Grant Search

Grant Search

The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.

Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.

Displaying 35001 to 36000 of 50743

YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
2011American Welding Society Inc Welding for the Strength of America$1,000Education
2011Amherst CollegeGeneral support$250Education
2011Amherst CollegeAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2011Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Cleveland Chapter — Miller Preschool program$10,000Education
2011Army War College Foundation, Inc.General Support$5,000Education
2011Asha for EducationEducation$1,400Education
2011Ashland University General Support of EconomicsAmerica Cleveland Center$250Education
2011Ashland University General Support$300Education
2011ASPIRA AssociationPilot program in Cleveland to increase the retention, achievement, and advancement of Latino students, in partnership with Esperanza Incorporated$216,530Education
2011Aurora City School District Maintaining the Moore property which was a gift to Aurora City Schools Board of Education$8,591Education
2011Aurora Schools Foundation Endowment Distribution$100,000Education
2011Ave Maria University Student scholarships at the Latin American campus$1,000Education
2011Avon Lake United Church of Christ Scholarships for Christian Work$5,795Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College General support for the Leadership and Public Policy Institute (LPPI)$1,000Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College General support of the Biology Department of Baldwin-Wallace College$1,071Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College General Support$2,000Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College Scholarship support for music students$4,204Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College The Durst Welcome Center$5,000Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College William E. Harris Scholarship Fund Endowment Fund$20,000Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College William E. harris Scholarship Fund Restricted Fund$30,000Education
2011Baldwin-Wallace College General support$72,376Education
2011Bay Village City School District Math and Science Summer School Program$1,060Education
2011Bay Village Educational Foundation Endowment distribution$2,830Education
2011Beaumont School Beaumont Bench Program$3,500Education
2011Beaver Country Day SchoolAnnual Fund$3,000Education
2011Beloit College Financial aid$15,000Education
2011Benedictine High School Renée E. Kopittke Scholarship Fund to be given to a deserving student with a financial need$1,000Education
2011Benedictine High School Fund-A-Need Scholarship program$1,000Education
2011Berea College Scholarship support for the 2011-2012 academic year from the Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship Fund$42,000Education
2011Bethany Baptist Church Support the Bethany Baptist Church Memorial Scholarship Fund$1,129Education
2011Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation, Inc.Sponsorship of the 31st Anniversary Scholarship and Awards Gala honoring Randell McShepard on October 22, 2011$2,000Education
2011Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2011Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2011Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationPromotional video to be presented at the first annual fundraising dinner and school recruitment presentations$3,375Education
2011Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationPurchase of materials requested by teachers$10,000Education
2011Boston CollegeGasson Society$10,000Education
2011Broadway School of Music & The Arts General Support$400Education
2011Broadway School of Music & The Arts General support$5,000Education
2011Brown UniversityGeneral support$250Education
2011Byrne Urban Scholarsgeneral support$1,000Education
2011Cadiz High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, Inc.Program support, including but not limited to offering college scholarships to Harrison Central High School seniors (in Cadiz, Ohio)$13,437Education
2011California Institute of Integral StudiesGaiafield/GCI global care room project$1,000Education
2011Capital University Scholarships$9,109Education
2011Case Alumni Association General Support$1,500Education
2011Case Alumni Association Case Fund of the Case Alumni Association$5,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Department of NutritionTuition Scholarship — MS Public Health Nutrition$962Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in aerospace or computers$170Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Purchase or replacement of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$239Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCollege of Arts & Sciences Annual Fund$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHistory Department for the 2010-2011 History Associates Fund$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the School of Medicine$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the School of Arts and Sciences$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMacular Degeneration Research$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFlorence Emerson Shockey Endowment Fund in honor of Susie Hanson$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship in Humanities$250Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the College of Arts & Sciences$300Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAlumni Annual Fund$500Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine — Evans-Machlup Prize for graduating medical student$1,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMedical school — Class of 1987$1,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship for medical students of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine$1,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Law — support scholarships for African American students of law$1,153Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine, Professorship in integrative oncology$1,500Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase Western Fund$2,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Law — 35th Reunion / Annual Fund$2,500Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFrances Payne Bolton School of Nursing$2,500Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women$2,537Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships$2,948Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$3,022Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine — provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$4,602Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentEndowment distribution$4,742Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSeth and Franny Taft Alzheimer’s Disease Research Fund — OSA117980$5,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCWRU Trustee Annual Fund$5,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School Annual Fund$5,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development For a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$5,299Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Institute of Technology$8,072Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWeatherhead School of Management$10,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development2011 — Theodore M & Catherine C. Alfred Fund$10,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred S. Higley Scholarship Fund at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences$10,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentTo create a special project account in the Department of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve for the project entitled "Macrophages in Patients with Melanoma” under the investigator, Tatyana Putukhova$10,500Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$11,212Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Adelbert College$12,927Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$17,282Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Law annual fund $20,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development William Curtis Morton, Maud Mortonb, Kathleen Morton Scholarships$33,458Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPlanning process for the International Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders$35,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$46,179Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentTo create a special project account in the Department of Dermatology at University Hospitals Case Medical Center for the project "Dermatology Research” under the investigator Dr. Daniel Popkin$54,342Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPartners for Innovation and Commercialization Internship Project$55,400Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentTo create a special project account in the Department of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve University for the project entitled "Genetic Epidemiology of Melanoma” under the investigator, Dr. Meg Gerstenblith$75,000Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support$129,924Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Oglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$138,546Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for the Graduate School$388,769Education
2011Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine — Cleveland Center for Membrane and Structural Biology$1,500,000Education
2011Chaffee County Montessori School, Inc.Grandparents’ Club$1,000Education
2011Chagrin Falls Booster Club$600 gold level- general support $100-Chagrin Falls Music Lovers$700Education
2011Chagrin Falls Booster ClubGeneral Support$3,000Education
2011Chatham HallGeneral support — Class of ’69 $250Education
2011Chess for Success, Inc. dba Progress with ChessProgress with Chess general support$500Education
2011Chess for Success, Inc. dba Progress with ChessCleveland Public School Day Program and Capacity Building project$21,000Education
2011Chicago Public MediaGeneral support from The John H. Thomas Family Fund $2,000Education
2011The Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation, Inc.Class of 1987 from The John H. Thomas Family Fund $2,000Education
2011Citizens Academy For Citizens Leadership Academy — In honor of Shelly Saltzman$250Education
2011Citizens Academy Citizens Leadership Academy$1,000Education
2011Citizens Academy General support$1,500Education
2011Citizens Academy Citizens Leadership Academy$5,000Education
2011Citizens Academy Summer Academic Program$10,000Education
2011Citizens for Lakeland Community College Campaign to renew the 1.5 mill levy for Lakeland Community College$5,000Education
2011Clarion University FoundationGeorge Williams and Robert Bubb wrestling scholarship$500Education
2011Cleveland Arts Prize Scholarship for individuals who show great potential to excel in creative writing$2,200Education
2011Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral Support$250Education
2011Cleveland Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni AssociationScholarships or other educational purposes at Hampton University$3,038Education
2011The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Establishment of the Leonard Krieger Chair in Preventive Cardiology$750,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Geater Memorial Scholarship$468Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Kathy Brooks Scholarships$500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Judge Leo A. and Mrs. Gilberta Jackson Justice and Integrity Scholarships$501Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Fenn Educational Fund — General Support$506Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Wilma A. Chapman Scholarships $900Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Nelson G. Peck, Jr. Memorial Scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$1,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships to graduating seniors of Edgewood High School who are U.S. citizens and who will be attending an accredited, qualified educational institution on a full-time basis$1,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Roy W. and Wilma Cade Scholarships$1,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarships for African-American women at Cuyahoga Community College matriculating to a four-year institution$1,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Paul C. and Kathryn W. Miller, Sr. Scholarships$1,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Diane O. McDaniel Scholarship$1,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Timothy Allen Hopkins Memorial Scholarships$1,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Women’s Civic Club of Cleveland Heights scholarships$1,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alton LaMaur Character Memorial Scholarship for a graduating male senior from Collinwood High School$1,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. A. William Jamerson Memorial Scholarships $1,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Association of Asian Indian Women Scholarship$1,567Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rhoda A. Affelder Fund for educational purposes$1,676Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships $1,750Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships from the Derek Owens Memorial Scholarship Fund$2,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ruth Alice Jacobs Roe Memorial Scholarships $2,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Anna M. Roth scholarships to graduates from Brush High School $2,625Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle Scholarships$2,800Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships from the Ohio Laborers Future Leaders of America Fund$3,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Charles D. Whitmer WSI Fund Scholarship$3,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC)$3,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alcoa Fund scholarships$3,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships$3,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert D. Johnson Memorial Scholarships$3,600Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cristina Sunga Ryook scholarships$3,950Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships/grants and/or below market interest loans for students$4,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert P. Madison Scholarships$4,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships from the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund$4,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Virginia Jones Memorial Scholarships to female graduates of Shaw High School$4,700Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Astrup Company Scholarships $5,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship selection by the TCF Scholarship Selection Committee for scholarship support$5,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support from the Charlotte Alexander Fund$5,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Robert D. Gries annual lecture that occurs during The Cleveland Foundation’s Annual Meeting$5,824Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC)$6,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Byrne — Rubin Famiy Trust Scholarships$6,400Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Gifted and talented education at Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School$6,706Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jamir Miller Foundation Scholarships$7,227Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior of Elyria High School$8,150Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Participation in public education policy activities$8,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships through the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee$9,426Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships$9,427Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jon Lewis Memorial Award for Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies $10,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships to seniors at Wickliffe High School who will be attending a qualified educational institution to be chosen based on scholastic achievement, demonstrated athletic or artistic ability, character and financial need$10,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Vince Federico Scholarships to graduates of Wickliffe High School$10,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation Fund$10,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Perlman Family Foundation scholarships to dependents of eligible employees of PK Management Company and its affiliates$12,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships from the A. Grace Lee Mims Vocal Scholarship Fund$15,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Northwest Emergency Team Fund Scholarships $15,550Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships to graduating high school senior(s) who currently reside at a property managed by PK Management Company$16,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support $16,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarships to graduates of Shaker Heights High School$16,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cydney Weingart Scholarships $19,333Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Development of a community strategy and database for the college readiness, access and persistence project$20,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Dr. Jack Rumbaugh scholarships$37,500Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund Scholarships$62,770Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) First-year implementation of the Higher Education Compact of Greater Cleveland to increase college readiness, access and persistence rates among Cleveland youth$85,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Frances Battles Johnson scholarship assistance to Ohio’s eight medical schools for students enrolled in either their third or fourth year$107,097Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship funds for distribution by the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC)$121,204Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support to be distributed by The Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee$141,250Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support from the Moebius Scholarship Fund$146,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Costs associated with filling four senior level positions in Cleveland Metropolitan School District$200,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships$207,123Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Develop a community plan, introduce a college planning system, deepen school-based efforts, and address needs of high performing students, as part of the college readiness, access and persistence initiative$300,000Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Anisfield-Wolf Community Service Award and the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards$349,700Education
2011The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Portfolio of new and innovative schools strategy through the 2011-2012 school year$800,000Education
2011The Cleveland Institute of Art Scholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2011The Cleveland Institute of Art Caroline E. Coit Fund Scholarships$3,242Education
2011The Cleveland Institute of Music Scholarship programs$2,790Education
2011Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories $181Education
2011Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support$4,567Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District Children’s book awards$512Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District General support $1,372Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District Purchase of books for the renovated Marion-Sterling School Library$7,500Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District STEAM problem-based learning projects for the 2011 Rock Your World With STEAM Family Festival$7,500Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District MyCom STANCE Services Integration Model$40,000Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District Board leadership development activities in the areas of strategic planning/decision-making and capacity building$55,000Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District K-12 comprehensive, age-appropriate, medically accurate health education program for Cleveland students$70,000Education
2011Cleveland Metropolitan School District Continued support of the Office of New and Innovative Schools$200,000Education
2011The Cleveland Music School Settlement dba The Music SettlementScholarship assistance for needy students$699Education
2011The Cleveland Music School Settlement dba The Music Settlement Nellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarship$4,000Education
2011Cleveland Public Library Books for library’s Department of Science and Technology$837Education
2011Cleveland Public Library Purchase of art books/works of visual contemporary artists, travel expenses to business meetings, expenses for lecture series/musical concerts in connection with celebrating the year of Cleveland Public Library’s founding, and recognition for individuals attaining 25 or more years of service to the Cleveland Public Library$158,115Education
2011Cleveland Public Library Learning Centers$162,000Education
2011Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins$204,155Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. aka College Now Greater ClevelandMalone Scholarship$20,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. aka College Now Greater ClevelandStep Up Program$30,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater Cleveland2011 Contribution$250Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandGeneral Support$250Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandGeneral Support$250Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandGeneral support$1,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandJimmy Malone event$2,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater Clevelandgeneral support$2,500Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandGeneral support$3,500Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandHarry Coulby Memorial Scholarships to Cleveland area students to be used during the 2011-2012 academic year$13,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandTransitional support$80,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandScholarship assistance $189,698Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandScholarship and advisory services for students in Cohort 11 of the Jane D. White Scholars of the Life-Long Learners Program$225,000Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandStep Up Program. Funds will be released each year upon receipt of a satisfactory report.$320,728Education
2011Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater Cleveland2011-2012 Post Secondary Access Initiative$785,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation General Support$303Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Radiance scholarships$500Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs — 2012 In Tribute to the Public Service$500Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation General support for the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs$1,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland Marshall College of Law 2011 Contribution$1,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation General Support$1,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland State University — General support$4,204Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland State University — R. Earl Burrows Scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$5,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland Arts Education Consortium$5,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Administrative support for the Cleveland Arts Education Consortium$20,000Education
2011Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland State University and Northeast Ohio Medical University’s Partnership for Enhancing Urban Health$1,500,000Education
2011Cleveland State University, Cleveland Marshall College of LawScholarships to needy and deserving students$1,842Education
2011College Mentors for Kids, Inc.To support the Leadership Development Program that trains college students to be effective mentors and role models to at-risk and under-served high school students with the goal of developing community leadership skills of the mentors and increasing graduation rates of the mentees.$5,000Education
2011The College of Wooster $5,000 for Wooster Fund and $15,000 for Scot Center$20,000Education
2011Colorado College1874 Society$2,000Education
2011Columbus State Community College Development Foundation Inc.Support the Orientation to Trade and Apprenticeship Programs that provide at-risk high school students with hands-on experience necessary for employment in the trades; with the goal of exposing participants to potential career opportunities and encouraging them to further their education$20,000Education
2011Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI)General support$214Education
2011Communities in Schools of ColumbusTo support the School Resource Coordinator Program that provides innovative and comprehensive services to underserved high school students so that they graduate from high school and are ready for higher education or the workforce$7,500Education
2011The Community Library General Support$1,000Education
2011Connecticut College Annual Fund — Unrestricted$400Education
2011Connecticut College General Support$404Education
2011Conservatory Lab Charter School FoundationIn response to challenge grant for matching funds$1,000Education
2011Cooperative International StudiesGeneral Support$1,000Education
2011Cornell University Deanship of the Johnson School of Management$38,000Education
2011Cranbrook Educational Community General Support$250Education
2011Cranbrook Educational Community General Support$250Education
2011The Culver Educational FoundationGeneral Annual Support$5,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation General support$500Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation General Support of Cuyahoga Community College$4,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation High Tech Academy$4,500Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Sustainability in Education Conference "Camp Snowball”$5,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation 2011-2012 academic year gap scholarship awards for non-traditional students, targeting dislocated area workers who have been laid off or had their positions eliminated$20,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Career development and transition services for dislocated workers project$50,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation To support Tri-C’s Veterans Education Connection Center, located at the Louis Stokes Veterans Medical Center, by bringing high-quality, degree program opportunities directly to disabled veterans who are unable or not ready for a campus environment education.$50,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation To support the Hispanic Scholarship Fund so that low-income and first generation Hispanic students can pursue a college education$50,000Education
2011Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Leveraging new opportunities and assets to increase experiential learning opportunities for community college students$59,572Education
2011Cuyahoga County Public Library The benefit of Mayfield branch $1,060Education
2011Cuyahoga County Public Library Continuation and expansion of the Homework Centers$150,000Education
2011Darden School FoundationDarden School of Business Annual Fund$500Education
2011Dartmouth College General support$500Education
2011Dartmouth College General Support$1,000Education
2011Dartmouth College Alumni Fund — Class of 1974$1,974Education
2011Dartmouth College Annual Campaign$5,000Education
2011Dartmouth College Annual Campaign$10,000Education
2011Dartmouth College John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible$40,248Education
2011Denison University General Support$250Education
2011Denison University The Stuart Schreiber Scholarship being established in memory of Stuart Schreiber$2,000Education
2011DePaul UniversityThe Theatre School for the Many Dreams/One Mission Campaign$5,000Education
2011Duke University Annual Fund — Unrestricted$500Education
2011Duke University In memory of Michael Henry$500Education
2011Duke University General Support for the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke$1,000Education
2011Duke University In memory of Michael Henry$1,000Education
2011Eastern Michigan University FoundationTowards completion of the Men’s Golf Short Game Facility$250Education
2011Economic Growth Foundation Advocacy for changes in state education policy$125,000Education
2011Economic Growth Foundation Advocacy efforts to accelerate education reform through targeted state policy changes$200,000Education
2011Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyCleveland First Ring Superintendents Collaborative — Joint efforts to improve academic performance among at-risk students and increase efficiencies across districts$200,000Education
2011Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA Assist rural education in India$700Education
2011Elon UniversitySafe Rides Program$2,000Education
2011Emory UniversitySpecified for the school of business$1,000Education
2011Envision Excellence in STEM EducationDevelopment of six K-8 STEM schools in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District$20,000Education
2011Exuma Foundation $5,000 for general support and $250 for St. John Anglican-Episcopal church$5,250Education
2011Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support $1,000Education
2011Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General Support in memory of Albert B. Glickman$2,500Education
2011Fairmount Montessori Association Ruffing Montessori School (east) — Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$7,000Education
2011FBI National Academy Associates Ohio ChapterFBI National Academy — Fornier Memorial Scholarship Fund$340Education
2011Flagler CollegeGeneral Support$500Education
2011Flagler CollegeGeneral Support$500Education
2011Foundation for Agency Management ExcellenceScholarships$5,000Education
2011Foundation for Appalachian OhioTo support a scholarship program for rural, low-income students of Appalachian Ohio so that they can pursue post-secondary education$8,000Education
2011The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, Inc.Scholarship support$500Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support$250Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support for The Intergenerational School$250Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support for Citizens Academy$250Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools Support of communications about success of schools$250Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support of E Prep$250Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools Cleveland E Prep School$500Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools Citizen’s Academy — General Support$500Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support$1,000Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support of E Prep$1,000Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General support$1,500Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General Support of Citizens Academy$2,000Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools General support of E Prep$2,500Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools Drive for Growth and Sustainability. E Prep Schools$20,000Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools Krieger Advisory Group program$150,000Education
2011Friends of Breakthrough Schools Start-up support of Breakthrough Charter Schools$700,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep SchoolsTeachers salaries and classroom supplies$3,500Education
2011Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral operations$5,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep SchoolsCapital fund$5,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support for Friends of Breakthrough Charter Schools$5,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$10,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsScholarship fund$500Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$1,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsTo assist with Entrepreneurs EDGE Meeting March 2011$1,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$3,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsSchools That Can conference held in Cleveland$7,500Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$10,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsCapital campaign$12,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough Schools$50,000 for the drive and $50,000 for the operating funds for 2010-2011$100,000Education
2011Friends of E Prep Schools dba Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral operating support ($25,000) and Phase II of the capital campaign ($75,000) for E Prep and Village Preparatory schools$100,000Education
2011Friends of Grace Church School General support$500Education
2011Friends of the Cleveland Public Library General Support$250Education
2011Friends of the Cleveland Public Library General Support$250Education
2011Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsScholarships for general books and supplies$400Education
2011Geauga County Educational Service CenterSupport phase two of the Lake/Geauga ESC P-16 project$40,000Education
2011Gilmour Academy Annual fund$1,000Education
2011Gilmour Academy Blue & Gray society$2,000Education
2011Gilmour Academy Blue Gray Society$2,500Education
2011Gilmour Academy Speaker series for students and faculty$9,149Education
2011Gilmour Academy Promise and Renewal Campaign$50,000Education
2011Gilmour Academy Memorial Garden$50,000Education
2011Gilmour Academy Memorial Garden and Entrance$50,000Education
2011Grantmakers for Education 2011 Policy Institute and Education Policy Working Group$15,000Education
2011Greater Cleveland Volunteers Experience Corps tutoring program$165,000Education
2011Greek Orthodox Community of St. DemetriosProvide educational support to alumni of St. Demetrios Greek School$783Education
2011Gross Schechter Day School“Smartboard” for the middle school$3,500Education
2011The Gunnery25th reunion gift $25,000Education
2011Hanna Perkins School dba Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentCapacity building of the Institutional Advancement Program$26,000Education
2011Hanna Perkins School dba Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentScholarships to subsidize preschool tuition for low income students$26,060Education
2011Harvard Business SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2011Harvard Business School Club ofCleveland General Support$3,000Education
2011Harvard University Graduate School of Business$1,000Education
2011Hathaway Brown School General support in honor of Nancy West$250Education
2011Hathaway Brown School General support$250Education
2011Hathaway Brown School General support$500Education
2011Hathaway Brown School Emma Raymond White Endowment for Faculty Excellence$500Education
2011Hathaway Brown School General support$500Education
2011Hathaway Brown School $500 to the Emma Raymond White Endowment for Faculty Excellence and $500 for general support.$1,000Education
2011Hathaway Brown School General support$2,000Education
2011Hathaway Brown School GROW Foundation — dollars for 2012 distribution$4,000Education
2011Hathaway Brown School General support$4,321Education
2011Hathaway Brown School ASPIRE program for middle-school girls$100,000Education
2011Hawken School General Support$250Education
2011Hawken School General support$250Education
2011Hawken School General support$500Education
2011Hawken School Annual Fund$1,500Education
2011Hawken School The Early Childhood Center$1,500Education
2011Hawken School General support$1,715Education
2011Hawken School General support$2,000Education
2011Hawken School Annual Fund — James A. Hawken Society$2,000Education
2011Hawken School Annual Fund, James A. Hawken Society $2,000Education
2011Hawken School Annual Campaign$4,000Education
2011Hawken School Gries House$5,000Education
2011Hawken School Annual Fund$5,000Education
2011Hawken School General support$5,500Education
2011Hawken School Readiness Initiative campaign$7,074Education
2011Hawken School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship$9,362Education
2011The Helen Moss Breast Cancer Research FoundationMedical student scholarships to attend the 8th annual integrative oncology conference in Cleveland November 10-12, 2011$7,500Education
2011The Hill School General support$219Education
2011Hillsdale College General Support$500Education
2011Hillsdale College General Support$1,000Education
2011Hillsdale College General fund$1,000Education
2011Hillsdale College General support$24,636Education
2011Hillsdale College John C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students$24,636Education
2011Hiram College General Support$250Education
2011Hiram College Scholarship support$1,800Education
2011Hiram College General support$4,196Education
2011Hiram College Annual Fund$5,000Education
2011Historical Diving Society USAGeneral support$214Education
2011Holden Christian AcademyGeneral support$25,000Education
2011Hopewell Inn Electrical expenses for waterers in five barn stalls$2,500Education
2011Hotchkiss SchoolGeneral support$1,000Education
2011Hudson Montessori Association Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$7,000Education
2011Huron City SchoolsScholarships at Huron public schools$2,668Education
2011I Know I CanTo support a college preparation and readiness program that helps low income, first generation and minority students and parents effectively navigate the college enrollment process.$7,500Education
2011The Indiana Wrangler FoundationDelta Upsilon Fraternity — Build for Brotherhood Capital Fund Drive$1,000Education
2011Institute of International Education IncRocky Mountain Regional Center $500Education
2011The Intergenerational School Children Guild 13th Annual Golf Classic$500Education
2011Jewish Federation of Cleveland PJ Library program ($50,000) and Special Needs Services at four Jewish Day Schools — Agnon, Gross Schechter, Fuchs Mizrachi and Hebrew Academy of Cleveland ($25,000)$75,000Education
2011John Carroll University Institute of Education Renewal$250Education
2011John Carroll University General support$303Education
2011John Carroll University Scholarships for Students$1,000Education
2011John Carroll University 1971 Class Gift$2,500Education
2011John Carroll University Carroll Fund$2,500Education
2011John Carroll University James J. Doole Scholarship$3,843Education
2011John Carroll University The 125th Anniversary Gala for the student scholarship program$5,000Education
2011John Carroll University General support$5,500Education
2011John Carroll University Charles J. Stilwell Scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$8,000Education
2011Julie Billiart School General support$1,000Education
2011Julie Billiart School General support $3,000Education
2011Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General Support$250Education
2011Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General Support$500Education
2011Kent State University Foundation, Inc. General Support$5,000Education
2011Kentucky Horse Park FoundationGeneral support$2,000Education
2011Kentucky State University Foundation IncScholarships$1,291Education
2011Kenyon College General support$600Education
2011Kenyon College General support$15,720Education
2011Kimball Union Academy General support$250Education
2011The Kind FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2011Kirtland Public Library General Support$300Education
2011Kirtland Public Library General support$5,500Education
2011KnowledgeWorks Foundation The Ohio 8 Coalition — policy advocacy and urban school improvement efforts$25,000Education
2011Lake County Educational Service Center Lake Academy$5,000Education
2011Lake County Educational Service Center Establishment of classrooms for students with Autism$69,000Education
2011Lake Erie College General Support$250Education
2011Lake Erie College Scholarship support$1,786Education
2011Lake Erie College General Support$2,500Education
2011Lake Erie College Scholarships$10,000Education
2011Lake Erie College Scholarship support to Painesville area residents$26,000Education
2011Lake Erie College General support$248,172Education
2011Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2011Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationEndowment Distribution$4,000Education
2011Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationStorrs scholarships and administrative fees$84,700Education
2011The Lakeland Foundation George & Agnes Roberts Scholarships$13,802Education
2011The Lakeland Foundation Scholarships for Painesville-area students attending Lakeland Community College$21,319Education
2011The Lakeland Foundation Equipment as part of The Holden University Center$25,000Education
2011The Lakeland Foundation Lakeland Community College — Alliance for Working Together (AWT): Promoting Careers in Manufacturing$33,969Education
2011The Lakeland Foundation Lakeland Community College scholarship support to Painesville area residents$45,000Education
2011Laurel School General support$250Education
2011Laurel School General Support$250Education
2011Laurel School Annual Fund — Unrestricted$500Education
2011Laurel School Prentiss Society $1,200Education
2011Laurel School Annual Fund$1,250Education
2011Laurel School General support$2,000Education
2011Laurel School Prentiss Society$2,500Education
2011Laurel School North Star Collaborative with Warner Girls Academy$3,000Education
2011Laurel School General support$10,000Education
2011Laurel School Annual Fund$10,000Education
2011Lawrence School General Support$2,000Education
2011Leadership InstituteGeneral Support$500Education
2011Lebanese-Syrian Junior Women’s LeagueScholarship Fund$1,000Education
2011Lehigh UniversityAnnual Campaign — Class of 1977$250Education
2011Leonard & Susan Fuchs Mizrachi SchoolSupport of Golf & Tennis Outing$500Education
2011Leonard & Susan Fuchs Mizrachi SchoolGeneral Support$1,500,000Education
2011The Literacy Cooperative of Greater ClevelandExpansion of the STEP (Supporting Tutors Engaging Pupils) literacy program to Euclid City Schools for kindergarten through third grade tutoring intervention for children not at reading grade level$76,200Education
2011The Literacy Cooperative of Greater Cleveland2011 program support$275,000Education
2011Lorain County Community College FoundationEducation Cornerstone$1,000Education
2011The Lutheran Deaconess Association, Inc. Tuition assistance to women in financial need being educated by the Lutheran Deaconess Association$2,507Education
2011MacMurray College Scholarships$5,795Education
2011Magnificat High School Alumni annual appeal$1,200Education
2011Manufacturing Advisory CommitteeGeneral Support$2,000Education
2011Marietta College Annual Fund$1,500Education
2011Marygrove CollegeGeneral support$500Education
2011The Masters School Annual fund$500Education
2011Maybeck High School IncorporatedGeneral support$1,000Education
2011Mayfield City School DistrictGeneral Support$1,000Education
2011Mercyhurst Preparatory SchoolGenearl support$250Education
2011Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries Metzenbaum SchoolMetzenbaum Opportunity School$40,000Education
2011Miami University FoundationCreation of the Cleveland Urban Cohort program$140,000Education
2011MICDS General Support$250Education
2011Middlebury CollegeArts Council Gift designated to support the opera production$1,000Education
2011Milestones Autism Organization General support$500Education
2011Milestones Autism Organization General Support$1,000Education
2011Miss Halls School, Inc.General Support$500Education
2011Montessori Development Partnerships Montessori High School at University Circle — Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year for student(s) residing in Cleveland or its first-ring suburbs who demonstrate financial need$7,000Education
2011Morley Library General Support$3,000Education
2011Mount Holyoke CollegeGeneral Support$250Education
2011Mount Holyoke CollegeAnnual Fund$2,500Education
2011Museum of Man in the Sea Inc.General support$428Education
2011National Council on Teacher QualityNational review of teacher preparation which will include 50 Ohio programs$25,000Education
2011Nature Center at Shaker Lakes Field trip expenses and transportation, especially CMSD school children, during the school year$5,000Education
2011New Netherland Institute Friends of New Netherland$10,000Education
2011The Norfolk LibraryGeneral Support$500Education
2011Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationGeneral Support$5,000Education
2011Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationTalent Dividend Initiative to increase college attainment$100,000Education
2011Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationNEOintern Collaborative II$125,000Education
2011Northfield Mount Herman School The annual fund class of ’99$400Education
2011Notre Dame — Cathedral Latin School NDCL Annual Fund$1,000Education
2011Notre Dame — Cathedral Latin School General Support for Global Missions$1,000Education
2011Notre Dame College General support$333Education
2011Notre Dame College General support$1,000Education
2011Notre Dame College Henry Ford II scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$2,000Education
2011Notre Dame College Quarry Park Community Garden$5,000Education
2011Oakland Small Schools FoundationUFSA Student Leadership Trip to New Orleans$1,000Education
2011Oberlin College Lawrence McDonald Scholarship Fund$1,700Education
2011Oberlin College General support$3,392Education
2011Oberlin College Scholarship support for music students$4,204Education
2011Oberlin College Lawrence McDonald Scholarship fund$15,000Education
2011Occidental CollegeGeneral support$250Education
2011Ohio Aerospace Institute 2011 FIRST Buckeye Regional Robotics Competition$7,500Education
2011Ohio Alliance for Public Charter SchoolsGeneral operating support$30,000Education
2011The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.Sherwick First Opportunity Scholars program$10,000Education
2011The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.The Bridges Program; a 4-year experiential learning and scholarship program designed to educate diverse high school students on the importance of higher education and how to navigate the admissions and financial aid processes. Support is also being provided for OFIC’s diversity programs and forums created to heighten diversity awareness among this same population.$50,000Education
2011The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.Scholarships to students$150,000Education
2011Ohio Grantmakers Forum Continuation of the Education Initiative$50,000Education
2011Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association Enlisted Scholarship Program solely for charitable purposes$4,300Education
2011Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy — general support$11,558Education
2011Ohio Nurses FoundationNursing Scholarships$3,000Education
2011The Ohio State University Ohio State University Extension — Lake County 4-H$2,500Education
2011The Ohio State University College of Nursing$2,600Education
2011The Ohio State University Mechanical Engineering Building Fund$2,600Education
2011The Ohio State University To support Ohio State University Research Foundation’s Student Success Centers at two target high schools (Linden McKinley and South High School), which will provide peer mentoring, career/college advisement, specialized counseling services and academic skills training to at-risk 9th graders.$95,169Education
2011Ohio State University Foundation Scholarships to needy and deserving students$1,842Education
2011Ohio State University Foundation General support$2,349Education
2011Ohio University Foundation Ohio University — General support$737Education
2011Ohio University Foundation EAB Contribution$1,000Education
2011Ohio University Foundation Underwriting for 2 band uniforms.$1,500Education
2011Ohio University Foundation Walter International Education Center (Sigma Chi brothers renovation project)$10,000Education
2011Ohio University Foundation Establish the Women In Philanthropy Endowment $12,500Education
2011Ohio University Foundation Sales Centre Endowment $25,000Education
2011Ohio University Foundation Forever Endowment for the Sales Centre at Ohio University$75,000Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University Northeast Ohio Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University $1,000 for the Alumni Fund, $250 for Phi Delta Theta, $250 for Delta Gamma, $250 for Gordon Almstead Fund and $250 for Libby Library$2,800Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University General support$4,057Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University General support$5,000Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University General Support $5,000Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University 50th Reunion Gift — Jay Walk Project$5,061Education
2011Ohio Wesleyan University Stuyvesant Rennovation$30,000Education
2011Ojai FoundationEagle Energy Project$1,500Education
2011Old Stone Education Center General operating support$10,000Education
2011Old Trail School Technology Fund$2,000Education
2011Orange Schools FoundationBarbara S. Bernheimer Scholarship$3,247Education
2011Our Lady of Mount CarmelScholarship assistance for a parishioner who is attending a Catholic grade school$710Education
2011Painesville Adult Basic and Literacy Education ProgramSummer program support in collaboration with Lakeland Community College’s Men’s Center$14,000Education
2011Painesville City Local School District Continued funding of the SOAR program$46,000Education
2011Passport Project, Inc.General support$500Education
2011Phi Beta Kappa Society General Support$250Education
2011Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter Mathematics Institute (Cleveland, OH)$500Education
2011Phillips Exeter Academy Class of 1954 Fund$1,000Education
2011Piney Woods School General support$15,022Education
2011Pioneer Valley Christian SchoolGeneral support$50,000Education
2011PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2011PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$400Education
2011PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2011PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral support $1,500Education
2011PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$10,000Education
2011Pomona College Torch Bearers$10,000Education
2011Positive Education Program General Support$2,000Education
2011Positive Education Program Capital campaign for the Prentiss Autism Center$5,000Education
2011Positive Education Program Prentis Autism Center capital campaign and the annual fund in honor of Susan Berger$5,500Education
2011Positive Education Program Prentiss Autism Center Capital campaign $25,000Education
2011Posse FoundationGeneral support$1,250Education
2011Posse FoundationGeneral support$2,300Education
2011President and Fellows of Harvard CollegeGeneral Support of Harvard Business School, Alumni Center Soldiers Field$1,000Education
2011Presidents Council Foundation, Inc. PC Scholars program$20,000Education
2011Prince Hall Scholarship Foundation Scholarship program$500Education
2011Princeton Alumni Association of Northern OhioStipends/Urban studies program $1,578Education
2011Princeton University General support$221Education
2011Program for Continuing EducationGeneral Support of PEO’s Program for Continuing Education$300Education
2011Project: LEARN, Inc. General support $2,500Education
2011Project: LEARN, Inc. Education First prison diversion literacy initiative for young offenders$35,000Education
2011Purdue University Krannert School of Management’s graduate program to provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$4,602Education
2011Purdue University John C McClean Scholarships in Engineering$61,554Education
2011Puskarich Public Library SystemGeneral support including the main library and its branches in Scio and Freeport$3,871Education
2011The Ratner School General support$2,500Education
2011Reach Out and Read Greater ClevelandGeneral Support for the efforts of Dr. Robert Needlman at MetroHealth Medical Center$512Education
2011Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools FoundationGeneral support$250Education
2011Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2011Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools FoundationBig Ideas Endowment Fund$375Education
2011Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools FoundationReaching Musical Heights$500Education
2011Robert Louis Stevenson School dba Stevenson SchoolClass of 1984 from The John H. Thomas Family Fund $2,000Education
2011Rocky River Educational Foundation IncThe Mary K. Whilhelmy Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2011Rocky River Educational Foundation IncFor the Mary K. Wilhelmy Scholarship Fund$2,000Education
2011Rocky River Educational Foundation IncFor the Class of 1986 Scholarship Fund$3,000Education
2011Rocky River Educational Foundation IncFor the class of 1986 Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2011Ruffing Montessori School Ruffing Montessori School (west) — Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$7,000Education
2011Sacred Heart of Jesus AcademyTuition Assistance/Scholarship. Apply to Angle Fund if possible for current need.$1,750Education
2011Sandusky Erie County Community FdnScholarships$20,000Education
2011Sea Education AssociationAnnual Fund — Unrestricted$500Education
2011Seeds of LiteracyGrowing Stronger project to expand organizational capacity through a formal affiliation with Berea Children’s Home and Family Services.$50,000Education
2011Shaker Charitable TrustGeneral Support$700Education
2011Shaker Heights Public LibraryEndowment Distribution$20,000Education
2011Shaker Schools Foundation Ruth S. Affleder Reading Fund$1,673Education
2011Shiloh Baptist Church College scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are also members of Shiloh Baptist Church$18,901Education
2011Sigma Alpha Epsilon FoundationThe campaign to advance SAE — Ohio Sigma Chapter Education Fund$2,000Education
2011Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity-Tau Boule Endowment distribution — Kenneth Clement Leadership Academy$3,740Education
2011Sisters of Charity Foundation of ClevelandPlanning for the Central Promise Neighborhood$65,000Education
2011Sisters of Notre Dame Notre Dame Elementary School$1,000Education
2011Sisters of Notre Dame General Support$2,000Education
2011SME Education FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2011Smith College The Smith Fund$250Education
2011Smith College General support$3,000Education
2011Smith College General support$242,075Education
2011Sokol Greater Cleveland General support$2,389Education
2011South Dakota State University Foundation Tuition Scholarship — Graduate Study in Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Food$2,000Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationHelping Children Learn Newsletter$499Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationIPad for Intervention Specialist $675Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — Smart Sync$819Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationProject Reach: Just Educating Young Women and Encouraging Leadership Among Sisters at Memorial Junior High School$1,277Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationAVID College Readiness at Memorial Junior High School$1,279Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationCapturing and enhancing the learning moment with a document camera at Rowland Elementary School$1,962Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary -Monthly Book Projects$2,000Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationSunview Elementary — Star Garden$2,500Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationInfared Sound Field Systems for Greenview Upper Elementary School$3,294Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — Technology to Teach (Erin Macsurak)$3,770Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — Art to Go $3,900Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationHeights-Hillcrest Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Bridge to Success program$4,400Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationSmartBoard Interactive at Memorial Junior High School$4,670Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — SMART Board with Document Camera $5,000Education
2011South Euclid-Lyndhurst PTA CouncilBrown and Gold Benefit for the PTA, Band and Athletic Boosters$1,500Education
2011South Suburban Montessori SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2011Saint Edward High SchoolFor Engineering Center$2,000Education
2011St. Francis DeSales High School Gloria Raphael and Rolland Stewart Memorial Scholarship and Strength in Numbers” program — Class of ’97$6,000Education
2011St. George’s School General support$250Education
2011St. Ignatius Elementary SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2011Saint Ignatius High School Annual faculty enrichment programs (excluding any enrichment for athletic programs)$564Education
2011Saint Ignatius High School General Support$1,695Education
2011Saint Ignatius High School Annual Fund$2,500Education
2011Saint Ignatius High School In honor of the school’s 125th anniversary and 50th reunion$10,000Education
2011Saint Ignatius High School Capital campaign$100,000Education
2011Saint Joseph Academy MACD Leadership Scholarships$4,000Education
2011Saint Joseph Academy Annual Fund$10,000Education
2011Saint Joseph Academy General Support$10,000Education
2011Saint Joseph Academy General Support$100,000Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolThe most promising student in need.$250Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$500Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High School2010-2011 Annual Fund $500Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolAnnual fund$1,000Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolStudent tuition assistance program$15,000Education
2011Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolDaily Breakfast Program$21,000Education
2011Saint Martin De Porres High School Work Study ProgramStudent work team at the Cleveland Foundation for the 2011-2012 school-year$26,500Education
2011Saint Mary Seminary General support$3,638Education
2011Saint Stephen’s Community HouseTo support the STEM LA Project; a comprehensive program for underserved high school students that in STEM-related areas, field trips and college preparation, as well as career exploration activities with the goal of keeping participants engaged in school$10,000Education
2011St. Vincent Charity Medical Center Marion-Sterling School Community Partnership in-class library project$5,000Education
2011Stanford Graduate School of Business General Support$1,000Education
2011Stanford Graduate School of Business Stanford Graduate School of Business Class of 86 fund$7,000Education
2011Stanford University General support$1,000Education
2011Stanford University Fund for Undergraduate Education$5,000Education
2011Stark County District Library Stark County District Library Foundation$1,000Education
2011Summer on the CuyahogaGeneral Support$250Education
2011Swarthmore College General Support$250Education
2011Swarthmore College Scott Arboretum for education programs$500Education
2011Taft School General support$1,000Education
2011Teach for America, Inc. Establish a Teach for America program in Cleveland$750,000Education
2011Temple UniversityTemple Law School : Center for Social Justice Initiative -$5,000Education
2011Thomas B. Fordham InstituteFacilitating the participation of national experts in state policy discussions regarding education reform$10,000Education
2011Trinity Christian AcademyGeneral support$25,000Education
2011Trustees of Tufts College Annual Campaign$2,000Education
2011Trustees of Tufts College General support$2,100Education
2011U.S. English Foundation General Support$400Education
2011United Negro College Fund, Inc. General Support$250Education
2011United Negro College Fund, Inc. United Negro College Fund, Inc. of Cleveland — General support of the Cleveland office$3,500Education
2011United Negro College Fund, Inc. General support$15,022Education
2011University of Akron Foundation University of Akron, Fisher Institute for Professional Selling (Thomas H. Taylor, Sr. Scholarship Fund — 2 Scholarships, $2,500 each).$5,000Education
2011University of Akron Foundation General Support of the University of Akron$10,000Education
2011University of California General Support$404Education
2011University of Chicago General support$1,000Education
2011The University of Cincinnati FoundationLindner School of Business$500Education
2011The University of Cincinnati FoundationBusiness Diversity Pathway Program that provides diverse, low-income high school students with an opportunity to attend classes with a college mentor in order to experience campus life first-hand and to explore business career options.$10,000Education
2011University of Colorado FoundationGeneral Support$6,000Education
2011The University of DenverRenovation of the Academic Commons $10,000Education
2011University of Illinois FoundationDepartment of Mathematics for the Mathematics Partnership Fund$250Education
2011University of Maryland Baltimore County Foundation Inc. (UMBC Foundation)University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) — Student scholarships to juniors or seniors majoring in chemical engineering, biochemical engineering or math who have shown high academic achievement and who demonstrate financial need and who have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of minorities in the sciences$618Education
2011The University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc.Engineering School $1,000Education
2011University of Michigan Law SchoolGeneral support$2,500Education
2011University of Mount Union Betterment of Greek Community$5,000Education
2011University of Notre Dame General Support$500Education
2011University of Notre Dame Sorin Society$5,000Education
2011University of Rochester General Support$250Education
2011University of the Pacific General Support$404Education
2011University School General support$220Education
2011University School General support$250Education
2011University School General support in memory of Peter H. Wellman$250Education
2011University School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$800Education
2011University School University School Annual Fund for the restricted fund in memory of Steve Lowe (’65)$1,000Education
2011University School Course on Entrepreneurship$2,000Education
2011University School General Support$2,000Education
2011University School General support$2,000Education
2011University School General support$2,000Education
2011University School Annual fund$2,000Education
2011University School General Support$2,000Education
2011University School Major Michael Sayle Evarts Endowment for service recognition$5,000Education
2011University School Phase II Capital Campaign$10,000Education
2011University School Annual Fund — Class of 1971 Reunion Gift$25,000Education
2011Ursuline College Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarships$3,843Education
2011Ursuline High SchoolAlumni fund$250Education
2011Vassar College Annual Fund$6,000Education
2011Villa Angela St. Joseph High SchoolFor use within Engineering, Industrial Arts$250Education
2011Waring SchoolGeneral Support$5,000Education
2011Western Reserve Academy Annual Fund$250Education
2011Westlake Educational FoundationAthletic department$500Education
2011Westlake Educational FoundationGeneral Support$2,500Education
2011Westminster School General support$13,000Education
2011Westshore Montessori Association Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year$7,000Education
2011Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net)Redesign of the Max Hayes High School (to develop committee structures, recruitment plan and redesign curriculum)$60,000Education
2011Wheaton CollegeAnnual Fund$25,000Education
2011Wickliffe City School DistrictCover unpaid fees for graduating seniors$3,936Education
2011Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship FoundationOhio STEM Teaching Fellows Program$90,000Education
2011Wright State University Foundation, IncSupport Wright STEPP, a summer program for at-risk and minority youth from Dayton and Springfield, Ohio. 150 Students participate receiving training in STEM courses. Successful completion of the 4-year program results in a full-tuition college scholarship$10,000Education
2011Wynford High SchoolLT(JG) Donald Richard Powers Memorial Scholarship for a graduate of Wynford High School, Bucyrus, Ohio $1,000Education
2011Yale University Class of 1952, in memory of Roland W. Donnem$250Education
2011Yale University Yale Alumni Fund 2011 Annual Giving$2,000Education
2011Yale University 2011-2012 Yale Football Association $2,500Education
2011Yale UniversityYale Law School Fund$4,900Education
2011Yale University The Edward Greenfelder Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2011Youngstown State University FoundationTo support the STEM Outreach Initiative that encourages under-served high school students to pursue STEM- related careers by offering internships, mentoring relationships with STEM-related business professionals and college scholarships$20,000Education
2011YWCA of Cleveland Scholarships$4,498Education
2011Zane State CollegeTo support the development of two IT digital video courses that will train low-income, first generation students in rural Appalachia for STEM-related careers$20,000Education
2012The Agnon SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Aloha Foundation Inc.2-year scholarship for an Aloha Hive Camper$18,300Education
2012Aloha Foundation Inc.Two year scholarship for an Aloha Hive camper$17,750Education
2012America SCORES ClevelandGeneral Support$7,500Education
2012America SCORES ClevelandGeneral support$1,000Education
2012America SCORES Cleveland2012 Contribution$250Education
2012American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral SciencesAssessment of quality and adequate human services and presence to school-based conditions for learning within the CMSD$195,000Education
2012Amherst CollegeAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2012The Anthony Trust AssociationThe Campaign for the Sigma Fund. Sigma Saints Level - Annual fund$500Education
2012Army War College Foundation, Inc.General Support$5,000Education
2012Aurora Library TrustUnderwriting for Red, White & Tuna$1,000Education
2012Ave Maria UniversitySupport for the Latin American campus$964Education
2012Ave Maria UniversitySupport for the Latin American campus$381Education
2012Babylon Rotary FoundationSandy Relief$13,000Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityHenry Ford II scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$2,000Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityScholarship support for music students$3,943Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral support of the Biology Department of Baldwin-Wallace College$982Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityAnnual Fund$250Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityFor the SPROUT Program through The Ladies of Last Chance benefit$1,000Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral support$475Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral support$66,696Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityWilliam E. Harris Scholarship Fund, Restricted Fund$30,000Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityWilliam E. Harris Scholarship Fund, Endowment Fund$20,000Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityWilliam E. Harris Scholarship Fund - Restricted Fund$1,500Education
2012Baldwin Wallace UniversityGeneral Support$250Education
2012Battelle For KidsGlobal Education Summit and Monograph$10,000Education
2012Battelle For KidsSupport the enhancement of the Rural Ohio College High School’s and Ohio Appalachian Collabortive’s “Ready/Set/College” program$40,000Education
2012Bay Village City School DistrictMath and Science Summer School Program$1,457Education
2012Beaumont SchoolScholarship program in honor of James Delaney$3,500Education
2012Beaumont SchoolAdvancing Excellence Campaign - 2012$2,000Education
2012Beloit CollegeGeneral support$15,000Education
2012Berea CollegeScholarship support for the 2012-2013 academic year from the Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship Fund$42,000Education
2012Thea Bowman CenterCapacity building project focused on volunteer engagement and evaluation$50,000Education
2012Bridge Avenue SchoolGeneral Support$300Education
2012University of CaliforniaGeneral Support$379Education
2012Capital UniversityScholarships$8,425Education
2012Case Alumni AssociationCase School of Engineering Capital Campaign at Case Western Reserve University$30,000Education
2012Case Alumni AssociationGeneral Support$1,500Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGreat Lakes Energy Institute in the School of Engineering$1,750,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPlanning and development of Uptown Phase II and III$160,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine - Construction of a new medical school building on the university’s West Campus$10,000,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentBuilding Master of Engineering and Management Programming and Capacity to Meet the Evolving Demands of Northeast Ohio Industry$85,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred S. Higley Scholarship Fund at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences$10,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences - Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education for MyCom data collection, analysis and evaluation services$169,923Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCharles J. Stilwell Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$8,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support$596Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine - Faculty support, research, and education programs$251,916Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine - Faculty support, research, and education programs$31,038Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Dental Medicine - Faculty support and research$377,873Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Dental Medicine - Faculty support and research$62,077Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine - provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$4,334Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase School of Medicine - general support$98Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAthletic Department, Wrestling Department Fund$1,246Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences Annual Fund$1,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentDesignate these funds to Baker-Nord$250Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSupport for the Alumni House$50,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentEvans-Machlup Prize for graduating medical student$1,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPresident’s Strategic Initiative Fund$5,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support of Mandel School Annual Fund in honor of Pam Carson$5,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPresident’s Strategic Initiative Fund$3,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships in Humanities$250Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHistory Department for the 2011-2012 History Associates Fund$250Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCollege of Arts & Sciences Annual Fund$250Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentNational Youth Sports Program at Case Western Reserve University$10,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase Western Reserve University Medical School$250Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase Western Reserve University College of Arts & Sciences$250Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing$2,500Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support for the Weatherhead School of Management$2,500Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase Western Fund$1,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe Department of Nutrition for Tuition Scholarship - MS Public Health Nutrition$551Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSupport the Upward Bound Program, dedicated to improving graduation rates, grade point averages, standardized testing scores, and overall psychological and social well-being of low-incoe and at-risk high school students$200,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development2012 Theodore M. and Catherine C. Alfred Fund; chair in honor of Ted Alfred$10,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine$1,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support$14,085Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support$104,431Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Adelbert College$1,586Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Adelbert College$10,461Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$10,461Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for the Graduate School$354,727Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for the Graduate School$10,461Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women$2,357Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWilliam Curtis Morton, Maud Morton, Kathleen Morton Fund Scholarships$31,075Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships at Flora Stone Mather College$2,738Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$129,208Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSupport to School of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$2,795Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPurchase or replacment of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$215Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSupport of field biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$43,067Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCancer research at the School of Medicine$34,770Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentResearch in diseases of the eye at the School of Medicine$62,149Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMedical research and general support at the School of Medicine$93,186Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOutpatient clinic for dispensary at the School of Medicine$71,927Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentEstablish scholarships/or funds for research$6,872Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentStudent of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$4,902Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$9,757Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$6,038Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMedical research$139,840Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships in aerospace or computers$157Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Case Institute of Technology$7,467Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences capital campaign$25,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine Class of 1987 Scholarship Endowment$2,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentProvide scholarships to African American dental students attending Case Western Reserve Universtiy School of Dentistry$5,000Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support of the College of Arts & Science$300Education
2012Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support of Case Medical School - Macular Degeneration Research$300Education
2012Central School of Practical Nursing, Inc.General support$52,012Education
2012Chaffee County Montessori School, Inc.Grandparent’s Club$1,000Education
2012Chagrin Falls Booster Club$300 for Silver Tiger Level and $100 for Chagrin Falls Music Lovers$400Education
2012Chagrin Falls Booster ClubGeneral support$300Education
2012Chess for Success, Inc. dba Progress with ChessGeneral Support$500Education
2012Christian Brothers AcademyTo Be the Best Campaign$20,000Education
2012Citizens for Our Children’s Future$200,000Education
2012Citizens for Our Children’s FutureRight Plan Right Now campaign for Cleveland’s school levy$5,000Education
2012Citizens for Our Children’s FutureGeneral support$250Education
2012Citizens for Our Children’s FutureCMSD Levy Campaign$1,000Education
2012CJ Betters Center Holiday ClassicFoundationGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyEndowment$5,000Education
2012Cleveland Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni AssociationScholarships or other educational purposes at Hampton University$2,851Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtThree strategic initiatives to improve student recruitment: travel grants ($25,000), pre-college program ($5,000) and NEXT career development event ($5,000)$35,000Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtAnnual Fund$1,850Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtCapital Campaign$10,000Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$500Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$2,500Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$250Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of Art2012 Contribution$1,800Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtCaroline E. Coit Fund Scholarships$3,011Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtScholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtGeneral support$51,907Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtBuilding program$5,000Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtCinematheque $500Education
2012The Cleveland Institute of ArtCapital Campaign$10,000Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support$3,943Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicHelen Curtis Webster Award$2,784Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicScholarship programs$2,521Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicOpera department general support$1,467Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicAnnual Giving Campaign$250Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$500Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$5,500Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$500Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral Support$250Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicAnnual Fund$250Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support$8,674Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicGeneral support$3,000Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicSupport of Sato Center$250Education
2012Cleveland Institute of MusicThe Women’s Committee benefit “An Evening with Roberta Flack”$2,000Education
2012Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories at Lutheran West High School$170Education
2012Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support$4,242Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$186,641Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$325Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$213Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$2,663Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryService to shut-ins program$775Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryPurchase books for library’s Department of Science and Technology$779Education
2012Cleveland Public LibraryPurchase of art books/works of visual contemporary artists, travel expenses to business meetings, expenses for lecture series/musical concerts in connection with celebrating the year of Cleveland Public Library’s founding, and recognition for individuals$150,295Education
2012Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$676Education
2012Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral support$4,000Education
2012Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$400Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationProgram expenses for the Cleveland Arts Education Consortium$5,000Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationNew Pathway Project: Building a Talent Pipeline from the Classroom to the Workforce$75,000Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationMaxine Goodman Levine College - In Tribute Award Program$250Education
2012Cleveland State UniversityScholarships to needy and deserving students$1,712Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationThe Poetry Center at Cleveland State University$4,682Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationCleveland State University - General support$3,943Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationGeneral Support of Cleveland State Marshall School of Law$1,000Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationGeneral Support for the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs$1,000Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationJohn M. and Ruth Jean Coyne Endowed Scholarship for Public Service In memory of Ruth Jean Coyne$500Education
2012Cleveland State University Foundation2012 Contribution$5,000Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationGeneral Support$285Education
2012Cleveland State University FoundationCLASS Dean’s Discretionary Fund -- Dean Greg Sadlek$1,000Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictDistrict-wide family festival in partnership with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and Great Lakes Science Center ‘Rock Your World with STEAM Family Festival 2012’$5,000Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictContinued support for the Office of New and Innovative Schools and the strategic data project$500,000Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictNew Principal Cadre program$29,950Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictGinn Academy for general support$1,305Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictDaniel E. Morgan School for book awards to children$475Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictCleveland Early College High School$676Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictCleveland School of Architecture and Design$676Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictMC2 STEM High School$676Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictCleveland Early College High School$2,000Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictCleveland Early College High School General Support$500Education
2012Cleveland Metropolitan School DistrictProject Act for homeless children$250Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncCollege tours to University of Michigan for CMSD high school students$5,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncPost Secondary Initiative 2012-2013$785,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncScholarship support for up to 20 students in Cohort 12 of the Jane D. White Scholars Program$225,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncHarry Coulby Memorial Scholarships to Cleveland area students to be used during the 2012-2013 academic year$13,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncAlign and strengthen advising system in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District$75,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncCMSD Rows program$5,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral support$3,500Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncTo provide scholarship assistance to graduates of the Cleveland Municipal School District.$175,775Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncJimmy Malone Scholarship Program$20,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$250Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncSupport of the Malone Golf Classic.$2,500Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$250Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012College Now Greater Cleveland IncGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012College of WoosterGeneral support$700Education
2012College of Wooster2011-2012 Annual Fund$500Education
2012College of WoosterWooster Fund ($5,000) and the Scot Center ($42,000)$47,000Education
2012Colorado College1874 Society$2,000Education
2012The Community LibraryGeneral Support$650Education
2012Connecticut CollegeGeneral Support$379Education
2012Connecticut CollegeAnnual Fund Unrestricted$500Education
2012Conservatory Lab Charter SchoolFoundationGeneral support$2,500Education
2012Cornell UniversityAnnual Fund, Class of 1982 Reunion$5,000Education
2012Cornell UniversityDeanship of the Johnson School of Management$38,000Education
2012Cranbrook Educational CommunityGeneral Support$250Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College FoundationFreedom School programming for high school youth$125,000Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College FoundationEnhancing Faculty Engagement to Strengthen Cooperative Education$65,000Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College FoundationCollege Success Program, a program to increase the number of Cleveland students ready for and able to succeed in college$750,000Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College FoundationHigh Tech Academy program 2012-2013$5,000Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College Foundation$20,000Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College FoundationTo support the conintuation of the Tri-C Veterans Education Connection center, located at the Louis Stokes Veterans Medical Center, by bringing high-quality, degree program opportunities to disabled veterans who are unable or not ready for a campus enviro$60,000Education
2012Cuyahoga Community College FoundationTo support the Hispanic Scholarship Fund to increase access to higher education for Hispanic students to help them earn degrees and credentials to secure the job of today’s economy$50,000Education
2012Cuyahoga County Public LibraryHomework Centers$150,000Education
2012Cuyahoga County Public LibraryBenefit of the Mayfield branch on Wilson Mills Road in Mayfield, Ohio$986Education
2012Cuyahoga County Public LibraryHomework Centers$3,000Education
2012Darden School FoundationDarden Annual Fund$500Education
2012Dartmouth CollegeAlumni Fund$500Education
2012Dartmouth CollegeAnnual Fund$1,974Education
2012Dartmouth CollegeJohn Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$37,362Education
2012Dartmouth College2013 General support of the Dartmouth College Fund (Class of 1963)$1,000Education
2012Dartmouth CollegeGeneral Support$10,000Education
2012Dartmouth CollegeTuck School of Business Annual Giving$5,000Education
2012Denison UniversityAnnual Fund$500Education
2012DePaul UniversityThe Dunning Scholarship Fund for the Theatre School$5,000Education
2012Duke UniversityAnnual Fund Unrestricted$500Education
2012Duke UniversityGeneral Support of The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center$1,000Education
2012Duke UniversityGeneral Support of the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center in memory of Michael Henry $500Education
2012Eastman School of MusicThe John Maloy Scholarship Fund$1,000Education
2012Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyCuyahoga County Regional Summer Academy$20,000Education
2012Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyTo provide bus vouchers for students of North Coast Academy in Richmond Heights Ohio$1,500Education
2012Emory UniversityGeneral support$1,000Education
2012Esperanza Inc.Unification of academic and family engagement programs$330,000Education
2012Esperanza Inc.ELLA program$2,000Education
2012Esperanza Inc.SISCO (Staying in School for College Opportunities$17,000Education
2012Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General support$1,000Education
2012Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Building in Depth Schools in Cleveland - Citizens Leadership Academy Partnership$25,000Education
2012Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General support of Facing History and Ourselves, Cleveland$1,500Education
2012Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.7th Annual Cleveland Benefit$2,000Education
2012Fairmount Montessori AssociationRuffing Montessori School (east) - Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year$7,000Education
2012Flagler CollegeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsStrategic growth plan$600,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsRelocation of Citizens Academy from the Temple-Tifereth Israel to the Joseph Landis school$50,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsAfter school enrichment program for underserved Cleveland students$10,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsClosing the Drive for Growth and Sustainability and general operating support$100,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsBridging the funding gap for underserved students in Breakthrough Schools$10,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support of Citizens Academy$500Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$10,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$250Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsCapital support $120,000; General operating $30,000$150,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsTo support the breakthrough bash$1,500Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$10,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsUnrestricted operational support for Breakthrough Schools$10,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsCapital Campaign$12,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$2,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsFunding gap for one student$3,300Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$2,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough Schools$50,000 for Drive for Growth and Sustainability; $50,000 General Operating Support$100,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support of Village Prep and E Prep$5,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsAnnual Fund$500Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support of Cleveland Entrepreneurship Preparatory School$2,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$17,000Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support$500Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral Support$1,250Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsAnnual Fund$500Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsGeneral support of E Prep$2,500Education
2012Friends of Breakthrough SchoolsCitizen’s Academy K thru 5$2,000Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsPlanning for a capital campaign for a new performing and creative arts center$60,000Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral support$5,000Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsCleveland School of the Arts theater program$13,750Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsScholarships for general books and supplies$549Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsSponsorship of Benefit Kids Benefit Cleveland$1,000Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral Support$2,000Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsPurchase of Cameras for Cleveland School of the Arts$850Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral Support$250Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland Public LibraryGeneral support$250Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland Public LibraryGeneral Support$250Education
2012Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsDesignated to the Theatre Program at Cleveland School of the Arts, run by Dr. Scott Miller$1,250Education
2012Friends of the Gates Mills Public LibraryGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Friends of the Kirtland Public Library,Inc.General Support$300Education
2012Geauga County Educational Service CenterThe Gate House School$25,000Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncAthletic Entrance Garden$50,000Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncMemorial Garden Entrance$23,253Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncPromise and Renewal campaign$2,000Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncBlue Gray Society$2,500Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of Memorial Garden$4,930Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of memorial garden$2,906Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncMemorial Garden Maintenance$2,136Education
2012Gilmour Academy IncMaintenance of memorial garden$3,447Education
2012Greater Hartford Consortium for Higher EducationCareer Beginnings$1,800Education
2012Gross Schechter Day SchoolTechnology Fund$1,500Education
2012Hanna Perkins School dba Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentRetention of an executive search consultant for the recruitment of a CEO$25,000Education
2012Hanna Perkins School dba Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentGeneral Support$5,000Education
2012Hanna Perkins School dba Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentGeneral support$1,414Education
2012Hanna Perkins School dba Hanna Perkins Center for Child DevelopmentGeneral Support$500Education
2012Harvard Business SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012Harvard Law SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2012President and Fellows of Harvard CollegeHarvard Graduate School of Education - HGSE Fund$250Education
2012President and Fellows of Harvard CollegeGeneral Support - class of 1954 (Robert D. Storey)$1,000Education
2012Harvard UniversityGeneral support$1,000Education
2012Hastings College FoundationTom McLaughlin scholarship fund$1,246Education
2012Hathaway Brown SchoolAspire Program$7,500Education