $3,500Civic Affairs
2001Catholic Charities Health and Human Services, Inc.Commission on Catholic Community Action’s activities related to implementation of the recommendations of the Ohio Commission on Racial Fairness report$35,625Civic Affairs
2001Cato InstituteGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
2001Center for Employment Training ClevelandStrategic development assistance $100,000Civic Affairs
2001Chagrin Falls Park Community CenterProject feasibility evaluation$7,500Civic Affairs
2001Citizens Against Government WasteGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
2001Citizens League Research InstituteGreater Cleveland Civic Info Database $11,000Civic Affairs
2001The City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
2001The City Club of ClevelandGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001The City Club of ClevelandCapital campaign $1,000Civic Affairs
2001The City Club of ClevelandYouth-oriented programs $2,500Civic Affairs
2001City of Cleveland20th Anniversary of the Police/Community Relations District Committees $1,605Civic Affairs
2001The City of Shaker HeightsFirst Suburbs Consortium Housing Initiative study $90,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Animal Protective League General support $12,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Bar FoundationGeneral support $2,350Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Botanical GardenRipe from Downtown, a symposium on the creation of garden-based entrepreneurial programs for youth $15,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Bridge BuildersProgram activities $50,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsLecture series on globalization $2,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsResearch associates $2,500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsStudent internship program $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Council on World AffairsLecture series on globalization and a special program dealing with the events of September 11th $50,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Development FoundationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Development FoundationScholarships for participants in the Leadership Cleveland program $21,298Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Development FoundationJane Campbell Transition Committee for recruitment efforts needed by the incoming administration $150,000Civic Affairs
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)The Cleveland Social Ventures Fund $5,000Civic Affairs
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Business Volunteers Unlimited Fund $25,000Civic Affairs
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Economic analysis conducted by Shorebank Advisory Services$30,000Civic Affairs
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)American Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program $41,900Civic Affairs
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Summer Internship Program $115,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public LibraryRenovation of the main library and the former YMCA plus construction of a bridge connecting the two buildings (over two years)$150,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Housing Network IncCommunity training and technology center $89,100Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Housing Network Inc. Homeward Program$180,700Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Metroparks SystemBenefit of North Chagrin Reservation $1,111Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationCleveland Communications Strategy Team $7,500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationSupport of staff activities and office expenses associated with the organization’s Membership Services Program $40,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Public Art, Inc.Development of a design to remodel the Detroit-Superior Bridge creating two lanes for pedestrians and bicycle riders$150,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Save Kirk Middle School $15,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Lighting of the steeples of five religious institutions visible from Interstate 71 on the Southwest side of Cleveland as part of its Sacred Landmarks Assistance Program$67,500Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Preservation Resource Center (over two years) $130,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Social Venture PartnersOperating support $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs’ Housing Policy Research Program (over two years)$64,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland TomorrowSupport third year of its Cleve, Mun. Sc$75,000Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
2001Cleveland Works, Inc.General support $1,500Civic Affairs
2001Community Re-Entry, Inc.Community Corrections Job Fair $4,000Civic Affairs
2001The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc.Open Communities Project $50,000Civic Affairs
2001Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadSubsidized tickets for students $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Downtown Cleveland Partnership2001 Downtown Winterfest Program $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Downtown Cleveland PartnershipStrategic planning initiatives (over 18 months) $225,000Civic Affairs
2001EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
2001EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral operating expenses $300Civic Affairs
2001Episcopal. West Side Shared MinistryYouth outreach $20,000Civic Affairs
2001Euclid Community ConcernsProgram activities $10,000Civic Affairs
2001Famicos Foundation, Inc.Courtyard construction project $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Federation for Community PlanningGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2001Flats Oxbow AssociationMarketing analysis$43,000Civic Affairs
2001Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $2,000Civic Affairs
2001Friends of the Cleveland Public LibraryJazz in July $500Civic Affairs
2001Geauga County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.Construction manager position (over two years) $18,000Civic Affairs
2001Geauga County Humane SocietyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc.General operations $900Civic Affairs
2001Greater Cleveland RoundtableFacilitator for a planning retreat for the Cleveland Commission on Economic Partnership and Inclusion$7,500Civic Affairs
2001Greater Cleveland RoundtableRoundtable Center for Diversity Management and Education $325,000Civic Affairs
2001Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2001The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001The Holden ArboretumGeneral support $4,500Civic Affairs
2001Home Repair Resource CenterHome How-To Program $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Home Repair Resource CenterHome How-To program $5,000Civic Affairs
2001Home Repair Resource Center“Home How-To” Program (over two years)$25,000Civic Affairs
2001Interfaith Suburban Action CoalitionBRIDGEs’ Diversity Education Program$20,000Civic Affairs
2001Jobs for Greater Cleveland’s Graduates Inc.Career specialist position and for student activities associated with the program.$30,000Civic Affairs
2001Judea Reform CongregationCapital compaign in honor of Steven Kohl$1,000Civic Affairs
2001Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.General support $200Civic Affairs
2001League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc.Bilingual Voters Guide for Cleveland’s 2001 General Election $3,000Civic Affairs
2001Lutheran Housing CorporationEast Cleveland Farmer’s Market $50,000Civic Affairs
2001MidTown Corridor, Inc.Development of three major projects dealing with commercial and residential issues $50,000Civic Affairs
2001The National Conference for Community and Justice, Inc.In support of the annual dinner $750Civic Affairs
2001The National Conference for Community and Justice, Inc.Annual fund $1,000Civic Affairs
2001National Youth Employment CoalitionParticipation of two individuals from Cleveland youth employment agencies in the New Leaders Academy $18,600Civic Affairs
2001Neighborhood Progress Inc. Operating support for the Partnership Program and Village Capital Corporation $1,140,000Civic Affairs
2001Neighborhood Progress Inc.Increase the lending capability of Village Capital Corporation $2,000,000Civic Affairs
2001Neighborhood Progress Inc. Partnership Program and Village Capital Corporation (over three years) $2,610,000Civic Affairs
2001New School UniversityMilano Graduate School Development Mid-Career Fellows Program$5,000Civic Affairs
2001Opportunity InternationalGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2001Opportunity InternationalProgram operations $5,000Civic Affairs
2001ParkWorks, Inc.General support $2,000Civic Affairs
2001Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for HumanityGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2001Second Growth InstituteFive Points Initiative $90,000Civic Affairs
2001Shaker Square Area Development CorporationGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001Shaker Square Area Development CorporationSkyline Campus Improvement Project $15,000Civic Affairs
2001Shaker Square Area Development CorporationMoreland Greens Revitalization Project (over two years) $550,000Civic Affairs
2001The Soldiers and Sailors Monument Support GroupCapital repairs at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument facility $1,000Civic Affairs
2001Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil WarRepair of the monument in Gettysburg, PA $1,000Civic Affairs
2001The TempleAnnual fund $500Civic Affairs
2001Towards Employment IncorporatedGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
2001Towards Employment IncorporatedGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
2001Town Hall of ClevelandStudent Scholarship Program $10,000Civic Affairs
2001Trinity CathedralGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
2001Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USAGeneral support $250Civic Affairs
2001United Ukrainian Sisterhoods of the USAPress fund and UUOS fund $250Civic Affairs
2001University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2001University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $2,500Civic Affairs
2001University Circle IncorporatedGeneral support $3,000Civic Affairs
2001University Circle IncorporatedPhysical development projects $10,000Civic Affairs
2001University Circle IncorporatedCapacity building in the University Circle area. $80,000Civic Affairs
2001Urban League of ClevelandPlanning activities$22,500Civic Affairs
2001Urban League of ClevelandTraining and employment project for Cleveland-area youth$106,000Civic Affairs
2001Village of Chagrin FallsChagrin Falls Public Radio Project $7,500Civic Affairs
2001West Side Ecumenical MinistryCYT — Capital $25,000Civic Affairs
2001Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion NetworkNatural Capitalism & Sustainability $447Civic Affairs
2001Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion NetworkIndustrial Corridor project $161,732Civic Affairs
2001The Women’s City Club of ClevelandEducational lectures$1,016Civic Affairs
2001World Affairs Council of America2001 Washington D.C. Conference $2,500Civic Affairs
2001Yorkville Community Association, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
2001Youth Opportunities UnlimitedOperating support and strategic planning $126,723Civic Affairs
2002American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.General Support$500Civic Affairs
2002American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation, Inc.General Support$500Civic Affairs
2002Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rithThe Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Northern Ohio Regional Office for Efforts to dispel$45,336Civic Affairs
2002Bay Inter-Faith HousingCapital improvement $25,000Civic Affairs
2002Bellaire Puritas Development CorporationRetention of a trained instructor, and supplies and equipment$25,000Civic Affairs
2002Black Data Processing Associates Educ. Technology FoundationNeighborhood Technology Program $24,500Civic Affairs
2002Board of Cuyahoga County CommissionersRegional Economic Development Summit $5,000Civic Affairs
2002Business Volunteers UnlimitedGeneral support $2,000Civic Affairs
2002Case Western Reserve University Practitioner Scholar-in-Residence$60,000Civic Affairs
2002Cato InstituteGeneral Support$250Civic Affairs
2002Chagrin Falls Park Community Center Staff support for community development corporation in Chagrin Falls Park $25,000Civic Affairs
2002Citizens League Research InstituteGeneral support $100Civic Affairs
2002The City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.General support $250Civic Affairs
2002The City Club of ClevelandGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2002City of ClevelandFour educational workshops for members of Cleveland City Council$7,500Civic Affairs
2002City of HudsonGeneral Support$100Civic Affairs
2002City of SavannaIn memory of Fred W. Ernst$200Civic Affairs
2002The City of Shaker HeightsFirst-year operating support for the First Suburbs Development Council $70,000Civic Affairs
2002City Year Inc.Program support$175,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Bar Foundation Endowment Fund$4,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $100Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support $500Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Council on World AffairsGlobalization lecture series $1,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Council on World AffairsGeneral support$1,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Development FoundationScholarships for participants in the Leadership Cleveland program $20,155Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Engineering SocietyGeneral support $1,000Civic Affairs
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Development of a community development strategy for the next five to ten years. $40,000Civic Affairs
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)American Marshall Memorial Fellowship program$41,985Civic Affairs
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Secure program and marketing consultant services to assist in the implementation of the Adelphia-Cleveland City Council Neighborhood Technology Fund$100,000Civic Affairs
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Cleveland Foundation Summer Internship Program$115,000Civic Affairs
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Support for further development of Neighborhood Connections program to provide suppor to tgrassroots organizations in selected Cleveland neighborhoods$150,000Civic Affairs
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Implementation of the Neighborhood Connections program$1,550,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Housing Network Inc Program support for bringing information technologh home initiative$1,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Housing Network Inc. Homeward Program $215,200Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Metroparks SystemBenefit of North Chagrin Reservation $1,114Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Neighborhood Development CorporationMembership Services Program $40,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.General support $500Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc.Historic School Initiative$10,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Social Venture PartnersGeneral Support$5,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Social Venture Partners General Support$5,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Social Venture Partners Youth Opportunities Unlimited funding (2002-2003)$25,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Social Venture PartnersGeneral Support$31,500Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.The Unger Croatia Center for Local Government Leaders$25,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Ruth Ratner Miller Center for Greater Cleveland’s Future at the Maxine Goodman Levin Collee of urban Affairs$180,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Tomorrow Cleveland Lakefront Partners master plan for the City of Cleveland’s Lakefront$350,000Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Urban Minority Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Outreach ProgramNeighborhood Technology Program $12,500Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Works, Inc. General Support$250Civic Affairs
2002Cleveland Works, Inc.General Support$375Civic Affairs