Grant Search

Grant Search

The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.

Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.

Displaying 33001 to 34000 of 50743

YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
2007Wheaton CollegeClass of 1977 Reunion$30,000Education
2007Wickliffe City School DistrictWickliffe High School — Class of 2007$2,500Education
2007Wildcat Wrestling ClubGeneral Support $1,000Education
2007Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship FoundationSTEM Teacher Preparation$500,000Education
2007Wynford High SchoolLT(JG) Donald Richard Powers Memorial Scholarship for a graduate of Wynford High School, Bucyrus, Ohio $1,400Education
2007Yale UniversityTed Greenfelder Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2007Yale UniversityGeneral Support$6,280Education
2007Yale UniversityYale Law School$6,280Education
2007Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio Multi-year arts education program in Lake and Geauga County schools$37,500Education
2008Adizes InstituteBuild Palestine — Center for Human Emergence$1,000Education
2008The Agnon School 2007-2008 Fund forExcellence$15,000Education
2008Allegheny College $25,000 Annual Fund $25,000 Class of 1957 Reunion Gift This grant was made at the recommendation of William P. Steffee $50,000Education
2008Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation IncorporateGeneral Support$100Education
2008America SCORESOperating and general support for fall program in one Cleveland Metropolitan School$5,000Education
2008America SCORESAmerica SCORES Cleveland — Local after-school literacy and physical education program$45,000Education
2008American CollegeGeneral Support$250Education
2008American Council of Trustees and AlumniACTA$250Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$43Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$196Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$205Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$272Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$346Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$700Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$758Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$835Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$1,400Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$1,470Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$2,821Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$3,700Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Distribution from the Gunild Keetman Assistance Fund$3,800Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$4,000Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$5,251Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$5,696Education
2008American Orff-Schulwerk Association One time distributioon from the Gunild Keetman Assistance Fund$18,615Education
2008American Sokol, Inc. Scholarships to deserving students who are members of Sokol, or for such other purporses as donor determines$793Education
2008Amherst CollegeGeneral Support$250Education
2008Amherst CollegeAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2008Andrews Osborne Academy — Painesville CampusGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008Andrews Osborne Academy — Willoughy CampusGeneral Support$250Education
2008Andrews Osborne Academy — Willoughy CampusEndowment Distribution$4,315Education
2008Andrews Osborne Academy Painesville CampusSupport the school and its programs and activities$5,235Education
2008Army War College Foundation, Inc.General Support$10,000Education
2008Ashland University Office of Development — Glen Clayton 1000 Fund$300Education
2008Aurora City School District Maintaining the Moore property which was a gift to Aurora City Schools Board of Education$9,240Education
2008Aurora Schools Foundation Support and scholarship dollars$760Education
2008Avon Lake United Church of Christ Scholarships for Christian Work$6,247Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College General Support$1,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College General Support$2,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College SPROUT Program$4,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College William E. Harris Scholarship Fund — Endowment $10,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College Charles J. Stilwell Scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$12,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College Academic Immersion and Mentoring Program$15,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College General Support$20,000Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College Leadership and Policy Institute$20,024Education
2008Baldwin-Wallace College General support $79,085Education
2008Beloit College Science Building$12,500Education
2008Bethany Baptist Church Support the Bethany Baptist Church Memorial Scholarship Fund$844Education
2008Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationGeneral Support$300Education
2008Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationCurriculum planning for the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine$30,000Education
2008Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Science & Medicine FoundationThird year operations and planning$100,000Education
2008Bowling Green State University Foundation Inc. CMAPGeneral Support$500Education
2008Brown UniversityAnnual support — This grant was made at the recommendation of Morley Hitchcock$500Education
2008Buckingham Browne and Nichols SchoolAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2008Cadiz High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, Inc.Program support, including but not limited to offering college scholarships to Harrison Central High School seniors (in Cadiz, Ohio)$11,893Education
2008Capital University Scholarships$9,810Education
2008Case Alumni Association Case Fund — This grant was made at the recommendaltion of Raymond A. Day.$2,000Education
2008Case Alumni Association Arthur S. Holden Scholarships$2,000Education
2008Case Alumni Association Case School of Engineering — Annual Fund$2,000Education
2008Case Alumni Association In memory of Willard Hays Horn-Hays Scholarship Fund Columbus Chapter$3,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Department of NutritionDept. of Nutrition — General Support$1,619Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCleveland Fund$100Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in aerospace or computers$183Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFriends of Eldred Theatre$250Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFlora Stone Mather Alumni Challenge$250Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentUniversity Develeopment — Alumni House$250Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOffice of University Development — Jack Medalie Professorship$250Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Purchase or replacment of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$276Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOffice of Annual Giving — College of Arts and Sciences $300Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentUniversity Medical School — Research on diseases of the eyes$300Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentBaker/Nord Center for the Humanities — Scholarship support$500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine$500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFrances Payne Bolton School of Nurisng This grant has been made at the request of JoAnn Glick$500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFlora Stone Mather Center for Women — Dr. Dorothy Miller — This grant has been made at the recommendation of Kathy Pender$500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Law$1,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAmici Medicinae Program$1,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentEvans-Machlup Prize for Graduating CWRU Medical Student $1,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentLaw School for general operations$1,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support — Grant was made at the recommendation of Pamela Conover.$1,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Engineering$1,500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship in Humanities$2,500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women$2,745Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships$3,192Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$3,254Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFlora Stone Mather Center for Women — FSM challenge match$5,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development For a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$5,707Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine — provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$7,068Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentRegionally Speaking Series: Economic Inclusion & Community Wealth$7,500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentInamori Ethics Prize lecture and symposium$7,500Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Institute of Technology$8,694Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGreat Lakes Institute for Energy Innovation$10,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPresident’s Discretionary Fund$10,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred Higley Scholarship Fund at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences$10,000Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$12,035Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Adelbert College$13,882Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$19,122Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development William Curtis Morton, Maud Mortonb, Kathleen Morton Scholarships$36,203Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$49,911Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentDeveloping a skilled workforce for the energy industry in Northeast Ohio cooperative education program$62,523Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support$142,870Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Oglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$149,742Education
2008Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for the Graduate School$418,837Education
2008Chaffee County Montessori School, Inc.General operations — This grant was made at the recommendation of Michael Harvey$2,000Education
2008Chagrin Falls Booster ClubFund Drive$600Education
2008Chalkdust Education FoundationPhase II of the Black Lemonade Project$5,000Education
2008Chase Collegiate SchoolIntegrating Technology and Enriching Curriculum program$23,825Education
2008Chatham HallGeneral Support Ann Thomas Lynch, class of ’69$250Education
2008The Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation, Inc.General Support$1,000Education
2008Christian Brothers AcademyTo Be the Best — Campaign$10,000Education
2008Citizens for Cuyahoga County Public LibraryCommunity Attitude Survey$7,500Education
2008Citizens’ Academy General Support$250Education
2008Citizens’ Academy General support$1,500Education
2008Citizens’ Academy General Support$10,000Education
2008Citizens’ Academy Capacity building for collaboration, expansion and long-term viability$13,000Education
2008Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral Support$250Education
2008Cleveland Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni AssociationScholarships or other educational purposes at Hampton University$3,627Education
2008Cleveland Entrepreneurship Preparatory SchoolGeneral Support$12,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee Scholarship$250Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) General Support $545Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Geater Memorial Scholarship$600Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Wilma A. Chapman Scholarships $700Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Roy W. and Wilma Cade Scholarships$850Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Kathy Brooks Scholarships$1,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Paris J. Mosley scholarships$1,200Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Paul C. and Kathryn W. Miller, Sr. Scholarships$1,300Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Judge Leo A. and Mrs. Gilberta Jackson Justice and Integrity Scholarships$1,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rhoda A. Affelder Fund for educational purposes$1,795Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Association of Asian Indian Women Scholarship$2,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Diane O. McDaniel Scholarship$2,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Timothy Allen Hopkins Memorial Scholarships$2,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Women’s Civic Club of Cleveland Heights scholarships$2,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ruth Alice Jacobs Roe Memorial Scholarships $2,400Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarships for African-American women at Cuyahoga Community College matriculating to a four-year institution$2,438Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Virginia Jones Memorial Scholarships to female graduates of Shaw High School$2,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships $2,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. A. William Jamerson Memorial Scholarships $2,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee Scholarship$3,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Charles D. Whitmer WSI Fund Scholarship$3,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alton LaMaur Character Memorial Scholarship for a graduating male senior from Collinwood High School$3,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle Scholarships$3,250Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Anna M. Roth scholarships to graduates from Brush High School $3,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert D. Johnson Memorial Scholarships$3,700Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships$3,839Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Participation in a public education strategy taskforce to impact education policy in Ohio$4,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jon Lewis Memorial Award for Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies $5,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) K.W. Horth Scholarship$5,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert P. Madison Scholarships$5,250Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support from the Charlotte Alexander Fund$6,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Byrne — Rubin Famiy Trust Scholarships$6,035Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Gifted and talented education at Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School$7,056Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Robert D. Gries annual lecture that occurs during The Cleveland Foundation’s Annual Meeting$7,927Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cristina Sunga Ryook scholarships$8,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee Scholarship$8,579Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Planning of the Manchester Bidwell project in Cleveland$10,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior of Elyria High School$10,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarships to graduates of Shaker Heights High School$15,700Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cydney Weingart Scholarships $16,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support $16,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Vince Federico Scholarships to graduates of Wickliffe High School$16,615Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships$28,250Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships through the TCF Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee$28,250Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Dr. Jack Rumbaugh scholarships$35,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Administrative expenses of the Fenn Educational Fund committee activities$40,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support for the 2008-2009 academic year for Berea College$42,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support for the 2008-2009 academic year for Huron Road School of Nursing$42,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Promise feasibility study$50,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support from the Moebius Scholarship Fund$55,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alcoa Fund scholarships$64,500Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Sullivan Scholars Fund $80,217Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship assistance to Ohio’s eight medical schools for students enrolled in either their third or fourth year$104,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund Scholarships$108,800Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Continued development and implementation of the Portfolio of Excellent Schools strategy$550,000Education
2008The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Development of school facilities utilization strategy, program audit of CMSD special schools and programs, and identify accelerated school turnaround strategy$800,000Education
2008Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictCleveland Heights High School Choir$500Education
2008Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictBoard of Education — Tree Planting project at Boulevard and Fairfax Elementary$10,000Education
2008Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictStrengthening the partnership of the First-Ring Superintendents’ Collaborative$70,000Education
2008Cleveland Hillel Foundation, Inc. Graduate Student Assistant program$10,000Education
2008The Cleveland Institute of Art Scholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2008The Cleveland Institute of Art Caroline E. Coit Fund Scholarships$3,510Education
2008Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories $213Education
2008Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support $4,944Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Restricted to support the STEM Academy — In honor of Eric Gordon$250Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Children’s book awards$552Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Scranton School principal’s fund only$1,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Ginn Academy$1,390Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District General support $1,563Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Travel to Westminster School$2,315Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District General support of Ginn Academy$8,610Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Humanware Audit$15,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Leading Change Initiative, a principal leadership development program$38,800Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Board leadership development and training project$77,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Expansion planning process at Ginn Academy$90,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District K-12 comprehensive health program$98,170Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Phase one of the school turnaround strategy$115,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Implementation phase of Humanware Audit$161,500Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Academic capacity building$175,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Reading Achievement project$200,000Education
2008Cleveland Metropolitan School District Closing the Achievement Gap — Tenth Grade Component for African American males.$217,600Education
2008The Cleveland Music School Settlement Scholarship assistance for needy students$820Education
2008The Cleveland Music School Settlement Nellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarship$4,000Education
2008Cleveland Public Library Books for library’s Department of Science and Technology$897Education
2008Cleveland Public Library Museum Pass Planning initiative$12,500Education
2008Cleveland Public Library Purchase of art books/works of visual contemporary artists, travel expenses to business meetings, expenses for lecture series/musical concerts in connection with celebrating the year of Cleveland Public Library’s founding, and recognition for individuals attaining 25 or more years of service to the Cleveland Public Library$168,064Education
2008Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins$218,932Education
2008Cleveland Reads General Support$500Education
2008Cleveland SavesGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Jimmy Malone Scholarship $250Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$500Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$600Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$1,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Jimmy Malone Scholarship and other Scholarship support$1,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$1,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support — This grant is designated for the Oakwood Scholarship Fund$1,500Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General support$2,500Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General support$3,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$3,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$5,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Malone Scholarship Fund — for two scholarships this year$10,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Adult Learner Program scholarships$10,500Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. “Last dollar” Harry Coulby Memorial Scholarships to Cleveland area students to be used during the 2008-2009 academic year$13,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Scholarships$18,750Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. For the cohort in the Mayor Jane Campbell Gap Scholarship Program$33,894Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Research and program evaluation$50,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Step up Program$77,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarship assistance $189,116Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Post Secondary Access Initiative$685,000Education
2008Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandScholarships and advisory services for students in Cohort 8 of the Jane D. White Scholars of the Adult Learner Program$248,680Education
2008Cleveland State University Community Health Initiative Local Evaluator$15,000Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support $327Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences — Scholarships to Greater Cleveland African-American female high school graduates$740Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.To support the Division of Continuing Education$1,000Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.College of Urban Affairs$1,000Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland Marshall — Legal Education Bert L. and Iris Wolstein Scholarship$1,000Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland State University Fund Raising Campaign$1,000Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support$2,500Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Support for Cleveland State University (AC244) for 1stQ 2008 Evaluation$7,500Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland Arts Education Consortium$10,000Education
2008Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland State University — BioHealth Care: A Cooperative Education Initiative (year three)$97,520Education
2008Cleveland State University, Cleveland Marshall College of LawScholarships to needy and deserving students$3,940Education
2008The College of William & Mary General Support$1,000Education
2008The College of Wooster General Support$5,000Education
2008Collinwood High School AlumniGeneral Support In memory of Jack H. Schron — Hall of Fame Induction May 2006$1,000Education
2008Colorado College1874 Society$2,000Education
2008Common Sense MediaGeneral operating — Grant was made at the recommendation of Jonathan Adams.$500Education
2008The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain CountyAccess Program$500Education
2008Connecticut College Annual Fund — This grant is being provided through the Carlson Family Fund on behalf of Kathryn Carslon $350Education
2008Connecticut College General Support$436Education
2008Consumer Credit Counseling ServiceGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Cooperative International StudiesGrant is to be used where needed.$1,000Education
2008Cornell University $1,000 — Glee Club $1,500 Hotel School This grant has been made at the recommendation of Michael M. Nestor $2,500Education
2008Cornell University Deanship of the Johnson School of Management$38,000Education
2008Cranbrook Educational Community General Support$250Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Sunset Salsa and Scholarships$500Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation General Support$2,000Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Invest in People Campaign$3,333Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Capital equipment needs for start up of Center for Creative Arts$5,000Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Communty College — Bridges to Success in the Sciences Program$5,000Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation General Support$5,000Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Programs linking high school students with community colleges and other institutions of higher education and training$10,000Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation E-Business Management Program expansion$33,593Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Community College Presidential Scholarship event, to award scholarships for students who have achieved academic excellence, demonstrate leadership, and/or received a first generation college award.$40,083Education
2008Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Administration and evaluation of Cleveland Scholarships for Education and Training (CSET)$70,000Education
2008Cuyahoga County Public Library Warrensville Public Library$1,000Education
2008Cuyahoga County Public Library The benefit of Mayfield branch $1,116Education
2008Cuyahoga County Public Library Homework Centers$200,000Education
2008Dartmouth College Annual Fund$250Education
2008Dartmouth College General Support$500Education
2008Dartmouth College Native American Fund Class of 1943$1,000Education
2008Dartmouth College Dartmouth College Fund — This grant has been made at the recommendation of Ensign Cowell, 63$1,000Education
2008Dartmouth College 25th reunion-annual fund This grant was made at the recommendation of Heather Roulston Ettinger, Class of 1983.$5,000Education
2008Dartmouth College John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible$40,944Education
2008Debbie Green Memorial FundGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.General support $357Education
2008DePaul University Support for The Theater School $2,000Education
2008Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Scholarship CommitteeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Duke University Annual Fund — This grant is being provided through the Carlson Family Fund on behalf of Kathryn Carslon$500Education
2008E City Youth entrepreneurship program$50,000Education
2008East Akron Neighborhood Development CorpGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008East Cleveland City Schools Shaw High School Band China Trip $300Education
2008East Cleveland City Schools Shaw High School — Marching band’s trip to 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing, China$500Education
2008East Cleveland City Schools Shaw High Marching Band$1,000Education
2008East Cleveland City Schools Shaw High School Band China Trip Luggage for the students$2,000Education
2008East Cleveland City Schools Shaw High School Marching Band’s Trip to China$30,000Education
2008East Cleveland Public Library General Support$2,000Education
2008Economic Growth Foundation Cleveland Metropolitan School District — MC_STEM High School$500,000Education
2008Economic Growth Foundation Cleveland Metropolitan School District — MC_STEM High School at Nela Park$750,000Education
2008EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center General Support$250Education
2008Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyRose-Mary Center School Activity Fund for student activities in memory of Judy Finnegan and Cora Cowan$1,000Education
2008Elgin Community College FoundationFunds for scholarships in the Industrial Manufacturing Technology Department$2,088Education
2008Elon UniversitySafe Ride’s Program$2,000Education
2008Emory UniversityGeneral Support for the School of Business$1,000Education
2008Emory UniversityGeneral support for the Graduate School of Business$1,000Education
2008Esperanza Incorporated General support on behalf of the Giving Back Gang$2,000Education
2008Exuma Foundation General Support — This grant is given in honor of Marge and Harry Carlson.$500Education
2008Exuma Foundation $5,000 General support and $500 for St. John the Baptist Church in Mosstown through St. Andrews church$5,500Education
2008Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General operating and program support$10,000Education
2008Fairmount Montessori Association Annual fund$1,100Education
2008Fairmount Montessori Association Annual Fund$1,200Education
2008Fairmount Montessori Association Ruffing Montessori School — Annual Giving Campaign$2,500Education
2008Fairmount Montessori Association Ruffing Montessori School (east) — Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$3,000Education
2008Fairmount Montessori Association Capital Campaign — Ruffing Montessori School$6,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$375Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,500Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral support$3,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral support $5,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral support$5,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral support $5,200Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsRestricted for Documentary Filming$10,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$25,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsOperating support for Entrepreneurship Preparatory School$50,000Education
2008Friends of E Prep SchoolsOperating support of the Entrepreneurship Preparatory School$200,000Education
2008Friends of Grace Church School General Support This grant was made at the recommendation of Katherine Vail Wolff.$250Education
2008Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc. General Support$500Education
2008Friends of the Cleveland Public Library General Support$250Education
2008Friends of the Cleveland Public Library General Support$250Education
2008Geauga County Educational Service CenterLiteracy Coaching for Sustained School Improvement program$37,494Education
2008Gilmour Academy General Support$500Education
2008Gilmour Academy General Support$570Education
2008Gilmour Academy Maintenance of memorial garden$1,374Education
2008Gilmour Academy Speech and Debate Team — This grant has been made at the recommendation of Michael M. Nestor$2,000Education
2008Gilmour Academy Blue & Gray Society$2,500Education
2008Gilmour Academy New Michael Pender Memorial Garden for new sports area$50,000Education
2008Gilmour Academy Memorial Garden — Created at new gym$50,000Education
2008Goucher CollegeClass of 1967$500Education
2008Grand River Academy General support$500Education
2008Grand River Academy General Support$1,000Education
2008Grantmakers for Education 2008-2009 annual membership and general support$10,000Education
2008Greek Orthodox Community of St. DemetriosProvide educational support to alumni of St. Demetrios Greek School$625Education
2008Gross Schechter Day SchoolGeneral support for Totally Kosher Rib Burnoff$500Education
2008Harvard Business School Club of Northeastern OhioGeneral Support$3,000Education
2008Harvard Business School, Alumni Center Soldiers FieldGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Harvard Business School, Alumni Center Soldiers FieldGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008Harvard Law School 60th Reunion Gift$25,000Education
2008Harvard University The Harvard Graduate School of Business$1,000Education
2008Harvard University School District Leadership, Management Systems, and Supervisory Practives for Raising Achievment and Closing Gap Conference — in support of Dr. Mark Freeman and his leadership team$25,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General Support$250Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General Support$300Education
2008Hathaway Brown School 60th Reunion gift$500Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General support$850Education
2008Hathaway Brown School Annual Fund$1,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General Support$1,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General Support$2,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General Support$2,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School Aspire Program alumnae group development$2,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General Support$2,500Education
2008Hathaway Brown School 50th anniversary fund for class of 1958$5,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School For the GROW Foundation$5,000Education
2008Hathaway Brown School General support$5,397Education
2008Hathaway Brown School ASPIRE program$100,000Education
2008Hawken School General Support$250Education
2008Hawken School General Support$250Education
2008Hawken School Annual Fund$500Education
2008Hawken School General Support$1,000Education
2008Hawken School General Support $1,000Education
2008Hawken School General support $1,848Education
2008Hawken School Lower school construction development fund $2,000Education
2008Hawken School Lower School Capital Campaign$2,000Education
2008Hawken School Capital Campaign$3,000Education
2008Hawken School General support$5,000Education
2008Hawken School Middle School campaign$8,300Education
2008Hawken School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship$9,536Education
2008Hawken School Walton Stadium$12,500Education
2008Helen Kate Furness Free LibraryGeneral Support This grant was made at the recommendation of Ralph B. Day.$1,000Education
2008The Hill School General support $221Education
2008Hillsdale College General support $27,938Education
2008Hillsdale College John C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students$27,938Education
2008Hiram College General Support$250Education
2008Hiram College Scholarship support$500Education
2008Hiram College General support$5,387Education
2008Hudson Montessori Association Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$3,000Education
2008Hugs FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2008Hugs FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2008Huron City SchoolsScholarships at Huron public schools$3,390Education
2008ideastreamSMART Consortium — Regional STEMM 21st Century Skills Summit$15,000Education
2008The Intergenerational School General Support$250Education
2008The Intergenerational School General Support$300Education
2008The Intergenerational School General Support$500Education
2008The Intergenerational School Collaboration Feasibility Study$40,000Education
2008The Jewish Community Federation of ClevelandPublic Education Initiative$3,000Education
2008John Burroughs SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008John Carroll University Institute of Education Renewal$250Education
2008John Carroll University General support $327Education
2008John Carroll University 58 Class Gift to the Carroll Fund$500Education
2008John Carroll University General Support$1,000Education
2008John Carroll University General Support$1,000Education
2008John Carroll University The Bishop Pilla Program$2,000Education
2008John Carroll University Henry Ford II Scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$2,000Education
2008John Carroll University James J. Doole Scholarship$4,140Education
2008John Carroll University 2008-2009 Carroll Fund$5,000Education
2008John Carroll University General support$5,000Education
2008John Marshall Alumni AssociationPrograms and scholarships$5,730Education
2008Johns Hopkins University For the John L. Cameron, M.D. Pancreatic Cancer Reserarch Fund$5,000Education
2008Julie Billiart School General Support$1,000Education
2008Julie Billiart School General Support$1,000Education
2008Julie Billiart School Living Legacy Fund$5,000Education
2008Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General Support$250Education
2008Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General Support$250Education
2008Kent State University Foundation, Inc. Adopt A Student Program$300Education
2008Kent State University Foundation, Inc. Founders Scholars Program$750Education
2008Kent State University Foundation, Inc. Scholarship$2,500Education
2008Kent State University Foundation, Inc. Kent State University — Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2008Kent State University Foundation, Inc. Costa Rica English as a Second Language (CRESL) project$39,993Education
2008Kent State University Foundation, Inc. Kent State University — Geauga Campus for the Library renovation and student success center.$100,000Education
2008Kentucky State University Foundation IncScholarships$1,307Education
2008Kenyon College Parents Fund — From parents of Charles Lynch (class of ’99)$500Education
2008Kenyon College General support $17,846Education
2008Kimball Union Academy General Support$300Education
2008The Kind FoundationGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Kirtland Public Library General Support$250Education
2008Kirtland Public Library General support$5,000Education
2008KnowledgeWorks Foundation Phase II — Governor’s Institute for Creativity and Innovation in Education$20,000Education
2008KnowledgeWorks Foundation Phase III of The Governor’s Institute for Creativity and Innovation in Education$50,000Education
2008Lake County Educational Service Center General Support$5,000Education
2008Lake Erie College Mathews House$2,000Education
2008Lake Erie College Scholarship support$2,185Education
2008Lake Erie College General Support$7,500Education
2008Lake Erie College Scholarship support$10,000Education
2008Lake Erie College Arthur and Arlene Holden Scholarship Fund$10,000Education
2008Lake Erie College General support $293,287Education
2008Lake Erie College Austin Hall of Science$1,000,000Education
2008Lake Ridge Academy Annual Fund — Science Education$1,000Education
2008Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2008Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationDistribution$2,875Education
2008Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support and administrative costs of managing the Storrs Fund scholarship program$12,750Education
2008Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationScholarship awards to Painesville area high school seniors and returning sophomore and junior college students not attending Lake Erie College or Lakeland Community College$60,000Education
2008The Lakeland Foundation Arthur S. Holden Scholarship Fund$500Education
2008The Lakeland Foundation George and Agnes Roberts Hispanic Scholarship Fund$2,000Education
2008The Lakeland Foundation George and Agnes Roberts Hispanic Scholarship Fund$15,000Education
2008The Lakeland Foundation Scholarships for Painesville-area students attending Lakeland Community College$23,845Education
2008The Lakeland Foundation Hispanic Leadership Program$29,420Education
2008The Lakeland Foundation Lakeland Community College scholarship support$31,000Education
2008The Lakewood Foundation The Greater Cleveland Family Support Consortium — Play-a-Day Family Literacy Program Replication$30,000Education
2008Laurel School General Support$250Education
2008Laurel School General Support$500Education
2008Laurel School Annual Fund — This grant is being provided through the Carlson Family Fund on behalf of Kathryn Carslon$500Education
2008Laurel School General Support$2,000Education
2008Laurel School General Support$2,500Education
2008Laurel School General Support$2,500Education
2008Laurel School Mandarin Chinese Program$3,000Education
2008Laurel School Annual Fund$5,000Education
2008Laurel School General Support$6,000Education
2008Laurel School Elizabeth Porter Daane Class of 1973 — In honor of our 35th reunion.$10,000Education
2008Laurel School Annual Fund$10,000Education
2008Lawrence School General Support — In honor of Mario Morino$250Education
2008Lawrence School General Support$500Education
2008Lawrence School General Support$500Education
2008Leadership InstituteGeneral Support$500Education
2008Learning About Business General Support$500Education
2008Learning About Business General Support$2,000Education
2008Lehigh UniversityGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Leonard & Susan Fuchs Mizrachi SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Leonard & Susan Fuchs Mizrachi SchoolGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008The Literacy Cooperative of Greater ClevelandThe Literacy Cooperative$350,000Education
2008The Loomis Chaffee SchoolGeneral Support$10,000Education
2008The Lutheran Deaconess Association, Inc. Tuition assistance to women in financial need being educated by the Lutheran Deaconess Association$3,770Education
2008MacMurray College Scholarships$6,247Education
2008Manufacturing Advisory CommitteeFor Team Academy High School Vocational Education — May Hayes High School$1,500Education
2008Marshall University Foundation, Inc.Corpus for the Richard Jarrel Hodges Memorial Scholarship$51,019Education
2008The Masters School Annual Fund — Greatest Need$500Education
2008Mentor Public Schools Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2008Mentor Public Schools General Support$9,528Education
2008Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries Metzenbaum SchoolMetzenbaum Opportunity School$35,000Education
2008Middlebury CollegeAnnual Fund Unristricted This grant was made at the recommendation of Doug Barr, Class of ’69$1,000Education
2008Milton AcademyAnnual Fund$1,000Education
2008Miracle League of Arkansas Inc.General Support$6,625Education
2008Moody Bible InstituteShare 2008 Moddy Broadcasting — WCRF$3,000Education
2008Morley Library General Support$3,500Education
2008Mount Holyoke CollegeGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Mount Union College Enhance the Greek community$5,000Education
2008Murray State UniversityGeneral Support$250Education
2008Myers University General Support$1,000Education
2008National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeopleGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008National Yiddish Book CenterGeneral Support$100Education
2008The Neighborhood SchoolGeneral operating support$1,000Education
2008New Netherland Institute Friends of the New Netherland project This grant is made at the recommedation of William P. Steffee$10,000Education
2008The New Teachers CollegeFeasibility study for an independent graduate-level college of education devoted to teacher training$48,000Education
2008North American Students of Cooperation Annual Support$1,000Education
2008North Canton City SchoolsNorth Canton City Schools$188Education
2008North Canton City SchoolsSupport teachers, counselors and administrators plan to lead district to program to keep students in high school and lead them to graduation.$47,716Education
2008North Olmsted City Schools North Olmsted High School — Volley for the Cure to benefit Susan G. Komen Foundation$500Education
2008Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education2008 NOCHE Board Campaign$1,000Education
2008Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationResponding to the Call: Upgrading/Expanding Northeast Ohio’s Regional Internship Initiative$100,000Education
2008Northeast School General Support$2,000Education
2008Northfield Mount Herman School General Support — from parents of Charles Lynch (class of ’99)$400Education
2008Notre Dame College General support$616Education
2008Notre Dame College Dwyer Learning Center — This gift is in memory of John D. Drinko$5,000Education
2008Notre Dame College FalconCorps$5,000Education
2008Notre Dame College Annual fund$5,000Education
2008Notre Dame College R. Earl Burrows Scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$6,000Education
2008Oberlin College EnviroAlums Endowment Fund$1,000Education
2008Oberlin College General support$3,994Education
2008Oberlin College Annual gift — Alumni Fund$10,000Education
2008Oberlin College Lawrence McDonald Scholarship Fund$10,000Education
2008Oberlin College Sponsor the Oberlin College Business Scholars Program$28,000Education
2008Oberlin College Oberlin Business Scholars program$28,000Education
2008Oberlin College Access Initiative$50,000Education
2008Oberlin College Jazz Studies Building$500,000Education
2008Ohio Aerospace Institute2008 FIRST Buckeye Regional Robotics Competition$7,500Education
2008Ohio City Bike CooperativeGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.Sherwick First Opportunity Scholars$16,500Education
2008Ohio Grantmakers Forum Phase III Education Initiative$1,000Education
2008Ohio Grantmakers Forum Phase III of the Education Initiative$70,000Education
2008Ohio National Guard Association Officer Scholarship Program$2,000Education
2008Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association Enlisted Scholarship Program$6,000Education
2008Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy — general support$15,878Education
2008Ohio State University Foundation College of Nursing$2,000Education
2008Ohio State University Foundation Mechanical Engineering Building Fund$10,000Education
2008The Ohio State University Research FoundationSupport student Success Centers Linden McKinley and So. High to provide peer mentoring, career/college advise, counseling services and academic skills training to at-risk 9th graders.$95,169Education
2008Ohio University Foundation EAB Sponsorship$1,000Education
2008Ohio University Foundation SW FL Development Support$3,000Education
2008Ohio University Foundation Establishment of the 1804 Permanent Endowment Fund$5,000Education
2008Ohio Wesleyan University Annual Fund This grant was made at the recommendation of Ralph B. Day.$2,500Education
2008Ohio Wesleyan University General support$4,370Education
2008Ohio Wesleyan UniversityEntrepreneurship program$5,000Education
2008Ohio Wesleyan UniversitySupport of Entrepreneurship Program$5,000Education
2008The Old Stone Foundation Scholarships and general support$7,500Education
2008The Old Stone Foundation Scholarships for GED-seeking students and their children$10,000Education
2008The Old Stone Foundation Scholarship and general support needs$10,000Education
2008OLPC FoundationOne Laptop per Child$250Education
2008OLPC FoundationGeneral Support$400Education
2008Orange Schools FoundationBarbara S. Bernheimer Scholarship$3,500Education
2008Our Lady of Mount CarmelScholarship assistance for a parishioner who is attending a Catholic grade school$712Education
2008Owens Community CollegeThe John and Margaret Kurfess Fund$1,000Education
2008Painesville City Local School District Adult Summer Literacy Program$12,485Education
2008Phi Beta Kappa Society General Support$250Education
2008Piney Woods School General support $16,274Education
2008Pioneer Valley Christian SchoolCapital Campaign$50,000Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$400Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolTo be directed for The All Kinds of Minds Training for Teachers$1,000Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral support$3,000Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolCapital Campaign$5,000Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolCapital Campaign$5,000Education
2008PM Foundation, Inc. dba Urban Community SchoolGeneral support$7,000Education
2008Pomfret School Ice rink improvements — Capital campaign$2,000Education
2008Pomona College General Support$5,000Education
2008Positive Education Program General Support$500Education
2008Positive Education Program General Support$1,000Education
2008Positive Education Program General Support$1,000Education
2008Positive Education Program General Support$1,000Education
2008Positive Education Program Early Childhood Literacy Enhancement Program$25,000Education
2008Positive Education Program Client Follow-Up Pilot Project$29,000Education
2008Posse FoundationGeneral Support$5,000Education
2008Poynter Institute for Media Studies, IncGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Prairie View A&M UniversityScholarship, Spring 2008 award$1,500Education
2008Princeton Alumni Association of Northern OhioEndowment Distribution$1,780Education
2008Princeton University General support $221Education
2008Project Love Remember the Children FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Project: LEARN, Inc. General support $4,000Education
2008Purdue University Krannert School of Management’s graduate program to provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$7,068Education
2008Purdue University John C McClean Scholarships in Engineering$69,806Education
2008The Ratner School General Support$500Education
2008Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools FoundationGeneral Support$250Education
2008Reaching Heights/Cleveland Hts- University Hts Public Schools FoundationBoulevard Site Improvement Fund of Reaching Heights — For the playground being built $500Education
2008Regina High School General support of Royal Gala$500Education
2008Regina High School Annual Fund — 2008-2009 Pacesetter$2,500Education
2008Regina High School General Support$3,333Education
2008Richmond Heights Board of Education Richmond Heights Local School District — Books for library$250Education
2008Rocky River Educational Foundation IncScholarship Fund$1,500Education
2008Rocky River Educational Foundation IncRocky River Education Scholarship Fund — For The Mary K. Wilhelmy Scholarship Fund$1,500Education
2008Rocky River Public LibraryGeneral support $500Education
2008RSVP of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Experience Corps$150,000Education
2008Ruach ClevelandRuach Cleveland — Tiferet Village for development$10,000Education
2008Ruffing Montessori School Marie Richardson Scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$3,000Education
2008Sea Education AssociationAnnual Fund — This grant is being provided through the Carlson Family Fund on behalf of Kathryn Carlson.$350Education
2008Sewickley AcademyEndow Family Education Fund and a child awareness teaching community (to raise social awareness at a young age)$50,000Education
2008Shaker Charitable TrustScholarship Fund for Employees$600Education
2008Shaker Heights City School District Implement Accelerated Reader program in elementary schools$25,000Education
2008Shaker Heights Public LibraryEndowment Distribution$24,022Education
2008Shaker Schools Foundation 2009 Annual Fund Campaign$250Education
2008Shaker Schools Foundation 2008 Annual Fund$500Education
2008Shaker Schools Foundation Students Group on Race Relations Fund$1,000Education
2008Shaker Schools Foundation Ruth S. Affleder Reading Fund$1,792Education
2008Shaker Schools Foundation Auditorium campaign$2,000Education
2008Shawnee Local School DistrictPermanent Improvements$50,000Education
2008Sigma Alpha Epsilon FoundationCampaign to Advance Sigma Alpha Epsilon Foundation — Ohio Sigma Chapter Education Fund$5,000Education
2008Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity -Tau BouleGeneral support$80Education
2008Simon Youth FoundationNorth Coast ERC Scholarships — 2008-2009$20,000Education
2008Sisters of Notre Dame General Support for the Elementary School$1,000Education
2008Sisters of Notre Dame General Support$1,000Education
2008SME Education FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Smith College General Support$400Education
2008Smith College In honor of Katherine M. Ingersoll’s 65 year reunion$1,000Education
2008Smith College General Support$2,000Education
2008Smith College General support$251,749Education
2008Sokol Greater Cleveland General support$3,188Education
2008South Dakota State University Foundation Tuition Scholarship — Graduate Study in Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Hospitality$2,000Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary School — Family game kits$511Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — Minority Achievement Community Program$1,257Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — Project ELMO$2,340Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGEMS (Girls Educated and Motivated for Success)$2,420Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary School — Parent Information Center$2,500Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationBrush High School — Newspaper equipment$2,608Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationBrush High School — Real Care Babies for Real Life Practice$3,854Education
2008South Euclid-Lyndhurst Board of EducationGreenview Upper Elementary — Honors Social Studies Library$4,748Education
2008South Suburban Montessori SchoolGeneral Support This grant was made at the recommendation of Benjamin Vail.$500Education
2008Saint Ann’s SchoolGeneral Support This grant was made at the recommendation of Priscilla Vail Caldwell$500Education
2008Saint Edward High School School Maintenance$500Education
2008Saint Edward High SchoolAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2008St. George’s School General Support$250Education
2008St. Gregory the Great School Elementary School — For development This grant was made at the recommendation of Richard R. Geier.$1,400Education
2008St. Ignatius Elementary SchoolScholarship Support$2,000Education
2008Saint Ignatius High School Annual faculty enrichment programs (excluding any enrichment for athletic programs)$250Education
2008Saint Ignatius High School Ignatius Men Forever Campaign $500 in memory of John V. Corrigan ’38 $500 in honor of Daniel P. Corrigan ’78$1,000Education
2008Saint Ignatius High School 2008-2009 Annual Fund$2,500Education
2008Saint Ignatius High School The Bill Murphy Campaign$2,500Education
2008Saint Ignatius High School General Operations$25,000Education
2008Saint James School Inc.General Support$5,000Education
2008Saint Joseph Academy 2008-2009 Annual Fund$10,000Education
2008St. Martha ParishTuition assistance for North Akron Catholic School students$15,000Education
2008Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolFor Most Promising Student in Need$250Education
2008Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$350Education
2008Saint Martin de Porres High SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2008Saint Martin De Porres High School Work Study ProgramStudent work team at the Cleveland Foundation for the 2008-2009 school year$25,000Education
2008Saint Mary Seminary General support$3,948Education
2008St. Mary’s Seminary and University Ecumenical Institute of TheologyGeneral Support$250Education
2008Stanford University General Support$1,000Education
2008Stanford University Stanford Graduate School of Business$1,000Education
2008Stanford University Annual Fund, Class of 1996 $5,000Education
2008Summer on the CuyahogaGeneral Support$500Education
2008Swarthmore College General Support$500Education
2008Swarthmore College Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College for education programs — This grant was made at the recommendation of Ralph B. Day.$1,000Education
2008Switzerland of Ohio Local School DistricGeneral Support$35,000Education
2008Taft School General Support$500Education
2008Task Force on Violent Crime dba Partnership For A Safer ClevelandScholarships through the Cleveland Scholarships for Education and Training Program and programs for the One Voice Zero Tolerance Initiative$60,000Education
2008Trevor Day School2009 Annual Fund$12,500Education
2008Trustees of Tufts College General support$2,100Education
2008Tuck School of Business at DartmouthGeneral Support$250Education
2008U.S. English Foundation General Support$250Education
2008UnCommon Schools Inc General Support for North Star Academy, Newark, New Jersey$250Education
2008United Negro College Fund, Inc. General Support$250Education
2008United Negro College Fund, Inc. Support for United Negro College Fund Inc. of Cleveland$750Education
2008United Negro College Fund, Inc. General support for the Cleveland office$3,000Education
2008United Negro College Fund, Inc. General support$16,274Education
2008University at Buffalo FoundationLaw School Dean’s Advisory Council Scholarship Fund$500Education
2008University at Buffalo FoundationGeneral Support$10,000Education
2008University Circle Incorporated Early Learning Initiative$5,000Education
2008University of Akron Foundation Contribution to support the Thomas H. Taylor, Sr. Scholarship Fund (i.e., two $2,500 scholarships in 2009).$5,000Education
2008University of California General Support $436Education
2008University of Chicago General Support — Graduate School of Business$1,000Education
2008University of Colorado FoundationYour Team Campaign — Awards$5,000Education
2008University of Illinois FoundationMathematics — General support $250Education
2008University of Maryland College Park Fdn General Support$1,000Education
2008University of Maryland College Park FoundationClark Engineering Society — General Support$1,000Education
2008The University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business$700Education
2008University of Pennsylvania General Support for the School of Medicine Grant was made at the recommendation of William P. Steffee$250Education
2008University of the Pacific General Support$436Education
2008University School General support$221Education
2008University School In memory of Peter H Wellman$250Education
2008University School Annual Fund$250Education
2008University School University School, Hunting Valley — Class of 1957 Endowment for Teaching Excellence — In memory of Robert B. Rathbone’58$250Education
2008University School Class of 1957 Endowment for Teaching Excellence — In memory of Rip Ruhlman$250Education
2008University School General Support$500Education
2008University School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$800Education
2008University School General Support$1,000Education
2008University School General Support$1,000Education
2008University School General Support$2,000Education
2008University School Tower Society In Memory of Arthur Holden$2,000Education
2008University School General support$2,000Education
2008University School General Support$2,000Education
2008University School General Support$2,000Education
2008University School Annual Support$3,000Education
2008Ursuline College Leadership Gift to the Annual Fund From Raj & Ashok Shendure$1,000Education
2008Ursuline College General Support$1,000Education
2008Ursuline College JH Hole-in-one $1,300Education
2008Ursuline College General Support$3,000Education
2008Ursuline College Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarships$4,140Education
2008Ursuline College General Support$100,000Education
2008Ursuline High SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2008Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management$2,000Education
2008Vanderbilt UniversitySupport for the College of Arts and Science$5,000Education
2008Vassar College General Support$5,000Education
2008Virtual Schoolhouse, IncGeneral Support — In honor of Nicki Salfer$250Education
2008Walsh Jesuit High SchoolAnnual fund$1,000Education
2008The Washington Center for Internships and Academic SeminarsCleveland State University Initiative$65,495Education
2008Washington University General Support$5,500Education
2008Western Reserve Academy Annual Fund$250Education
2008Western Reserve Academy Flanagan Fund$250Education
2008Westlake City School DistrictThe Westlake Education Foundation — This grant was requested by Jodee and Denny Dreher for the Westlake Education Foundation$1,000Education
2008Westlake City School DistrictGeneral Support$1,000Education
2008Westminster School General support$12,500Education
2008Westshore Montessori Association Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2008-2009 academic year$3,000Education
2008Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network (WIRE-Net)Planning and design for a new Max Hayes career and technical high school training center$60,000Education
2008Wheaton College$10,000 Annual Fund $20,000 Endowed Scholarship $20,000 Science Center Charles E. & Elizabeth Porter Daane ’77$50,000Education
2008Wittenberg University General Support$500Education
2008Wynford High SchoolLT(JG) Donald Richard Powers Memorial Scholarship for a graduate of Wynford High School, Bucyrus, Ohio $1,400Education
2008Yale University General Support$1,000Education
2008Yale UniversityTed Greenfelder Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2008Yale UniversityGeneral Support$5,825Education
2008Yoder Brothers Memorial Scholarship FundGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009A Cultural Exchange, Inc. Books by African-American authors for the Busy Bookmoble$250Education
2009Academy of Vocal ArtsScholarship, A.W. Paxson$250Education
2009The Agnon School Annual fund, scholarships, and tribute$5,500Education
2009Allegheny College Annual Fund$25,000Education
2009America SCORES ClevelandProgramming in one Cleveland Metropolitan School District school$10,000Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$57Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$256Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$256Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$313Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$398Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$597Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$966Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Distribution from the Shields/Gillespie Scholarship Fund$1,703Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association One time Distribution from the TAP Fund$2,251Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association Endowment Distribution$4,500Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association One time distribution from the AOSA Research Fund$5,150Education
2009American Orff-Schulwerk Association One time distribution from the AOSA Gunild Keetman Assistance Fund to the American Orff-Schulwerk Association.$17,074Education
2009American Sokol, Inc. Scholarships to deserving students who are members of Sokol, or for such other purporses as donor determines$383Education
2009Amherst CollegeAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2009Amherst CollegeAnnual Fund$2,000Education
2009Andrews Osborne Academy General Support$250Education
2009Andrews Osborne Academy Painesville CampusGeneral Support$3,000Education
2009Ashland University General Support$250Education
2009Aurora City School District Maintenance of the Moore property$9,778Education
2009Aurora Schools Foundation Support and scholarship dollars$412Education
2009Avon Lake United Church of Christ Scholarships for Christian work$6,616Education
2009Bainbridge Schools FoundationGeneral Support$600Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College General Support$2,000Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College Scholarship support for music students$2,817Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College William E. Harris Scholarship Fund restricted fund account$3,750Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College R. Earl Burrows scholarships for the 2009-2010 academic year$6,000Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College William E. Harris Scholarship Fund endowment account$6,250Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College William E. Harris Scholarship Fund$10,000Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College Regional collegiate consortium on sustainability and rehabilitation of an existing building structure$38,000Education
2009Baldwin-Wallace College General Support$83,341Education
2009Bay Village Public Schools Alumni Foundation General Support in memory of Thornton D. McDonough, Class of ’48$250Education
2009Beaumont School General Support$1,000Education
2009Beloit College General Support$15,000Education
2009Berea College Scholarship support for the 2009-2010 academic year from the Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship Fund$42,000Education
2009Berkeley High School Development GroupAcademic Choice computer purchase$15,000Education
2009Bethany Baptist Church Support the Bethany Baptist Church Memorial Scholarship Fund$642Education
2009Brown UniversityGeneral Support$500Education
2009Buckingham Browne and Nichols SchoolAnnual Fund$2,500Education
2009Byrne Urban ScholarsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Cadiz High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, Inc.Program support, including but not limited to offering college scholarships to Harrison Central High School seniors (in Cadiz, Ohio)$10,371Education
2009Canton Montessori AssociationGeneral Support$500Education
2009Capital University Scholarships$10,378Education
2009Case Alumni Association Case Fund$1,500Education
2009Case Alumni Association Case School Engineering — annual fund$3,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University General Support — Friends of Baker Nord Center$1,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Department of NutritionTuition scholarship — Master of Science in Public Health Nutrition$549Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships in aerospace or computers$193Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAlumni Challenge$250Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAlumni House$250Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentPurchase or replacement of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$289Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences annual fund$500Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCollege of Arts and Sciences Alumni Fund$500Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences — Annual fund$1,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFrances Payne Bolton School of Nursing$1,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentEvans-Machlup Prize, for graduating medical student$1,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentLaw school educational support$1,074Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase Western Fund$1,500Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship in humanities$1,500Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development2009-2010 Henry Ford II scholarships$2,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCAS K-12 STEM Education$2,500Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women$2,904Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit scholarships$3,377Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$3,442Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine — provide scholarship(s) to first-year student(s) based on academic merit$3,941Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFor a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$6,038Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMandel School of Applied Social Sciences — Mildred S. Higley Scholarship Fund$7,500Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Institute of Technology$9,196Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCharles J. Stillwell Scholarships for the 2009-2010 academic year$12,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$12,776Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Adelbert College$14,730Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for Franklin Thomas Backus Law School students$20,133Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCase Western Reserve Alumni House $25,000Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWilliam Curtis Morton, Maud Morton, Kathleen Morton scholarships$38,309Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$52,731Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentDevelopment of a skilled workforce for the energy industry in Northeast Ohio$53,800Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support$151,796Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentOglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$158,203Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for the graduate school$442,199Education
2009Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Phase II expansion of the Center for Proteomics in the School of Medicine $1,500,000Education
2009Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation Support for the Cleveland Central Catholic Society$1,000Education
2009Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation Cleveland Central Catholic High School $1,000Education
2009Chaffee County Montessori School, Inc.General Support$1,000Education
2009Chagrin Falls Booster ClubGeneral Support$400Education
2009Chatham HallGeneral Support$250Education
2009Chess for Success, Inc. dba Progress With ChessIn-school chess programming in Cleveland Metropolitan School District schools$12,000Education
2009The Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation, Inc.General Support$1,000Education
2009The Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation, Inc.Annual Fund$5,000Education
2009Citizens’ Academy General Support$250Education
2009Citizens’ Academy Go Perry, Lyman and Breakthrough!!$250Education
2009Citizens’ Academy General Support$10,000Education
2009Citizens’ Academy General operating support$25,000Education
2009Clarion University FoundationGeorge Williams and Robert Bubb Wrestling Scholarship$500Education
2009Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral Support$250Education
2009Cleveland Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni AssociationScholarships or other educational purposes at Hampton University$2,641Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) K.W. Horth Scholarship$50Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cristina Sunga Ryook scholarships$50Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Paris J. Mosley scholarships$50Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alton LaMaur Character Memorial Scholarship for a graduating male senior from Collinwood High School$50Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarships to graduating high school senior(s) who currently reside at a property managed by PK Management Company$375Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Geater Memorial Scholarship$395Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ruth Alice Jacobs Roe Memorial Scholarships $400Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Wilma A. Chapman Scholarships $500Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee, to award a one-time Dr. Rosemary Herpal Scholarship to a Cleveland Metropolitan School District student$575Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Fenn Educational Fund — General Support$575Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Roy W. and Wilma Cade Scholarships$589Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Nelson G. Peck, Jr. Memorial Scholarships for the 2009-2010 academic year$1,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Kathy Brooks Scholarships$1,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Timothy Allen Hopkins Memorial Scholarships$1,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. A. William Jamerson Memorial Scholarships $1,050Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Paul C. and Kathryn W. Miller Sr. Scholarships$1,200Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Women’s Civic Club of Cleveland Heights scholarships$1,300Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarships for African-American women at Cuyahoga Community College matriculating to a four-year institution$1,415Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Judge Leo A. and Mrs. Gilberta Jackson Justice and Integrity Scholarships$1,500Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships$1,611Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rhoda A. Affelder Fund for educational purposes$1,897Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships $2,500Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle Scholarships$3,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Association of Asian Indian Women Scholarship$3,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Diane O. McDaniel Scholarship$3,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Astrup Company Scholarships $3,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert D. Johnson Memorial Scholarships$3,600Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Virginia Jones Memorial Scholarships to female graduates of Shaw High School$4,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Charles D. Whitmer WSI Fund Scholarship$4,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert P. Madison Scholarships$4,790Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert D. Gries annual lecture$4,859Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Byrne — Rubin Family Trust Scholarships$4,965Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jon Lewis Memorial Award for Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies $5,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Participation of a Cleveland team in the "Changing the Odds: Learning from the Harlem Children’s Zone Model” conference in New York City$5,500Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support from the Charlotte Alexander Fund$5,500Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Anna M. Roth scholarships to graduates from Brush High School $6,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship funds for distribution by the Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC)$7,178Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Gifted and talented education at Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School$7,489Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships$8,140Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships through the Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee$8,140Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Northwest Emergency Team Fund Scholarships $11,376Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior of Elyria High School$12,510Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cydney Weingart Scholarships $13,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarships to graduates of Shaker Heights High School$14,300Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jamir Miller Foundation Scholarships$14,692Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Vince Federico Scholarships to graduates of Wickliffe High School$15,209Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support $16,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alcoa Fund scholarships$26,419Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Dr. Jack Rumbaugh scholarships$30,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund Scholarships$71,785Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support from the Moebius Scholarship Fund$84,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship assistance to Ohio’s eight medical schools for students enrolled in either their third or fourth year$130,172Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship funds for distribution by the Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee (TCFSSAC)$183,069Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Sullivan Scholars Fund $187,316Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Continued development and implementation of the Portfolio of Excellent Schools strategy for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District$200,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support to be distributed by the Cleveland Foundation Scholarship Selection and Advisory Committee$240,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Implementation of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s transformation plan$750,000Education
2009The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Continued development and implementation of the Portfolio of Excellent Schools strategy$831,000Education
2009Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictSupport of the First Ring Superintendents’ Collaborative, which aims to improve academic performance of at-risk students and increase efficiencies across school districts$100,000Education
2009Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public LibraryGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009The Cleveland Institute of Art Scholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2009The Cleveland Institute of Art Caroline E. Coit Fund scholarships$3,713Education
2009Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories at Lutheran West High School $154Education
2009Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral Support$5,231Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Daniel E. Morgan School for book awards to children$584Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Margaret Allen Ireland Contemporary Academy for general support$1,143Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District General Support$2,500Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Family and community empowerment conference and dropout prevention summit$5,000Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District MC2 STEM High School capstone project$5,000Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Summer orientation program for incoming ninth-graders at the 10 CMSD comprehensive high schools$25,000Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District External consultant from the American Federation of Teachers to facilitate improvement in 10 low-performing CMSD schools$31,500Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Development of a districtwide alumni association and office of alumni relations$70,000Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Leadership development for principals and district administrators charged with turning around low-performing schools$95,000Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Year three of the K-12 comprehensive health education program$98,170Education
2009Cleveland Metropolitan School District Implementation of its academic achievement model and new schools strategy$428,000Education
2009The Cleveland Museum of Natural History Visual effects system in the Shafran Planetarium$150,000Education
2009The Cleveland Music School Settlement dba The Music SettlementScholarship assistance for needy students$856Education
2009The Cleveland Music School Settlement dba The Music SettlementNellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarship$4,000Education
2009Cleveland Public Library Books for library’s department of science and technology$948Education
2009Cleveland Public Library Purchase of art books/works of visual contemporary artists, travel expenses to business meetings, expenses for lecture series/musical concerts $177,657Education
2009Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins$232,441Education
2009Cleveland Reads Prime Time for Peer Tutoring collaboration with CMSD$3,000Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$500Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$600Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$1,000Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$1,000Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$3,000Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$7,500Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Harry Coulby Memorial scholarships to Cleveland-area students during the 2009-2010 academic year$13,000Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Support for the Step Up Program$72,500Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarship assistance $242,940Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. 2009-2010 postsecondary access initiative$685,000Education
2009Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. dba College Now Greater ClevelandScholarships and advisory services for students in the Jane D. White Scholars of the Adult Learner Program$301,900Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation General Support$345Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences — Scholarships to Greater Cleveland African-American female high school graduates$524Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation General Support$2,000Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation Division of Continuing Education $2,500Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland State University — General Support$2,817Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland Arts Education Consortium$20,000Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation Cleveland State University students’ rooftop garden project$62,500Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation LINK STEMM Pathway Program$107,976Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Cleveland-Marshall — Bert L. and Iris Wolstein Scholarship$1,000Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.College of Urban Affairs$1,000Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Continuing Education Dean’s Discretionary Fund$1,000Education
2009Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support$3,025Education
2009Cleveland State University, Cleveland Marshall College of LawScholarships to needy and deserving students$4,145Education
2009The College of William & Mary General Support$1,000Education
2009The College of Wooster General Support$500Education
2009The College of Wooster General Support$5,000Education
2009Colorado College1874 Society$2,000Education
2009The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain CountyAccess program$250Education
2009Community Renewal Society Urban School News — Catalyst Ohio magazine$185,000Education
2009Connecticut College Annual fund — unrestricted$350Education
2009Connecticut College General Support$460Education
2009Cooperative International StudiesNew computer for the library$1,200Education
2009Cornell University Deanship of the Johnson School of Management$38,000Education
2009Cranbrook Educational Community General Support$250Education
2009The Culver Educational FoundationGeneral Support$25,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company — "Fondly Do We Hope, Fervently Do We Pray”$2,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Pathways out of Poverty through Green Jobs initiative at Cuyahoga Community College$2,500Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Gap Scholarship Fund$3,333Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Career fair$7,500Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Summer Leadership Camp and Youth Academy for low-income youth$15,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Community survey and outreach activities$25,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation 2009 arts education programs — JazzFest and Showtime at High Noon$35,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Expansion of the E-Business Management Program$46,680Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Pathways out of Poverty through Green Jobs initiative$60,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Partnerships for Achieving Student Success (PASS) Academy, a high school remediation program in Greater Cleveland$175,000Education
2009Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Career development and transition services for unemployed Northeast Ohio residents $200,000Education
2009Cuyahoga County Public Library Mayfield branch $1,188Education
2009Cuyahoga County Public Library Career counseling and technology programs for local residents$198,690Education
2009Darden School FoundationGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Dartmouth College General Support$500Education
2009Dartmouth College General Support$1,500Education
2009Dartmouth College Annual Fund$10,000Education
2009Dartmouth College John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible$48,936Education
2009Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.General support $218Education
2009DePaul UniversityTheater School — Scholarships$2,000Education
2009Duke University Annual fund — unrestricted, Nicholas School of the Environment$500Education
2009E City Organizational restructuring and service expansion initiative$50,000Education
2009East Cleveland Public Library Music series$5,000Education
2009EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center General Support$250Education
2009Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA Support for one school$394Education
2009The Eleanor B. Rainey Memorial Institute, Inc.“Staging the Future: Building a New Home for the Rainey Institute” capital campaign $250,000Education
2009Elgin Community College FoundationScholarships in the Industrial Manufacturing Technology Department$1,408Education
2009Elon UniversitySupport annual operations expense of the Safe Rides Program$2,000Education
2009Emory UniversityThe Goizueta Business School for the Adopt-a Scholar Program$10,000Education
2009Envision Excellence in STEM EducationCleveland STEM schools and programs$30,000Education
2009Exuma Foundation General Support in honor of Marge and Harry Carlson$500Education
2009Exuma Foundation General Support — This grant is in memory of Stanley Benjamin$500Education
2009Exuma Foundation General support and support for St. John the Baptist Church in Mosstown$5,250Education
2009Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Cleveland-based professional development for teachers in Cuyahoga County $50,000Education
2009Fairmount Montessori Association Annual giving campaign$2,500Education
2009Fairmount Montessori Association Ruffing Montessori School (east) — Marie Richardson scholarships for the 2009-2010 academic year$5,000Education
2009Fat City Farms, Inc.Yampah Mountain High School and Roaring Fork High School projects$5,000Education
2009The First Tee of Cleveland General operating and program support$10,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$250Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$500Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral support$600Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsEntrepreneurs Edge initiative in March$1,250Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$1,250Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsBreakthrough Schools effort to establish a charter management organization representing E Prep, Citizen’s Academy, and The Intergenerational School$5,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsFriends of E-Prep$5,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$5,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$5,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsMatching grant program$10,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral Support$10,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsGeneral operating support$25,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsOperating support for Entrepreneurship Preparatory School$50,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsResearch, planning, and creation of a charter management organization$105,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsVillage Preparatory School start-up funding$180,000Education
2009Friends of E Prep SchoolsCharles R. McDonald Entrepreneur Room at Entrepreneurship Preparatory School (E Prep) $500,000Education
2009Friends of Grace Church School Grace Church School Library$250Education
2009Friends of the Cleveland Public Library General Support$250Education
2009Friends of the Cleveland Public Library General Support$250Education
2009Gilmour Academy Memorial plaque for garden$250Education
2009Gilmour Academy General support in honor of Brother Robert for Holy Cross House.$300Education
2009Gilmour Academy General Support$500Education
2009Gilmour Academy Blue Gray Society$2,500Education
2009Gilmour Academy KC Lancer’s summer baseball league$2,500Education
2009Gilmour Academy Promise and renewal, and annual fund/Blue & Gray Society$3,500Education
2009Gilmour Academy Memorial lecture series for families$12,025Education