Grant Search

Grant Search

The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.

Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.

Displaying 36001 to 37000 of 50743

YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support$4,005Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGROW Foundation distributions in 2012/13 school year$5,000Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$1,500Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Hawken SchoolGeneral support$5,500Education
2012Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Hawken SchoolAnnual Fund$250Education
2012Hawken SchoolGeneral support$2,000Education
2012Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2012Hawken SchoolJohn Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$8,640Education
2012Hawken SchoolGeneral support$1,586Education
2012Hawken SchoolGries Center$1,000Education
2012Hawken SchoolAnnual Campaign$4,000Education
2012Hawken SchoolAnnual Fund$5,000Education
2012Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2012The Hill SchoolGeneral support$184Education
2012Hillsdale CollegeGeneral Support$500Education
2012Hillsdale CollegeGeneral support$22,094Education
2012Hillsdale CollegeJohn C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students$22,094Education
2012Hillsdale CollegeGeneral Fund$1,000Education
2012Hiram CollegeScholarship support$1,956Education
2012Hiram CollegeGeneral support$3,855Education
2012Hiram CollegeAnnual Fund$5,000Education
2012Holden Christian AcademyGeneral support and tuition assistance$17,000Education
2012Hotchkiss SchoolGeneral support$1,000Education
2012Hudson Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$7,000Education
2012Huron City SchoolsScholarships at Huron public schools$2,487Education
2012Huron Public LibraryPurchase of large print books and materials for the Huron Public Library$1,428Education
2012Hyde SchoolAnnual fund$500Education
2012Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers, Inc.IEEE EnergyTech 2012 conference$5,000Education
2012Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers, Inc.IEEE Energy/Tech International Council on Systems Engineering 2013$5,000Education
2012Institute of International Education IncRocky Mountain Regional Center$500Education
2012The Intergenerational SchoolGeneral support$1,000Education
2012John Burroughs SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012John Carroll UniversityR. Earl Burrows Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$5,000Education
2012John Carroll UniversityGeneral support$5,500Education
2012John Carroll UniversityForever Carroll Campaign Fund$2,500Education
2012John Carroll UniversityScholarships$1,000Education
2012John Carroll UniversityJames J. Doyle scholarships$3,555Education
2012John Carroll UniversityGeneral support$285Education
2012John Carroll UniversityCarroll Fund$2,500Education
2012John Carroll UniversityInstitute of Educational Renewal (IER)$250Education
2012Johns Hopkins UniversityGeneral support for the School of Medicine$98Education
2012Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Department of Oncology - to support cancer research initiatives and the Helen B. Masenhimer Fellowship$1,376,099Education
2012Johns Hopkins UniversityThe John Cameron Surgical Research Fund at Johns Hopkins$10,000Education
2012Johns Hopkins UniversityGeneral support for Oncology Center$293,031Education
2012Julie Billiart SchoolGeneral support in honor of James Delaney$3,500Education
2012Kent State University FoundationOhio Employee Ownership Center - Technical assistance to the Evergreen Cooperative Initiative$60,000Education
2012Kentucky State University Foundation IncScholarships$1,231Education
2012Kenyon CollegeParticipation of Cleveland-area teachers in the Gullah Digital Archive and Oral History Project$13,500Education
2012Kenyon CollegeGullah Digital Archive and Oral History Project in Cleveland Schools$1,500Education
2012Kenyon CollegeGeneral support$14,085Education
2012Kenyon CollegeKenyon College Parents Fund $250Education
2012Kids Rethink New Orleans SchoolsSupport of youth engagement events$5,000Education
2012Kimball Union AcademyGeneral Support$250Education
2012Kirtland Public LibraryD.C. Parsons Endowment Fund$500Education
2012Lake County Educational Service CenterGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Lake Erie CollegeScholarship support to Painesville area residents$27,000Education
2012Lake Erie CollegeScholarships$1,674Education
2012Lake Erie CollegeGeneral Support$2,500Education
2012Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support$1,078Education
2012Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support$199,880Education
2012Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support$250Education
2012Lake Erie Ink- A Writing Space for YouthGeneral Support$500Education
2012Lake Forest CollegeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationStorrs Scholarship support, administration fees and one-time-only support of programs$99,700Education
2012Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationLakeland Community College scholarship support to Painesville area residents$46,350Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationAddressing the talent gap through Community and college resources$60,000Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationTechnology upgrades to improve student access to faculty innovation$31,000Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationSupport for the Holden University Center$20,000Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationWayne Rodehorst Endowed Fund for Arts Scholarships$500Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationGeneral support of Lakeland Community College$21,130Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationScholarships to needy students$32,267Education
2012The Lakeland FoundationGeorge and Agnes Roberts Scholarship$13,000Education
2012Lakewood High School Alumni FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2012Laurel SchoolPartnership efforts with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District for the North Star Youth Development program$40,000Education
2012Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,500Education
2012Laurel SchoolGeneral support$500Education
2012Laurel SchoolGeneral support$10,000Education
2012Laurel SchoolAnnual Fund in honor of Hope Ford Murphy, ’73$10,000Education
2012Laurel SchoolFrom Peter and Mary Conway$1,200Education
2012Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Laurel SchoolAnnual Fund$1,000Education
2012Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012Laurel SchoolAnnual Fund Unrestricted$500Education
2012Lawrence SchoolGeneral Support $2,000Education
2012Learning Ally IncGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012The Literacy Cooperative of Greater Cleveland2012 operations and program support$250,000Education
2012The Literacy Cooperative of Greater ClevelandExpansion of the STEP (Supporting Tutors Engaging Pupils) tutoring program$88,000Education
2012MacMurray CollegeScholarships$5,390Education
2012Magnificat High SchoolSurround Learning Campaing$33,400Education
2012Magnificat High SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2012Manufacturing Advisory CommitteeMax Hayes High School$500Education
2012Marygrove CollegeGeneral Support$500Education
2012Mayfield City School DistrictCuyahoga East Vocational Education Consortium Summer 2012 Internship Program, supporting young people with disabilities in workforce and vocational training$45,790Education
2012Mercyhurst Preparatory SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012Miami UniversityGeneral Support$600Education
2012Miami UniversityGeneral Support$250Education
2012Miami University FoundationBlanche Pryor Cooley Scholarship Fund - #2896-001$7,200Education
2012Mill Neck Manor Lutheran School for theDeafGeneral support$4,725Education
2012Miss Porter’s SchoolAnnual Fund drive$250Education
2012Montessori Development PartnershipsMontessori High School at University Circle - Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year for student(s) residing in Cleveland or its first-ring suburbs who demonstrate financial need$7,000Education
2012Montessori Development PartnershipsGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012Moody Bible Institute of ChicagoMoody Radio Station Share 2012 WCRF$2,000Education
2012Morley LibraryGeneral Support$3,000Education
2012Mount Holyoke CollegeAnnual Fund$500Education
2012National Council on Teacher QualityTeacher Prep Review$25,000Education
2012National Guild for Community Arts EducationTwo Cleveland-area participants to the 2012 Community Arts Education Leadership Institute$14,000Education
2012The Norfolk LibraryGeneral Support in memory of William Webster Caldwell $500Education
2012Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationTalent Dividend Initiative to increase college attainment$65,000Education
2012Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationSuccessful Transitions: Enhancing Career Pathways through NEOintern$75,000Education
2012Northern Ohio Golf Association Charities and FoundationGeneral Operating Support$2,500Education
2012Northfield Mount Herman SchoolThe annual fund$250Education
2012Notre Dame CollegeLinking talent to opportunity in bioscience$40,000Education
2012Notre Dame CollegeGeneral support$500Education
2012Notre Dame CollegeGeneral support$308Education
2012Oberlin CollegeGeneral support$3,188Education
2012Oberlin CollegeScholarship support for music students$3,943Education
2012Oberlin CollegeLawrence McDonald Scholarship Fund$15,000Education
2012Oberlin CollegeOberlin Annual Fund - Lawrence McDonald Scholarship Fund$2,000Education
2012Ohio Board of RegentsPrinting and dissemination of the College Complete Ohio Task Force recommendations$5,000Education
2012Ohio Business Alliance for HigherEducation and the EconomyOhio Education Communications Research Project, which is to conduct public opinion research about education reform issues in Ohio$75,000Education
2012The Ohio Foundation of IndependentColleges, Inc.To support the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Bridges Program$50,000Education
2012Ohio Northern UniversityCollege of Pharmacy - general support$10,797Education
2012The Ohio State UniversityOhio State University Extension - Lake County 4-H$2,500Education
2012The Ohio State UniversityMechanical Engineering Building Fund$2,700Education
2012Ohio State University Extension Cuyahoga CountyMaster Gardners fo Cuyahoga County Planting Program$500Education
2012Ohio State University FoundationScholarships to needy and deserving students$1,712Education
2012Ohio State University FoundationPelotonia - Team Portman - Paul Hinman$250Education
2012Ohio State University FoundationGeneral Support for the College of Nursing$3,000Education
2012Ohio State University FoundationGeneral support for fund # 309193 (Donor ID 00481094)$50,000Education
2012Ohio University FoundationOhio University - General support$766Education
2012Ohio University FoundationWomen In Philanthrophy Endowment$12,500Education
2012Ohio University FoundationEAB Sponsorship$1,000Education
2012Ohio Wesleyan UniversitySupport of Woltemade Center for Economics$5,000Education
2012Ohio Wesleyan UniversityOhio Weslyan Fund - $1,100; Phi Delta Theat Renovations - $300; Gordon Almstead Memorial Scholarship - $300; Delta Gamma Sorority - $300; Libuse Reed Endowed Chair - $300$2,300Education
2012Ohio Wesleyan UniversityGeneral support$3,752Education
2012Ohio Wesleyan UniversityGeneral Support$500Education
2012Ohio Wesleyan UniversityStuyvesant Rennovation$30,000Education
2012OneCommunityConnect to College NOW$40,000Education
2012Open Doors Inc dba Open Doors AcademyInfrastructure capacity building$80,000Education
2012Open Doors Inc dba Open Doors AcademyGeneral support$1,500Education
2012Open Doors Inc dba Open Doors AcademyGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Open Doors Inc dba Open Doors AcademyGeneral Support of the Cleveland Heights location$1,000Education
2012Orange Schools FoundationBarbara S. Bernheimer Scholarship$3,065Education
2012ORT America, IncGeneral Support in honor of Suellen Kadis $1,000Education
2012Painesville City Local School DistrictPainesville Adult Basic and Literacy Education for the summer Painesville Ladders Program.$13,000Education
2012Phi Beta Kappa SocietyDonor management software and website upgrades$5,000Education
2012Phillips Exeter AcademyAnnual Giving - Class of 1954$2,000Education
2012Phillips Exeter AcademyMath Institute - Cleveland, OH$500Education
2012Piney Woods SchoolGeneral support$13,948Education
2012Pioneer Valley Christian SchoolGeneral Support$42,000Education
2012PM Foundation, Inc.dba Urban Community SchoolScholarship Fund$2,000Education
2012PM Foundation, Inc.dba Urban Community School2012 Contribution$500Education
2012PM Foundation, Inc.dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$1,200Education
2012Pomona CollegeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Positive Education ProgramCollaboration with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District to serve Cleveland’s behaviorally challenged students$200,000Education
2012Positive Education ProgramGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Positive Education ProgramGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Positive Education ProgramCapital Campaign, Creating a Spectrum of Hope$9,000Education
2012Positive Education ProgramCapital campaign$5,000Education
2012Positive Education ProgramGeneral support in honor of Susan Berger$500Education
2012Princeton UniversityGeneral support$5,000Education
2012Princeton UniversityGeneral support$186Education
2012Princeton UniversityGeneral support $250Education
2012Princeton UniversityGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Project: LEARN, Inc.General support$2,500Education
2012Project: LEARN, Inc.Education First program$30,000Education
2012Purdue UniversityKrannert School of Management’s graduate program to provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$4,334Education
2012Purdue UniversityJohn C. McLean Scholarships in Engineering$55,204Education
2012The Ratner SchoolGeneral support$5,000Education
2012The Ratner SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Reach Out and Read Greater ClevelandGeneral Support$250Education
2012Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts-University Hts Public Schools FoundationGeneral support$500Education
2012Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts-University Hts Public Schools FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2012Renee Jones Empowerment IncStrategic planning and capacity building project$18,500Education
2012Rocky River Educational Foundation IncMary K. Wilhelmy Scholarship Fund$3,000Education
2012Rocky River Educational Foundation IncClass of 1986 Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2012Rocky River Educational Foundation IncClass of 1986 Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2012Rocky River Educational Foundation IncMary K. Wilhelmy Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2012Ruffing Montessori SchoolRuffing Montessori School (west) - Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$7,000Education
2012Sacred Heart of Jesus AcademyTuition Assistance/Scholarship. Apply to Angle Fund for scholarship.$1,450Education
2012The Sage CollegesRussell Sage College - General support$4,725Education
2012Saint Edward High SchoolInstitute for Global Education in Engineering Sciences’ validation and pilot program$50,000Education
2012Saint Edward High SchoolCapital Educational Fund$500Education
2012St. George’s SchoolGeneral support$250Education
2012Saint Ignatius High SchoolAnnual faculty enrichment programs (excluding any enrichment for athletic programs)$530Education
2012Saint Ignatius High SchoolGeneral Support$1,500Education
2012Saint Ignatius High School2012-2013 Saint Ignatius High School Annual Fund$5,000Education
2012Saint Joseph AcademyAnnual Fund$9,000Education
2012Saint Joseph AcademyGeneral Support$4,000Education
2012The Saint Kizito FoundationAssistancefor African Mission for education and welfare of students$350Education
2012The Saint Kizito FoundationAssistance to the African Mission for education and welfare of students$350Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolDaily breakfast program$26,426Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$8,000Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral support per the Prospectus$26,000Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$11,250Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolAnnual Fund$500Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolAnnual Fund$500Education
2012Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012Santa Fe Girls SchoolGeneral support$2,500Education
2012Sea Education AssociationAnnual Fund Unrestricted$500Education
2012Shaker Charitable TrustEmployee Scholarships$750Education
2012Shaker Schools FoundationGeneral support$250Education
2012Shaker Schools FoundationRuth S. Affelder Reading Fund$1,555Education
2012Simon Youth FoundationTo provide bus vouchers for students of North Coast Academy in Richmond Heights, Ohio.$1,500Education
2012SME Education FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Trustees of The Smith CollegeGeneral Support$3,000Education
2012Trustees of The Smith CollegeSmith Fund$250Education
2012Trustees of The Smith CollegeGeneral support$233,104Education
2012Society for Handicapped Citizens of Medina CountyGeneral Support$500Education
2012South Dakota State University FoundationTuition scholarship - Graduate Study in Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Food$2,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationSouth Euclid/Lyndhurst Schools Media Technology Equipment$800Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationSouth Euclid/Lyndhurst Bridge to Success Internship - Private Sector$5,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationSouth Euclid/Lyndhurst Schools Bridge to Success Internship - Public Sector$5,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationMemorial Junior High School SMART Response PE System with Receiver$1,792Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationMemorial Junior High School Nook Color Tablets$2,500Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary School Through Student’s Eyes$867Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary School for Greenview Garden$5,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationBrush High School SMART document camera 330$845Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationSunview Elementary School for SMART slate integration$3,490Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationAdrian Elementary School for library equipment$1,978Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationBrush High School Robotics Team FTC World Championship$3,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationFor Greenview Upper Elementary School for Art-To-Go (Susan Foley)$3,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationMemorial Junior Highs for Reaching Students with Varying Exceptionalities (Carly Evans)$4,494Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationRowland Elementary School for SmartBoard System - Acquistion and Installation (Paul Kijinski)$4,663Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationAdrian Elementary School for One School-One Book$1,800Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationCharacter Education Program (Edie Block)$3,750Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst PTA CouncilAnnual Fundraiser for PTA Scholarships, grants, band instruments and athletic support$1,000Education
2012South Euclid-Lyndhurst PTA CouncilSupport for the Brown and Gold Benefit for the PTA, Band and Athletic Boosters$1,000Education
2012St. Ignatius Elementary SchoolGeneral support$2,000Education
2012Stanford UniversityMBA Class of 1986 Reunion (GARDI)$2,000Education
2012Stanford UniversityGeneral support of the Stanford Graduate School of Business$1,000Education
2012Stanford UniversityGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Swarthmore CollegeScott Arboretum Education Fund$400Education
2012Taft SchoolGeneral support$500Education
2012Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Sullivan Scholarships$223,390Education
2012Teach For America, Inc.Teach For America Cleveland program$750,000Education
2012Teach For America, Inc.Region specific: for “TFA New Mexico” only$10,000Education
2012Trinity Christian Academy of Cape CodScholarship/Financial Aid Fund$17,000Education
2012Trustees of Columbia Universityin the City of New YorkColumbia Law School Annual Fund - class of ’78$5,000Education
2012UCLA FoundationNeurology Research by the Division of Neurosurgery in honor of Chief Neil A. Martin, MD & Gary R. Duckwiler, MD, Professor$3,000Education
2012United Negro College Fund, Inc.General support of the Cleveland office$3,500Education
2012United Negro College Fund, Inc.General support$13,948Education
2012United Negro College Fund, Inc.General Support$250Education
2012University of ChicagoGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012University of ChicagoLeo Strauss Center$250Education
2012University of Cincinnati FoundationLinder School of Business$600Education
2012University of Colorado FoundationGeneral Support$7,700Education
2012University of DaytonSupport of the Statehouse Civic Scholars Program$50,000Education
2012University of Illinois FoundationDepartment of Mathematics for the Mathematic Partnership Fund$250Education
2012University of Maryland Baltimore County Foundation Inc. (UMBC Foundation)University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) - Student scholarships to juniors or seniors majoring in chemical engineering, biochemical engineering or math who have shown high academic achievement and who demonstrate financial need and who have demonstr$580Education
2012The University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc.General purposes $500Education
2012The University of MichiganVictors Club $1,500Education
2012The University of MichiganGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012University of Mount UnionBetterment of the Greek Community$5,000Education
2012Trustees of the University of PennsylvaniaPenn Fund$1,000Education
2012University of PittsburghThe School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology$58,663Education
2012University of RochesterSchool of Medicine and Dentistry - Class of ’65 Medical School Scholarship Fund$1,246Education
2012University of RochesterGeneral Support for the School of Medicine$500Education
2012University of the PacificGeneral Support$379Education
2012University SchoolJohn Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$800Education
2012University SchoolThe Jack Ingersoll Memorial Fund, in honor of Kay Ingersoll$250Education
2012University SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012University SchoolMajor Michael Sayle Evarts Endowment$1,000Education
2012University SchoolUniversity School Annual Fund for the Steve Lowe Memorial Fund, restricted for the Steve Lowe (’65) memorial.$500Education
2012University SchoolGeneral support$250Education
2012University SchoolGeneral support$500Education
2012University SchoolAnnual Fund- Tower Society$2,000Education
2012University SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012University SchoolGeneral support$185Education
2012University SchoolTeacher support from the Champ Family Faculty Excellence Fund of The Cleveland Foundation, which was established with contributions from Joseph H. Champ II, Joseph H. Champ III, Sterling G. Champ, and William W. Champ in memory of Mrs. Wilbert S. Brewer$4,380Education
2012University SchoolAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2012University SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012University SchoolLower School swimming and track record boards$2,000Education
2012University SchoolCourse on Entrepreneurship$2,000Education
2012University SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012University SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2012University SchoolContribution to the Hawley Chair$20,000Education
2012Ursuline CollegeSister Anna Margaret Random Acts of Kindness Fund$1,000Education
2012Ursuline CollegeLillian Herron Doyle scholarships$3,555Education
2012Ursuline CollegeNancy H. Miller Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2012Ursuline High SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2012Vanderbilt UniversityGeneral support for Owen Graduate School of Management$2,000Education
2012Waring SchoolGeneral support$10,000Education
2012Western Reserve AcademyAnnual Fund$250Education
2012Western Reserve AcademyAnnual Fund$250Education
2012Westlake Educational FoundationGeneral Support$2,500Education
2012Westlake Educational FoundationAthletic Department - Turf Project$500Education
2012Westminster SchoolGeneral support$13,000Education
2012Westshore Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$7,000Education
2012Wheaton CollegeWheaton Fund for scholarships$35,000Education
2012Wickliffe City School DistrictUnpaid fees for graduating seniors at Wickliffe High School$814Education
2012Wittenberg UniversityGeneral support$250Education
2012Woodward AcademyGeneral Support $1,000Education
2012Wynford High SchoolScholarship to graduate of Wynford High School in Bucyrus, Ohio$2,180Education
2012Yale University1961 Experiential Education Scholarship Fund$500Education
2012Yale UniversityClass of 1982 30th Reunion Gift$250Education
2012Yale UniversityYale Aurelian Honor Society$250Education
2012Yale University2012 Alumni Fund Contribution$2,500Education
2012Yale UniversityGeneral support of Yale Law School$4,600Education
2012Yale University2012 Contribution (Coaches Club)$2,500Education
2013Adrian College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013The Agnon SchoolFund a Need Commitment$500Education
2013Alamance County Public LibrariesMay Memorial Library for the purchase of books and materials $1,000Education
2013Alice Lloyd CollegeGeneral Support$1,378Education
2013Allegheny CollegeGeneral Support$5,000Education
2013Allegheny College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Allegheny College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Allegheny CollegeGeneral Support--Annual Fund$250Education
2013America SCORES ClevelandGeneral Support$1,500Education
2013America SCORES ClevelandGeneral Support$8,000Education
2013America SCORES ClevelandProgramming and communications consultant$50,000Education
2013America SCORES ClevelandGeneral Support$250Education
2013American University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013American University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Amherst College Trustees2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Amherst College TrusteesGeneral Support$500Education
2013Ashland UniversityGeneral Support$250Education
2013Ashland UniversityEconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center — general support$3,500Education
2013Ashland UniversityGeneral Support$400Education
2013Ashland University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$400Education
2013Ashland University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,830Education
2013Ashland University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Association of Governing Boards of Universities and CollegesGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Ave Maria UniversityScholarship support$436Education
2013Avon Lake City SchoolsCamp Imagine$1,500Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral support$497Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral support of the Biology Department of Baldwin-Wallace College$1,017Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$800Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityExpanding internships in the public health sector$14,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$750Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityCharles J. Stilwell Scholarships for the 2013–2014 academic year$8,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityLincoln Electric Scholarship Fund$100,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral support$69,195Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityScholarship support for music students$4,108Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversityScholarship Fund $1,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Baldwin Wallace University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$400Education
2013Baldwin Wallace UniversitySprout Program$500Education
2013Ball State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Ball State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Bates College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Bates College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Bates College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Bay Village City School DistrictMath and Science Summer School Program$1,923Education
2013Beachwood City SchoolsBeachwood Middle School Robotics First Lego League competition$500Education
2013Beaumont School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$8,000Education
2013Beaumont School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$8,000Education
2013Beaumont School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$8,000Education
2013Beaumont School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$8,000Education
2013Belmont University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Beloit CollegeGeneral Support$15,000Education
2013Benedictine High School IncorporatedBuckeye Neighborhood Improvement Project$25,000Education
2013Berea Children’s Home & Family Services dba GuidestoneStepstone Academy 2013–14 academic year expenses$200,000Education
2013Berea CollegeScholarship support for 2013–2014$42,000Education
2013Berklee College of Music2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013BizdomGeneral Operating Support$100,000Education
2013Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation, Inc.BPACF 2013 Scholarship Gala$250Education
2013Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,500Education
2013Blue Man Creativity Center SchoolAnnual Fund$250Education
2013Blue Man Creativity Center SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Blue Man Creativity Center SchoolGeneral Support — annual campaign$500Education
2013Bluffton University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,500Education
2013Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine FdnGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Bowdoin College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Bowdoin College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,120Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,200Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$10,000Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,250Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Bowling Green State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Brigham Young University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Brigham Young University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Brooks SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Brooks SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Brush Band BoostersNew Uniform Campaign for Marching Band$4,500Education
2013Bryant & Stratton2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Butler University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,400Education
2013Capital UniversityScholarships$8,604Education
2013Carley Cunniff — Peter S. Dixon MD FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Case Alumni Association IncorporatedCase School of Engineering Capital Campaign Case Western Reserve University — White Building Rennovation$35,000Education
2013Case Alumni Association IncorporatedCase Fund$1,500Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support for the Graduate School$368,150Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support for the Graduate School$10,893Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityWilliam Curtis Morton, Maud Morton, Kathleen Morton Fund Scholarships$32,136Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships at Flora Stone Mather College$2,830Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityOglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$133,685Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySupport of field biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$44,559Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityOutpatient clinic for dispensary at the School of Medicine$73,472Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityEstablish scholarships/or funds for research$7,025Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityStudent of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$5,006Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityScholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$9,964Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityScholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$6,168Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityMedical research$144,612Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support$615Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Dental Medicine — Faculty support and research$434,776Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support for Adelbert College$1,620Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support$14,373Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support for Adelbert College$10,893Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support for Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$10,893Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityScholarships for women$2,438Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySupport to School of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$2,854Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityPurchase or replacment of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$219Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityCancer research at the School of Medicine$35,955Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityResearch in diseases of the eye at the School of Medicine$64,273Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityMedical research and general support at the School of Medicine$97,530Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityScholarships in aerospace or computers$160Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral support for Case Institute of Technology$7,625Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Medicine — Faculty support, research, and education programs$31,597Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Medicine — Faculty support, research, and education programs$289,851Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Dental Medicine — Faculty support and research$63,195Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Medicine — provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$4,513Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityCase School of Medicine — general support$102Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityAthletic Department, Wrestling Department Fund$1,312Education
2013Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral Support$108,447Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,230Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences Annual Fund$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAnnual Fund (Trustees)$5,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentTuition Scholarship — MS Public Helath Nutrition$631Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentEvans-Machlup Prize for graduating medical student$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support of the Law Department$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Supportof Mandel School of Applied Social Science in honor of Pam Carson $5,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMSASS Building Fund for the Dean’s Suite$25,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPeer Education Program$25,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the School of Medicine$250Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentBaker-Nord Center for Humanities$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSherman and Frances Battles Johnson Scholars$10,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFlorence Emerson Shockey Endowment Fund$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentUnrestricted Educational Grant for 7th Annual Symposium on the Surgical Treatment of Migraine Headaches — Department of Plastic Surgery$3,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWomen in Science and Engineering Roundtable (WISER)$3,412Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe Congressman Louis Stokes Autobiography project$5,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentTheodore & Catherine Alfred Fund$10,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAnnual Fund — Graduate School, 1967$500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine, Elmer G. and Florence W Bowes Scholarship Fund in honor of Dean Pam Bowes Davis’s marriage$250Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentStudent-Based Research Networks$100,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred S. Higley Scholarship Fund$10,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Dental Medicine Community Dental Clinic enhacements$200,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPresidents Fund $2,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support the Math & Science Department$250Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the School of Law$1,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCreate special project in the Department of Dermatology at CWRU for the project entitled “Dendritic cell research on persistent viral infections” under the investigator, Dr. Daniel Popkin$54,342Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWomen in Science and Engineering (WISER) for After School Girls Science and Engineering Club$1,500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFacility improvements to create the Research Commons at Mandel School$250,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCongressman Louis Stokes Autobiography Project$2,500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine Case Cardiovascular Research Institute$4,902Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWeatherhead School of Management Annual Fund 2014$500Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support of Weatherhead School of Management$5,000Education
2013Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSCHOOL OF MEDICINE; CCLCM/SOM ALUMNI RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS$500Education
2013Central School of Practical Nursing, Inc.General support$53,804Education
2013Central State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Central State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Chaffee County Montessori School, Inc.General Support$2,500Education
2013Chagrin Falls Board of EducationGurney Elementary School for Gurney Playground$1,000Education
2013Chagrin Falls Booster ClubGeneral Support — Gold Level$700Education
2013Charleston Library SocietyFor the Annual Appeal$1,000Education
2013Cincinnati Youth CollaborativeCincinnati Youth Collaborative Mentoring Program$10,000Education
2013Citizens for the Cleveland Public LibraryCleveland Public Library levy campaign$7,500Education
2013Civic Ventures dba Encore.orgCleveland Foundation’s centennial encore initiative$150,000Education
2013Clarion University FoundationGeorge Williams and Robert Bubb Wrestling Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral Support$250Education
2013Cleveland Central Catholic High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$440Education
2013Cleveland Central Catholic High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$1,540Education
2013Cleveland Central Catholic High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$1,540Education
2013Cleveland Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni AssociationScholarships or other educational purposes at Hampton University$2,953Education
2013Cleveland Development FoundationCleveland Transformation Alliance’s school quality project$100,000Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships through the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee — Deposit into P-63114$9,996Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Jamir Miller Foundation Scholarships — Deposit to Acct P-63114$7,040Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Geater Memorial Scholarship — Deposit to Acct P-63114$595Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC) — Deposit to Acct P-63114$2,905Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC) — Deposit to Acct P-63114$29,851Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships/grants and/or below market interest loans for students — Deposit to Acct P-63114$5,686Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Educational purposes most deserving of encouragement and support provided that purposes are essentially nonsectarian$1,596Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)College readiness, access and persistence initiatives$245,000Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support TCF Selection and Advisory Committee$200,000Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Creating the Community Fabric Scholarship Fund$10,000Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)The Cleveland Plan for Transforming Schools$400,000Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Fenn Educational Fund — General Support$492Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC) — Deposit to Acct P-63114$262Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC) — Deposit to Acct P-63114$3,218Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship funds$1,198Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)The Cleveland Plan for Transforming Schools$917,000Education
2013The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)TCFSSAC-To a Cleveland-based college student pursuing a construction-related degree attending an Ohio college or university and graduated from high school within City of Cleveland. Deposit to P-63114.$1,250Education
2013Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public LibrarySupport of programming and/or hospitality for the Grand Opening. Not to be used for advertising$3,000Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtCaroline E. Coit Fund Scholarships$3,113Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtScholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtCapital Campaign$25,000Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtCapital Campaign$20,000Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtProduction of 130 workstations made from reclaimed wood$47,560Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral support$53,136Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$500Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of Art2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,500Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$1,500Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtRecruitment activities$30,000Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of Art2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,200Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$5,000Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support of Cinematheque $500Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$1,850Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support of the Women’s Committee$500Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support$8,864Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicOpera department general support$1,516Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicAnnual Fund$10,000Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$250Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support$4,108Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicHelen Curtis Webster Award$2,900Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicScholarship programs$2,601Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$500Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$500Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$250Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$250Education
2013Cleveland Institute of MusicAnnual Giving Campaign$2,000Education
2013Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support$4,387Education
2013Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories at Lutheran West High School$177Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictGinn Academy for general support$1,374Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictDaniel E. Morgan memorial Fund$485Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictJane Addams High School — Business Program$1,000Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictStrategic data program, Teach for America Corps and Naviance Succeed project$500,000Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictTo benefit Oliver Hazard Perry School-The Gifted & Talented Education Program$1,647Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictTo benefit Oliver Hazard Perry School-The Gifted & Talented Education Program$1,625Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictGeneral Support In celebration of Oswald Companies’ 120th Anniversary in Cleveland$1,000Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictBuild capacity for implementation of The Cleveland Plan for Transforming Schools$229,750Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictChief Talent Officer$200,000Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictTo benefit Kenneth W. Clement Boys Leadership Academy-The Gifted & Talented Education Program$1,647Education
2013Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictTo benefit Kenneth W. Clement Boys Leadership Academy-The Gifted & Talented Education Program$1,625Education
2013Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryScience education for all Cleveland Metropolitan School District second graders$20,000Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$194,052Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$217Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$789Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryPurchase books for library’s Department of Science and Technology$797Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$333Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$2,720Education
2013Cleveland Public LibraryPurchase of art books/works of visual contemporary artists, travel expenses to business mtgs, expenses for lecture series/musical concerts in connection with celebrating the year of Cleveland Public Library’s founding, & recognition for individu$157,275Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,200Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$700Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$700Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$10,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,250Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,715Education
2013Cleveland State UniversityScholarships to needy and deserving students$1,754Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$7,500Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,500Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$400Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$500Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$10,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Cleveland State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,400Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncCleveland State University — General support$4,108Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncEngaged Learning Internship Network$67,000Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncGeneral Support of the Levin College of Urban Affairs$1,000Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncVoinovich Archives and Research Initiative$50,000Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncMaxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs — professional development for elected officials and community leaders$3,647Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncGeneral Support$295Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncThe Poetry Center at Cleveland State University$4,871Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncCleveland Arts Education Consortium$20,000Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncGeneral Support for Campus International School$15,000Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncCleveland Marshall College General Support$300Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncFilm and Digital Media Center$250Education
2013Cleveland State University Foundation IncGeneral Support$100,000Education
2013Coastal Carolina University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,830Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$250Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$500Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncPostsecondary Access Initiative 2013–2014$710,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncHarry Coulby Memorial Scholarships to Cleveland area students$13,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncCollege Now Greater Cleveland Mentoring$35,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncAdult Learners programs$1,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$6,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral support$3,500Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncTo provide scholarship assistance to graduates of the Cleveland Municipal School District.$179,413Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncCohort 13 of the Jane D. White Scholars Program$240,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$10,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncAdult Learner Services$20,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncMentoring Program — 189945$4,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$3,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013College of Charleston FoundationSchool of the Arts Music Department Scholarship for Violen Students$500Education
2013College of Mount St. Joseph On the Ohio2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,200Education
2013College of WoosterWooster Fund$750Education
2013College of Wooster2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$10,000Education
2013College of WoosterAnnual Fund/The Wooster Fund, Class of 1962$500Education
2013College of Wooster2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$900Education
2013College of Wooster2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013College of Wooster2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013College of WoosterGeneral Support$7,500Education
2013Colorado College1874 Society$2,000Education
2013Colorado State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Columbia College Chicago2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Communities in Schools of Central OhioTo support the Diplomas Now Program$10,000Education
2013Community Library Association Inc Ketchum Sun Valley & TriumphGeneral Support$250Education
2013Computers Assisting People Inc.CAP — Community Center Support and New Labs$20,000Education
2013Computers Assisting People Inc.General Support for Cleveland People$500Education
2013Connecticut CollegeGeneral Support$393Education
2013Connecticut CollegeAnnual Fund — Unrestricted$500Education
2013Cornell University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Cornell UniversitySigma phi$8,000Education
2013Cornell UniversityEndowing the Deanship at the Johnson School of Management$38,000Education
2013Cranbrook Educational CommunityGeneral Support$250Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$900Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationPlanning for a Center of Excellence in Contemporary Music in the community$50,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationPathway to Possibilities — Tri-C’s Dreamcatcher$2,500Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationDr. Jerry Sue Thornton Scholarship Fund that provides financial assistance to minority and low income students so that they can pursue advanced education.$100,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationDr. Jerry Sue Thornton Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationHigh Tech Academy program for 2013–2014$4,950Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationCommunity Technology Centers through Cuyahoga Community College$20,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationGeneral support$500Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationFreedom Project$100,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationMedical Mutual Scholarship Fund$500,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationExpand cooperative education and internship opportunities$45,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationDr. Jerry Sue Thornton Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2013Cuyahoga Community College FoundationYouth and Early College Programs — High Tech Academy — $2,000 and Science, Engineering Academy — $2,000$4,000Education
2013Cuyahoga County Public LibraryHomework Centers$125,000Education
2013Cuyahoga County Public LibraryWilliam N. Skirball Writers Center at South Euclid branch$250,000Education
2013Cuyahoga County Public LibraryBenefit of the Mayfield branch on Wilson Mills Road in Mayfield, Ohio$1,009Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeJohn Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$38,655Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeFor the Class of 1974, 40th reunion bunkhouse project$4,000Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeGeneral Support Class 1961 Alumni Fund$2,000Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeGeneral Support$1,974Education
2013Dartmouth College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeGift to Dartmouth College Fund — General Support$10,000Education
2013Dartmouth CollegeGift to Tuck School Annual Giving — General Support$5,000Education
2013Denison UniversityGeneral Support $1,000Education
2013Denison UniversityGeneral Support$500Education
2013Denver World Affairs CouncilGeneral Support$500Education
2013DePaul UniversityTheatre School — Dunning/Obenshain Scholarship Fund for Theatre School students$5,000Education
2013Duke UniversityAnnual Fund — Unrestricted$500Education
2013Earlham College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$5,000Education
2013East Cleveland City SchoolsEast Cleveland Teen Court Program$37,000Education
2013Eastern Gateway Community College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$500Education
2013Eastern Michigan University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Eastern Michigan University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$100Education
2013Eastern Ohio P16 Partnership for EducationTesting for College Success Program$7,000Education
2013Eastman School of MusicGeneral Support — in memory of John Maloy and it is to be contributed to the John Maloy Scholarship Fund of the Eastman School of Music$1,000Education
2013Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyCuyahoga County Workforce Development initiative$153,000Education
2013Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyESC-CC Rose-Mary Center School Student Fund in memory of our friends and relatives who have passed away.$500Education
2013Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyHelp Me Grow of Cuyahoga County for diaper purchase for Bright Beginning Program$5,000Education
2013Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyCuyahoga County Regional Summer Academy for middle and high school students$15,000Education
2013EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant InstituteProgram start-up support$25,000Education
2013EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant InstituteGeneral Support$25,000Education
2013EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant InstituteGeneral Support$25,000Education
2013EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant InstituteGeneral Support$10,000Education
2013EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant InstituteProgram start-up support$30,000Education
2013Emory UniversityGeneral support, School of Business$1,000Education
2013Envision Excellence in STEM EducationAdvancing STEM education in five Cleveland Metropolitan School District K-8 schools through technical assistance$48,000Education
2013Esperanza Inc.President Emeritus Scholarship$1,300Education
2013Esperanza Inc.Esperanza Mentoring Program$36,270Education
2013Esperanza Inc.Computer Resource Center$20,000Education
2013Esperanza Inc.ELLA program$2,000Education
2013Esperanza Inc.Refinement and expansion of academic and family engagement programs$350,000Education
2013Eugene Lang College The New School2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Evans Scholars FoundationGeneral Support$500Education
2013Everglades College IncScholarship Support$357Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General support$250Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Building in Depth Schools in Cleveland — Citizens Leadership Academy Partnership$25,000Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support$300Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support $2,500Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support$500Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support$3,000Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.2013 Contribution$2,000Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General support$10,000Education
2013Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support$500Education
2013Fairfax Elementary PTANew Fairfax Playground$300Education
2013Fairmount Montessori AssociationRuffing’s Sustainable Management Learning Lab$25,000Education
2013Fairmount Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson scholarships for 2013–2014$7,000Education
2013Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools IncFor administrative support in honor of Mr. Woody Bowman$6,000Education
2013Fordham University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsFOEP Drive for Growth and Sustainability$10,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsCapital $40,000 and General Support $10,000$50,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$10,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support — gap funding for one student$2,500Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsSwing for the Stars Hole Sponsorship in honor of the late Rev. Lee A Trotter$500Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGrowth and sustainability support$25,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough Schools$1200 for annual appeal and $200 for capital support$1,400Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsVision 2020 Capital Fund$1,750Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsAnnual Operating FOB$10,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$5,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsOperations, development, and new school start-up costs$500,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$500Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$23,493Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsBuilding Fund$12,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$500Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsEngagement of families of college-bound students$25,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsPurchase, renovate and retrofit buildings for new schools — capital$10,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$2,500Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support Village Prep and E Prep$5,000Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$600Education
2013Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support $4,000Education
2013Friends of PS/IS 187General Support$250Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland Public LibraryGeneral Support$500Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland Public LibraryGeneral Support$250Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsScholarships for general books and supplies$663Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral Support$250Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral Support$1,500Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsThis is designated for the Theatre Arts Program at CSA under the direction of Scott Miller$1,100Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsExclusive support of the Theatre Program under Dr. Scott Miller$1,000Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsCleveland School of the Arts redesign$75,000Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsCleveland School of the Arts theater program$13,921Education
2013Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral operating support$5,000Education
2013Friends of the Gates Mills Public LibraryGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Friends of the Kirtland Public Library,Inc.General Support$300Education
2013Gallaudet University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Gallaudet University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$500Education
2013Gannon University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Gatehouse ProjectGeneral Support of The Gate House School$1,000Education
2013Geauga Park District FoundationPhase IV of the Observatory Park capital campaign$25,000Education
2013Georgetown University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Georgia Institute of Technology2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Gilles Sweet ElementaryMonsters — Anti-Bullying Campaign$1,000Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Gilmour Academy Inc2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$7,900Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of memorial garden$789Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of the Memorial Garden$1,845Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncGeneral Support in honor of Murlan J. Murphy$250Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncAnnual Support for Blue & Grey Society$2,000Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncTo fund speaker series$12,032Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncStudent/Parent speaker series$5,500Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncBlue and Gray Society$2,500Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of memorial garden$875Education
2013Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of garden$1,747Education
2013Goucher College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Gross Schechter Day SchoolScience Department Lab Quest Physical Science Interfaces — $1190 and Water Quality Backpack Lab — $ 332.95$1,523Education
2013Grove City College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Hanna Perkins SchoolAnnual Fund$500Education
2013Hanna Perkins SchoolGeneral support$1,488Education
2013Hanna Perkins SchoolMary Jo Taylor Fund$5,000Education
2013Harvard Business SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Harvard Business School Club of ClevelandGeneral Support$3,000Education
2013Harvard UniversityGeneral support Harvard Business School Fund$1,000Education
2013Hastings College FoundationTom McLaughlin scholarship fund$1,312Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support in honor of Nancy West$250Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGrow Foundation — 2013/14 school year$4,000Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support$28,860Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolEmma Raymond White Endowment for Faculty Excellence — $500; General Annual Fund unrestricted support — $500$1,000Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$300Education
2013Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$1,500Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$1,621Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support — greatest need$1,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolAnnual Fund Contribution$4,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolAnnual Campaign$5,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolGries House at University Circle$10,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolJohn Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$8,964Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Hawken SchoolGeneral support$5,500Education
2013Hawken SchoolAnnual Fund$500Education
2013Heidelberg University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$600Education
2013Heidelberg University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Hershey Montessori SchoolGeneral support$3,500Education
2013The Hill SchoolGeneral Support$199Education
2013Hillsdale CollegeJohn C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students$22,561Education
2013Hillsdale CollegeGeneral Support$500Education
2013Hillsdale CollegeGeneral Fund$1,000Education
2013Hillsdale CollegeGeneral support$22,561Education
2013Hiram CollegeScholarship support$2,622Education
2013Hiram CollegeGeneral support$3,807Education
2013Hiram CollegeGeneral Support$250Education
2013Hiram College2013 Igniting Streams ol Learning in Science with CMSD$7,500Education
2013Hiram College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Holy Name High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$3,100Education
2013Hotchkiss SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Hudson Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson scholarships for 2013–2014$7,000Education
2013Huron City SchoolsScholarships at Huron public schools$2,563Education
2013Huron Public LibraryPurchase of large print books and materials for the Huron Public Library$1,473Education
2013I Know I CanTo support the High School Graduation & College Guide Program$10,000Education
2013Indiana University — Bloomington2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Indiana University — Bloomington2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Indiana Wesleyan2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Jewish Federation of ClevelandPublic Education Initiative$25,000Education
2013John Carroll UniversityGeneral support$295Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$7,500Education
2013John Carroll UniversityGeneral Support$50,000Education
2013John Carroll UniversityInstitute for Educational Renewal (IER)$250Education
2013John Carroll UniversityJames J. Doyle scholarships$3,631Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,230Education
2013John Carroll University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013John Carroll UniversityHenry Ford II Scholarships for 2013$2,000Education
2013John Carroll UniversityGeneral support$5,500Education
2013Johns Hopkins UniversityGeneral support for the School of Medicine$102Education
2013Johns Hopkins UniversityThe John Cameron Surgical Research Fund at Johns Hopkins$10,000Education
2013Johns Hopkins University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Juilliard School2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,585Education
2013Julie Billiart SchoolAnnual Fund$5,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,400Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$750Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$8,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,400Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$900Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Kent State University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Kent State University FoundationCleveland Urban Design Collaborative — business plan implementation$90,000Education
2013Kent State University FoundationGeneral Support of WKSU 89.7 NPR$250Education
2013Kent State University FoundationGeneral Support$10,000Education
2013Kent State University FoundationGrowth Fund$5,000Education
2013Kent State University Tuscawarus2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Kent State University Tuscawarus2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Kent State University Tuscawarus2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Kentucky State University Foundation IncScholarships$1,282Education
2013Kenyon CollegeGeneral support$14,373Education
2013Kenyon College2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$6,000Education
2013Kimball Union AcademyGeneral Support$300Education
2013Kingsley Trust AssociationGeneral Support$500Education
2013Kirtland Public LibraryGeneral support$3,500Education
2013KnowledgeWorks FoundationOhio 8 Coalition$25,000Education
2013Lake County Educational Service CenterLake Academy$5,000Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeScholarships$1,741Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeArthur and Arlene Holden Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeGeneral Support$2,500Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support$1,101Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support$188,592Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeScholarship support to Painesville area residents$40,000Education
2013Lake Erie CollegeLake County Collegiate Leadership Program$40,000Education
2013Lake Forest CollegeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral Support$500Education
2013Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationHarriet B. Storrs Fund support of scholarships$89,700Education
2013Lakeland Community CollegeGeneral Support$750Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationHolden University Center$20,000Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationGeneral Support for Lakeland Community College$22,751Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationLakeland Community College scholarship support to Painesville area residents$50,000Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationScholarship to needy students$34,846Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationLakeland Community College — Geospatial Technologies Pathways Project$50,000Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationRichard G. Small Memorial Scholarship Fund per the guidelines established in May 2008$3,440Education
2013The Lakeland FoundationGeorge & Agnes Roberts Scholarship Fund$13,351Education
2013Lakewood High School Alumni FoundationGeneral Support$300Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,500Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$5,000Education
2013Laurel SchoolCenter for Research on Girls Symposium$4,400Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support $10,000Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support in memory of Evelyn Rogers$2,500Education
2013Laurel SchoolThe Ettinger Family Fund$2,500Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2013Laurel SchoolAnnual fund — Unresticted$500Education
2013Laurel SchoolGeneral Support, Prentiss Society$1,000Education
2013Lawrence SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Learning Ally IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2013Lighthouse AcademiesStudent Programs and other opportunities outside the classroom fo the Bronx Lighthouse College Prep Academy$25,000Education
2013Lipscomb University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013The Literacy Cooperative of Greater ClevelandOperations and program support focusing on 2014 GED changes$250,000Education
2013The Literacy Cooperative of Greater ClevelandCleveland Campaign for Grade Level Reading$10,000Education
2013The Literacy Cooperative of Greater ClevelandTransition and expansion of the STEP (Supporting Tutors Engaging Pupils) tutoring program$50,000Education
2013Lourdes University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,500Education
2013Loyola University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Loyola University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$8,000Education
2013MacMurray CollegeScholarships$5,553Education
2013Magnificat High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$5,200Education
2013Magnificat High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$4,200Education
2013Magnificat High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$3,000Education
2013Magnificat High SchoolCapital — $33,000.00$33,000Education
2013Magnificat High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$6,500Education
2013Magnificat High School2013–2014 Sullivan Scholar$4,700Education
2013Marshall Universty2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Mass Insight Education and Research Institute Inc.Partnership with Cleveland Metropolitan School District to support turnaround efforts in low-performing schools$250,000Education
2013Mentor Public SchoolsScience and/or technology equipment or materials but not used for payroll$2,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$750Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,500Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,599Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$8,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$10,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$2,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$4,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$750Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$3,000Education
2013Miami University2013–2014 Academic Year Scholarship$1,000Education