Grant Search

Grant Search

The Cleveland Foundation awarded more than 50,743 grants between 1988 and 2013. As part of the foundation’s commemoration of its centenary, a searchable archive of these grants has been placed online, providing public access to a detailed record of the foundation’s support of the community’s aspirations.

Each grant listing provides the name of the recipient, the amount of the grant, its date, program area and purpose. In addition to facilitating research on specific grants, the search tool makes it possible to examine the breadth of the foundation’s grantmaking in each program area or to track support of a particular grantee over time. Findings are presented in alphabetical order, by the name of the grantee. The results can be reorganized by clicking on one or more of the other column headings.

Displaying 29001 to 30000 of 50743

YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
YearOrganizationPurposeAmountProgram Area
2000Yale UniversityAnnual giving & 50th Reunion $1,750Education
2000Young Life Memorial/Spring BranchGeneral support $1,000Education
2001A Cultural Exchange, Inc.Multicultural Literacy-Based programs $15,000Education
2001Adirondack Community TrustCorning Chisholm Fund $5,000Education
2001Alan Guttmacher InstituteGeneral support $500Education
2001Allegheny CollegeAnnual fund $25,000Education
2001American Orff-Schulwerk AssociationGeneral support $7,811Education
2001American Welding Society IncDonald F. Hastings Scholarship Fund $8,500Education
2001Aurora City School DistrictMaintaining the Moore property $8,543Education
2001Aurora One FundEducational programming $21,000Education
2001Aurora Schools Foundation Support and scholarship dollar $1,492Education
2001Aurora Schools FoundationScholarships and school programs $10,000Education
2001Avon Lake United Church of ChristScholarships $6,044Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeBiology department $500Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeHenry Ford II Scholarship $1,200Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeSprout program $1,500Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeAnnual fund $2,000Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficePreparing Liberal Art Students for the Technological Workplace program $23,995Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeIrence C and Karl Emmerling Scholarship$47,000Education
2001Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeGeneral support $72,922Education
2001Beaumont School for GirlsAnnual fund $500Education
2001Beloit CollegeFeder-Kreider Endowed Scholarship Fund $7,500Education
2001Benedictine High SchoolFor student with a financial need $1,000Education
2001Benjamin Rose InstituteGeneral support $450Education
2001Berea Area Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Scholarships$2,000Education
2001Capital UniversityScholarships $8,940Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in aerospace or computers$167Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFriends of Eldred Theatre $250Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCollege of Arts and Science Annual Funds$300Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Purchase or replacment of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$365Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Medicine $500Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $500Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAnnual $1,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAnnual fund $1,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship in Humanities $2,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentE 3 Fund Provost’s Society $2,500Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWeatherhead School of Management $2,500Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women $2,541Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships$2,957Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$2,965Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development For a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$5,199Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCharles J. Stilwell Scholarships $7,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Institute of Technology$7,922Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred Higley Scholarship Fund $10,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentBackus Law School $10,698Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAdelbert College $12,381Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentClapp Hall Tapestry & Deans Disc. Fd. $15,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAdolescent track in Public Health $20,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentDevelopment of an adolescent track within the Masters in Public Health program$20,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$20,626Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship support$24,500Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentArthur S. Holden scholarship awards $25,000Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development William Curtis Morton, Maud Mortonb, Kathleen Morton Scholarships$33,294Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$45,695Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentExpanding Connections with the Biomedical Biotechnology Industries in Northeast Ohio project $49,705Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Oglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$137,093Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $169,875Education
2001Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGraduate School $384,672Education
2001Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation dba Catholic Community FoundationImplementation of the enrollment and financial aid components of PACE (Providing Access to Quality Catholic Education) program (over three years)$630,000Education
2001The Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation, Inc.Class of 1951 $2,000Education
2001Citizens’ AcademyUpgrading of financial management procedures$7,500Education
2001Citizens’ AcademyThird-year start-up expenses (over two years) $40,000Education
2001Cleveland Academy of FinanceSchool-to-career program in East High School $45,000Education
2001Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System Pilot management training series for new and experienced library administrators $7,500Education
2001Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral operating expenses $100Education
2001Cleveland Central Catholic High SchoolAnnual fund $1,000Education
2001The Cleveland Education FundGeneral support $1,000Education
2001The Cleveland Education FundGeneral support $2,500Education
2001The Cleveland Education FundLeadership grant for Teachers Round Two:$30,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alton LaMaur Character Memorial Scholarship for a graduating male senior from Collinwood High School$306Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)General Support $498Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships$1,100Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarships for African-American women at Cuyahoga Community College matriculating to a four-year institution$1,196Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rhoda A. Affelder Fund for educational purposes$1,365Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships $2,484Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle Scholarships are to be awarded to worthy students pursuing community-service based college degrees$3,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Robert D. Johnson Memorial Scholarship for children of members of the Communications Workers of America — District 4$3,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Virginia Jones Memorial Scholarships to female graduates of Shaw High School$3,233Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Ohio School Funding Meeting $4,701Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jon Lewis Memorial Award for Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies $5,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Gifted and talented education at Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School$5,799Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Staff participation in the National Advisory Panel for Teachers for a New Era: A National Initiative to Improve the Quality of Teaching$6,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Intermediary Organizations and Education Reform in Cleveland study $7,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior of Elyria High School$7,486Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Teacher Education Roundtable $7,487Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Robert D. Gries Lecture$7,500Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Anna M. Roth scholarships to graduates from Brush High School $8,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Fund Development By The Executive Board of the Fenn Educational Fund$12,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support $12,125Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarships to graduates of Shaker Heights High School$16,575Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Vince Federico Scholarships $21,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship for Cleveland-area students attending Huron Road School of Nursing $29,804Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Harry Coulby Memorial Scholarships for David N. Myers College students and Cleveland Scholarship Programs $40,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support$42,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships for Painesville residents $80,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Executive-in-residence working through a number of local institutions of higher education (over two years) $90,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund$109,480Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Community Schools Evaluation $115,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships for third- and fourth-year medical students$120,000Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund $179,106Education
2001The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)2001 Bond Accountability Commission $200,000Education
2001Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public LibraryConstruction of a new main library $200,000Education
2001The Cleveland Initiative for EducationProfessional development of principals and administrators in the Cleveland Public Schools (over 18 months)$50,000Education
2001The Cleveland Initiative for EducationCleveland Teachers Academy’s Teacher Union Leadership Development Program$89,000Education
2001The Cleveland Institute of ArtGoff Fund Scholarships $1,800Education
2001The Cleveland Institute of ArtCoit Fund Scholarshp $3,243Education
2001Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories $244Education
2001Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support $4,665Education
2001Cleveland Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Scholarships for students attending Ruffing Montessori School $2,000Education
2001Cleveland Municipal School DistrictPurchase of books $5,922Education
2001Cleveland Municipal School DistrictHarvard University Executive Program on Labor Management Cooperation in Public Schools $20,429Education
2001Cleveland Municipal School DistrictTeacher retention and recruitment $150,000Education
2001Cleveland Municipal School DistrictImplementation of academic standards $323,750Education
2001Cleveland Municipal School DistrictDevelopment and testing of Data Warehouse Release 2.0 during the 2000-2001 school year (over two years) $350,000Education
2001The Cleveland Music School Settlement Nellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarship$4,000Education
2001Cleveland Public LibraryBooks for library’s Department of Science and Technology$809Education
2001Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins$196,323Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $250Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General operating expenses $250Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $500Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Non-traditional student scholarships $2,000Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $2,000Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $3,000Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Non-traditional student scholarships $5,000Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Operating and endowment support $10,500Education
2001Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarship support for 50 students in its adult learner program$300,000Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support $299Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship for 2001-02 academic year $500Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Financial aid & Scholarships $3,000Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarships for Marshall Law $3,408Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Dunham LaSierra Project $15,000Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Training of Career Service Personnel from Colleges and Universities in Greater Cleveland $15,000Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship support $46,000Education
2001Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Biotechnology: A Cooperative Education Initiative$96,775Education
2001The College of William & MaryGeneral support $2,500Education
2001The College of WoosterAnnual fund and Severance Chemistry bldg$12,300Education
2001Columbus State Community College Development Foundation Inc.Support of the BRIDGES Program $37,500Education
2001Community Renewal Society Publication of Urban School News’ CATALYST: For Cleveland Schools $209,380Education
2001Community Renewal Society Publication of Urban School News’ CATALYST: For Cleveland Schools $209,380Education
2001Connecticut CollegeGeneral Support $398Education
2001Cornell UniversityGeneral support $38,000Education
2001Cuyahoga Community College FoundationPresidential Scholarship Luncheon $6,000Education
2001Cuyahoga Community College FoundationBridges to Success in the Sciences program$17,000Education
2001Cuyahoga Community College FoundationEngineering Early Start Center $20,000Education
2001Cuyahoga Community College FoundationImage Assessment Survey $25,000Education
2001Cuyahoga Community College FoundationA Cooperative Education/Internship Roadmap Focusing on Information Technology $27,521Education
2001Cuyahoga Community College FoundationSupport of AIT Call Center & Help desk $145,000Education
2001Cuyahoga County Public LibraryGeneral support $1,058Education
2001Cuyahoga County Public LibraryThe benefit of Mayfield branch $1,111Education
2001Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education CenterGeneral support $250Education
2001Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Railroad excursions for children $600Education
2001Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadSchool trip subsidies $1,500Education
2001Daniel E. Morgan School Children’s book awards$501Education
2001Dartmouth CollegeGeneral operating expenses $200Education
2001Dartmouth CollegeClass of 1955 Alumni Fund — 2001 $1,000Education
2001Dartmouth College John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible$40,084Education
2001David N. Myers CollegePhase Three of the Utilizing Technology to Maximize Learning program$235,000Education
2001Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.General support $12,072Education
2001Duke UniversityLaw School Annual Fund $500Education
2001Duke UniversityLaw School Annual Fund $500Education
2001EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral supoort $250Education
2001EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $1,000Education
2001EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $3,000Education
2001Education & Charitable Foundation of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. — Grand ChapterServices for Children program (over 15 months)$25,000Education
2001Enterprise Development IncorporatedEnterprise Scholars Program (over two years) $50,000Education
2001Esperanza, Inc.Emergency funding $7,500Education
2001Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.Services for Children project $446Education
2001Exuma FoundationGeneral support $5,000Education
2001Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2001Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Workshops for Greater Cleveland teachers$50,000Education
2001Fairmount Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Scholarships $2,000Education
2001Federation for Community PlanningTracking research for the Cleveland Municipal School District$7,500Education
2001Federation for Community PlanningCollaboration with the Citizen’s League Research Institute to analyze the fiscal impact of major proposals to reform the state’s school finance system on school districts in Cuyahoga County $7,500Education
2001Friends of the Cleveland School of the ArtsGeneral support $2,000Education
2001Georgetown UniversityAnnual Fund for the School of Business $2,500Education
2001Gilmour AcademyGlen Oak Scholarship $5,000Education
2001Gilmour AcademyCapital campaign $20,000Education
2001Grand River AcademyGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Grantmakers for EducationGeneral operations (over two years) $10,000Education
2001Hampton UniversityScholarship for 2001-02 academic year $500Education
2001Hampton UniversityScholarship for 2001-2002 $500Education
2001Hanna Perkins SchoolTuition assistance $1,500Education
2001Hanna Perkins SchoolGeneral support $10,000Education
2001Harvard Business School, Alumni Center Soldiers FieldGeneral support $250Education
2001Harvard Business School, Alumni Center Soldiers FieldGeneral operating expenses $1,000Education
2001Harvard Law School FundAnnual campaign $1,000Education
2001Harvard University1936 Class Endowment Program $1,000Education
2001Harvard UniversityGeneral support $2,500Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolScholarship fund in memory of Julia V. Partington $200Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $250Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolClass of 1955 $600Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $750Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $1,500Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $2,500Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $2,608Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $2,928Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolLeslie Hastings Tennis Court $5,000Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolCapital campaign $6,000Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $8,000Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolCapital campaign $9,828Education
2001Hathaway Brown SchoolHathaway Brown Aspire Program $42,958Education
2001Hawken SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Hawken SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Hawken SchoolGeneral support $1,683Education
2001Hawken SchoolGeneral support $2,650Education
2001Hawken SchoolGeneral support $3,000Education
2001Hawken SchoolAnnual fund $3,500Education
2001Hawken SchoolGeneral support $4,000Education
2001Hawken School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship$9,321Education
2001The Hill SchoolGeneral support $202Education
2001The Hill SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2001Hillsdale CollegeGeneral support $250Education
2001Hillsdale CollegeGeneral support $36,874Education
2001Hillsdale College John C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students$36,874Education
2001Hiram College Scholarships $4,621Education
2001Hiram CollegeGeneral support $12,000Education
2001Hudson Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Scholarships $2,000Education
2001Initiatives in Urban Education FoundationGeneral operating expenses $1,250Education
2001Institute for Educational RenewalGeneral support $750Education
2001Institute for Educational RenewalGeneral support $2,500Education
2001Institute for Educational RenewalOperating support and intensive interventions in selected elementary schools in the Cleveland Municipal School District $5,000Education
2001The Intergenerational SchoolPhase III: Achieving Educational Excellence (over 10 months)$66,440Education
2001The Island SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Jewish Community Center of ClevelandProfessional devel. preschool teachers $1,000Education
2001John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $299Education
2001John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $1,500Education
2001John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $3,000Education
2001John Carroll UniversityR. Burrows Memorial Scholarships$3,300Education
2001John Carroll University James J. Doole Scholarship$3,766Education
2001John Carroll UniversityWeb-based Technology project$21,665Education
2001John Carroll UniversityScholarship support$27,000Education
2001John Carroll UniversityProject to Promote Cooperative Education, Raise Career Awareness and Address Workforce Issues in Information Technology$39,974Education
2001John Carroll UniversityCarroll Cleveland Philosophers’ Program $78,550Education
2001Kentucky Wesleyan CollegeIn Memory of Fances C. Greer $5,000Education
2001Kenyon CollegeGeneral support $23,561Education
2001Kenyon CollegeCleveland and the Great Migration project (over three years) $366,804Education
2001Kimball Union AcademyGeneral support $250Education
2001KnowledgeWorks FoundationBig Eight Collaboration $7,500Education
2001Lake Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support $2,500Education
2001Lake Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support $10,000Education
2001Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Lake Erie College Scholarships $2,421Education
2001Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support $3,000Education
2001Lake Erie CollegeScholarship support $25,000Education
2001Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support $275,237Education
2001The Lakeland FoundationArthurs S. Holden Scholarship $1,000Education
2001The Lakeland FoundationArthur S. Holden Scholarship $2,500Education
2001The Lakeland FoundationArthur S. Holden Day program activities $5,000Education
2001The Lakeland FoundationScholarships for Painesville-area students attending Lakeland Community College$22,343Education
2001The Lakeland FoundationScholarship support $25,000Education
2001The Lakeland FoundationMoving Into the Millennium project $25,420Education
2001Laurel SchoolAnnual Fund $400Education
2001Laurel SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Laurel SchoolAnnual Scholarship fund $1,000Education
2001Lawrence SchoolCapital campaign $3,000Education
2001Lawrenceville SchoolGeneral support $200Education
2001Learning About BusinessGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Learning About BusinessGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Literacy PartnersGeneral operating expense $250Education
2001Lorain County Community College FoundationWork-Based Learning: A Key to a Dynamic Regional Workforce $60,000Education
2001The Lutheran Deaconess Association, Inc.Tuition assistance to women in financial need being educated by the Lutheran Deaconess Association$4,389Education
2001MacMurray CollegeScholarships $6,044Education
2001Maple Heights Board of EducationBridging the Gap program $35,000Education
2001Margaret Allen Ireland Contemporary AcademyGeneral support $1,538Education
2001The Masters SchoolGeneral support $750Education
2001Memorial Junior HighMemorial Jr. High computer equipment $43,000Education
2001Mentor Public SchoolsMentor High School Sports Hall of Fame $1,000Education
2001Methodist Theological School in OhioGeneral support $66,700Education
2001Metro Catholic Parish SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Metro Catholic Parish SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Montessori School at Holy RosaryTuition Sponsorship Program 2001-2002 $8,870Education
2001Morley LibraryGeneral support $10,000Education
2001Muskingum CollegeGeneral support $50,000Education
2001Myers UniversityJob development in the customer and financial service areas$23,500Education
2001Myers University dba Chancellor UniversityScholarship support $13,000Education
2001National Foundation For Women Business OwnersAttendance of four greater Cleveland female minority youth at Camp Start-Up on behalf of Independent Means Inc. $7,375Education
2001North American Students of CooperationAnnual Fund $1,000Education
2001Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationGeneral support $10,000Education
2001Northfield Mount Herman SchoolGeneral support $500Education
2001Notre Dame College of OhioGeneral support $6,000Education
2001Notre Dame College of OhioMarketing and Job Development to Employers program $14,625Education
2001Oberlin CollegeScholarship for 2001-01 academic year $500Education
2001Oberlin CollegeScholarship for 2001-2002 $500Education
2001Ohio Business Week FoundationAttendance of ten students from the Cleveland Municipal School District at a one-week entrepreneurial education program and for local marketing efforts $5,000Education
2001Ohio Campus CompactNortheast Ohio Higher Education Collaboration$84,000Education
2001The Ohio Community Schools Center, Inc.General support$50,000Education
2001The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.General support $500Education
2001The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.Scholarship support (over three years) $162,500Education
2001Ohio National Guard Enlisted AssociationScholarships for members of the Ohio National Guard and their siblings $5,000Education
2001Ohio State UniversityNursing college & Mech. Eng. Bldg $2,300Education
2001Ohio Wesleyan UniversityGeneral support $3,981Education
2001The Old Stone FoundationGeneral support of alternative high school $2,000Education
2001Our Lady of Holy Cross CollegeGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Our Lady of Holy Cross CollegeGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Oxford School PTAR.I.F. Project $1,600Education
2001Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral support $100Education
2001The Piney Woods Country Life SchoolGeneral support $14,963Education
2001PM Foundation, Inc.Urban Community School $300Education
2001Pomona CollegeClass of 1951 Reunion $25,000Education
2001Positive Education ProgramCultural Competence Initiative (ove two years) $15,000Education
2001Princeton Alumni Association of Northern OhioStipends/Urban studies program $2,619Education
2001Princeton UniversityGeneral support $203Education
2001Princeton UniversityPrinceton Parents Fund $1,000Education
2001Princeton UniversityAnnual Giving $1,000Education
2001Princeton UniversityGeneral support $2,500Education
2001Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $250Education
2001Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $2,500Education
2001Purdue UniversityIn Memory of L.A. Davies ’26 $5,000Education
2001Purdue University John C McClean Scholarships in Engineering$92,185Education
2001Reaching HeightsBoulevard Sight Improvement Fund $2,000Education
2001Regina High SchoolPrincipal’s cabinet $1,000Education
2001River Valley Charter School Foundation Inc.Faculty development $10,000Education
2001Shaker Heights Public LibraryGeneral support $823Education
2001Shaker Schools Foundation Ruth S. Affleder Reading Fund$1,364Education
2001Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity-Tau Boule General support $322Education
2001Sisters of the Incarnate WordGeneral support $500Education
2001Smith CollegeGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Smith CollegeGeneral support $231,330Education
2001St. Ignatius High SchoolAnnual fund drive $1,500Education
2001St. Ignatius High SchoolFather Welsh commons,student center $2,500Education
2001St. Ignatius High SchoolAnnual Fund $5,000Education
2001Saint Mary SeminaryGeneral support $3,638Education
2001St. Thomas More ChurchPeacebuilder Program $1,000Education
2001St. Thomas More ChurchLetter People Program (2 classrooms) $2,000Education
2001Stanford Graduate School of BusinessGeneral support $2,000Education
2001Stanford Graduate School of BusinessMBA Class of 1986 Reunion Fund $2,000Education
2001Students In Free EnterpriseGeneral support $100Education
2001Swarthmore CollegeGeneral support $500Education
2001Thomas CollegeGeneral support $10,000Education
2001Thurgood Marshall Scholarship FundThurgood Marshall Scholarships for Greater Cleveland-area students $83,600Education
2001Tiffin UniversityCapital campaign $1,000Education
2001Tree of Knowledge Learning CenterGeneral support $1,000Education
2001Tufts UniversityAnnual Tufts Fund $2,000Education
2001Tufts UniversityAnnual fund $2,100Education
2001United Negro College FundGeneral support $100Education
2001United Negro College FundGeneral support $250Education
2001United Negro College FundGeneral support of its Cleveland office. $500Education
2001United Negro College FundGeneral support for Cleveland office $750Education
2001United Negro College FundGeneral support $3,000Education
2001United Negro College FundGeneral support $14,963Education
2001United Way ServicesCorporate-School Partnership Program (over two years)$82,625Education
2001University Circle IncorporatedMoving Northeast Ohio Classrooms into Distance Learning $25,000Education
2001University of Buffalo Law SchoolAnnual fund $500Education
2001University of CaliforniaGeneral Support $398Education
2001University of ChicagoSocial Sciences graduate fund $3,000Education
2001The University of MichiganGeneral support $300Education
2001University of Notre DameAnnual Fund for the MBA Program $5,000Education
2001University of the PacificGeneral Support $398Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $203Education
2001University SchoolIn honor of Thomas Callow Alumni Center $250Education
2001University SchoolIn memory of Peter H. Wellman $250Education
2001University School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$800Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,500Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,500Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,608Education
2001University SchoolGeneral support $2,928Education
2001University School General support $5,000Education
2001University SchoolNew building on Shaker campus $10,000Education
2001Ursuline CollegeGeneral support $500Education
2001Ursuline CollegeGeneral support $500Education
2001Ursuline CollegeGeneral support $500Education
2001Ursuline CollegeFoundress Club $1,000Education
2001Ursuline College Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarships$3,766Education
2001Ursuline CollegeBi-County Biotechnology program $40,075Education
2001Vassar CollegeAnnual Fund $1,000Education
2001Vassar CollegeGeneral support $5,000Education
2001The Washington Center for Internships and Academic SeminarsThe Ohio Scholarship Fund (over two years) $66,000Education
2001Washington UniversityGeneral support $5,000Education
2001West Side Community HouseLiteracy Collaborative (over two years) $50,000Education
2001Western Reserve AcademyVarsity Reserve Field Hockey student $1,100Education
2001Westshore Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Scholarships$2,000Education
2001Woodward AcademyGeneral supporet $1,000Education
2001Wynford High SchoolLT(JG) Donald Richard Powers Memorial Scholarship for a graduate of Wynford High School, Bucyrus, Ohio $1,400Education
2001Yale Alumni Scholarship of Cleveland, Inc.General support $300Education
2001Yale UniversityNew Century Fund $1,000Education
2001Yale UniversityYale Alumni Fund $1,000Education
2001Yale UniversityGeneral support $1,750Education
2001Youth Opportunities UnlimitedJUMP program $5,700Education
2002A Cultural Exchange, Inc. In support of December 9th program$5,000Education
2002A Cultural Exchange, Inc.Literacy Champions initiative $75,000Education
2002Achievement Centers for ChildrenGeneral support$250Education
2002Adirondack Community TrustIn recognition of Mark and Mary Wilson’s Wedding and Kim Wilson’s 40th birthday$500Education
2002Allegheny CollegeGeneral support$25,000Education
2002Allegheny CollegeAnnual Fund $25,000Education
2002Allegheny College The Center for Political Participation$25,000Education
2002American Orff-Schulwerk AssociationShields-Gillespie Fund $2,428Education
2002American Orff-Schulwerk AssociationTAP (Training and Projects) Fund $3,363Education
2002American Orff-Schulwerk AssociationGunild Keetman Assistance Fund $6,284Education
2002American Orff-Schulwerk AssociationResearch survey $13,333Education
2002Aurora City School DistrictMaintenance the Moore property$8,976Education
2002Aurora Schools FoundationSupport and scholarship dollars$1,579Education
2002Avon Lake United Church of ChristScholarships for Christian work$6,324Education
2002AWS FoundationDonald F. Hastings Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2002Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeSPROUT program $1,000Education
2002Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficePreparing Students for the Technological Workplace: Tek.Xam Plus project$36,598Education
2002Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeScholarship support$47,000Education
2002Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeGeneral support$76,965Education
2002Bay Village Public Schools Alumni FoundationEndowment Fund$1,000Education
2002Beaumont School for GirlsAlumni gift $400Education
2002Bellefaire Jewish Children’s BureauFriends Campaign$1,200Education
2002Beloit CollegeGeneral scholarship $10,000Education
2002Berea Area Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Memorial Scholarships$3,000Education
2002Bethany Baptist ChurchScholarship support$819Education
2002Buckeye Association of School AdministratorsOperating support for the Mohican Institute$15,000Education
2002Buckeye Association of School AdministratorsThe Mohican Institute’s Cleveland First-Ring Superintendent’s Collaborative$69,700Education
2002Buckeye Association of School AdministratorsThe Mohican Institute’s Cleveland First-Ring Superintendent’s Collaborative$70,000Education
2002Bucknell UniversityFreeman McCaskie Scholarship Fund$5,000Education
2002Capital UniversityScholarship support$9,524Education
2002Case Alumni AssociationHerbert Horn Scholarship Fund $1,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in aerospace or computers$177Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Purchase or replacement of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$384Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship for Vineet Bhasker $1,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Law$1,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship Fund in Dean Bailey’s honor $1,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWeatherhead School of Management$1,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentE 3 Fund Provost’s Society $2,500Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women$2,670Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships$3,108Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$3,159Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development For a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$5,539Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentInstitute of Technology$8,439Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $10,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentMildred Higley Scholarship Fund at the Mandel School for Social Sciences $10,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFranklin Thomas Backus Law School$11,311Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAdelbert College$13,104Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentProduction support for the Associate Editor of the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics$18,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$21,844Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship support$24,500Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentArthur S. Holden scholarship awards $25,000Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development William Curtis Morton, Maud Mortonb, Kathleen Morton Scholarships$35,048Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$48,194Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Oglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$144,591Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support$181,795Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGraduate school$404,217Education
2002Case Western Reserve University, School of MedicineEvans-Machlup Prize $1,500Education
2002Center for Community Solutions Implementation of the Comprehensive Health Plan in the Cleveland Municipal School District (over two years)$250,000Education
2002Center for Women’s Business ResearchCamp Start-Up $8,529Education
2002Chautauqua FoundationSponsorship of July 2002 Lecture $10,000Education
2002Christ the Teacher School-OCS-NEOGeneral Support$250Education
2002Citizens’ Academy General Support$5,000Education
2002Citizens’ AcademyStart-up support$110,000Education
2002Citizens’ AcademyStart-up support$110,000Education
2002Cleveland 2003 International Science and Engineering Fairgeneral support of 2003 Intel Science and Engineering Fair$10,000Education
2002Cleveland Central Catholic High School Annual Fund$750Education
2002Cleveland Central Catholic High SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Cleveland Council on World Affairs Global Classroom program in Cleveland-area schools$9,000Education
2002Cleveland Council on World Affairs Global Classroom program for the Cleveland-area schools$23,000Education
2002The Cleveland Education FundGeneral support $1,000Education
2002The Cleveland Education FundGeneral support $2,500Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support for 2002-2003 $142Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alton LaMaur Character Memorial Scholarship for a graduating male senior from Collinwood High School$500Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)General Support $523Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarships for African-American women at Cuyahoga Community College matriculating to a four-year institution$1,499Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rhoda A. Affelder Fund for educational purposes$1,662Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Staff participation in the Ohio Eight, a strategic alliance of the superintendents and teachers union presidents from Ohio’s eight largest urban school districts$1,800Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships $2,999Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support for 2002-2003 $3,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support for 2002-2003 $3,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships$3,300Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Virginia Jones Memorial Scholarships to female graduates of Shaw High School$4,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Jon Lewis Memorial Award for Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies $4,999Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Gifted and talented education at Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School$6,350Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Fund development by the executive board of the Fenn Educational Fund$6,741Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Staff participation in national philanthropic initiative to reform teacher education$7,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior of Elyria High School$7,914Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Anna M. Roth scholarships to graduates from Brush High School $10,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Leonard A and and Helen Russell Bretcschneider Scholarship for graduating seniors from Solon High School$13,757Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Review of the Foundation’s extended learning plan$15,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarships to graduates of Shaker Heights High School$17,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarship support for 2002-2003 $18,131Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Vince Federico Scholarships to graduates of Wickliffe High School$27,999Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Florence Mackey and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship Fund for students attending Huron Road Hospital School of Nursing$30,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Harry Coulby Memorial Scholarships Cleveland Scholarship Programs and David N. Myers College$40,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarships for Greater Cleveland-area strudents attenting Berea College $42,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Special activities to promote collaboration between the Cleveland Municipal School District and the Cleveland Teachers Union$50,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships for residents of Painesville not attending Lake Erie College$100,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Third-year support for an external evaluation of community schools$115,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)Scholarships for third- and fourth-year students at Ohio’s medical schools$116,000Education
2002The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund$120,894Education
2002Cleveland Housing Network IncDigital Connectors Pilot Program $25,000Education
2002The Cleveland Initiative for EducationGeneral support $3,500Education
2002The Cleveland Initiative for EducationSecond-year support for Cleveland Teachers Academy’s project, The Union’s Role in Improving Teaching and Learning.$60,000Education
2002The Cleveland Initiative for Education Capacity building to impact reform in the Cleveland Municipal School District (over two years)$500,000Education
2002The Cleveland Initiative for Education Capacity building to impact reform in the Cleveland Municipal School District (over two years)$500,000Education
2002The Cleveland Institute of ArtScholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2002The Cleveland Institute of ArtCoit Fund Scholarshp $3,410Education
2002Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories at Lutheran West High School $208Education
2002Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support $4,911Education
2002Cleveland Metropolitan School District Office of institutional advancement $43,750Education
2002Cleveland Metropolitan School District Academic standards implementation 02-03 $175,000Education
2002Cleveland Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Memorial Scholarships $3,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School District to purchase books to encourage reading$5,509Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School DistrictConversations with the CEO program$30,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School District CEO Conversations and Strategic Communications Initiatives$30,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School DistrictOffice of Institutional Advancement $43,750Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School DistrictCEO Support and Development Fund$50,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School District CEO Support and Development Fund$50,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School District Teaching Math and Science Standards project$95,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School DistrictAcademic Standards Implementation 2002-2$175,000Education
2002Cleveland Municipal School District Technology instructional support$245,660Education
2002The Cleveland Music School Settlement Nellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarship$4,000Education
2002Cleveland Public LibraryBooks for library’s Department of Science and Technology$864Education
2002Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins$207,584Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General Support$500Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support$500Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Oakwood Scholarship Program$750Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Non-traditional student scholarships $1,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Malone Celebrity Classic $2,500Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General Support$3,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support$3,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Agnes C. Roberts Scholarship Fund for Cleveland students$4,792Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $5,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General support $10,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Endowment $10,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.Scholarship assistance $226,600Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarship assistance to students in its adult learner program (over five years)$300,000Education
2002Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. College advisory and scholarship services for students in the Cleveland Municipal School District, the Tri-C Transfer Initiative and the Adult Learner Program (over three years)$1,450,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support $314Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General support $500Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Men’s basketball program$1,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Michael Schwartz Fund $1,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship award $1,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General support$1,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarships to needy and deserving students$3,644Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General support $5,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Charles J. Stilwell Scholarships $7,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Dunham La Siena Project $15,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.2003 Fenn Seminar Series $15,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Activities associated with the inauguration of the new president$25,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Bio-Technology Cooperative Education Initiative $28,551Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship support $46,000Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Development and implementation of the First-Ring Leadership Academy$119,776Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Development and implementation of the Northeast Ohio Research Alliance$147,864Education
2002Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.President’s Initiative Fund$600,000Education
2002The College of William & MaryGeneral support $1,000Education
2002The College of Wooster Annual support and campaign$15,000Education
2002Columbia UniversityStudent conferences and lectures $500Education
2002Connecticut CollegeGeneral Support $418Education
2002Cornell UniversityDeanship at the Johnson Graduate School of Management$38,000Education
2002Cranbrook Educational CommunityGeneral support $250Education
2002Cranbrook Educational Community General Support$250Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College Foundation General Support — Scholarships For Student Success$250Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College FoundationTeacher’s Aid, Inc. general support$1,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College FoundationGeneral support $2,500Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College FoundationRC 2000 Conference $5,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College FoundationPresidental scholarship luncheon $6,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College FoundationBridges to Success in the Sciences program$17,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Florence Mackey Pritchard and P. J. Pritchard Scholarship for students attending Cuyahoga Community College$50,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College Foundation The "LearningFirst” initiative to train faculty on how to implement a competency-based curriculum, including support in instructional design and outcomes assessment$121,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College FoundationCall center & help desk training Inst. $145,000Education
2002Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Center for Nursing and Health Careers $150,000Education
2002Cuyahoga County Public LibraryGeneral support $1,091Education
2002Cuyahoga County Public LibraryThe benefit of Mayfield branch $1,112Education
2002Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education CenterGeneral Support$250Education
2002Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education CenterGeneral support $250Education
2002Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education CenterGeneral Support$500Education
2002Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadField trip subsidies $10,000Education
2002Daniel E. Morgan School Children’s book awards$533Education
2002Dartmouth CollegeJohn Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$42,170Education
2002Deepwood FoundationGeneral support $2,500Education
2002Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Founder Madree Penn White Scholarships and support various public service programs and projects $1,578Education
2002Duke University General Support$500Education
2002Duke University Duke Law School$1,500Education
2002East Cleveland Concerned Pastors for ProgressEast Cleveland Educational Summit$7,500Education
2002East End Neighborhood House Phase two of Project Seed (over two years)$73,600Education
2002EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral Support$250Education
2002EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center General Support$250Education
2002EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $500Education
2002EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support $1,000Education
2002EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland CenterGeneral support$5,000Education
2002Educational Netcasting FoundationEncarta Africana and the Great Migrations project (over two years)$6,000Education
2002Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga CountyStudent activities in the community$300Education
2002Educational Television Association ofGeneral Support$250Education
2002Educational Television Association ofEquipment acquisition$500Education
2002Educational Television Association ofGeneral Support$500Education
2002Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandGeneral support $250Education
2002Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandGeneral Support$300Education
2002Educational Television Association of Metropolitan ClevelandGeneral support WVIZ-TV $1,000Education
2002Esperanza, Inc.College Scholarships $1,000Education
2002Exuma FoundationGeneral support $5,000Education
2002Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Annual support$500Education
2002Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.General support $500Education
2002Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Annual support $500Education
2002Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Bring new resource book "Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement” to Cleveland$20,000Education
2002Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.Professional development activities for Greater Cleveland teachers$50,000Education
2002Fairmount Montessori Association Ruffing Montessori annual fund$1,200Education
2002Fairmount Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Memorial Scholarships $3,000Education
2002Federation for Community PlanningBaseline survey research for Cleveland School Governance ballot issue$7,500Education
2002Federation for Community PlanningResearch and public awareness efforts regarding school governance issues in the City of Cleveland $128,000Education
2002Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding CenterGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Friends of Project: LEARN, Inc.General support $1,000Education
2002Friends of the Cleveland Public LibraryJazz in July $500Education
2002George Washington UniversityScholarship support $750Education
2002George Washington University Scholarship support$750Education
2002Gilmour Academy General Support$1,000Education
2002Gilmour AcademyEquipment for student$1,330Education
2002Gilmour AcademyMichael Pender Scholarship Fund$1,723Education
2002Gilmour AcademyMichael J. Brooks Memorial$5,000Education
2002Gilmour AcademySpeaker Series$10,000Education
2002Gilmour Academy Capital campaign$20,000Education
2002Global Issues Resource CenterStudents SPIN on Respect conference$7,500Education
2002Global Issues Resource CenterPositive Spin on Peaceful Schools and Communities project (over 18 months)$88,000Education
2002Grand River AcademyGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Hanna Perkins SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Harvard Business School Club of Northeastern OhioGeneral support $2,000Education
2002Harvard Business School, Alumni Center Soldiers FieldAlumni Board$2,500Education
2002Harvard UniversityClass Endowment program for Paul Unger $1,000Education
2002Harvard UniversityAnnual fund $2,500Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolIn memory of Horace ‘Shep’ Shepard $100Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$250Education
2002Hathaway Brown School General Support$700Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolAspire program $1,000Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral Support$2,500Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolAnnual report $2,500Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolGeneral support$2,845Education
2002Hathaway Brown School Annual Fund to be used for unrestricted purposes$3,000Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolLeslie Hastings Tennis Courts$5,000Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolSupport of Aspire program expenses $20,000Education
2002Hathaway Brown SchoolAspire Program $60,000Education
2002Hawken School General Support$350Education
2002Hawken SchoolPool Capital Campaign $1,000Education
2002Hawken School General Support$1,000Education
2002Hawken SchoolGeneral support $1,793Education
2002Hawken School General support$3,000Education
2002Hawken School Support Annual Fund$3,500Education
2002Hawken School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship$9,843Education
2002Hershey Montessori SchoolStart-up support for the Montessori Farm School in Huntsburg, Ohio$10,000Education
2002The Hill SchoolGeneral support $220Education
2002The Hill SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2002The Hill SchoolDavid H. Mercer Field House Challenge $2,500Education
2002Hillsdale College General Support$250Education
2002Hillsdale CollegeGeneral support $38,285Education
2002Hillsdale College John C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students$38,285Education
2002Hiram CollegeGeneral support $250Education
2002Hiram College General Support$1,000Education
2002Hiram CollegeScholarships $4,198Education
2002Hiram CollegeGeneral Support$11,000Education
2002Hiram CollegeThe Fiat Lux Presidential Fund $75,000Education
2002Hudson Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Memorial Scholarships $3,000Education
2002Institute for Educational RenewalGeneral support $150Education
2002The Island SchoolGeneral support $930Education
2002John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $314Education
2002John Carroll UniversityScholarship support $750Education
2002John Carroll University Scholarship support$750Education
2002John Carroll UniversityGeneral Support$1,500Education
2002John Carroll UniversityJames J. Doyle Scholarship$4,012Education
2002John Carroll UniversityGeneral support$5,000Education
2002John Carroll UniversityGeneral support $20,000Education
2002John Carroll UniversityScholarship support for 2002-2003 $27,000Education
2002John Carroll University Centralized internship database and website project$44,005Education
2002John Carroll UniversityProject to promote cooperation, raise career awareness, and address workforce issues in information technology$44,708Education
2002John Carroll UniversityCarroll Cleveland Philosophers’ Program: a collaboration between John Carroll University and the Cleveland Municipal School District targeting at-risk and court adjudicated youth for an intensive, small learning experience$80,000Education
2002John Carroll UniversityProject to utilize web-based technology to improve delivery of cooperative education in Greater Cleveland$105,444Education
2002John Carroll University Provide on-site school improvement collaborations with principals and teachers at twenty elementary schools in the Cleveland Municipal School District$240,000Education
2002Julie Billiart School General Support$250Education
2002Julie Billiart SchoolGeneral Support$2,252Education
2002Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc.General support $200Education
2002Kenston Local SchoolsGardiner Elementary — Hug A Book Today! Readathon $1,000Education
2002Kenyon CollegeCleve. and the Great Migration project $2,000Education
2002Kenyon CollegeGeneral support $24,408Education
2002Kimball Union Academy General Support$2,000Education
2002Kirtland Public LibraryGeneral support $500Education
2002Kirtland Public Library General support$5,000Education
2002KnowledgeWorks FoundationOhio Eight Coalition (over 18 months) $185,000Education
2002Lake Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support $280Education
2002Lake Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support $1,500Education
2002Lake Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support $2,500Education
2002Lake Educational Assistance FoundationGeneral support $15,000Education
2002Lake Educational Assistance Foundation Expansion of services to Geauga County students (over two years)$25,371Education
2002Lake Erie CollegeCollege Fund $2,000Education
2002Lake Erie CollegeScholarship support$2,074Education
2002Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support $5,000Education
2002Lake Erie CollegeScholarship support$25,000Education
2002Lake Erie CollegeGeneral support$285,378Education
2002Lake Forest AcademyGeneral Support$1,000Education
2002Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance FoundationLast dollar scholarship assistance for graduates in Lake and Geauga counties (over three years) $6,000Education
2002The Lakeland FoundationGeneral support $1,000Education
2002The Lakeland FoundationArthur S. Holden Scholarship $1,500Education
2002The Lakeland FoundationLakeland Community College $5,000Education
2002The Lakeland Foundation Lakeland Reading Buddies tutoring program $15,000Education
2002The Lakeland FoundationScholarships for Painesville-area students attending Lakeland Community College$23,479Education
2002The Lakeland FoundationScholarship support $25,000Education
2002The Lakeland FoundationMerging Information Technology and Manufacturing project$35,394Education
2002Laurel SchoolScholarship Fund $1,000Education
2002Laurel SchoolGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Laurel School General Support$1,200Education
2002Laurel SchoolAnnual Fund$1,500Education
2002Laurel Schoolin honor of Alana Spilman and Lindsey Halpern$5,000Education
2002Learning About BusinessGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Learning About BusinessGeneral support $1,000Education
2002The Lutheran Deaconess Association, Inc.Tuition assistance to women in financial need being educated by the Lutheran Deaconess Association$3,825Education
2002MacMurray CollegeScholarship support$6,324Education
2002Margaret Allen Ireland Contemporary AcademyGeneral support $1,542Education
2002The Masters School General Support$750Education
2002Methodist Theological School in OhioThomas Taylor Chair $33,340Education
2002Montessori School at Holy RosaryAngels Unknown Tuition Sponsor Program 2002-2003$8,870Education
2002Morley LibraryGeneral support $15,000Education
2002Muskingum CollegeCommunication and Arts Complex$50,000Education
2002Myers UniversityGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Myers University General Support$1,000Education
2002Myers UniversityScholarship support $13,000Education
2002Nativity Prep AcademyGeneral Support$400Education
2002Northeast Ohio Council on Higher EducationExecutive director position $100,000Education
2002Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education“Benchmarking Radical Reform in K-12 Teacher Preparation: The Northeast Ohio Approach.”$158,500Education
2002Notre Dame College of OhioR. Burrows Memorial Scholarships $3,300Education
2002Oberlin CollegeScholarship support $500Education
2002Oberlin College Scholarship support$500Education
2002Oberlin CollegeClass of 1977 Reunion — Challenge Fund $5,000Education
2002Oberlin College The Oberlin Fund — general support$15,000Education
2002Ohio Business Week Foundation Local marketing activities and the attendance of up to ten students from the Cleveland schools$5,000Education
2002Ohio Campus CompactNortheast Ohio Higher Education Collaboration for service-learning $84,000Education
2002Ohio College Access NetworkDevelopment and implementation of a Web-enabled student tracking database$126,860Education
2002The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.General support $500Education
2002The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.2001 — 2002 Campaign $1,000Education
2002The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc.General support $40,000Education
2002Ohio National Guard Enlisted AssociationScholarships for members of the Ohio National Guard and their siblings$5,000Education
2002Ohio State UniversityAthletic department $1,000Education
2002Ohio State UniversityCollege of Nursing $1050 Mechanical Engineering Building Fund $1050 $2,100Education
2002Ohio Wesleyan UniversityGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Ohio Wesleyan UniversityGeneral support $4,241Education
2002Orange City School DistrictMoreland Hills Schools Spec. Ed. Camp $900Education
2002Oxford School PTARead-a-thon $2,200Education
2002The Pardes SchoolIn honor of Rabbi Phhilip Horowitz$500Education
2002The Piney Woods Country Life SchoolTwo summer enrichment camp scholarships $1,150Education
2002The Piney Woods Country Life SchoolGeneral support $2,000Education
2002The Piney Woods Country Life SchoolGeneral support $15,753Education
2002PM Foundation, Inc.General support $1,500Education
2002Pomona CollegeTorchbearers$5,000Education
2002Princeton Alumni Association of Northern OhioStipends for Princeton undergraduates to obtain summer employment and operations of Urban Studies Fellowship program$2,708Education
2002Princeton UniversityGeneral support $221Education
2002Princeton UniversityAnnual giving $500Education
2002Princeton UniversityAnnual fund $1,000Education
2002Princeton UniversityClass of 1940 Memorial Scholarship Fund $2,500Education
2002Princeton UniversityClass of 1940 Memorial Scholarship Fund$2,500Education
2002Project: LEARN, Inc. Annual Fund$750Education
2002Purdue University John C McClean Scholarships in Engineering$95,712Education
2002Ratner Schools General Support$500Education
2002Ratner SchoolsArchitectural design and consultation services as part of its capital campaign$35,000Education
2002Reaching Heights “Reaching Musical Heights” at Severance Hall$3,000Education
2002Regina High SchoolPrincipal’s fund $1,000Education
2002Shaker Heights Board of Education Narrowing the Achievement Gap initiative (over two years) $260,000Education
2002Shaker Schools Foundation Ruth S. Affleder Reading Fund$1,661Education
2002Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity -Tau BouleGeneral support$286Education
2002Slavic Village Development Development and installation of interpretive exhibits for the Mill Creek Neighborhood History Center$10,000Education
2002Smith CollegeGeneral support $1,000Education
2002Smith College General Support$1,000Education
2002Smith CollegeGeneral support $243,614Education
2002Smithsonian InstitutionSmithsonian Environmental Research Ctr $5,000Education
2002Smithsonian InstitutionTo conduct research for the study of ecophysiology of forest tree seedlings in the lab of Dr. Catherine Lovelock$5,000Education
2002St. Gregory the Great SchoolEndowment Fund Drive $500Education
2002Saint Ignatius High SchoolGeneral support $1,500Education
2002St. Ignatius High SchoolFather Welsh Commons and Student Ctr $2,500Education
2002Saint Mary SeminaryGeneral support $3,828Education
2002St. Thomas More ChurchSt. Thomas More School $1,000Education
2002Stanford Graduate School of BusinessMBA Class of 1986 Reunion $2,000Education
2002Stanford Graduate School of Business General Support$2,000Education
2002Stateline Literacy Council — Beloit, Inc.General support as needed $10,000Education
2002Teachers’ Aid, Inc.Start-up support for a new agency intended to meet special classroom expenses of public and private school teachers.$40,000Education
2002Thomas CollegeGeneral support $10,000Education
2002Tree of Knowledge Learning Center General Support$1,000Education
2002Trevor Day SchoolAnnual appeal$5,500Education
2002Tufts UniversityFund for Arts, Sciences & Engineering $2,100Education
2002U.S. English, Inc.General support $150Education
2002United Negro College FundGeneral Support$250Education
2002United Negro College Fund General support for the Cleveland office$500Education
2002United Negro College Fund General support for the Cleveland office$3,000Education
2002United Negro College FundGeneral support $15,753Education
2002United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral Support$750Education
2002United Negro College Fund, Inc. of ClevelandGeneral Support$2,000Education
2002University Circle IncorporatedDistance Learning Consortium $1,000Education
2002University of Akron FoundationScholarship support$1,000Education
2002University of CaliforniaGeneral Support $418Education
2002The University of Michigan General Support$500Education
2002The University of MichiganLS&A Enrichment Fund $1,000Education
2002The University of MichiganAnnual fund $1,000Education
2002University of Pennsylvania School of MedicineAnnual Fund for School of Medicine $250Education
2002University of the PacificGeneral Support $418Education
2002The University of ToledoScholarship support $500Education
2002University SchoolIn memory of John H. McWhorter III $100Education
2002University SchoolGeneral support $221Education
2002University Schoolin memory of Peter H. Wellman $250Education
2002University SchoolJohn L. Macklin Memorial Fund$500Education
2002University SchoolGeneral support $500Education
2002University School John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund$800Education
2002University SchoolTower Society$1,000Education
2002University SchoolGeneral Support$1,000Education
2002University SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2002University SchoolGeneral Support$2,000Education
2002University School General Support$2,000Education
2002University SchoolAnnual fund $2,500Education
2002University SchoolGeneral support$2,845Education
2002Ursuline College General Support$500Education
2002Ursuline CollegeWomen’s Soccer Team $1,000Education
2002Ursuline College Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarships$4,012Education
2002Ursuline CollegeSecond year support for its Bi-County Biotechnology program$40,075Education
2002Washington UniversityAnnual Fund.$5,000Education
2002Westminster SchoolFacilitation of planning conference $2,500Education
2002Westminster SchoolGeneral support$10,000Education
2002Westshore Montessori AssociationMarie Richardson Memorial Scholarships $3,000Education
2002The Wharton SchoolCampaign for Sustained Leadership $1,000Education
2002Wheaton CollegeGeneral Support$325Education
2002WVIZ/PBS ideastream General Support$500Education
2002Wynford High SchoolLT(JG) Donald Richard Powers Memorial Scholarship for a graduate of Wynford High School, Bucyrus, Ohio $1,400Education
2002Yale Alumni Association of ClevelandStart-up support for a summer internship program for Yale undergraduates in Cuyahoga County$10,000Education
2002Yale Alumni Association of ClevelandStart-up support for a summer internship program for Yale undergraduates in Cuyahoga County$15,000Education
2002Yale Alumni Scholarship of Cleveland, Inc.Ann Ott-Hansen & Sarah Gardner $100Education
2002Yale University General Support$1,000Education
2002Yale University Kingsley Trust Association$5,000Education
2002Yale University Ted Greensfelder Memorial Fund$5,000Education
2002Youth Opportunities UnlimitedBusiness and Education Network$25,000Education
2003A Cultural Exchange, Inc. General Support$5,000Education
2003Adirondack Community Trust Corning Chisholm Fune in honor of Adele Eells Pierce, Adele and Thomas Connors and Howard and Wendy Pierce for birthday thanks$500Education
2003Alabama A&M UniversityInvestigation to extend flammability characteristics of kerosene fuels through optical/electric active type Olefine polymers$10,000Education
2003Allegheny College General Support$25,000Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association Gunild Keetman Fund$90Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association Training and Projects Fund$243Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association Shields-Gillespie Fund$373Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association Gunild Keetman Assistance Fund$1,090Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$1,563Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$3,010Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association General Support$4,070Education
2003American Orff-Schulwerk Association Gunild Keetman Assistance Fund$12,450Education
2003American Welding Society Inc General Support$6,000Education
2003Aurora City School DistrictMaintaining the Moore property $8,970Education
2003Aurora One FundEducational programming for the benefit of children in Aurora, Ohio$27,000Education
2003Aurora Schools Foundation Support and scholarship dollars$791Education
2003Aurora Schools FoundationScholarship support$12,000Education
2003Avon Lake United Church of ChristScholarships $6,091Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeSurrarrer Memorial Fund (Biology Department)$500Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development Office2002/2003 Annual Fund$1,600Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeR. Earl Burrows Memorial Scholarships$3,300Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeAnnual Fund$20,000Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficePreparing Liberal Arts Students for the Technological Workplace: Tek.Xam Plus Internships.$23,305Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeScholarship support$47,000Education
2003Baldwin-Wallace College, Development OfficeGeneral support $77,115Education
2003Beaumont School for Girls Spiritual life center$1,000Education
2003Beloit College Feder-Kreider Scholarship Fund$10,000Education
2003Berea Area Montessori Association Marie Richardson memorial scholarships$3,000Education
2003Bethany Baptist Church Support the Bethany Baptist Church Memorial Scholarship Fund$472Education
2003Byars Dowdy Elementary SchoolComputer lab$5,000Education
2003California Institute of Technology Advanced methods of collaborative design and system engineering to improve aerospace productivity$15,000Education
2003California Institute of Technology Automatic learning of statistical motion models for the detection of pedestrian in urban traffic image sequences$15,000Education
2003California Institute of Technology Specialization in mobile sensors and actuator networks$15,000Education
2003California Institute of Technology Electromagnetic inverse problems; imaging in biology, electronics, remote sensing and beyond$15,000Education
2003California Polytechnic State UniversityDevelopment of satellite cluster technologies Callaboratory with Stanford and Univerisiy of Michigan$40,000Education
2003California State University of Los AngelesDiversity in Action Project$20,000Education
2003Camp Invention Inc.Expansion of summer science program to students of Cleveland Municipal School District$12,500Education
2003Capital University Scholarships $9,489Education
2003Case Alumni Association Herbert Horn/Columbus Case Club Scholarship Fund 2003-2004$1,000Education
2003Case Alumni Association Case Fund$2,000Education
2003Case Alumni Association Arthur S. Holden scholarships$20,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in aerospace or computers$177Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCollege of Medicine for research on diseases of the eye$200Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCollege of Arts and Sciences — Annual Fund$300Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Management WSOM Innovation Fund$350Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Purchase or replacment of reference books for the Library of Western Reserve College$367Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentManagement School Annual Fund$750Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWeatherhead School of Management Annual Fund$1,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Law$1,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentWeatherhead School of Business Annual Fund$1,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentCWRU Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences$1,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHenry Ford II Scholarship$1,200Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development2002/2003 Annual Fund for the School of Management$1,500Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentRichard B. Fratianne, M.D. Professorship$2,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentThe School of Engineering E(3) Fund Provost’s Society 2003-2004$2,500Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship in Humanities$2,500Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarships for women $2,668Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentHarriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships$3,105Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentSchool of Applied Social Sciences for Social Research$3,147Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral Support$5,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentTrustee Fund$5,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development For a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study$5,519Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support for Institute of Technology$8,409Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Developmentthe Mildred Higley Scholarship Fund at the Mandel School for Social Sciences $10,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentBackus Law School $11,367Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentAdelbert College $13,154Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentFenn seminar series$15,000Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Scholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School$21,322Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentScholarship support$24,500Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development William Curtis Morton, Maud Mortonb, Kathleen Morton Scholarships$35,066Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentField biological station at Squire Valeevue Farm$48,310Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentINNOVATE. CONNECT. COLLABORATE. — NCCA projects to connect student and employers in Northeast Ohio$97,420Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University Development Oglebay Fellowship Program in the School of Medicine$144,939Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGeneral support $174,249Education
2003Case Western Reserve University, Office of University DevelopmentGraduate School $405,096Education
2003Cayuga Community CollegeScholarship grants for longstanding program at the local community college.$5,000Education
2003Chatham HallSupport of the Chatham Hall Fund$100Education
2003Chautauqua InstituteGeneral Support$1,327Education
2003Cherokee High SchoolSupport of the high school/community partnership$5,000Education
2003Citizens’ Academy Middle School Transformation Project$4,325Education
2003Citizens’ Academy Chief administrative officer position$5,000Education
2003Citizens’ Academy Chief administrative officer position (over 38 months)$20,000Education
2003Citizens’ Academy Chief administrative officer position$30,000Education
2003Clark County Public Education FoundationTravis Dunning Memorial Fund$1,000Education
2003Clark County Public Education FoundationClark County READS Program$1,000Education
2003Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System2003 North Coast Neighbors Share a Book project$7,500Education
2003Cleveland Association of Phi Beta Kappa SocietyGeneral Support$100Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alton LaMaur Character Memorial Scholarship for a graduating male senior from Collinwood High School$500Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Schools Book Fund$500Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Schools Book Fund$500Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) General Support $526Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Nelson G. Peck, Jr. Memorial Scholarships for the 2003-2004 academic year$1,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Ruth Alice Jacobs Roe Memorial Scholarships for the 2003-2004 academic year$1,400Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert D. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund $1,500Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rhoda A. Affelder Fund for educational purposes$1,685Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Rev. A. William Jamerson Memorial Scholarships for the 2003-2004 academic year$2,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Alzada Singleton Davis Scholarships for African-American women at Cuyahoga Community College matriculating to a four-year institution$2,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Inez and Harry Clement Fund Superintendent’s Award$2,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Anna M. Roth scholarships to graduates from Brush High School $3,376Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) The Astrup Company Scholarships for the 2003-2004 academic year$3,500Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Betty and Jean Fairfax Fund in support of Public Education$4,149Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Schools Book Fund$5,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Schools Book Fund$5,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Jon Lewis Memorial Award for Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies $5,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Virginia Jones Memorial Scholarships to female graduates of Shaw High School$6,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Gifted and talented education at Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School$6,430Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robert E. and Ada Hagan Public Service Scholarships$8,229Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Cleveland Schools Book Fund $10,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Lake/Geauga Education Assistance Fund (LEAF) Endowment Fund$10,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarships for the 2003-2004 academic year$13,519Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarships to graduates of Shaker Heights High School$16,500Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Vince Federico Memorial Scholarship Fund for graduates of Wickliffe High School$18,874Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Support of expenses associated with the administration of the Fenn Educational Fund.$21,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Northwest Emergency Team Fund Scholarship $24,581Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support for the 2003-2004 academic year for Huron School of Nursing$30,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Harry Coulby Memorial Scholarships to be used during the 2003-2004 academic year$40,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support for the 2003-2004 academic year for Berea College$42,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Scholarship support for the 2003-2004 academic year$49,774Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Robin and Metalworks Employees’ Educational Resource Fund$76,609Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and the Economy$100,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) General scholarships for residents of Painesville not attending Lake Erie College$100,000Education
2003The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Sherman Johnson and Frances Battles Johnson Fund medical scholarships$116,000Education
2003Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictDevelopment of a marketing and communications plan$60,000Education
2003Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School DistrictHeights High School Transformation Initiative (over three years)$203,800Education
2003Cleveland Housing Network Inc Digital Connectors Program$30,000Education
2003The Cleveland Initiative for Education General Support$1,000Education
2003The Cleveland Initiative for Education General support$5,000Education
2003The Cleveland Initiative for Education Core programs supporting reform in Cleveland Municipal School District$15,000Education
2003The Cleveland Initiative for Education Expanding AFT/OERI Reading Project$30,000Education
2003The Cleveland Institute of Art Scholarships to worthy and needy students$1,800Education
2003The Cleveland Institute of Art Coit Fund Scholarshp $3,409Education
2003Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationEquipment for the science laboratories $173Education
2003Cleveland Lutheran High School AssociationGeneral support $4,807Education
2003Cleveland Montessori Association Marie Richardson scholarships $3,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Books for Media Library Centers$250Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Books for Media Library Centers$1,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Beyond the Walls — Literacy-focused initiative$1,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Fathers Matter program$2,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Purchase of books to encourage reading$4,682Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Beyond the Walls — literacy-focused initiative$10,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Programs at Superintendent’s discretion$20,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Teacher Recruitment and Retention 2003$150,000Education
2003Cleveland Municipal School District Academic standards implementation$400,000Education
2003The Cleveland Music School Settlement Nellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarship$4,000Education
2003Cleveland Public Library Books for library’s Department of Science and Technology$864Education
2003Cleveland Public Library Purchase of art books/works of visual contemporary artists, travel expenses to business meetings, expenses for lecture series/musical concerts in connection with celebrating the year of Cleveland Public Library’s founding, and recognition for individuals attaining 25 or more years of service to the Cleveland Public Library$192,762Education
2003Cleveland Public Library Service to shut-ins$208,291Education
2003Cleveland Reads Support of Raising Real Readers and kits for participants$1,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.General Support$250Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$250Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$500Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General support, at request of David Whitehead$500Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$1,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$1,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Agnes Christine Lapp Roberts Scholarship Fund$1,577Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Oakwood Scholarship Fund$2,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Malone Celebrity Classic$2,500Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$3,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General support$3,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarships for non-traditional students$5,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General Support$10,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Support for the STEP Up Program$27,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarship assistance $211,383Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarship support$260,000Education
2003Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. Scholarships for non-traditional students$300,000Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support $315Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support$500Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Moot Court Endowment$500Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Basketball program$1,000Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General support, at the request of David Whitehead$1,000Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.General Support$7,000Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Scholarship support for 2003-2004 academic year$46,000Education
2003Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc.Graduate internships for professionals$91,845Education
2003Cleveland State University, Cleveland- Marshall College of LawScholarships for Marshall Law $3,651Education
2003The College of William & MaryGeneral support$1,000Education