Grant Search
The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.
Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.
Displaying 38001 to 39000 of 50743
Year | Organization | Purpose | Amount | Program Area |
Year | Organization | Purpose | Amount | Program Area |
2007 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | Learning Center staffing support | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation | Greater University Circle Housing Assistance Program | $1,000,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Foundation for Financial Planning | General Support | $750 | Economic Development |
2007 | Hard Hatted Women | Community Wealth Venture: Superior Workforce Solutions, a consulting service and apprentice training program | $60,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2007 | Jennings Center for Older Adults | Rewarding Education through Advanced Careers in Healthcare (REACH) workforce project | $155,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Mahoning Valley Economic Development Corporation | Unrestricted (General Operating) | $4,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Maingate Business Development Corporation | Strategic Planning | $18,500 | Economic Development |
2007 | Mt. Pleasant NOW Development Corporation | Unrestricted (General Operating) | $2,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Negative Population Growth | General Support | $200 | Economic Development |
2007 | Presidents Council Foundation, Inc. | Emerging Entrepreneurs Program | $85,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | SCORE | “Counselors to America’s Small Business” | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | General support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Cleveland Neighborhoods Revitalization strategic plan | $525,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Civic Innovation Lab operations and grantmaking activities | $525,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Building Resource Development Capacity | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Community Wealth Venture: Achieve, an employee retention and advancement program | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Urban League of Cleveland | Multicultural Business Development Center | $180,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Wind energy manufacturing initiative | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2007 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Akron Community Service Center & Urban League | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | Ashland University | General support of EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners | Supplemental request for its Offshore Wind Research Project | $200,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners | Great Lakes Wind Energy Center project | $232,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | Brookings Institution | Feasibility study for the Great Lakes Economic Initiative | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Brookings Institution | U.S. Policy Toward a Cuba in Transition simulation project and final report | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development | Great Lakes Institute for Energy Innovation — EPRI Workshop: Materials for Next-Generation Energy Storage; Challenges for Cost-Effective Scientific and Technical Innovation | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Celebrate Cleveland | Economic opportunity visit to Germany | $13,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs | Globilization and the Midwest Conference | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | Leadership Delegation to Baghdad and Amman | $2,100 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | Global Cleveland project | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | Global Cleveland project | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Regional Executive Director search | $35,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Fund for Our Economic Future | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Fund for our Economic Future | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Assessment of recent economic development progress in downtown Cleveland, including the effectiveness of the Downtown Cleveland Alliance | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Fund for Our Economic Future | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Fund for our Economic Future — General Support | $35,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Fund for Our Economic Future | $35,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Consultant to assist with international relations and business attraction with Latin America and Costa Rica | $36,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Preparations of a strategic international attraction trip to Germany | $36,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Implementation phase of the pilot assessment, documentation and recommendations for creating an infrastructure for the building deconstruction and materials reuse/recycling project | $48,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Strategic planning of the International Trade Zone and Incentive Study for attracting international companies | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Three feasibility studies as part of the Economic Inclusion Strategy for Greater University Circle | $110,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Globalization initiative — year three | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology — planning phase | $450,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Sixth year support of the Fund for Our Economic Future | $4,000,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cleveland Public Art, Inc. | 2009 projects and programming, including partnerships with Parkworks and NPI | $110,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Common Wealth Revolving Loan Fund | Loan loss reserve for loans to employee-owned companies | $75,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Common Wealth Revolving Loan Fund | Loans to employee-owned companies | $675,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cornucopia, Inc. dba Nature’s Bin | Social enterprise program serving people with disabilities | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Cudell Improvement, Inc. | General Support | $2,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $300 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $375 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | 10 Student Business Start-up Grants | $500 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General support — matching campaign | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | E City | General Support | $4,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Economic Growth Foundation | Feasibility study for the development of a Sustainable Product Education Center | $125,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Entrepreneurs Edge Inc | General Support — Grant was made at the recommendation of Jonathan Adams. | $500 | Economic Development |
2008 | The Entrepreneurs Edge Inc | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | Staffing of the learning center | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation | Strategic investment plan | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Fund for Our Economic Future of Northeast Ohio | The Fund for Our Economic Future | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Greater Cleveland Media Development Corp dba Greater Cleveland Film Commission | 2008-2009 advocacy initiatives and program expansion | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Greater Cleveland Sports Commission | OurSports social venture, to develop new proprietary events | $67,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | I.C.L. Institute d.b.a. Institute for Creative Leadership | Emergency move and future facility assessment | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2008 | JumpStart, Inc. | General Support | $350 | Economic Development |
2008 | Kent State University Foundation, Inc. | Phase two development of the Greater University Circle Community Wealth Enterprise | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Little Italy Redevelopment Corporation | Organizational capacity building and collaborative retail study | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Mt. Pleasant NOW Development Corporation | General Support | $2,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurs | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2008 | Negative Population Growth | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2008 | NorTech | 2008 State Science & Technology Institute’s annual conference to be held in Cleveland | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation (d.b.a. Team Neo) | Wind energy industry assessment | $75,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | Construction of a Renewably Generated Hydrogen Fueling Station | $310,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | General support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | Economic Inclusion for Greater University Circle | $750,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Entrepreneural support | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | St. Clair-Superior Development Corp. | General support for St. Clair-Superior Neighborhood Development | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Civic Innovation Lab operations and grantmaking activities | $525,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | University Circle Incorporated | Future Connections program | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | University of Maryland Foundation Inc. | The Democracy Collaborative Foundation, Inc. — Economic Inclusion Strategy for the six neighborhoods of Greater University Circle | $198,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Village Capital Corporation | Phase I of the Uptown Development Project | $4,000,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Second phase of the Great Lakes Wind Network | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Corridors Initiative, a project to expand services to the east side of Cleveland | $190,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General support of foreclosure prevention activities | $500 | Economic Development |
2008 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2008 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | Capacity building project | $40,600 | Economic Development |
2008 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | Microlending program | $60,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Ashland University | EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center general support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | BioEnterprise Corporation | Strategic health corridor zone assessment and plan | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development | Participation in Cleveland Foundation-led delegation to France to develop a partnership with Motor Development International | $4,900 | Economic Development |
2009 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs | Cleveland conference on energy reform and climate policy | $26,456 | Economic Development |
2009 | City of Cleveland | Design of a waste-to-energy facility at the Ridge Road Transfer Center | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Cleveland Botanical Garden | Endowment of the Charles R. McDonald Chair for the Green Corps program director position | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology dba NewBridge | Start-up support for the NewBridge Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology | $3,000,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | American Wind Energy Association reception | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Fund for Our Economic Future | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Business, academic, and research relationships with China in the area of advanced energy | $12,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Feasibility study of a medical waste-to-energy facility in Greater University Circle | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Public engagement work for Great Lakes Wind Energy Center project | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Consultant services related to international business attraction | $48,950 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Support for delegation of German aerospace companies to visit Cleveland | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Collaboration with Chinese entities on advanced-energy issues and initiatives | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Evaluation of the Civic Innovation Lab | $75,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Establishment of the Evergreen Land Trust | $80,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Greater University Circle economic inclusion strategy | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | 2010 international relations efforts and second-year consulting contract with SME Union | $175,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel | Northeast Ohio economic development collaboration | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority | Support for transformative investment initiatives | $327,700 | Economic Development |
2009 | Downtown Cleveland Alliance | General Support | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | McDonald Fund match | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | Charles R. McDonald Youth Mentoring Program | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | Entrepreneurship education | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | E City | Entrepreneurship education program for the virtual school house | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Economic Growth Foundation | Marketing for the Cleveland International Investment Fund | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Economic Growth Foundation | Acceleration of the Opportunity Corridor | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Economic Growth Foundation | Implementation of the Eastern European trade mission strategy | $117,429 | Economic Development |
2009 | Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. | The Retrofit Fund | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Entrepreneurs Edge Inc | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2009 | The Entrepreneurs Edge Inc | General Support | $600 | Economic Development |
2009 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General Support | $750 | Economic Development |
2009 | Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation | Penn State University’s Intergenerational Studies trip to Japan | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | FINCA International | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | First Suburbs Consortium Development Council | Efforts to increase collaboration among the first-ring suburbs | $80,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Foundation for Financial Planning | General Support | $2,250 | Economic Development |
2009 | French American Chamber of Commerce Educational & Cultural Foundation | Delegation visit from Rouen to Cleveland | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Fund for Our Economic Future of Northeast Ohio | Phase III of the Fund’s economic development strategy | $300,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Geauga Growth Partnership Inc. | Formation of the Geauga Growth Partnership | $149,400 | Economic Development |
2009 | Greater Cleveland Media Development Corp dba Greater Cleveland Film Commission | Creative workforce development and business attraction | $90,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Hispanic Business Association | Leadership development and strategic planning | $65,533 | Economic Development |
2009 | JumpStart, Inc. | Minority Business Capital Investment Summit in Cleveland | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Kent State University Foundation, Inc. | Training, management, structuring, and expansion of the Evergreen Cooperatives through the Ohio Employee Ownership Center | $125,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Negative Population Growth | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Establishment of the Land Reutilization Corp. | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Targeted international business attraction | $1,000,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | OneCommunity | Support for the Regional Technology Stimulus Office to attract American Recovery and Reinvestment Act dollars for broadband projects in Northeast Ohio | $75,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Presidents Council Foundation, Inc. | Emerging Entrepreneurs program | $75,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund | $200 | Economic Development |
2009 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | General Support | $2,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | Revitalization of Cleveland neighborhoods | $550,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund | $2,250,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | St. Clair-Superior Development Corp. | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | 2010 interim support | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Operations and grantmaking activities for the Civic Innovation Lab | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | University Circle Incorporated | Future Connections program | $2,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | University Circle Incorporated | General support in honor of Clara Sherwin’s ongoing service and commitment to the organization | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | University of Akron Foundation | Innovation Fund for tech-based start-ups in Northeast Ohio | $200,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Year two of its citywide manufacturing initiative | $115,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support and Individual Development Accounts program | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $1,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | 16-hour financial education course | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2009 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General support | $3,800 | Economic Development |
2009 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Charles R. McDonald youth mentoring project | $700,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Antioch Development Corporation | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Ashland University | EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center — general support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | BioEnterprise Corporation | General Support | $800 | Economic Development |
2010 | BioEnterprise Corporation | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | BioEnterprise Corporation | Support of a student intern for the TiE Program | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | BioEnterprise Corporation | Existing business development programs and launch of the execution phase of the new Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor initiative | $800,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development | Cleveland delegation to China/Tianjin for the planning of a 2011 Symposium on advanced energy and commercialization | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development | Planning a collaboration platform in advanced energy with partners in China | $70,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Continued development and administration of the TechBelt Initiative | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | NewBridge | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Membership dues for Finca Vigia Foundation for 2010-2011 | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Phase 2 of the establishment of the Evergreen Land Trust | $65,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Launch of the Neighborhood Voice | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Economic Growth Foundation to launch the Working Capital Loan Back Fund | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Continued development and implementation of the Green City Growers Cooperative | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Sepcial Purpose Fund | $500,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | The Cleveland Institute of Art | Reclaimed Furniture Initiative | $20,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Constructores Para Cristo | General support | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Downtown Cleveland Alliance | Matching grant for T.C.F., Gund, Kent Smith Challenge grant | $500 | Economic Development |
2010 | E City | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2010 | E City | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2010 | E City | General Support | $800 | Economic Development |
2010 | E City | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | E City | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Economic Growth Foundation | Recruitment of a Manager of External Affairs/Aerospace | $85,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Economic Growth Foundation | Operations and program support for the Minority Business Accelerator 2.5+ initiative | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. | Two-day planning charrette for the Energy Alliance | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General Support | $750 | Economic Development |
2010 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | Help Faith-based or nonprofit with sustainability plan with peers | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | Strengthen its business model and long term fiscal sustainability | $60,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | FINCA International | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2010 | Fund for Our Economic Future of Northeast Ohio | General Support | $20,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Fund for Our Economic Future of Northeast Ohio | General Support | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Fund for Our Economic Future of Northeast Ohio | Phase 3 | $500,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Greater Cleveland Sports Commission | Planning for the wrap-around, legacy programs to promote successful aging for Cleveland’s seniors, in conjuction with the Cleveland-hosted National Senior Games in 2013. | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Heart of Willoughby | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2010 | Heritage Ohio, Inc. | Economic Impact of Ohio Historic Tax Credit project | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Hiram Farm Living and Learning | Living and Learning | $250 | Economic Development |
2010 | Hiram Farm Living and Learning | Build the barn project in honor of Mike Hegsted | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Hispanic Business Assoc. dba The NE Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development | Consultant services related to the development of a micro-lending program | $35,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Hispanic Business Assoc. dba The NE Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development | Opening of Adult Education Center | $90,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Hispanic Roundtable Community Programs | Convencion 2010 community planning project | $35,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | JumpStart, Inc. | General Support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | JumpStart, Inc. | Entrepreneurship programs in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio | $750,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Kent State University Foundation, Inc. | Four public meetings and charrettes for 3C stop sites across the State of Ohio | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Lake County Port Authority | Creation of the Public Finance Director position | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) | Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) — Launch and operations | $500,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | LakewoodAlive | Housing Outreach Capacity Building project | $44,409 | Economic Development |
2010 | Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET) | Water to the World pilot project connecting Northern Ohio manufacturers with global markets for water-related components and systems | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET) | Implementation of Growth by Design and New Markets initiatives | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | National Development Council | Staffing related to the Living Cities Integration Initiative | $335,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Negative Population Growth | General Support | $400 | Economic Development |
2010 | New Hampshire Community Loan Fund | Reserve fund-Rockefeller | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | NorTech | Development of regional technology-based industry clusters | $700,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Development of a direct-to-company generation process as part of its business attraction initiative | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Business and MBE attraction efforts | $515,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | President and Fellows of Harvard College | More for Mission 2010-2011 mission investing efforts | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | General support | $3,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Building a sustainable Community Development Finance Institution for economic growth in Cleveland’s neighborhoods | $225,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund for the Green City Growers Cooperative | $397,698 | Economic Development |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | General Support for Neighborhood Connections | $600 | Economic Development |
2010 | Suite 1300 Services, Inc. | Civic Innovation Lab operations, grantmaking and planning purposes | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | United for Jobs and Ohio’s Future | Continuation of the Ohio Third Frontier investment program through State Issue 1 campaign efforts | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | University Circle Incorporated | Early Learning Initiative, Linking Education and Discovery, and Future Connections Program | $1,500 | Economic Development |
2010 | University of Akron Foundation | Comparative Innovation Policy: Best Practices for the 21st Century study and symposium which will be held in Cleveland | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | WEC International | Building Project at El Monte, Mexico | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Three economic development initiatives: Manufacturing Growth Strategies, Great Lakes Wind Network Market Expansion, and Urban Redevelopment | $350,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2010 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | Community Development Financial Institution planning grant, to develop financial products for Cleveland’s unbanked and underbanked individuals and families | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2010 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | E City program — Entrepreneurship Training, Empowering Youth to Own Their Future | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Antioch Development Corporation | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Antioch Development Corporation | Marvin A. McMickle Scholarship Fund | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Ashland University | EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center — general support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2011 | Bad Girls Ventures | Loan Fund | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Bad Girls Ventures | Start-up operations | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | BioEnterprise Corporation | BioScience business development and community engagement programs and development of the Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor initiative | $800,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development | Collaboration platform in advanced energy with partners in China | $80,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Chardon Tomorrow | Planning retreat that brings all constituencies together to formulate a common vision | $16,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology dba NewBridge | General support | $500 | Economic Development |
2011 | Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology dba NewBridge | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology dba NewBridge | General support | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Cleveland Center for Arts and Technology dba NewBridge | Adult career retraining | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Special Purpose Fund | $500,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Evergreen Cooperative Corporation — staffing and organizational expenses | $550,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Downtown Cleveland Alliance | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2011 | Economic and Community Development Institute | Planning and pre-development of a micro-credit program | $85,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Economic Growth Foundation | Marketing campaign to maintain Cleveland’s status as a United Airlines hub | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Economic Growth Foundation | Planning phase of the Opportunity Corridor project | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Economic Growth Foundation | Commission on Economic Inclusion’s Minority Business Accelerator 2.5 program to support operations and program costs | $200,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | The Entrepreneurs Edge Inc | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2011 | Entrepreneurs for Sustainability | General support | $500 | Economic Development |
2011 | FINCA International | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2011 | Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority | Three Greater University Circle transportation-oriented development initiatives: $40,000 for the Mayfield Road Station, $35,000 for anchor-based sustainable commuting planning, $100,000 for transit-oriented development along the red line | $175,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Heart of Willoughby | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2011 | Heifer Project International Inc. | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2011 | Hispanic Business Assoc. dba The NE Ohi Hispanic Center for Economic Developme | Business Training Program | $6,700 | Economic Development |
2011 | Jewish Federation of Cleveland | Global Cleveland — launch and program development | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates | Support the High School to Career Program for under-served at-risk teens by providing mentoring, academic counseling and career readiness training with the goal of successfully transitioning participants through high school and on to college or a career. | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | JumpStart, Inc. | Accelerating the region’s entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystem | $750,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Kent State University Foundation, Inc. | Kent State University Ohio Employee Ownership Center — Evergreen Cooperative Initiative | $160,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) | Offshore wind activities | $750,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET) | Small and mid-size manufacturing business programs | $400,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | MidTown Cleveland | Implementation of the Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor and administration of the Ohio Hub of Innovation and Opportunity | $75,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | National Development Council | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund — Working capital, business growth and support initiatives for the Evergreen Cooperative Laundry | $400,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Negative Population Growth | General Support | $400 | Economic Development |
2011 | New Hampshire Community Loan Fund | Annual meeting support | $1,600 | Economic Development |
2011 | NorTech | NorTech Energy Enterprise’s engagement of a consultant for 2011 | $18,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | NorTech | Core operations to catalyze Northeast Ohio’s technology industries | $750,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Creation of a regional economic development strategy | $23,333 | Economic Development |
2011 | Northeast Ohio Regional Economic Development Foundation dba Team NEO | Business attraction efforts | $800,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Presidents Council Foundation, Inc. | Entrepreneurs Edge program | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Evergreen --laundry, solar, greenhouse | $250 | Economic Development |
2011 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Evergreen Fund for consulting relating to the predevelopment of staffing and pre-launch of the Evergreen Scanning Cooperative. | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Operational support for the Glenville Enterprise Center | $170,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Transition support | $175,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund | $300,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2011 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Three economic development initiatives: Manufacturing Growth Initiative, Great Lakes Wind Network Market Expansion, and Urban Redevelopment | $350,000 | Economic Development |
2011 | Working for Empowerment Through Community Organizing dba WECO Fund, Inc. | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2012 | Ashland University | EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center - general support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2012 | The Center for Community Solutions | EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center - general support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2012 | Commission to Every Nation Inc | Support missionary work of Rigo Andino Family in Honduras | $250 | Economic Development |
2012 | Cornucopia, Inc. dba Nature’s Bin | Expansion of Vocational Training Program and Commissary Kitchen | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Exuma Foundation | General support - $4,000 and St. John Anglican Episcopal Church - $ 250 | $4,250 | Economic Development |
2012 | Friends of the Israel Defense Forces | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Friends of the World Food Program Inc | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2012 | Fund for Our Economic Future of Northeast Ohio | Fund for Our Economic Future Phase 4 | $300,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support - Cleveland | $485 | Economic Development |
2012 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support - Cleveland | $4,226 | Economic Development |
2012 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support - Cleveland | $1,876 | Economic Development |
2012 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support - Cleveland | $6,453 | Economic Development |
2012 | Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries Inc. | Metzenbaum Opportunity School | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | 2012 FIRST Robotics Competition | $7,500 | Economic Development |
2012 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | Export Initiatives to assist aerospace manufacturing companies in increasing export sales | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | STEM Student Outreach - NASA Technology Showcase | $1,740 | Economic Development |
2012 | Saint Martin de Porres High School Work Study Program | Student work team at the Cleveland Foundation for the 2012-2013 school-year | $27,400 | Economic Development |
2012 | Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Circle North Restoration Project | $250,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Strategic assessment of the economic development initiative | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | University Circle Incorporated | Annual sustaining fund | $1,500 | Economic Development |
2012 | University Circle Incorporated | General support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | Roof replacement and related repairs to safeguard services and jobs for Greater Cleveland residents with disabilities | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | Workforce Development Initiative to increase “earning while learning” work opportunities for indviduals with disabilities and other barriers to employment | $20,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support 2012 Annual fund | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | Special Campaign to Replace the Roof on VGS’ Main Facility | $2,500 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $500 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | Roof replacement | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | 2012 Contribution (New Green Roof) | $2,250 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | Assistance to needy of Sunbeam School graduating class | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | Assistance to needy clients of Sunbeam School | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General support | $4,226 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General support | $2,010 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General support | $4,422 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2012 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $4,500 | Economic Development |
2013 | Bad Girls Ventures | Bad Girl Ventures Cleveland | $35,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | BioEnterprise Corporation | Core operations including the Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor initiative | $325,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | BioEnterprise Corporation | Furthering the development of the region’s biomedical cluster and the core city | $300,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Career Transition Center | General Support | $300 | Economic Development |
2013 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Social Enterprise re-entry program | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Evergreen system wise resource planning platform and the HR position at Evergreen | $117,072 | Economic Development |
2013 | Disabled Veteran’s Insurance Careers | General Support | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Economic and Community Development Institute | Cleveland Small Business Development Initiative | $400,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Economic Growth Foundation | Workforce study for implementation of Community Benefits Agreement | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Economic Growth Foundation | Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy Workforce Priority Team | $100,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Exuma Foundation | $5,000 for General Support of the Exuma Foundation and $250 for St. John Anglican Episcopal Church on Exuma | $5,250 | Economic Development |
2013 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support — Cleveland | $4,551 | Economic Development |
2013 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support — Cleveland | $1,916 | Economic Development |
2013 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support — Cleveland | $505 | Economic Development |
2013 | Goodwill Industries of Greater Clevelandand East Central Ohio, Inc. | General support — Cleveland | $6,969 | Economic Development |
2013 | Initiative for a Competitive Inner City | Inner City Economic Summit in Cleveland October 2013 | $25,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | JumpStart, Inc. | Accelerate the region’s entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystem | $500,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET) | Growth of manufacturing businesses through PRISM | $400,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries Inc. | Metzenbaum Opportunity School | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | NorTech | Catalize Northeast Ohio’s technology industries | $675,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | Outreach efforts to women — and minority-owned businesses | $20,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Saint Martin de Porres High School Work Study Program | Student work team at the Cleveland Foundation for the 2013–2014 school-year | $28,100 | Economic Development |
2013 | Scranton Road Ministries Community Development Corporation | Youth Jobs Partnership program expansion and sustainability | $30,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland dba Enterprise Cleveland | Glenville Enterprise Center | $150,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Summer on the Cuyahoga | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Team NEO | Business attraction and economic alignment activities | $500,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Strategic plan implementation | $185,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Pathways to Employment comprehensive program model | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Towards Employment Incorporated | Networks 4 Success | $15,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General Support | $12,600 | Economic Development |
2013 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Towards Employment Incorporated | General support | $3,500 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | Assistance to needy of Sunbeam School graduating class | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $2,054 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | Roof replacement project | $40,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | 2013 Annual Fund | $2,300 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | Annual Fund | $50,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | Assistance to needy clients of Sunbeam School | $1,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General support | $4,551 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General support | $4,517 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $10,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $250 | Economic Development |
2013 | Vocational Guidance Services | General Support | $5,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Strengthening Cleveland’s manufacturing industry | $110,000 | Economic Development |
2013 | Westside Industrial Retention & Expansion Network (WIRE-Net) | Urban manufacturing and apprentice accelerators and wind supply chain | $255,000 | Economic Development |
1988 | Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners | Summer program activities | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Buckeye Area Development Corporation | Apartment improvement program | $22,500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | City of Findlay | Repair of Maple Grove Cemetery | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Development Foundation | New Cleveland Campaign | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Moderate-income home ownership | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Assess fair housing organiz.s | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Re-Entry Care Team at CMHA | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Midtown Plaza Shopping Center | $1,000,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Moderate-income home ownership | $51,500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Moderate-income home ownership | $200,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc. | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Rotary Club Foundation | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Analysis: Chester & Euclid | $26,562 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Studies:devel.issues in Cleve. | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cleveland Tenants Organization | Expand tenant orgnizing | $75,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Community Action Commission, Findlay, Ohio | Land use/housing study:Clinton | $9,100 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Council of State Community Affairs Agencies | Conference:employmnt/self-suff | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Court Community Service | Expand service to Common Pleas | $54,039 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Court of Appeals of Ohio, Eight Appellate District | Modernize recordkeeping system | $16,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cuyahoga County Bar Foundation | Public Servants Merit Award | $3,199 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Division | New Superint.of Dentention Ctr | $3,500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Cuyahoga County Regional Planning Commission | Implement rec.of Brkpk Rd stdy | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Fair housing program | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Development Training Institute | Internship | $15,850 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Diocese of Cleveland | Human relations program | $60,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | East Suburban Council for Open Communities | Sustain fair housin’activities | $160,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Enterprise Foundation | Establish Cleveland office | $80,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Family Service of Hancock County | Child Abuse Treatment Program | $12,200 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Federation for Community Planning | Serious Juvenile Offender Proj | $59,552 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Findlay Area Youtheatre | Kids Summer Stock (KSS) Progrm | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Findlay Convention and Visitors Bureau | Purchase Travelers radio statn | $6,643 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Foundation Center | 1989 General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Governmental Research Institute | Analyze 5 special purpose org. | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Greater Cleveland Domed Stadium Corporation, Inc. | Operations in trnsition period | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association | 25th Ann.Campaign At-Risk-Yout | $1,500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association | 25th Anniversary Campaign | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association | History of settlement houses | $6,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | Human relations program | $200,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Hancock Park District | Usage study of Hancock Rec.Ctr | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Hancock Regional Planning Commission | Housing Market Survey | $1,600 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation | Human relations activities | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Home Repair Resource Center | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Junior League of Cleveland, Inc. | Renovation of League House | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Lake County Historical Society | Install American Indian Site | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Larchmere Development Association | Market analysis & revit. plan | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Law Enforcement Foundation, Incorporated | Attendance: Police Exec.Colleg | $16,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Additional management staff | $24,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Community Re-Entry for CPS | $34,166 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | MYH Club Corporation | Support for tutoring program | $30,328 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Initial yr.of Neighbor.Progres | $400,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Nolasco Housing Corporation | Housing Detroit-Shorway | $18,314 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | North Coast Harbor, Inc. | Funding of North Coast Harbor | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency | Directory | $7,250 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Ohio CDC Association | Generl operations & activities | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Ohio State University Research Foundation | “It’s Fresher from Ohio” proj. | $26,895 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Saint Vincent Quadrangle, Inc. | Program devel. & area planning | $47,875 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | St.Clair-Superior Coalition | For Attorney/Victim Advocacy | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Stride for Pride | Hire staff person for outreach | $13,200 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Task Force on Violent Crime Charitable Fund | Beautification program | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Trust for Public Land — Midwest Field Office | Flats-Oxbow/Cuy. River Valley | $283,333 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | The Women’s City Club of Cleveland | Educational lectures | $381 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Woodland East Community Organization | revitalize neighborhood | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1988 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Summer School-Work Transition | $150,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The American Civil Liberties Union of Cleveland | For general support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Arcadia Local School | Establish native tree section* | $8,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Black Studies and Library Association | Black Heritage Library* | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners | Summer youth & drug awareness | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Center for Career Options | Summer prog.w.YOU Schl-to-Work | $7,975 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | City of Cleveland | All-Amer.City slide presentatn | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | City of Cleveland | Civic Vision 2000 activities | $75,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | City of Cleveland Heights | Comprehensive zoning code revi | $22,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | City of Findlay | Maple Grove Cemetery restor.* | $9,161 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland College of Jewish Studies | Jewish life and Culture | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Study recycled manufact. goods | $4,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Temporary ice skating rink | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Neighborhood Funders Group | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Evaluation of peer coaching | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Assessment of home ownership | $15,300 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Anisfield-Wolf Awards | $16,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Dorney Fund Office in Findlay* | $28,990 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Allocation by the Dist. Com. | $56,501 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Public Sq.Preserv. & Maintnanc | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Help in financing building | $125,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | PRI for dev. of shopping plaza | $200,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Property acquisition for CSU | $1,500,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Support salary and fringes | $62,600 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation | Cleveland Site Location Expo | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation | Resource Dev. Site Expo | $48,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland Recycling Center | Expanded operations | $32,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Study of CMHA’s Acquis.Housing | $8,955 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | “Toward the Year 2000” project | $80,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Collinwood Community Services Center | to 5 Points | $29,813 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cooperative Assistance Fund | Minority Econ Dev in Gr Cleve | $250,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Crossroads Development Corporation | Archwood-Denison home ownershp | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Cuyahoga County Regional Planning Commission | Study of Cuyahoga River Valley | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Pro-integrative mortgage educ. | $12,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Organizational analysis | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Enterprise Foundation | Provide grants & loans to CDC | $150,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Family Service of Hancock County | Child Abuse Treatment & Prev.* | $10,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Federation for Community Planning | Plan re: substance abuse | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Findlay Area Arts Council | Printing an Art directory* | $11,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Findlay Area Chamber Foundation | Strategic Plan. for businesses | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Findlay College | Riverside Park summer concerts | $1,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Findlay College | Mkt & dev.Hazard.Waste Studies | $6,250 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Findlay-Hancock County Public Library | Educationl prog.& computr srvc | $6,725 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Foundation Center | 1990 General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Foundation Center | 1989 General support | $750 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Foundation Center | 1989 General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Foundation Center | General Support | $2,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Governmental Research Institute | Analysis of local govt.expend. | $30,250 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Governmental Research Institute | Recruit City of Cleve.official | $143,055 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association | 25th Anniversary Campaign | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association | Community orgs. training prog. | $29,750 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | Race relations video present’n | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | Labor/management conference | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Hancock Historical Museum Association | Local hist.res.ctr & archives | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Hawken School | Capital campaign | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation | Fair housing & hum. relations | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Home Repair Resource Center | Building purchase | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Home Repair Resource Center | Bldg. purchase & modification | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Housing Advocates, Inc. | Housing law clinic: CSU & CWRU | $75,990 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland | Solidarity | $1,450 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland | 150th Anniversary Exhibit | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Law Enforcement Foundation, Incorporated | Ohio DARE Project | $6,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Deficit reduction of the Voter | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Public information re: electns | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Historical commemorative-mayor | $16,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Local Initiatives Support Corporation | 10th anniversary celebration | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Local Initiatives Support Corporation | Operation of Cleveland office | $150,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Lutheran Housing Corporation | Staff Support for a developmen | $30,413 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Youth Re-entry Program | $12,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Partners in Placement Friends | $38,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The MetroHealth Foundation, Inc. | Redevelopment planning study | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | MidTown Corridor, Inc. | Planning & marketing analysis | $82,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | National Urban Fellows, Inc. | Underwrite Clev ’89-90 Fellows | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Nature Conservancy | Ohio Land Acquisition Campaign | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | program | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Nolasco Housing Corporation | Home ownership & housing dev. | $18,342 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Ohio CDC Association | Analysis of state programs | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Ohio City Redevelopment Association, Inc. | Purchase and rehab: Point Bldg | $12,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Shaker Square Area Development Corporation | Home improvement project | $19,000 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Stride for Pride | Neighbrhood revital.activities | $12,652 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | Towards Employment, Inc. | provide serv.: ec.dis. | $95,305 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | University Circle Incorporated | “Dreams of Callahan” & forum | $12,500 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | The Women’s City Club of Cleveland | Educational lectures | $381 | Civic Affairs |
1989 | WSOS Community Action Commission, Incorporated | Conference on hazardous waste | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith | “A World of Difference” | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners | Classification system | $33,999 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Call For Action | Telecommunication device | $3,935 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The CEIP Fund, Inc. | Cleveland Initiative | $60,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Center for Career Options | Summer tutorial program | $15,927 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Center for Career Options, Inc | Employment-training program | $29,853 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Center for Psychology & Family Law Alternatives,Inc. | Domestic relations courts | $2,800 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Citizens League of Greater Cleveland | Improve Cle. City Council | $24,101 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Citizens League Research Institute | “Operations Improvement” | $24,410 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Citizens League Research Institute | Increase citizen participation | $201,618 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Citizens Opposing Drug/Alcohol Abuse | Substance Abuse Effort | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. | Bill of Rights Anniversary | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | City of Cleveland | Construction revenue notes | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Clark-Metro Development Corporation | Define community development | $19,556 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Clean Sites | Forum on hazardous waste sites | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Homeward Program | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Housing & Neighborhood Develop | $22,500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Dorney Fund Office | $35,316 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Park user survey | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Neighbors Organized for Action | $200,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Supplemental PRI In CDP | $250,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Homeward Program | $11,500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Home weatherization program | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | 1991 Homeward Program | $55,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Homeward Program | $200,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Ohio Lecture Series, Inc. | Town Hall Speaker Series | $9,996 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Public Art, Inc. | Operations and special project | $90,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland Recycling Center | Staff costs | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Ohio’s Comm. on Public Service | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Commission on Catholic Community Action | Multicultural Diversity Progrm | $45,260 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Community Action Commission, Findlay, Ohio | Home weatherization program | $8,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Council for Community Based Development | Operating support | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland | King-Kennedy Project | $27,413 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Fair Housing/Race Relations | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Countywide Financial Instit. | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Fair Housing/Race Relations | $24,829 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization | Remedial Action Plan | $69,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization | Young people/Building trades | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Donors Forum of Ohio | Stabilizing support | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Edison BioTechnology Center, Inc. | Est. network & prepre analysis | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Equestrian Challenge | Horseback for handicapped** | $12,480 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Famicos Foundation, Inc. | Special needs populations | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Federation for Community Planning | Support of CIVAC | $2,812 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Findlay Area Arts Council | 3 programs for 1990 fiscal yr | $6,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Findlay Board of Education | Findlay City Schools staff | $5,385 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Findlay Board of Education | Project ACE | $12,210 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | Cle. Initiative for Education | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | Support operations | $54,830 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hancock County Office of Education | Hancock County Youth | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hancock County Office of Education | Educational Fund | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hancock Park District | Earth Day 1990 celebration | $850 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Hebrew Free Loan Association | Lending Fund Campaign | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Hebrew Free Loan Association | Lending fund campaign | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Heights Community Congress | Community Vision Program | $44,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation | Support of human relations | $9,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hispanic Community Forum | Operating costs | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hospice of Hancock County | Crisis Response Team | $5,500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Hough Area Partners in Progress | Tenant Management Educ. Forum | $2,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Housing Advocates, Inc. | Housing Law Clinic | $76,939 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Humane Society of Hancock County | Public Education Campaign | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland | Youth on probation | $81,756 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Lakeview Terrace Resident Management Firm | Employment progran | $36,601 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Larchmere Development Association | Revitalization activities | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | General Support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Guide to Cleveland | $55,900 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Living in Cleveland Center | “Marketing Homeownership” Pgrm | $22,123 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Project Re-Entry | $28,018 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation | Analysis | $35,834 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | May Dugan Near West Side Multi-Service Center | Pre-employment training prog. | $29,329 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Near West Housing Corporation | Architectural fees | $45,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Neighborhood economy initiativ | $17,333 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Operations support | $1,000,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Operations support | $2,000,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Ohio Bar Association Foundation | Ohio indigent legal needs | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Ohio CDC Association | Economic development project | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Ohio Public Images | “And Justice for All” | $5,700 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Open Door West, Inc. | Fair housing in western suburb | $80,500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Police Executive Research Forum | Analysis of Cleve Police Dept | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO | Survey | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Read for L.I.F.E — Hancock County Literacy Council | Read for L.I.F.E. program | $14,374 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Slavic Village Association | Village Point Project | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | St.Clair-Superior Coalition | Hodge School Redevelopment | $45,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Stride for Pride | Marketing program | $34,414 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Program to assist | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Tremont West Development Corporation | Neighborhood development | $31,470 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | United Labor Agency, Inc. | Training program | $92,187 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | United Way Services | Nat’l conf. in Cle 6/28-7/1/90 | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The University of Findlay | 1990 Riverside Park Concert | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The University of Michigan, Division of Research Development and Administration | Cuyahoga River water quality | $12,482 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Village of Highland Hills | Transition Township/Village | $39,300 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network | Employment Program & Study | $21,159 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | The Women’s City Club of Cleveland | Educational lectures | $422 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Woodland East Community Organization | Central administrative org. | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1990 | Youth Opportunities Unlimited | Summer jobs | $300,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Center for Career Options | School-to-work Program | $18,410 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Chagrin Falls Park Community Center | Ancillary/Escort Program | $29,358 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Citizens League Research Institute | GENERAL SUPPORT | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Citizens League Research Institute | Citizen participation | $100,940 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. | Long-range planning process | $13,700 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | City of Cleveland | Plan Home Repair&Comm Revital | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | City of Cleveland | Recycling plan for Cleveland | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | City of Cleveland | Mgmt. & Operations of Police | $49,350 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | City of Cleveland Heights | Comprehensive Development Plan | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The City of Shaker Heights | Revision of zoning code | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Civic Foundation | The Civic’s role in Cleve Hts | $42,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Cleveland Bar Charitable and Educational Fund | Nat’l Public Service Conferenc | $4,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Development Foundation | 200TH Birthday Celebration | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Development Foundation | 91-92 Holiday Lighting Program | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Scholarship Program | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Seminars in Findlay/Hancock | $4,500 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Home Loan Program Planning | $22,700 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Neighborhood-focused safety | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Annual opn of the Dorney Fund | $43,372 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Homeward Program | $97,500 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland International Program | Social Innovations Project | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation | Education & Resource activity | $32,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc. | Neighborhood historic preserve | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Small Business Incubator, Inc. | Capital Improvements | $105,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Small Business Incubator, Inc. | Capital Improvement | $150,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Coordinated Land Use Planning | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Envrmntl Science Graduate Pgrm | $44,705 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Pilot testing Leadership Acdmy | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Law & Public Policy Program | $125,637 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Women’s City Club Foundation | Talking Garden Renovations | $3,500 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | Pre-trial conversion program | $45,600 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Collinwood Community Services Center | Development activities | $20,844 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Crossroads Development Corporation | Home ownership program | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Division | Management Training Project | $24,125 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority | Strategic planning process | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Doan Center, Incorporated | Operating Support | $75,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Earth Day Coalition | Expanded Earthfest 92 Guidebk | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | East Suburban Housing Service | Support for operations | $60,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Findlay Board of Education | Findlay City School program* | $5,300 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Findlay Board of Education | Analysis of system’s mission | $8,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc. | Home ownership program | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association | Training for organizations | $29,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | Operations of Turning Point | $59,200 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Hancock Park District | Riverside Park | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Hancock Regional Planning Commission | Geographic Information System | $31,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc. | Prgrms to improve access | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Heights Community Congress | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Hiram House | General support | $2,210 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Housing Advocates, Inc. | Housing Law Clinic | $93,100 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Housing Resource Center Foundation | Home Maintenance Project | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland | Employment training program | $85,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Jr. Achievement/NW Ohio dba Jr. Achievement of Hancock Cty | General support | $450 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Junior Achievement of Fostoria | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Law Enforcement Foundation, Incorporated | Law Enforcement Human Diversty | $9,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | 92 Primary Election Cmpgn Pgrm | $27,593 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Lutheran Housing Corporation | Broad housing development | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Student Transitional Program | $76,250 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Community Re-Entry Program | $107,500 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Miles Ahead, Inc. | Develop the Lee-Miles area | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Neighborhood Housing Services of Cleveland, Inc | Counseling program for hmownrs | $45,135 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Neighborhood Commercial Hub | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Nouvelle Espoir Development Corporation | Build & sell homes in Central | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Ohio Center for Law Related Education | “Supreme Court Live” Project | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Ohio City Redevelopment Association, Inc. | Citizen-based safety program | $19,380 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Ohio State University Research Foundation | Amer Comm Gardening Assoc. | $4,500 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Ohio State University Research Foundation | Ohio Master Gardener Lrn Manua | $19,931 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO | Playhouse Square Park | $59,600 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The River’s Bend Parks Corporation | Beautification efforts | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Shaker Square Area Development Corporation | Fairwood Heritage Renovation | $60,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | SPACES | Affordable Housing Symposium | $1,675 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | St.Clair-Superior Coalition | Public safety program | $24,450 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Task Force on Violent Crime Charitable Fund | Substance Abuse Initiative | $38,843 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Second-year support | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Office of Program Development | $25,745 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Union-Miles Development Corporation | Public safety program | $13,580 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | United Labor Agency, Inc. | Regional Industry Center | $58,350 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The University of Findlay | Dalai Lama visit* | $650 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Urban League of Greater Cleveland | Unempl. among Afro-American | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Vocational Guidance Services | Neighborhood Job Placement | $58,283 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | The Women’s City Club of Cleveland | Educational lectures | $424 | Civic Affairs |
1991 | Working for Empowerment through Community Organizing | Church-based credit unions | $55,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | 9to5, Working Women Education Fund | Educational Brochures | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The American Civil Liberties Union of Cleveland | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Baldwin-Wallace College, Development Office | Environmental Education Progrm | $37,875 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Christmas in April Northcoast Inc. | Refurbish homes in Lake County | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Citizens League Research Institute | General support | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Citizens League Research Institute | Citizen Participation | $160,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. | Marketing Director (partial) | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City of Cleveland | Re-binding Civic Vision 2000 | $2,566 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City of Cleveland | City of Cleve Gun Buy Back Prg | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City of Cleveland | Mgmt retreat for Administratio | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City of Cleveland Heights | Hillcrest Housing services | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | City of Findlay | Citizens Dispute Settlement | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Holiday Lighting Program | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Development Foundation | G.C. Bicentennial Commission | $75,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Mayor’s Summer Program effort | $125,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Findlay Hancock Cty Com Fdn** | $200,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | Weatherization program | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland International Program | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Metroparks System | Open space inventory-Cuy. Cty. | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation | Industrial retention & expansn | $32,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Neigh. Development project | $12,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Ohio Commission on Public Serv | $15,704 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Cuyahoga River water quality | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Waterfront Coalition, Inc. | Waterfront Education Program | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | Beat the Streets Program | $65,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cleveland Zoological Society | Water conservation plan | $52,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Collinwood Community Services Center | Development activities | $20,843 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Columbus Youth Corps. Inc. | General support | $750 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Columbus Youth Corps. Inc. | General support | $750 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Crime Stoppers — Columubs | general support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Crime Stoppers of Cuyahoga County, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Crime Stoppers of Cuyahoga County, Inc. | General support | $1,500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cuyahoga County Planning Commission | Greenfield Symposium | $23,402 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority | Mgmnt study to review police | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Housing Affordability Strategy | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Fair & open housing issues | $54,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cuyahoga Valley Association | Curriculum development for Cuy | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cuyahoga Valley Association | Curriculum for Envirnmt Center | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Cuyahoga Valley Preservation and Scenic Railway Association | Master plan for CVLR | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Earth Day Coalition | Children section of quidebook | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Earth Day Coalition | Director of Volunteer Services | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The English-Speaking Union of the U.S., Cleveland Branch | Patron Fund for English-in-Act | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Environmental Careers Organization, Inc. | Minority Envirmnt Summer Prgm | $21,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Federation for Community Planning | Dispositional Options Project | $24,138 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Findlay Board of Education | Coordinator for fiber opt pjt* | $50,421 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Inc. | Home ownership program | $55,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Greater Cleveland Peace Officers Memorial Society | Peace Officers Memorial | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Greater Cleveland Roundtable | General support | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Gun Safety Institute | Public School Education Pgrm | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Habitat of Painesville | General Support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hancock Park District | Design plan for Shelter House | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hancock Park District | Update 10 village parks maps** | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc. | Bldg Blocks for HHW project | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Heights Community Congress | Real estate auditing program | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation | Human relations activities | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hispanic Community Forum | 1992 Convention | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hispanic Community Forum | Organization devel. activities | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Hispanic Community Forum | Leadership development prgrms | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Home Repair Resource Center | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Institute for Environmental Education | Workshops in Cleveland schools | $10,376 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Insure c/o American Council of Life Insurance | Final Report of the Task Force | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland | Cemetery preservation fund | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland | JVS-Employment training prgrm | $119,430 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Lake Erie Nature and Science Center | Strategic planning process | $3,700 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Lake Parks Foundation | Painesville Township Park | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Lake Parks Foundation | Painesville Township Park | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Larchmere Development Association | Commercial redevelopment | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Leadership Lake County, Inc. | Transitional support | $17,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Here’s Cuyahoga County | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Voter Information Center | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Lutheran Housing Corporation | Housing plan in E. Cleveland | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Lutheran Housing Corporation | Housing Plan in E. Cleveland | $110,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | “Tomorrow’s Leaders” Program | $2,918 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Middfest International Foundation | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Middfest International Foundation | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | MidTown Corridor, Inc. | Dunham Tavern Business Distric | $120,384 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | N. A. A. C. P. — Cleveland | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | N. A. A. C. P. — Sandusky Bran | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | National Association of Secretaries of State | Project Democracy | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Natural Resources Defense Council | Water runoff project | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Neighborhood Housing Services of Cleveland, Inc | Strategic planning process | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Neighborhood Commercial Hub | $37,500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | New Union of Blacks to Improve | General support | $750 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Ohio City Redevelopment Association, Inc. | OCDC’s "Taking Back Ohio City” | $27,350 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Ohio Environmental Council | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Open Door West, Inc. | Fair & open housing programs | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc. | Plastic Binding System | $428 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Project: LEARN, Inc. | Workplace Literacy Program | $33,725 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Service Corps of Retired Executives | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center | General Support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Shaker Square Area Development Corporation | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Shaker Square Area Development Corporation | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Saint Vincent Quadrangle, Inc. | Master plan for the area | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Task Force on Violent Crime Charitable Fund | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Task Force on Violent Crime Charitable Fund | Substance Abuse public educ. | $32,158 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Assist economically disadvantg | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Office of Program Development | $46,340 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Union-Miles Development Corporation | Public Safety Pilot Project | $50,059 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | University Circle Incorporated | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | University Circle Incorporated | General support | $620 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | University Circle Incorporated | Community Dev. & Planning | $252,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The University of Findlay | Master Gardener Resource Ctr.* | $7,044 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Urban League of Dayton | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Urban League of Greater Cleveland | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Urban League of Greater Cleveland | General support | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | West Park United Church of Christ | Community human relations prjt | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | The Women’s City Club of Cleveland | Educational lectures | $448 | Civic Affairs |
1992 | Zanesville Civic League Center | General support | $2,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | 9to5, Working Women Education Fund | “..Women’s Self-Sufficiency..” | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland Chapter | “Operation Smoke Detector” | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland Chapter | “Operation Smoke Detector” | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Center for Clean Air Policy | Training-energy collaborative | $26,200 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. | Marketing/Communication Dir. | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | City of Findlay | Landscape design plans | $16,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The City of Shaker Heights | Community Preservation Partner | $30,750 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Unity Day | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Holiday Ice Skating Rink | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Marketing comm.programs | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Cleve Bicentennial Commission | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Renewal of membership dues | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Committee on Police Procedures | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Mentor Lagoons | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | “Arnie the Arborist” mascot | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Capacity building initiative | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Technical assistance for VGS | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | NPI assessment/Spec Int Review | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation | Educ.&Training Pgrm/Industry | $36,563 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Public Art, Inc. | Neighborhood/downtown projects | $12,500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Public Art, Inc. | Neighborhood/downtown projects | $15,750 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc. | Neighborhood Historic Preserva | $40,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | “Local Govt Leadership Week” | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Local Leadership Academy | $120,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Women’s City Club Foundation | Strategic Management Program | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | Stipends for law students | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Zoological Society | General support | $137 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cleveland Zoological Society | General support | $2,400 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Council for Adult and Experiential Learning | Educational skills of workers | $68,940 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Council for Adult and Experiential Learning | Educational skills of workers | $77,177 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Coventry P.E.A.C.E., Inc. | Phase I of play area project | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Crossroads Development Corporation | Safe Neighborhoods Program | $22,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cuyahoga County Department of Employment Services | Study to better coordinate pgm | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cuyahoga County Planning Commission | Brownfields Working Group | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cuyahoga County Public Library | The Dial-Law project | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Metropolitan Strategy Group | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Operating support | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization | Stage two of the Cuyahoga RAP | $70,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Cuyahoga Valley Line Railroad | Educational programming | $12,500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Dunham Tavern Museum Society of Collectors, Inc. | Exterior renovations project | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Earth Day Coalition | Earthfest ’94 | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Earth Day Coalition | Director of volunteer services | $60,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The English-Speaking Union of the U.S., Cleveland Branch | Patron Fund/English-In-Action | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Environmental Careers Organization | Presentation pgrm in Cleveland | $34,115 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Environmental Health Watch | Household hazarous waste educ | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Habitat of Painesville | Genral support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Hancock County/City of Findlay | Recreation Center Needs Study | $17,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Hancock Parks Foundation | “Wild Encounters” project | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Hard Hatted Women of Cleveland, Inc. | General support | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Heights Community Congress | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation | Human relations activities | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Hispanic Community Forum | Latino Fed. for Social Equity | $28,919 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Holden Arboretum | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland | Refugee Employment Plan | $133,922 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Junior League of Cleveland, Inc. | Consultant costs associated wi | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Law Enforcement Foundation, Incorporated | DARE & Police Exec Ldrshp Coll | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Law Enforcement Foundation, Incorporated | Human Diversity Project 2nd yr | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Living in Cleveland Center | Real Estate Agents Program | $18,690 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Tomorrow’s Leaders | $6,436 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Community Re-Entry | $66,900 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Maingate Business Development Corporation | Development & marketing plan | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Natural Resources Defense Council | Water runoff project phase II | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Nature Conservancy — Ohio Field Office | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Operating support | $300,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | CDC efforts in neighborhoods | $700,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | CDC efforts in neigborhoods | $2,000,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Nuclear Age Resource Center | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Ohio Environmental Council | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Project: LEARN, Inc. | Jail Literacy Project (2nd yr) | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO | Tree planting in Cleveland | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO | 1993 Fall Planting Plan | $45,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO | Tree planting in Cleveland | $85,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Roxboro Community Development Corp. | Community Park and Playground | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center | General support | $250 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Shaker Lakes Regional Nature Center | Strategic planning | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | St.Clair-Superior Coalition | Targeted Public Safety Program | $24,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Tall Timbers Research, Inc. | General support | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Task Force on Violent Crime Charitable Fund | Substance Abuse Info Project | $29,500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Towards Employment, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Supportive Services | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Towards Employment, Inc. | Genral support | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | United Labor Agency, Inc. | Organization assessment | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | University Circle Incorporated | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | University Circle Incorporated | Capital Fund Drive | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | University Circle Incorporated | Property Fund | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Urban League of Greater Cleveland | Employment and training prgms | $101,513 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Vocational Guidance Services | Employment linkage program | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Vocational Guidance Services | Projects with Industry program | $95,751 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Wilds — International Cen | Wildlife prgrm w/Metropark Zoo | $75,000 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | The Women’s City Club of Cleveland | Educational lectures | $554 | Civic Affairs |
1993 | Women’s Community Foundation | Women Managing Money Program | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | 9to5, Working Women Education Fund | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | 9to5, Working Women Education Fund | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The American Civil Liberties Union of Cleveland | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Architectural Society of Ohio Foundation | Two-phase urban design study | $25,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Business Volunteerism Council | Scholarships for minorities | $2,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Canterbury Elementary School PTA | CanPlay project | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Center for Community Solutions | Environmental priorities prjct | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Citizens League Research Institute | Training pgm for City Council | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Citizens League Research Institute | Study local gov’t srv delivery | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Citizens League Research Institute | Regional Coordination | $102,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | City of Cleveland | Review of current design unite | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | City of Cleveland | Retreats/Mayors cabinet | $8,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | City of Cleveland | Neighborhood Mediation Program | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | City of Findlay | Physical amenities of Broadway | $10,300 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Bar Education Institute | Support for 150 persons to att | $4,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Bicentennial Commission | Trees for Tomorrow | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Bicentennial Commission | Trees for Tomorrow | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Bicentennial Commission | Teaching Cleveland Project | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Bicentennial Commission | Projects of Bicentennial | $380,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Repositioning Look Up To Cleve | $4,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Development Foundation | 94-95 Holiday Lighting Program | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Professional/mgmt personnel | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Development Foundation | Master Signage Program | $93,133 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Written materials/Assess VGS | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Purchase option for bike path | $6,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Assess pilot policing programs | $7,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) | Exercise machines | $18,720 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Housing Network Inc | New position to provide suppor | $8,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Metroparks System | Park/recreation funding needs | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation | Training,planning assistance | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc. | Lighting of steeples | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Restoration Society, Inc. | Historic Preservation Program | $56,560 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Small Business Incubator, Inc. | Collinwood Enterprise Center | $35,935 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland State University Foundation | Environment Science,Techn. Ctr | $110,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | Ohio City Management Assn. | $4,224 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | College of Urban Affairs | $10,620 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | CSU Geology Department | $19,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. | “New Housing in Cleveland” | $28,647 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | Operation of Beat the Streets | $25,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Works, Inc. | Pre-Trial Diversion Program | $61,520 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cleveland Zoological Society | General support | $137 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Coventry P.E.A.C.E., Inc. | Funding for multi-purpose park | $3,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Crime Stoppers of Cuyahoga County, Inc. | General support | $1,450 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Hillcrest Housing Service | $10,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Metro Stragegy/strategic plan | $15,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Cuyahoga Plan of Ohio, Inc. | Key operating components | $50,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Cuyahoga Valley Line Railroad | The capital campaign | $31,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Earth Day Coalition | Earthfest ’95 and ’96 | $14,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Education Development Center | Examine European School/Work | $4,800 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The English-Speaking Union of the U.S., Cleveland Branch | Patron Fund Excellence/English | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Euclid Community Concerns | Reorganization efforts | $9,888 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc. | General support | $18,700 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Habitat of Painesville | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Hancock Parks Foundation | Brigade of the Amer Revolution | $1,200 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Heights Community Congress | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Heights Community Congress | Fair housing program | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation | Cultural diversity/fair housin | $5,500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Holden Arboretum | General support | $1,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Home Repair Resource Center | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Lake Metroparks | GIS & Lakefront corridor study | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Law Enforcement Foundation, Incorporated | Human Diversity Training Pgrm | $7,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | League of Women Voters of Cleveland Educational Fund, Inc. | Voter education, civic involve | $35,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Living in Cleveland Center | Dev. of marketing plan | $11,438 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Lutheran Housing Corporation | East Cleveland Housing Program | $100,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association | Reimbursement policy change | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Maingate Business Development Corporation | Pilot job placement project | $10,268 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Middfest International Foundation | General support | $500 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | National Invention Center, Inc. dba Inventure Place | Inventure North Campaign | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | National Urban Fellows, Inc. | Fellow in agency locally 94-96 | $30,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Enpowerment Zone | $20,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Neighborhood Progress Inc. | Neighborhood Commercial Hub | $65,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | Northeast Shores Development Corporation | Community recreation area | $5,000 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Nuclear Age Resource Center | General support | $300 | Civic Affairs |
1994 | The Nuclear Age Resource Center | CLEVNET project | $3,500 | Civic Affairs |